I'm appalled at how little conversation today is about the source of the problem (China). People are gormlessly repeating happy numbers about a slowdown from the same Chinese government which currently has over 1 million people in prison camps, and has put together one of the most Potemkin-like resumes imaginable on this issue. Meanwhile, most of what I hear is Americans bickering over the president, the federal response, and woulda/shoulda/coulda. It's OK to be unhappy with the domestic plan, but Americans who make that their main focus while also lapping up info from a homicidal dictator (who unilaterally eliminated term limits for his own office) concern me deeply.
So let's say we succeed in replacing domestic political figures whom we always hated anyway - how does that move us closer to mitigating deadly global pandemics originating from the usual suspects? How does that hold the regime linked to repeated outbreaks responsible? Someone said we need to focus on what we can control. That's fine, but we DO have a tool: band together with other countries to demand (a) commensurate reparations to affected countries, and/or (b) third-party supervision to prevent repeats. Fail to do that, and your only trade partners will be your second world partners in corruption.
China has so far arrested Dr Li Wenliang (who later died) for warning other doctors about a new virus and forced him to sign a document redacting his claims - then arrested 8 others who have subsequently vanished from the planet. They are falsifying productivity figures, they sat on what they knew for weeks to avoid embarrassment before contacting the WHO, they are minimizing the threat by denying it was transmittable between humans, seeding the idea that the US military was the origin, declining to count asymptomatic positives among the infected, and very likely lying about the spread (80,000+ cases in the first 5 weeks, <1,000 in the next 3? In ground zero?). This resume is very similar to previous outbreaks. 20 years of this and so little conversation about holding the source accountable.