How long before the riots start?

I do not support all of them...and NONE that involved destruction of property or assaults. Anyone involved in that behavior in the widespread riots should be prosecuted.

I was in a peaceful one in spokane.

So we agree that if I followed a riotous crowd into a damaged/destroyed Minneapolis police precinct I shoulda been arrested?
Why did you ask a question that is exactly the opposite of the point I made in the post you were responding to?

How long before the riots start?

Oh look....more deflection. Anyone who is remotely honest and objective knows that what happened on January 6th was a travesty and that hundreds of people deservedly went to prison. Yes

They should also admit that there are a lot of other left leaning protests where people should be in prison. Yes

I think there are criminals on both sides of the political aisle. Yes

You feel that laws don't matter as long as the criminals believe in the same things you do. No

How long before the riots start?

Oh trust me I don’t think you’re the only racist on this board. But ranting about black hoodies black masks and black spray paint 😂 that’s a hand raise if I ever saw one! Curious the hammer wasn’t black, wonder if there’s some subconscious reason you left that out 🤔
Let's masks, black hoodies, white skin. Yeah, I am really a big racist, you fumb ducker.


Saying Dickert isn't a good coach is fine, but you lost yourself when you started name-calling the guy. Not sure what has happened to you over the years, but you're too old for that stuff. Dickert is a good guy. Is he over his head? Maybe, but we've certainly had worse coaches. He's done nothing to deserve personal attacks from the fan base.
Careful, "church of the fat, bitter, blowhard, has-been way" won't stand for this. Taihtsat

Holiday Bowl vs. Syracuse...

Interesting read on the Holiday Bowl payout. $5.87M TOTAL for WSU (Pac-2) and Syracuse? I thought it was that much for each team/conference. So figure maybe $4M after paying team expenses, thus $2M left for WSU to split with the Beavers? You are welcome OSU. The mutts? F-em.


I’d bet my left nut Biggs never walked on. If I had a nickel for every dude I knew who peaked in HS and claimed they “walked on” somewhere but “got hurt” or whatever the excuse is you couldn’t ever find them on a roster. He’s full of shit.
He showed up to a CC meeting hosted by Stretch @ Mitzels in Fife once with another O-linemen who was significant at the time. It was clear why he didn’t hold a P-12 (10?) scholarship.


Class move by ASU coach Dillingham:

Now help me, I believe and have posted that a player has to enter the portal by Dec. 28 (plus 5 days for the CFP teams). But I believe that they don't have to actually leave and join a new team by then. Just have to enroll at the new school for Spring semester to participate in Spring practice. Which could be a rush depending on when the school semester starts.

But yeah, class act, and of course it helps his team if some of these guys do stick around for the playoff game(s). Same route Dickert should take IMHO.


Look at all these shitbags posting in my thread. What a bunch of loser stalkers. All of you can fck off.
I thought we were all blocked? Oh, wait, that conversation was had. We are blocked but you can still see us. Like mosquitos on the porch door screen.

Maybe, just maybe, if you unblocked everyone (except one or two) and opined on something other than how much Dickert sucks you might spark an actual conversation.

FCS playoffs

Couple of fun games coming up. If you are a polar bear or Eskimo. Vandals at Montana State Friday night at 6PM (Mountain or Pacific?). 4,900 foot altitude. Then Saturday at 9AM (this must be Pacific) Incarnate Word at SDSU. S. Dakota and ND State host in their domes.

Speaking of seeding, kinda sucks to see two Big Sky teams playing each other in the Round of 8. UC Davis is still in it, but still.

Maybe the mighty Mercer Bears will win it all and give Alabama more SOS to crow/bitch about.
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Bracket’s out

2nd part of my post had a play-in round.
Oh, now I see it. Nodded off before I go to it on my first read. :)

But too many teams in your scenario. I kind of like the 12-team scenario. SEC got 3 teams, quit your bitching. If they went to 16, it really needs to be "no byes" to be feasible IMHO. And two guaranteed G5's, however those get determined. And this Alabama, etc. crybaby shit. First of all, play 9 conference games (you too ACC). Then, play other P4 teams in non-con and sure as shit no FCS teams. SEC is so good? Fine, prove it by playing other P4 conference teams.
