Maybe someone can explain this to me

That's exactly it. The World Series.

Last night, 10th inning, (while Rutgers is at the Coliseum against USC, on the same Network Fox.
It was 2 to 2, bottom of the 10th inning, Yankees score, 3-2. Top of the 10th….the Dodgers, with the bases loaded hit a Grand Slam. LA wins Game One, 6-3....while Rutgers at USC are playing, (started at 8pm because of the WS).

Pandemonium breaks out at Dodger Stadium.

Game Two starts tonight at 5:08 pm. We’ll be the only football game on in the USA Saturday night, all because of the World Series.

Should be a great crowd at Snapdragon. COUGS sold out all of their allotment.
So we got fd by the scheduling, not the networks.

In otherwords, "throw them up against the WS; no one is going to be watching anyways."

OT- Oops, voter fraud is underway

Anyone in the middle should absolutely vote R down ballot in WA. Things have swung ridiculously far L and course correction is needed.

This presidential election isn’t about R vs D or L vs R. It’s about a clear threat to democracy vs a bridge to the next election where that threat is finally expunged. I’m not excited about Harris by any means but I’m not casting a vote for Russia and our adversaries.

Yeah that is why I voted for Reichart, who sadly looks like he will lose the election. Another pencil-necked liberal lawyer is not what we need in Washington State. The shit laws that have been passed are exhibited via the 4 initiatives on the ballot seeking to overturn crappy laws and rules. And the lie-filled ads opposing at least one of them (long-term care) are pathetic. We will tax your paycheck until you die, you don't qualify for this coverage that you are paying for for years, and the maximum benefit is (from memory here) somewhere around a max of $36,000. Lifetime. How far does that get you? Not very.

Anyway, I digress. A Republican Governor, which I don't think we've had since 3 term Dan Evans, is just the balance that we need.
No, the republicans as a whole have moved too far to the right in response to the dems moving left. And now they’re undermining their own party candidates who aren’t republican enough. The “RINO” label is another symptom of the extremism and absolutism that pervades both parties, and shows the attitude that if you deviate from the party line at all (which currently means if you don’t absolutely agree with the Donald) then you’re an enemy. Where I vote for republicans, I vote for the ones who have the balls to break with Trump.

I voted for Reichert too, and I’m still holding out hope that he’ll win. Ferguson is way too left, and a tremendous liar. Can’t believe that anyone can buy him as a “tough on crime” candidate, when he’s pretty much single-handedly responsible for removing judgement and authority from law enforcement, and causing massive numbers of cops to retire or quit. I don’t know any that are voting for him. I also believe that he’s been the de facto governor for a couple of years. I don’t know if any of you have seen Inslee in person during this last term, but he makes Biden look pretty sharp. Actually, maybe that was true before this last term too.

OT- Oops, voter fraud is underway

You are correct in that it really is pretty easy to understand. So why don't you understand it then?

Remember, Putin invaded other countries under BOTH Obama and Biden and stayed home under Trump.
Trumps actions and words in Helsinki was all someone needed to see who isn’t deep in the cult. Putin owns his ass- it was the most disgraceful showing by a U.S. president on a global stage, perhaps ever. Putin wasn’t going to need a massive invasion had Trump won a second term, Trump would have handed him the entire Eastern Block. Why does Putin own him? Who TF knows, but it’s not hard to see if you have paid any attention. A vote for Trump is a vote for Russia. But keep calling yourself a patriot!

Next week SDSU

I signed up for the AZ Rooter Bus, but it was cancelled for lack of demand, (sign-ups).
I would drive the 6 hours, but again, an over and back, with a 7:30pm kick is too brutal driving back from 11pm-4am.

Only other option is to take the wife and grab a hotel, unless an AZ COUG is open for a road trip.

I am planning on New Mexico, but waiting for a Kickoff time.
Wish I'd known about a bus from AZ. Would have signed up. I'm in Sun City West. Might have carpooled too.

OT- Oops, voter fraud is underway

Not sure about yelling fraud, but Russia has been trying to get him in office for years cuz his fat compromised ass in office weakens the U.S. and strengthens Russia. Not really that hard to understand.
You are correct in that it really is pretty easy to understand. So why don't you understand it then?

Remember, Putin invaded other countries under BOTH Obama and Biden and stayed home under Trump.
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OT- Oops, voter fraud is underway

Give it a rest Stretch. Per the DA:
"In the legitimate registrations, people listed on those applications confirmed to detectives that they had registered to vote with a canvasser, Adams said."

AND, you are a liar. Or at least a misleader. We'll go with that. Surpise. The DA did NOT say what you posted: "why the District Attorney is saying they found 60% of a batch of registrations (~2500) were fraudulent?"

What the DA said was that 60% of the ones they looked at were fraudulent. Out of the 2,500. Which probably means they looked through them and some stood out as looking odd. Get your facts straight.

And frankly, what kind of dipshit would give out their information to a canvasser in the first place? Educated liberals and moderates, or semi-toothless Trump lovers? And which group would have been more likely to have already been registered? Food for thought - think about it as you are eating your neighbor's dog.

Finally, don't call me a liberal fluffer. F-you. I already voted, and I voted for more R's than D's. Including Dan Newhouse, one of the two remaining congresspersons that voted to impeach your POS candidate that thinks that my United States has become a garbage can.
My apologies if I slightly misstated what she said, but it is likely to be accurate when they have finished their investigation, as the ratio of fraudulent to legitimate registrations is likely to continue. And take note that the DA did NOT say they looked odd, she stated they were FRAUDULENT! Just filling out the forms with false information is committing an act of fraud, it doesn't require an actual vote.

You guys are grasping at straws trying to justify and twist acts of fraud into something of innocence. You know, I have a good friend that is pretty much like you. He claims he isn't a liberal, yet he seems to come down on the liberal side of the issue every single time. Kinda funny how that happens. Makes one wonder why someone doesn't want to be associated with the liberal term when they always seem to argue for the liberal view.

OT- Oops, voter fraud is underway

Richert was set to lose the GOP endorsement from the Washington GOP convention and withdrew his name from the ballot.

Reichert, without the support and endorsement from his own party convention, ran against the party endorsed GOP candidate to ensure victory for the Dem by splitting the vote. You sure picked a winner, “loyal”

Also “loyal”

CBS news: here’s what you need to know about what was said, 😆

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OT- Oops, voter fraud is underway

Anyone in the middle should absolutely vote R down ballot in WA. Things have swung ridiculously far L and course correction is needed.

This presidential election isn’t about R vs D or L vs R. It’s about a clear threat to democracy vs a bridge to the next election where that threat is finally expunged. I’m not excited about Harris by any means but I’m not casting a vote for Russia and our adversaries.
Yeah that is why I voted for Reichart, who sadly looks like he will lose the election. Another pencil-necked liberal lawyer is not what we need in Washington State. The shit laws that have been passed are exhibited via the 4 initiatives on the ballot seeking to overturn crappy laws and rules. And the lie-filled ads opposing at least one of them (long-term care) are pathetic. We will tax your paycheck until you die, you don't qualify for this coverage that you are paying for for years, and the maximum benefit is (from memory here) somewhere around a max of $36,000. Lifetime. How far does that get you? Not very.

Anyway, I digress. A Republican Governor, which I don't think we've had since 3 term Dan Evans, is just the balance that we need.
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WSU vs SDSU game thread

Depends on which WSU team shows up. This has been a Jekyl and Hyde team. I'm thinking the better prepared WSU team shows up, that Arbuckle actually has figured out how to adjust offensive play calling to fit what the defense throws at them.....etc. Plus SDSU isn't all that good.
Yeah I’m gonna pull what’s left of my hair out if Arbuckle goes back to the shit game plans he brought out against BS and FS. Run the ball and use play action with a sprinkle of mateers legs. It’s not that complicated. And nobody left on our schedule can stop that combination. Bend but don’t break D with 2-3 turnovers is a recipe for another whooping.
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OT- Oops, voter fraud is underway

It continues to baffle me why the majority of voters continue to argue about democrat v. Republican. Neither is a good option. Neither is good for the country. And, neither cares.

Choose a different option. Stop voting D/R.

There are 10 presidential tickets in the Washington state ballot. Most of them have platforms that are more inviting than either Trump or Harris. Millions of people want a third option, but fail to recognize that the only reason we don’t have one is that we’re not picking them.

After doing my research, I can’t say that I agree top to bottom with any of the 10. In fact, every one of them has at least one thing that I completely disagree with. But I picked one - one that doesn’t have a D or R - and my ballot is already at the courthouse.

FWIW, my overall candidate votes leaned slightly R, but only because Washington’s idiotic election system doesn’t actually give voters choices. If I could, I’d never vote for a candidate from either party. And, my votes on the issues went right down the middle - 2 no, 2 yes.
Anyone in the middle should absolutely vote R down ballot in WA. Things have swung ridiculously far L and course correction is needed.

This presidential election isn’t about R vs D or L vs R. It’s about a clear threat to democracy vs a bridge to the next election where that threat is finally expunged. I’m not excited about Harris by any means but I’m not casting a vote for Russia and our adversaries.
