Dearth of message boards

Much as I like to bitch, and justifiably so, about all the yahoos on this site, it is tough to find other places to hang. Brand X? Good information when it isn't premium content, but their non-premium message board usually has zip conversation.

On Rivals, of our future MW conference mate UNLV has the only active board - and it is quite active. You all should go over there and read all the shitty things I say about many of you. Search for the key words "delusional", fantasyland" and "idiots". All meant with the greatest love and Cougarishness.

Wyoming's board has some chatter, but it is all premium. The Beavs? Benny's Place is active but meh, and I rarely see anything relative to the Pac-2's future. Their Rivals Board? Zip.

SDSU and USU have active non-affiliated boards, although I have been waiting for a month for the moderators to accept my SDSU registration. They must have seen my posting habits. The MW board apparently went defunct recently.

If anyone knows of other fan boards that are active, relevant (meaning non-Big12 or ACC, free, and needing the wisdom and guidance only available through the Mighty loyal One, please post links.

I couldn't care less about any traitor boards.

So I should be happy that we have this loving, hug-filled board to converse on. :)

OT - Hunter Biden trial

Too bad if I post something semi-political.

I just can't understand why this crack-addled dipshit would take this thing to a high-profile trial 6 years after the events occurred, or why it is even news (well duh, he is the President's son). He apparently lied on a federal form in order to get a gun, which he apparently possessed for 18 days before his then-GF and former sister-in-law threw it away. OK, so what? instead of just copping a plea years ago, you have to drag this into open court and have your f-ed up personal life exposed for the world to see, no doubt in detriment to your father's re-election chances?

What a first-class douchebag.

Apple Cup holdout

So we are approaching the 3 month mark until the next so called Apple Cup. I will pass on this game (not that it will make any difference). This new cup has been shoved down our throats and we are supposed to obediently accept the new reality. Commingle with an institution that helped sink the conference, steal our AD, and then smuggly pats us on the back and says "too bad". This is the equivalence of screwing someones spouse and then accepting a dinner invitation to celebrate their new arrangement. They will do it without me and I hope others to send a message to the powers that be that we would like to maintain some sense of dignity. GO COUGS!!

Brand X: Ann McCoy "uniquely qualified" to lead WSU Athletics into Pac-2 era

The article says Mrs. McCoy went on a statewide media tour in May, a likely indicator Dr. Schultz will promote her from "interim AD" before too long.

From the article:

"McCoy came into the blitz with a series of victories to direct the narrative. Since taking over for Pat Chun on March 27, she wrapped up a contract with The CW Network and FOX Sports to broadcast the Cougars' six home football games; announced a two-year home in the Mountain West for Cougar baseball and swimming; hired two new head coaches; and extended Kamie Ethridge."

Brand X says Ann came across as "knowledgeable, skilled, measured and personable. That's the holy quad of professionalism for an athletic director."

So far, so good.

She's been at WSU for a long time. Nice to see Dr. Schultz reward someone for being loyal.


Really like Coach Riley's announcement style

Keeping all of this stuff (Portal and recruiting) under wraps until the person has evidently signed an agreement. Who ever is doing these things on the official web site also keeps it updated pretty quickly. The last portal guy evidently hasn't completed the paperwork yet as he is not announced nor on it.

I think when you are subject to a lot of "higher dollar" programs and there poaching it really pays off to have this stuff close to the vest so to speak.

Looking forward to seeing who the 13th player might be. I am hoping for a big for development.

Why Leach isn’t eligible for the College Football HOF...

Jon WilnerJune 11, 2024 at 11:38 am​

Nine coaches appear on the College Football Hall of Fame’s ballot for 2025, including two of the biggest names in the sport over the past quarter century: Urban Meyer and Nick Saban.

Tommy Tuberville, who gained fame at Auburn, also appears. So does Miami’s Larry Coker and Maryland’s Ralph Friedgen.

Not on the ballot, which was released last week: Mike Leach.

The late Mike Leach, who made Texas Tech relevant, did the same for Washington State and, along the way, changed the game like few coaches in the past 50 years.

Leach wasn’t on the 2025 ballot for a good reason: Coaches aren’t eligible until three years after retirement unless they are at least 70 years old.

Saban, 72, was eligible the moment he stepped down at Alabama earlier this year.

But Leach was only 61 when he died in December 2022, from complications related to a heart condition, following his third season at Mississippi State.

There is no process to fast-track coaches for posthumous induction, according to Steve Hatchell, president of the National Football Foundation, which runs the Hall of Fame

Which means the earliest Leach could appear on the ballot is the spring of 2026 — except for one teeny-tiny problem:

He doesn’t meet the selection criteria.

The Hall of Fame requires coaching nominees to “have been a head football coach for a minimum of 10 years and coached at least 100 games with a .600 winning percentage.”

Leach coached for 21 years and won 158 games.

But his career winning percentage is .596, and the Hall of Fame does not round up.

Leach is one win short.

The man whose Air Raid passing game has come to dominate high school and college football and is used throughout the NFL …

The man who posted 11-win seasons in Lubbock and Pullman …

Who mentored current head coaches Josh Heupel (Tennessee), Dave Aranda (Baylor), Sonny Dykes (TCU), Lincoln Riley (USC) and a slew of others …

Who had 16 winning seasons and just five losing seasons at three schools (Texas Tech, WSU and MSU) that will never, ever be mistaken for football blue-bloods …

That guy does not qualify for the Hall of Fame because his career record is 158-107 and not 159-106.

(At this point in the proceedings, Washington State fans are undoubtedly sifting through their mental Rolodex of games the Cougars lost because of egregious Pac-12 officiating.)

“If you don’t qualify under one of the criteria, it’s tough,” Hatchell said Monday.

“We’ve heard every reason why we should look beyond why someone is not in the Hall of Fame. But at some point, you have to say, ‘These are the rules.'”

The problem with that approach, of course, is that location impacts success.

It’s vastly more difficult to win 55% of your games a year at Texas Tech or Washington State than 65% of your games at Texas or Washington.

Yet because of the sheer number of potential inductees — more than 700 colleges and universities play football — the Hall of Fame needs a baseline for players and coaches.

That said, the Hall isn’t inherently anti-Leach. Quite the opposite, in fact.

“Mike was great to the National Football Foundation and the Hall of Fame,” said Hatchell, whose NFF office is located in Irving, Texas.

“If we needed counsel on something, I’d call him. We love Mike and what he did for the sport. What he did for Texas Tech and Washington State was nothing short of phenomenal.


“But once you get wiggly on the criteria, what do you say doesn’t matter?”

There are coaches in the Hall of Fame with a winning percentage below .600 — Iowa legend Hayden Fry, for example — but the governing board changed the criteria after Hatchell took over in 2005.

“It was made clear to me that it’s a Hall of Fame,” he said, “not a Hall of Participation.”

So Leach cannot enter the Hall through the established route for coaches. But there are two other avenues:

— The timing of his death (as an active, not retired head coach) could lead to a carveout in the rules.

Because the Hall doesn’t round up with the winning percentage, Hatchell explained, Leach’s case “would be more like: Is it different that he passed away” while still coaching?

— Leach could be admitted in the outstanding contributors category.

“We recognize people that way,” Hatchell said, “but most coaches would rather go in as coaches than the outstanding contributor category.”

The first step is a nomination: Texas Tech, WSU or Mississippi State would have to offer Leach’s name for induction once he’s eligible in 2026. At that point, the Hall of Fame would have to consider established policy and potential precedent.

But there is only one right answer for a coach who’s one victory shy of meeting the selection standard for winning percentage.

Leach’s sustained success at two power conference outposts is unprecedented.

His Air Raid is everywhere.

His impact on the sport is incalculable.

Once eligible, he’s worthy of immediate induction.

Jon Wilner:

Report: Utah interested in the ACC...let the ACC rumors begin

Read a few things on this (didn't fact check):
1. Utah did not sign their GOR w/ the Big-12. (they actually did sign on further review).
2. ACC could be planting the pieces for a western division.

Again, I think this scenario plays out well for WSU and OSU. Puts the pieces in place for an ACC western. Utah is/was very wanting to be grubbing elbows with Stanford and Cal....that aspect hasn't changed.

OT - sorta - Caitlin Clark

This young gal is the epitome of class. I will refrain from posting most of the recent stories but will link this one. After the brutal cheap shot by the thug Chennedy Carter, she shrugs it off. And the surrounding controversy is entertaining. Black personalities like Charles Barkley, LeBron and others ripped into the black WNBA players for targeting Clark, There is another article (can't find it now), that explores the resentment of the 70% Black, 30% LBGTA (whatever the term is) rosters in the WNBA. As Clark, an attractive, straight and very talented white girl, has elevated all of them by being there.

Brand X Anne McCoy interview(s)

Good but mostly uninformative interview(s). A lot of hemming and hawing, including a reference to P-2 Commissioner Teresa Gould as a "well-seasoned pro suited for this unique role". Yeah, right. After her tutelage under Larry Scott and Quackkoff. Anne does mention a rebuilt Pac-12 as a possibility, along with "it's important that we be patient". Funny that Brand X asked about her correspondence (if any) with the Big-12 and ACC Commissioners but doesn't ask about conversations (if any) with my Twitter-confirmed admirer Gloria Navarez of the MW.

That missing, I guess yet another relatively short but prophetic rant is warranted from the Mighty Loyal One.

  • No one and I mean no one mentions WSU in what little chatter there is about further reconfiguration. OSU? Some but not much
  • All reputable fingers point to the ACC implosion as being YEARS off, what with the sure to be drawn out legal BS with FSU, Clemson, etc. Our 2-year window will have sailed long before that, along with a shit ton of lost NCAA money, affiliation payments, and lack of new NCAA credits. And there are a host of backfill candidates that ARE mentioned, some of which are also present in our fantasy conference delusions
  • Speaking of, the West Coast ACC "pod" is never mentioned anywhere, unless perhaps in some clickbait Twitter post (like Utah to the ACC). And why would the ACC seek to shore up CalFurd, two poorly watched programs that had to beg their way into the conference in the first place? By one vote. Oh let's help them out with some more poorly thought of or desired programs that have poor viewership? And increase our own travel costs when we could damn near carpool to other existing candidates' locations? What-fing-ever
  • The Big-12? They are now having to absorb 4 new programs, after already absorbing 4(?) marginal programs last year. Sorry BYU, you suck too. Solution? Yeah let's shore that up by offering an olive branch to poorly thought of OSU and WSU? Uh-huh
  • Looking forward into my Palantiri-like crystal ball, WSU is better positioned for some years-away consideration for P4 (actually not-so Power 2, B1G and SEC are out of this equation) offers as members of the already arguably strongest G5 conference. As opposed to the begging dogs that we are right now. Form the new Pac-12/14 NOW, with minimal exit penalties for all teams. Start kicking ass and position ourselves as the best the league has to offer. This is actually my finest insight yet. We cannot "be patient" and fritter away and/or potentially forego all of our money along the way. I guarantee, Joe Namath-like, that UNLV and SDSU will get offers before us if we F-around for 2 years, missing out on salvaging a couple of decent Bowl affiliations, NCAA BB monies, and better media deals than we have now
  • In conclusion, are you all aware that WSU teams (charters) can now fly out of Pullman to any MW destination, and vice versa? To and from the East Coast? not too sure about that
Sincerely, your all-knowing, all-seeing, and incredibly humorous (which is lacking here) Loyal One.

Another ACC west rumor on X....

Again, this guy has been directionally accurate with some of his "leaks." His ramble is basically saying conferences are planning for the Grant of Rights (media rights) to be basically a worthless piece of paper and schools can now be more "free agents" to move around.

If this is the case, I agree with the Chip Kelly comment that the top 64 schools should just create a regionalized system and figure out a more fair way to split the media pot up.

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Thoughts on Jakimovski statements

I have played against Coach Boyle for four years and I have always been a fan of his coaching and he is a fan of my game. He thinks I can do a lot more for his team than I did at Washington State. We agreed on that, and I was like, 'Okay, let's make this happen, because I know what to expect.'"

Coach Boyle's system, they let you show your skills. It was kind of an easy choice for me having gone against Colorado the last four years. I want to show my game."

While at Washington State, Jakimovski described himself as a "three and D" type of player, so he was simply asked to hit open jumpers and play defense. At Colorado, he expects his full skill set to be on display.

Massey ratings

OK. Full disclosure, I have never heard of this thing, although according to Twitter it is the end all of all ratings/ranking systems. Link at the end.

So, our beloved Cougs are now lumped in with the MW Conference, no surprise since we play 8 games with them this year. We "rank" 6th in the MW at #62, counting our fellow orphan OSU who leads at 21. Right behind us are 2 more MW schools. Some of the ranks seem rank to me, like the mutts and Oregon at 3 and 4. But hey, it's on the internet so it must be true.

Are WSU and OSU a package deal in any further realignment?

The other Pac-12 schools left in groups of 2 (or 4 if UA, ASU, CU and Utah moved as one).

Cougs and Beavs seem to be doing their own thing for baseball next spring, but, big picture, are they going to stick together for the revenue sports no matter what?

Or could it be something where WSU and OSU prioritize different things in their next conference affiliation?

Volleyball additions

Lengthy article (with pictures) of our new VB signees on Brand Y.

My highly objective, VB ability-based observation? YUMMY.

Oh and speaking of which, the Fever beat the Sky 71-70 in front of another 17,000 plus crowd for their first home win. Caitlin Clark got hammered multiple time, with only one called a foul, a play that would have probably been an ejection in the NBA. Those gals play rough.

