Trump blows…

Allright, I'll give you credit for your research. I glossed over a couple of your links, will digest more later. Fair enough.

But c'mon - are you blaming all of this on Joe Biden personally? Or Obama? Trump had 4 years to fix everything, and we was voted out by 7 million voters. Hell if not for ObamaCare I probably would not have health insurance, although I do pay through the nose for it.

The woes that lower income people face are real. But hey, how about we look at the federal minimum wage, which has been at $7.25/hour since 2009, and is still the minimum wage in a shitload of states, predominantly red states. Now Washington has gotten a bit out of control in the other direction, but hey. Has ANY president taken that on?

For many "suffering" Americans, I don't have much pity. I worked during college, while later generations lived off of student loans. I have always been frugal, my cars have 180,000 and 217,000 miles on them, although yes I could go out and buy a Porsche if I wanted. I buy my groceries and bag them myself at Winco. I don't buy plastic shit. My phone is old and cheap.

I was at Winco today. Here are these plastic little toy cars for $9.99 in the checkout aisle. Made in China of course. Kids and many adults? I bet I have spent less in 20 years on tennis shoes total than the ones on their feet right now. Our f-ing pro athletes are making $10-20-50 million a year, while the people you speak of are wallowing in debt.

Our country is f-ed up. We can all agree on that. But I do not believe that Donald Trump was or is any answer to those problems. And the vitriol that he promotes and embraces ain't helping. I mean shit, his supporters trying to attack the media after the assassination attempt, flipping the bird at the cameras and saying "it's your fault"?

The reason Trump was voted out, lost, was because of the Libtard mainstream, lamestream media, the spin doctors, who misrepresented Trump, wrongly spinned Trump's AND SOME OF THEM ARE GOOD PEOPLE. The BS Steele Dossier, Obama, Hillary, Democrats, etc, Sabotaging Trump, Witch Hunt: Again Steele Dossier(Which proven false), Russia Collusion Hoax: Again Steele Dossier, Impeachment attempt based on Russian Collusion Hoax, and the BS Steele Dossier Hoax, etc.

That said, Trump has said some ambigous, spinnable things, etc, and has had both good and bad policies, (Better then Biden, Obama), so Trump is partially to blame for losing to Biden.

Also if Covid hadn't happened, Trump would have likely won.

Also some people didn't like Trump's Rudeness, Crassness, mouth, lewdness, crudeness, etc.

Trump did have a legit complaint what the media, Obama, Hillary, Steele Dossier, etc, did to him, etc.

That said, despite things like illegal immigrants voting, dead people voting, things like that, etc, those things did not happen often enough to violate election integrity, rig, affect, effect, etc, who won the election.

And the conservative Supreme Court by a 6 to 3, 7 to 2 conservative majority, that he Trump appointed, saw the evidence, lack of evidence, etc, and rightly ruled against him, Trump.

And Trump didn't handle losing well, and caused Jan 6 Riots, and what he did to pay off stormy Daniel's, etc, got him rightly convicted of a felony, and he is a felon, and he lost a civil suit rape accusation against him case, meaning the Civil suit law court found him to be a rapist, etc.

And some to a lot of Trump's cabinet, etc, campaign people, etc, arrested, etc.

So somethings Trump brought on himself, to the point where people should NOT vote for BOTH, Either Trump, Biden, etc.

But somethings were wrongly the fault of the media, spinners, Russian Collusian Hoax, Steele Dossier, (that proven false), Obama, Hillary, Democrats, wrongly spying, interfering, sabotaging, etc, illegally his campaign, presidency, and the BS impeachment based on the BS Steele Dossier, etc.
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Allright, I'll give you credit for your research. I glossed over a couple of your links, will digest more later. Fair enough.

But c'mon - are you blaming all of this on Joe Biden personally? Or Obama? Trump had 4 years to fix everything, and we was voted out by 7 million voters. Hell if not for ObamaCare I probably would not have health insurance, although I do pay through the nose for it.

The woes that lower income people face are real. But hey, how about we look at the federal minimum wage, which has been at $7.25/hour since 2009, and is still the minimum wage in a shitload of states, predominantly red states. Now Washington has gotten a bit out of control in the other direction, but hey. Has ANY president taken that on?

For many "suffering" Americans, I don't have much pity. I worked during college, while later generations lived off of student loans. I have always been frugal, my cars have 180,000 and 217,000 miles on them, although yes I could go out and buy a Porsche if I wanted. I buy my groceries and bag them myself at Winco. I don't buy plastic shit. My phone is old and cheap.

I was at Winco today. Here are these plastic little toy cars for $9.99 in the checkout aisle. Made in China of course. Kids and many adults? I bet I have spent less in 20 years on tennis shoes total than the ones on their feet right now. Our f-ing pro athletes are making $10-20-50 million a year, while the people you speak of are wallowing in debt.

Our country is f-ed up. We can all agree on that. But I do not believe that Donald Trump was or is any answer to those problems. And the vitriol that he promotes and embraces ain't helping. I mean shit, his supporters trying to attack the media after the assassination attempt, flipping the bird at the cameras and saying "it's your fault"?

There are between some to a semi lot of semi conservative to semi moderate states like Arizona, etc.

The number of extremely conservative states that have 7.25 hr min wage is FEW, COUPLE, SEMI SOME AT MOST, RARE, UNCOMMON, ETC.

A lot of states have about a $12 to $17 a hour min wage, and the $13 to $15 to $17 to $20 a hour min wage is too high, is driving up inflation, etc.

Min Wage was never meant to be $13 to $20 a hour, a living wage, and will never keep up with inflation, etc.

Your wrongly blaming the Min Wage. And even where the Fed min wage is 7.25 a hour, USUALLY workers get paid at least $10, $11, $12, $13 a hour in most to almost all places, states.
Okay, I rattled all those things off from memory, issues that stuck in my mind. No idea of original sources but some quick googles will demonstrate some of the things I mentioned. There are a lot of things that are important besides just the Unemployment Rate that have great affect on the vast majority of Americans.

Record credit card debt

78% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck

More Americans with second jobs

More Americans (57%) can't afford emergency expense (and note the comment about more Americans relying on credit card debt

Fidelity says Hardship Withdrawals have tripled in 5 years

Issues and Insights (good source) about the truth on jobs

Native Americans lost 650k jobs, aliens gained 1.3 million

Okay, you should get the idea by now. Of course, since I am the card carrying president of the Donald J. Trump Taint licking Club, I can fully understand why you would expect everything I post to be a lie. Just check with Flat to verify all that.

I recently saw, read, or heard about couple statistics that would also be very relevant to this discussion. I wish I could remember what the statistics were and what the source, but my memory is failing me on that. The bottom line as I recall it was that they were some kind of measurement of businesses that were felt to be on imminent danger of failing. Think that the interest rates were a key factor driving most of the at-risk businesses.

Bottom line is that there are a whole lot of people out there that are not sitting in Fat City like Flat and a lot of the elites. Some of us have concerns for the economy in general, and empathy and sympathy for those that are not as comfortable as I am.

And I am not even going to address the issue of affordability of housing, and how in the world will today's youth ever be able to afford to buy a house. I assume everyone here doesn't need a link to be aware of that.

There are always cycles in the economy. There are people that are affected more than others.

Inflation has sucked and Biden has some responsibility for it. Anyone paying attention should be noticing that there are a lot of sales right now.

Housing prices suck but that has nothing to do with the President’s policies. I work with builders and trust me, they are making a lot of money right now. It’s hard to have meetings with some of them because they are out of the country a lot.

Unemployment is rising right now and money is tighter. The economy is absolutely slowing down. Who is responsible for that? The Fed and their refusal to lower interest rates. Can you imagine the daily truth social rants from your dear leader if he was President now?

On immigration, I do think that Biden was an idiot. However, Trump completely shutting down immigration is just as bad for America. It’s too bad that we can’t get a common sense solution.

I’m not saying things are perfect, but I’m betting that most of us on here are doing okay and have to rely on news stories for tales of woe rather than really struggling themselves.
- I want to know how a shooter with a rifle, climbed a building 150 feet away from the leading candidate for President, in broad daylight?

- I want to know why dozens of common folk are seen on video frantically telling police and secret service about the shooter, with a gun, on top of the roof, 150 feet from the leading Presidential candidate yet nothing is done about it.

- I would love to know why a sharpshooter had the Assassin in his sights, prior to Trump getting fukking SHOT and refused to shoot first.

- I want to hear the earpiece audio* so we know who gave the order to Stand Down.

- I also want to know how all the little Hunter wannabe’s around here lack basic curiosity about an attempted assassination of the Leading candidate for US President at a rally inside the country.
- I want to know how a shooter with a rifle, climbed a building 150 feet away from the leading candidate for President, in broad daylight?

- I want to know why dozens of common folk are seen on video frantically telling police and secret service about the shooter, with a gun, on top of the roof, 150 feet from the leading Presidential candidate yet nothing is done about it.

- I would love to know why a sharpshooter had the Assassin in his sights, prior to Trump getting fukking SHOT and refused to shoot first.

- I want to hear the earpiece audio* so we know who gave the order to Stand Down.

- I also want to know how all the little Hunter wannabe’s around here lack basic curiosity about an attempted assassination of the Leading candidate for US President at a rally inside the country.

I will say that I'm baffled at the notion that a shooter with a long gun was able to get that close to Trump. It should have never happened.

On the thing about people telling the police about the's a simpler explanation than you think. If some random person runs up to a local cop and says, "there's a man with a rifle on the roof!", the immediate reaction by the cop is always going to be, "Don't worry, there are secret service agents on a bunch of roofs" without realizing that it was a dangerous situation.

The question about the sharpshooter is probably something along the same lines. He probably had to make sure that he wasn't getting ready to kill another agent with friendly fire. Still.....that sharpshooter probably had a bad weekend knowing that he is responsible for the death of a person in the audience because he failed to act quickly. That's got to be a bad feeling.

Finally....why even mention Hunter Biden? Be better if you want others to be better.
- I want to know how a shooter with a rifle, climbed a building 150 feet away from the leading candidate for President, in broad daylight?

- I want to know why dozens of common folk are seen on video frantically telling police and secret service about the shooter, with a gun, on top of the roof, 150 feet from the leading Presidential candidate yet nothing is done about it.

- I would love to know why a sharpshooter had the Assassin in his sights, prior to Trump getting fukking SHOT and refused to shoot first.

- I want to hear the earpiece audio* so we know who gave the order to Stand Down.

- I also want to know how all the little Hunter wannabe’s around here lack basic curiosity about an attempted assassination of the Leading candidate for US President at a rally inside the country.
Because they are all actors and part of an elaborate hoax so that Trump could deliver his fist pump.
I will say that I'm baffled at the notion that a shooter with a long gun was able to get that close to Trump. It should have never happened.

On the thing about people telling the police about the's a simpler explanation than you think. If some random person runs up to a local cop and says, "there's a man with a rifle on the roof!", the immediate reaction by the cop is always going to be, "Don't worry, there are secret service agents on a bunch of roofs" without realizing that it was a dangerous situation.

The question about the sharpshooter is probably something along the same lines. He probably had to make sure that he wasn't getting ready to kill another agent with friendly fire. Still.....that sharpshooter probably had a bad weekend knowing that he is responsible for the death of a person in the audience because he failed to act quickly. That's got to be a bad feeling.

Finally....why even mention Hunter Biden? Be better if you want others to be better.
You are asking an emotionally hijacked reality star worshipper to remain calm when he has exposed a vast conspiracy to deprive him and his fellow kooks of his beloved Dear Leader.
I will say that I'm baffled at the notion that a shooter with a long gun was able to get that close to Trump. It should have never happened.

On the thing about people telling the police about the's a simpler explanation than you think. If some random person runs up to a local cop and says, "there's a man with a rifle on the roof!", the immediate reaction by the cop is always going to be, "Don't worry, there are secret service agents on a bunch of roofs" without realizing that it was a dangerous situation.

The question about the sharpshooter is probably something along the same lines. He probably had to make sure that he wasn't getting ready to kill another agent with friendly fire. Still.....that sharpshooter probably had a bad weekend knowing that he is responsible for the death of a person in the audience because he failed to act quickly. That's got to be a bad feeling.

Finally....why even mention Hunter Biden? Be better if you want others to be better.
I’m not going to jump in and second-guess every details of this until there’s more concrete information about where their perimeter was and exactly what happened. I agree with you that the cops who were told about a guy on the roof probably believed it was the secret service, but that gets into my first question:

- this was a rooftop at a distance where the government knowingly trains millions of people to shoot. Why was it outside the perimeter?

Based on one of the combined videos, it looks like the rooftop counter sniper fired very early - maybe the 2nd shot. But there are several more rounds after he fires, so maybe he missed, or maybe the shooter was firing wildly at that point. Or, maybe the video isn’t cued up quite right.

Regardless, not the way things should be. But I’ll reserve my sympathy for the guy who was killed and his family…not for the guy who got his ear scratched.
Were any of those suggestions actually derived from an analysis by a medically trained psychiatrist like TDS? Yeah, didn't think so.
Sure, Jan…just like woke and antifa. More political buzzwords to stir up fear in the weak-minded and sow unconditional support for dear leader.

As for psychological analysis, entire chapters of textbooks, hell probably entire elective psych courses will be dedicated to the minds of Trump cultists over time.
I will say that I'm baffled at the notion that a shooter with a long gun was able to get that close to Trump. It should have never happened.

On the thing about people telling the police about the's a simpler explanation than you think. If some random person runs up to a local cop and says, "there's a man with a rifle on the roof!", the immediate reaction by the cop is always going to be, "Don't worry, there are secret service agents on a bunch of roofs" without realizing that it was a dangerous situation.

The question about the sharpshooter is probably something along the same lines. He probably had to make sure that he wasn't getting ready to kill another agent with friendly fire. Still.....that sharpshooter probably had a bad weekend knowing that he is responsible for the death of a person in the audience because he failed to act quickly. That's got to be a bad feeling.

Finally....why even mention Hunter Biden? Be better if you want others to be better.
Sure, Jan…just like woke and antifa. More political buzzwords to stir up fear in the weak-minded and sow unconditional support for dear leader.

As for psychological analysis, entire chapters of textbooks, hell probably entire elective psych courses will be dedicated to the minds of Trump cultists over time.
That reminds me…within a few hours after they released the name of the shooter, I saw stuff online claiming he was a member of a bunch of antifa groups. Mostly on the west coast. Totally failed to mention he was registered as a republican. The biggest thing that exposed it as lies is that it claimed he voted for Hilary and for Biden…even though he was only 20 and couldn’t have voted for either one.
That reminds me…within a few hours after they released the name of the shooter, I saw stuff online claiming he was a member of a bunch of antifa groups. Mostly on the west coast. Totally failed to mention he was registered as a republican. The biggest thing that exposed it as lies is that it claimed he voted for Hilary and for Biden…even though he was only 20 and couldn’t have voted for either one.
That is the idiotverse that people like Uber and Stretch inhabit.
Sure, Jan…just like woke and antifa. More political buzzwords to stir up fear in the weak-minded and sow unconditional support for dear leader.

As for psychological analysis, entire chapters of textbooks, hell probably entire elective psych courses will be dedicated to the minds of Trump cultists over time.

Maybe a small minority of them are deplorable, etc.

But many, lots, majority, etc, of them are good people, with good intentions, that either have not gone to the right sources, or not done research right, don't know what talking about, have been misinformed, misled, deceived, etc.
To be clear I’m making a point and I don’t think all Trump supporters are deplorable. I have good friends that are good people that are Trump supporters. They are also clear minded enough to where they can rationalize their thoughts to the point where they can disagree with things he’s said and done and not defend his every action.

I’m arguing the idea that because I won’t support Trump because of his history of words and actions that I somehow have a “derangement syndrome”. I support some of his policies. IMO he’s proven through his actions he’s unfit for office.

People who have to defend and make excuses for everything he says or does are truly deranged.
There is truth to that ... sadly enough.

Okay, I rattled all those things off from memory, issues that stuck in my mind. No idea of original sources but some quick googles will demonstrate some of the things I mentioned. There are a lot of things that are important besides just the Unemployment Rate that have great affect on the vast majority of Americans.

Record credit card debt

78% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck

More Americans with second jobs

More Americans (57%) can't afford emergency expense (and note the comment about more Americans relying on credit card debt

Fidelity says Hardship Withdrawals have tripled in 5 years

Issues and Insights (good source) about the truth on jobs

Native Americans lost 650k jobs, aliens gained 1.3 million

Okay, you should get the idea by now. Of course, since I am the card carrying president of the Donald J. Trump Taint licking Club, I can fully understand why you would expect everything I post to be a lie. Just check with Flat to verify all that.

I recently saw, read, or heard about couple statistics that would also be very relevant to this discussion. I wish I could remember what the statistics were and what the source, but my memory is failing me on that. The bottom line as I recall it was that they were some kind of measurement of businesses that were felt to be on imminent danger of failing. Think that the interest rates were a key factor driving most of the at-risk businesses.

Bottom line is that there are a whole lot of people out there that are not sitting in Fat City like Flat and a lot of the elites. Some of us have concerns for the economy in general, and empathy and sympathy for those that are not as comfortable as I am.

And I am not even going to address the issue of affordability of housing, and how in the world will today's youth ever be able to afford to buy a house. I assume everyone here doesn't need a link to be aware of that.
Stretch I thought you were a capitalist? Supply and demand regarding housing . How is that Bidens fault? Or any presidents fault.

Well I will take the credit card deal on. what are people using credit for ?

Buy a used car? From the time PPP money came out to early 2023 car dealers margins increased three-fold? Why ? Capitalism . Cause they shorted the supply... part of result of the pandemic.

People paying more for groceries? Yep. Wh just had their highest profits in 50 years ? Are yoo saying Biden should have regulated price gouging? Put curbs on how much they could charge. The truth is grocery stores tool full advantage of the covid crisis/disruption or whatever you want to call it.

Gas companies... 50 year highs in term of their profits. See above for the reason .

It always the workers fault prices go up. Any chance it is the ceo and management pay that causes the wage issue as well?

These companies have had record profits even tho borrowing costs went from essentially zero to yhe high level they are now. The stock market despite high lending costs has risen when Trump had lending costs at historic lows.

So despite inflation Bidens team has given the world its best exonomy, by a long way .

So there is more work to do, the wxonimy didn't crater like the republicans and agent orange said it would.
Well yeah - No doubt the kid had a subscription to the Post and that gave him the idea it was OK to do it. They are 100% responsible!

Not only that but The Post staffed the security at the Trump event with fake local police so that they would pretend they didn’t see the sniper. And all the Secret Service guys report directly to Joe Biden so they looked the other way.
To be clear I’m making a point and I don’t think all Trump supporters are deplorable. I have good friends that are good people that are Trump supporters. They are also clear minded enough to where they can rationalize their thoughts to the point where they can disagree with things he’s said and done and not defend his every action.

I’m arguing the idea that because I won’t support Trump because of his history of words and actions that I somehow have a “derangement syndrome”. I support some of his policies. IMO he’s proven through his actions he’s unfit for office.

People who have to defend and make excuses for everything he says or does are truly deranged.
There is a reason why they have to defend every action . You have to or yiu are a never trumper or rino.
To be clear I’m making a point and I don’t think all Trump supporters are deplorable. I have good friends that are good people that are Trump supporters. They are also clear minded enough to where they can rationalize their thoughts to the point where they can disagree with things he’s said and done and not defend his every action.

I’m arguing the idea that because I won’t support Trump because of his history of words and actions that I somehow have a “derangement syndrome”. I support some of his policies. IMO he’s proven through his actions he’s unfit for office.

People who have to defend and make excuses for everything he says or does are truly deranged.
Disagreeing with people about DT as a topic of conversation = having a opinion and engaging with someone who engaged with you - not TDS.

Bringing up DT every chance you get in conversations that don't have anything to do with DT or politics = TDS, and there is one poster on this board who does this consistently. You know who you are.
- I want to know how a shooter with a rifle, climbed a building 150 feet away from the leading candidate for President, in broad daylight?

- I want to know why dozens of common folk are seen on video frantically telling police and secret service about the shooter, with a gun, on top of the roof, 150 feet from the leading Presidential candidate yet nothing is done about it.

- I would love to know why a sharpshooter had the Assassin in his sights, prior to Trump getting fukking SHOT and refused to shoot first.

- I want to hear the earpiece audio* so we know who gave the order to Stand Down.

- I also want to know how all the little Hunter wannabe’s around here lack basic curiosity about an attempted assassination of the Leading candidate for US President at a rally inside the country.
I’m assuming I fall into the “Hunter wannabe category” for you since I don’t bend the knee to Trump.

Look at the second post of this thread... It’s a question. What’s the foundation of “curiosity”? Questions. Nobody else is any different than you in this regard.

Stop being a F’n crybaby, nobody here assisted in the attempt on dear leader, and I’d guess everyone would like to know more details, whatever those may be.
Yes if you look closely you can see the bone spurs in his ear
Honest question.. did they find the stray bullet that nicked him?

Are they sure the bullet nicked him or just went whizzing by? The odds and perfect angle for that shot and injury .... the odds would be better winning a 500 million dollar lottery.

If he was hit by a bullet I hope he finds religion because that would be an absolute miracle
How does anyone rationalize that Trump is a hero for this? Cops who get shot in the line of duty are hero’s. Soldiers who risk their lives for the country are hero’s.

He was doing a rally to generate support (ie $$) for his political aspirations…It wasn’t some critical mission to save American lives. And he had his ear nicked. I’ve had worse injuries shaving.

He’s protected 24/7 by a bunch of tax paid professionals who’s job it is to take a bullet. Those guys and gals are hero’s for taking out a shooter who killed an innocent bystander and could have hurt more people. He’s not a hero FFS, just stop.
Honest question.. did they find the stray bullet that nicked him?

Are they sure the bullet nicked him or just went whizzing by? The odds and perfect angle for that shot and injury .... the odds would be better winning a 500 million dollar lottery.

If he was hit by a bullet I hope he finds religion because that would be an absolute miracle
I don’t know if it’s even clear yet. Some are saying it could be shattered glass from a teleprompter. Most weapons and ammo experts agree his ear would have been taken off if any part of the bullet impacted the ear. I doubt we will ever know.
Why did Trumps SS detail get diverted to a sudden, local, President Jill Biden event and portly 5’2” untrained rookies substituted at the last hour?
Honest question.. did they find the stray bullet that nicked him?

Are they sure the bullet nicked him or just went whizzing by? The odds and perfect angle for that shot and injury .... the odds would be better winning a 500 million dollar lottery.

If he was hit by a bullet I hope he finds religion because that would be an absolute miracle
At this point there is zero doubt his ear was hit by a bullet - maybe not that one in the pic but I doubt it as I’m sure the kick on that gun would make it unlikely 2 bullets would came that close to Trump. No doubt Trump is amazingly lucky. As was the photographer.
Honest question.. did they find the stray bullet that nicked him?

Are they sure the bullet nicked him or just went whizzing by? The odds and perfect angle for that shot and injury .... the odds would be better winning a 500 million dollar lottery.

If he was hit by a bullet I hope he finds religion because that would be an absolute miracle
Ahh yes, Ed running with the Reid Hoffman narrative that this is just a campaign stunt, false flag planned by Trump.
Ahh yes, Ed running with the Reid Hoffman narrative that this is just a campaign stunt, false flag planned by Trump.
Well of course it is a false flag .

Like I said no question he was shot at. I just see it is a miracle as it seems it would have been a perfect angle .

But yes he was shot at .
There are always cycles in the economy. There are people that are affected more than others.

Inflation has sucked and Biden has some responsibility for it. Anyone paying attention should be noticing that there are a lot of sales right now.

Housing prices suck but that has nothing to do with the President’s policies. I work with builders and trust me, they are making a lot of money right now. It’s hard to have meetings with some of them because they are out of the country a lot.

Unemployment is rising right now and money is tighter. The economy is absolutely slowing down. Who is responsible for that? The Fed and their refusal to lower interest rates. Can you imagine the daily truth social rants from your dear leader if he was President now?

On immigration, I do think that Biden was an idiot. However, Trump completely shutting down immigration is just as bad for America. It’s too bad that we can’t get a common sense solution.

I’m not saying things are perfect, but I’m betting that most of us on here are doing okay and have to rely on news stories for tales of woe rather than really struggling themselves.
"Housing prices suck but that has nothing to do with the President’s policies." Really? Are you sure about that? I am assuming that you have taken an econ class or two in your studies. Remember that very basic tenet- Supply vs Demand? To jog your memory, as demand rises, Supply will diminish, and what is the result of that? Prices will rise, of course.

So what happens in the real world? When the country is absolutely flooded with immigrants, more than can be properly integrated into our society, demand for housing goes up! As demand goes up, the competition for that scarce resource gets stronger and prices rise. And who was directly responsible for that flood of immigrants? President Biden was, it was his policies that have contributed to the housing shortage, in particular the demand for lower income housing.

Hope that helps.

BTW, I think that the only time Trump "shut down immigration" was in response to the Covid crisis. Just one of many government actions/edicts that may or may not have been the right way to go.
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Well of course it is a false flag .

Like I said no question he was shot at. I just see it is a miracle as it seems it would have been a perfect angle .

But yes he was shot at .
Looks like you should be working for a MSM outlet, helping to write their headlines. Just to clear things up for you, to correctly state reality- Trump was not "shot at", Trump was "Shot". The bullet actually hit him, therefore "shot" is the correct term. Other bullets missed him, but he WAS shot. Fortunately, maybe miraculously for him and the country, it was a bullet that just grazed him, creating a minor injury.