Yogi Roth ~ Chapter 2

I'm struggling to see how he's going to make relevant content for the P2, B12, B10 and ACC all at once. At this point idgaf about any of the 10 traitor teams, which will no doubt have to be a majority of his content. Why would Oregon, UW, UCLA and $C care to hear about any of the other 8 teams? "West coast" football was compelling because their fates were intertwined - no longer.

I like Yogi, but I don't see how this works out for him.
I'm struggling to see how he's going to make relevant content for the P2, B12, B10 and ACC all at once. At this point idgaf about any of the 10 traitor teams, which will no doubt have to be a majority of his content. Why would Oregon, UW, UCLA and $C care to hear about any of the other 8 teams? "West coast" football was compelling because their fates were intertwined - no longer.

I like Yogi, but I don't see how this works out for him.
I think he's trying to figure out how he can appeal to a large mass, regardless of which west coast school, because after all, this is his keep, his self employment, his business.

I admire him for hustling on finding a niche when traditional broadcast is such a brutal and insecure cut throat, 1099 business.

Again, this is for his little startup, which would hope appeal to sponsors...west coast = a wide net = advertising revenue = making a living.

And yes, Yogi has always been good to us.
Thanks for posting something football related. I've always liked Yogi and I look forward to listening to his broadcasts and reading his articles.
Yeah, Yogi has always been good to us, in a sincere way, too. Good hustle on his part, to make and run a startup. Hopefully he'll pickup more sponsors, and can make a decent living/career/business.
Big fan of Yogi and his unrelentingly positive attitude based on his willingness to find the bright side in everyone.

Had he'd been at Martin Stadium, pretty sure Yogi would have praised the Cougar 'D' for "bowing its neck" when USC took that first-half knee out of respect for an outgunned Coach Wulff back in 2008.

Agree with everyone here: Yogi Roth is one class act
Big fan of Yogi and his unrelentingly positive attitude based on his willingness to find the bright side in everyone.

Had he'd been at Martin Stadium, pretty sure Yogi would have praised the Cougar 'D' for "bowing its neck" when USC took that first-half knee out of respect pity for an outgunned Coach Wulff back in 2008.

Agree with everyone here: Yogi Roth is one class act
Fixed yer post their Pete.......
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I think he's trying to figure out how he can appeal to a large mass, regardless of which west coast school, because after all, this is his keep, his self employment, his business.

I admire him for hustling on finding a niche when traditional broadcast is such a brutal and insecure cut throat, 1099 business.

Again, this is for his little startup, which would hope appeal to sponsors...west coast = a wide net = advertising revenue = making a living.

And yes, Yogi has always been good to us.
And this could be an interim gig.

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