Not Currently Employed BUT:
1. I was working as the owner of a very small DJ business, that trying to get going.
2. I renewed my NAC(Nursing Assistant Certified), Knocking some minor rust of by reviewing textbook, videos, etc, for a interview the Hospital had scheduled with me. They said they were interested in see if they wanted to hire me as a Substitute, since I had never done graveyard, and only done 7 am to 2:45 pm, to 2pm to 10 pm shifts, and since a dayshift wouldnt be available for a lot of months. A sub usually cant be rusty, like how a dayshifter can get the rust off while working. So I asked if I could knock the rist off first, via the textbooks, videos, etc, then interview in 20 to 80 days. They agreed to that. Then the Corona Virus hit. Also with my baby girl screaming seemingly 24 hours a day, knocking the rust off hasnt been easy, has been harder, and taken longer then planned, thought.
Then I got a new idea, plan, a friend of my wife is a NAC, and is self employed doing NAC in home visits to those who need her services, such as those who dont want to be in a nursing home, assisted living, in home care company, etc.
So I am going to try that too. Especially now. With the Corona Virus being a bigger risk in nursing homes, etc, I will be a great service to those who want to minimize their corona Virus risk, by having me provide in home care to them, instead of them going from the country to facilities in the city where they at higher risk of Corona Virus.
All I need to do is advertise myself. Get a stethescope, manual bloodpressure checking cuff, a O2 Sats device to monitor oxygen levels in the blood, in order to perform basic Vital Signs when needed. Also need a Gait Belt, but have that already. And need my NAC job cloths, but also have that.
Only thing, is I dont know how much I should charge. I know NAC's typically make about $13 per hour. So I thought I would charge about $75 per halfday, halfshift, part time etc, $150 for full 8 hour shift day, and $200 for overtime, and $250 if have to stay overnight. Or I charge $17 a hour, only $4 a hour higher then the average $13 a hour. I think thats fair since I am doing in home care instead of them going to a facility, and since they are getting 1 to 1 care, 100% time, with no wait time factor(Usually at a facility, have to wait for care, and get many different NAC's instead of 1 NAC.) Also they ate paying more to the facility, with some of the money(13 a hour to the NAC), to the NAC, and the bulk of the money to the facility.
If did this 4 full time days a week, or 6 part time hour days a week, or 3 full time days, 3 part time days, per week, the average would be about $550 a week, about $2750 a month, $33k a year.
But maybe I would be charging either too little or too much. So do any of you know what I should charge?
Also I was thinking of taking 3 to 9 months and taking completing prerequisites, at SCC in Spokane, then taking the TEAS Test, then spending 12 to 15 more months getting my LPN certificate, then taking the NCLEX LPN National Federal LPN License, certificate exam. I could do that while I did the in home NAC thing part time, and if I qualified for Financial Aid.
So unemployed for now, but do have a plan, idea, etc.
PS the going to SCC to become a LPN, would have to wait until AFTER the Corona Virus threat.