I did take notice of your bolded words in your first response. I also took notice of the next words, "Fraud? Not so much". Now to me, I take that to mean you are denying the existence of fraud, which the DA specifically stated had taken place. Am I wrong, on that? You did NOT mean to deny fraud took place? If so, please explain what that is supposed to mean.
If you liberal fluffers get such tight sphincters over use of the word fraud here, what do you want to call it when some one fills out forms with misrepresentations? With deception? With false information? When you fill out a form and sign it using someone else's name and/or address? Misinformation? Disinformation? Bullshit?
Jeez, I am getting so confused here! I have been preached to and lectured by the left for the past 4 years about the dangers of misinformation and disinformation and here you guys go trying to say it is no big deal.
Hypocrisy on parade once again!
Give it a rest Stretch. Per the DA:
"In the legitimate registrations, people listed on those applications confirmed to detectives that they had registered to vote with a canvasser, Adams said."
AND, you are a liar. Or at least a misleader. We'll go with that. Surpise. The DA did NOT say what you posted:
"why the District Attorney is saying they found 60% of a batch of registrations (~2500) were fraudulent?"
What the DA said was that 60% of the ones they looked at were fraudulent. Out of the 2,500. Which probably means they looked through them and some stood out as looking odd. Get your facts straight.
And frankly, what kind of dipshit would give out their information to a canvasser in the first place? Educated liberals and moderates, or semi-toothless Trump lovers? And which group would have been more likely to have already been registered? Food for thought - think about it as you are eating your neighbor's dog.
Finally, don't call me a liberal fluffer. F-you. I already voted, and I voted for more R's than D's. Including Dan Newhouse, one of the two remaining congresspersons that voted to impeach your POS candidate that thinks that my United States has become a garbage can.