OT- Oops, voter fraud is underway

It continues to baffle me why the majority of voters continue to argue about democrat v. Republican. Neither is a good option. Neither is good for the country. And, neither cares.

Choose a different option. Stop voting D/R.

There are 10 presidential tickets in the Washington state ballot. Most of them have platforms that are more inviting than either Trump or Harris. Millions of people want a third option, but fail to recognize that the only reason we don’t have one is that we’re not picking them.

After doing my research, I can’t say that I agree top to bottom with any of the 10. In fact, every one of them has at least one thing that I completely disagree with. But I picked one - one that doesn’t have a D or R - and my ballot is already at the courthouse.

FWIW, my overall candidate votes leaned slightly R, but only because Washington’s idiotic election system doesn’t actually give voters choices. If I could, I’d never vote for a candidate from either party. And, my votes on the issues went right down the middle - 2 no, 2 yes.
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OT- Oops, voter fraud is underway

Voter fraud happens, but it is primarily committed by republican. The phoney "electors" scam "you know the people who actually
elect the president" is the most obvious example. Republican are so stupid, they just don't think their fraud actually counts.
If voter fraud happens and is primarily a Republican construct, certainty the Democratic Party had ample opportunity to demand paper ballots and voter ID to put a clamp on it, right?
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OT- Oops, voter fraud is underway

I did take notice of your bolded words in your first response. I also took notice of the next words, "Fraud? Not so much". Now to me, I take that to mean you are denying the existence of fraud, which the DA specifically stated had taken place. Am I wrong, on that? You did NOT mean to deny fraud took place? If so, please explain what that is supposed to mean.

If you liberal fluffers get such tight sphincters over use of the word fraud here, what do you want to call it when some one fills out forms with misrepresentations? With deception? With false information? When you fill out a form and sign it using someone else's name and/or address? Misinformation? Disinformation? Bullshit?

Jeez, I am getting so confused here! I have been preached to and lectured by the left for the past 4 years about the dangers of misinformation and disinformation and here you guys go trying to say it is no big deal.

Hypocrisy on parade once again!
“loyal”Coug follows a specific pattern.

Rather than address any issue on its face, he lists a corporate news service whose editors approved a different news service, with a separate set of editors telling you what was said and what the approved narrative is regarding what you are allowed to believe.

Watch for it.
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OT- Oops, voter fraud is underway

Give it a rest Stretch. Per the DA:
"In the legitimate registrations, people listed on those applications confirmed to detectives that they had registered to vote with a canvasser, Adams said."

AND, you are a liar. Or at least a misleader. We'll go with that. Surpise. The DA did NOT say what you posted: "why the District Attorney is saying they found 60% of a batch of registrations (~2500) were fraudulent?"

What the DA said was that 60% of the ones they looked at were fraudulent. Out of the 2,500. Which probably means they looked through them and some stood out as looking odd. Get your facts straight.

And frankly, what kind of dipshit would give out their information to a canvasser in the first place? Educated liberals and moderates, or semi-toothless Trump lovers? And which group would have been more likely to have already been registered? Food for thought - think about it as you are eating your neighbor's dog.

Finally, don't call me a liberal fluffer. F-you. I already voted, and I voted for more R's than D's. Including Dan Newhouse, one of the two remaining congresspersons that voted to impeach your POS candidate that thinks that my United States has become a garbage can.
Lots of words to proclaim your love for Kamala Harris, Open boarders and WWIII

OT- Oops, voter fraud is underway

Did you see that Joe Rogan and Trump talked yesterday?

Did you notice it lasted for Three hours? That it wasn’t scripted? No teleprompters, no notes. No cackles.

Did you watch it with your own eyes? Use your own Intelligence? Use your own critical thinking skills crafted at Washington State University?


Did you ignore it? Perhaps you Refuse to watch it, perhaps you’re afraid to watch it, instead surrendering to the influence of others who comfort you rather than render your own opinions.

100 million combined views.

Why is Kamala hiding? (Why is she not in the Situation Room guiding the Iran/Isreal escalation?)

I’d love to see Kamala bury Rogan for three straight hours unscripted, without notes. I’m told she has superior intelligence, instincts and moral authority to set the record straight.

He offered, she declined. Why?

You wanted politics on a football board. You ignore all the football related posts. What changed @Cougsocal?

OT- Oops, voter fraud is underway

Voter fraud happens, but it is primarily committed by republican. The phoney "electors" scam "you know the people who actually
elect the president" is the most obvious example. Republican are so stupid, they just don't think their fraud actually counts.
Of course it “happens”. There were 150 million people who voted in the last election. You’re not going to have that volume of anything without a handful of people trying to cheat. And yes, most of the one-offs who got caught were Rs. Every claim of mass voter fraud has been debunked and thrown out of court.

What you have left over is crybaby fanboys who are complaining about the refs not calling holding when their team lost by 40 points, because that’s what their “coach” does constantly because he’s too much of a dumbass to come up with a solid game-plan.

Maybe someone can explain this to me

Why is it that CBS SN is the only one to pick up the game on a saturday night that basically has no other games or competition?

There only game close in time to our start time is Cincinnati @ Colorado which got an ESPN slot.

Three games at 5pm: SMU @ Duke, SJSU @ FSU, Kansas @ KSU which are on ACCN, TruTV and the Deuce respectively.

Fox mothership has the world series - is that on FS1 to

Don't want to compete with the World Series, I guess.
That's exactly it. The World Series.

Last night, 10th inning, (while Rutgers is at the Coliseum against USC, on the same Network Fox.
It was 2 to 2, bottom of the 10th inning, Yankees score, 3-2. Top of the 10th….the Dodgers, with the bases loaded hit a Grand Slam. LA wins Game One, 6-3....while Rutgers at USC are playing, (started at 8pm because of the WS).

Pandemonium breaks out at Dodger Stadium.

Game Two starts tonight at 5:08 pm. We’ll be the only football game on in the USA Saturday night, all because of the World Series.

Should be a great crowd at Snapdragon. COUGS sold out all of their allotment.

OT- Oops, voter fraud is underway

Apparently some fine, upstanding citizens in PA didn't get the the memo from WAPO/NYTimes/DNC that there is no such thing as voter fraud. I wonder if voter fraud doesn't exist why the District Attorney is saying they found 60% of a batch of registrations (~2500) were fraudulent?

Meanwhile, the Biden/Garland DOJ is suing the state of Virginia for trying to remove people from the voter rolls that have ADMITTED that they are aliens. Now why in the world would they do that? What possible rational explanation is there for suing a state to force them to reinstate people that are not eligible to vote onto the voter rolls? It wouldn't be to allow and encourage people to illegally vote, would it?
