Apparently, Brand Y (CC) referring to Brand X (CF)...


Hall Of Fame
Gold Member
Nov 3, 2012
113 Pravda regarding the Gonzaga situation. The irony in this accusation is really rich considering their penchant for heavy-handed treatment of those who disagree with them.

I won't defend Brand X on this issue (and haven't read their position), but for the record, from the beginning of his stint at WSU I was quite critical of Ken Bone's coaching over on Brand Y, and the know-it-all and arrogant Jeff Nusser would regularly respond to my posts by passionately defending KB. You know, I was wrong because I didn't and couldn't possibly know as much as THE expert J. Nusser.

Well, guess who ended up being right about Mr. Bone?

I only bring this up because I have a strong dislike of arrogant know-it-alls, especially those who end up being flat-out wrong.

I don't go over to Brand Y anymore (I was banned awhile back again...surprise!) and will never go there again. They are the only website I have ever encountered that actively drives customers away. It's astounding.

Of course, Nusser will never admit he was a stubborn KB supporter until he belatedly realized he was wrong. Same with a couple other contributors over there.

Finally, I appreciate that Britton does not feel compelled to shut down people who have opinions that differ from his on WazzuWatch.

This post was edited on 4/18 9:50 AM by How_did_this_happen?
I don't think that whatever Jeff's brand it is that they charge, they merely gather info and write about it. Heck a lot of folks were wrong on Coach Ken Bone myself included. I still think he is a fine coach, BTW. However, its the Peter Principle and he rose to a level above his ability.

I never have agreed with Jeff on everything but he at times does have good points.

Didn't spend much time reading the latest on Gonzaga, but the headline is spot on. "It's about money".

No other reason Bill Moos would hide the fact that he signed a three year contract that screwed us other than money.

Gonzaga is such a myth but they own Spokane since WSU gave it up to them 20 odd years ago. Now its up to Coach Ernie Kent to try and win it back.
Originally posted by 7ICoug:
I don't think that whatever Jeff's brand it is that they charge, they merely gather info and write about it. Heck a lot of folks were wrong on Coach Ken Bone myself included. I still think he is a fine coach, BTW. However, its the Peter Principle and he rose to a level above his ability.

I never have agreed with Jeff on everything but he at times does have good points.

Didn't spend much time reading the latest on Gonzaga, but the headline is spot on. "It's about money".

No other reason Bill Moos would hide the fact that he signed a three year contract that screwed us other than money.

Gonzaga is such a myth but they own Spokane since WSU gave it up to them 20 odd years ago. Now its up to Coach Ernie Kent to try and win it back.
spot on. Good post.

... imo~

Moos has been here 4+ years. Imagine what this place will look like 5 years from now. Moos won the GU negotiation by getting a 3 year deal that features a home/home/neutral arrangement. Moos should have enough leverage next time to force Few into a 5 year Event deal at the Spokane Arena.
Originally posted by chinookpirate:

Moos won the GU negotiation by getting a 3 year deal that features a home/home/neutral arrangement.
Originally posted by CrimsonWazzu:
I disagree with Nuss all the time. Why were you banned?
Not sure. We have a history because he apparently didn't think I had worthy points, and expressed this many times.

It got so he was being very snarky in all of his responses to my posts (no substance, just snark), and I dished back some snarky-ness myself at the end.

I think he's a guy that can dish it out, but can't take it. Thus, he banned me.

By the way, I never insulted or resorted to any name-calling or inappropriate language. He just didn't like me.

It's okay though...but kind of amazing.

Do you recall a couple years ago when they had an entire subject under the title "Why I hate Cougcenter"...or something to that effect? I never chimed in on that one, but saw a lot of frustration being vented about their heavy-handedness.

Anyway, they do a good job...and I was always willing to acknowledge that. Too bad for them that they drive customers away.
2/3 of the games aren't in the Kennel.

We aren't relinquishing Spokane for 3 more years.

seriously, I don't see why so many are lining up to jump off a 1 story building here.
I like a lot of what they do. They are definitely in to the numbers and I enjoy that aspect plus the different breakdowns they do during the football season. I have never seen Nuss actual admit it's even a possibity he's wrong. When the "snarky" does come out it seems like defensiveness or insecurity at being called out. That's my Dr. Phil assessment.

Overall I do like the site other than what you have described. In general I think it's a really good counter to the other 2 sites (especially Cougfan's "company line" mentality).
Completely agree, pirate

Originally posted by chinookpirate:

2/3 of the games aren't in the Kennel.

We aren't relinquishing Spokane for 3 more years.

seriously, I don't see why so many are lining up to jump off a 1 story building here.
This is not that big of a deal. And as I recall we can get beer at halftime, correct?

We just need to get good again. But I forget - when uw dropped Gonzagam wasn;t it becasue uw they wanted to play the Spokane games in the Arena rather than the puny kennel?

Edit: Hah hah - had to copy/paste this quote from elsewhere.

"George Raveling once quipped that on the recruiting trail in the East, kids would look at the WSU schedule and wonder if Gonzaga was a school or a venereal disease. That’s how obscure the Zags were in those days"
This post was edited on 4/18 11:52 AM by Loyal Coug
Originally posted by SaveFerris:

Overall I do like the site other than what you have described. In general I think it's a really good counter to the other 2 sites (especially Cougfan's "company line" mentality).
So true. I was a huge supporter of CF.C for years and years and feel like many of us, who helped them build the community, became and annoyance to them...... they needed us, then we became expendable. Unfortunately, when I disagreed openly with them on some issues, they would monitor my posts and shut me down. After a long conversation by PM, I informed them that I would step away.....

Competition is healthy, Britton is doing a good job here and I appreciate that. IMO, I'd contact Braulio Perez and give him part of this site..... Britton's management and personality coupled with Braulio's articles...... boy they could build WazzuWatch into a machine. That would be sweet.
Originally posted by chinookpirate:

2/3 of the games aren't in the Kennel.

We aren't relinquishing Spokane for 3 more years.

seriously, I don't see why so many are lining up to jump off a 1 story building here.
You take one of the two highest attended games of our basketball of the season, you move that game to the city of our rival, 75 miles away from campus, where this game always belongs. You hire a new coach to get our fans and more importantly, our students, riled up about hoops again, and you tell them that they now have to drive that 75 miles on what will most likely be a mid-week evening, in what could very well be choppy driving conditions, during a week which falls just before dead week where tons of papers and projects are typically due. To watch their team play their rival in their own home town.

You let the Gonzaga team take a nice 5 minute bus ride across town, and force our team to take a 90 minute bus ride up the crappy 2 lane highway.

But in the end, this is 100% about Gonzaga pulling a power move and WSU backing down and agreeing to their demands to keep the game. It's not about energizing a non-existent Spokane fanbase. Even if it were, it comes at a huge cost to the students and our team.

This is an absolute fail by our AD IMO.
Good post.

They really are too rah-rah for whoever is coaching at WSU. I assume they get some benefit from this.
Just my $0.02; I can only speak for myself.

I think many of the posts above do a good job of summarizing my perception of CC. Some good content, some good research, a nice perspective when you want to look at factoids and metrics. They have a place and appeal to a slice of the market.

But I never liked that kid in the room who had an opinion on everything, was wrong (even on the black & white stuff) at least 15-20% of the time but would never admit it, would jump down your throat before you finished explaining your position, and just was generally not nearly as smart as he thought that he was. Always had an opinion, regardless of whether he possessed (or understood) enough facts. Always thought that he understood what you were trying to express, even when he was in left field. And was always, inevitably, RIGHT. Right about everything. Right all the time. The only time he was wrong was the brief moment when he thought he had mis-spoken, but then of course he found that he was wrong about that.

Just looking at CC from my point of view, but that is how they come across to me. I got tired of it and haven't been back.

If they ever grew up and acted like adults their community would grow quickly. But leopards don't change their spots, and neither will the ownership of CC.
"If they ever grew up and acted like adults..."

Precisely. Immaturity in adults is not a good character trait.

They are also extremely thin-skinned.

Good content though.

Short of an apology, I will not visit their site again.
Originally posted by How_did_this_happen?: Pravda regarding the Gonzaga situation. The irony in this accusation is really rich considering their penchant for heavy-handed treatment of those who disagree with them.

I won't defend Brand X on this issue (and haven't read their position), but for the record, from the beginning of his stint at WSU I was quite critical of Ken Bone's coaching over on Brand Y, and the know-it-all and arrogant Jeff Nusser would regularly respond to my posts by passionately defending KB. You know, I was wrong because I didn't and couldn't possibly know as much as THE expert J. Nusser.

Well, guess who ended up being right about Mr. Bone?

I only bring this up because I have a strong dislike of arrogant know-it-alls, especially those who end up being flat-out wrong.

I don't go over to Brand Y anymore (I was banned awhile back again...surprise!) and will never go there again. They are the only website I have ever encountered that actively drives customers away. It's astounding.

Of course, Nusser will never admit he was a stubborn KB supporter until he belatedly realized he was wrong. Same with a couple other contributors over there.

Finally, I appreciate that Britton does not feel compelled to shut down people who have opinions that differ from his on WazzuWatch.

This post was edited on 4/18 9:50 AM by How_did_this_happen?
That's how they roll. I got banned within 48 hours for disagreeing with the "authors" about how awesomeness Paul Wulff.
Originally posted by How_did_this_happen?:

Originally posted by CrimsonWazzu:
I disagree with Nuss all the time. Why were you banned?
Not sure. We have a history because he apparently didn't think I had worthy points, and expressed this many times.

It got so he was being very snarky in all of his responses to my posts (no substance, just snark), and I dished back some snarky-ness myself at the end.

I think he's a guy that can dish it out, but can't take it. Thus, he banned me.

By the way, I never insulted or resorted to any name-calling or inappropriate language. He just didn't like me.

It's okay though...but kind of amazing.

Do you recall a couple years ago when they had an entire subject under the title "Why I hate Cougcenter"...or something to that effect? I never chimed in on that one, but saw a lot of frustration being vented about their heavy-handedness.

Anyway, they do a good job...and I was always willing to acknowledge that. Too bad for them that they drive customers away.
It's not just Nusser on that. They appointed themselves the kings of all things WSU and don't like it when you point out they are more like peasants. Those guys don't even know what a good WSU football team looks like because they were in middle school the last time we had one.
Originally posted by dgibbons:
It's not just Nusser on that. They appointed themselves the kings of all things WSU and don't like it when you point out they are more like peasants. Those guys don't even know what a good WSU football team looks like because they were in middle school the last time we had one.
One more post on them

A few years ago people were teeing off on cougcenter and Floyd came running to the football board to defend himself. I can't even remember what the subject matter was now, but the whole little episode defined how childish those guys are.
You went at His High Holiness Wulff and didn't expect a CF ban?

I'm surprised they didn't send an assistant coach and a site editor to your house to explain how YOU were responsible for the downfall of the football program with your mean, mean words.
Originally posted by CrimsonWazzu:

Originally posted by dgibbons:

It's not just Nusser on that. They appointed themselves the kings of all things WSU and don't like it when you point out they are more like peasants. Those guys don't even know what a good WSU football team looks like because they were in middle school the last time we had one.
It's true. They're kind of like Wulff in a way. They don't have enough experience, intelligence, depth or intestinal fortitude to admit when they are wrong. Of course, the intelligent thing to do would be to just stay out of things that are above their level. But, since they appointed themselves king that doesn't fit the business model.

And I think you're just trying to bait me into making more posts about cc.
This post was edited on 4/18 2:06 PM by dgibbons
Originally posted by dgibbons:
Originally posted by CrimsonWazzu:

Originally posted by dgibbons:

It's not just Nusser on that. They appointed themselves the kings of all things WSU and don't like it when you point out they are more like peasants. Those guys don't even know what a good WSU football team looks like because they were in middle school the last time we had one.
It's true. They're kind of like Wulff in a way. They don't have enough experience, intelligence, depth or intestinal fortitude to admit when they are wrong. Of course, the intelligent thing to do would be to just stay out of things that are above their level. But, since they appointed themselves king that doesn't fit the business model.

And I think you're just trying to bait me into making more posts about cc.
This post was edited on 4/18 2:06 PM by dgibbons
Interesting perspective.
Re: One more post on them

Originally posted by dgibbons:
A few years ago people were teeing off on cougcenter and Floyd came running to the football board to defend himself. I can't even remember what the subject matter was now, but the whole little episode defined how childish those guys are.
I was the subject back then that brought Floyd over. I am reading this thread with interest. I was not going to post anything until I read your post. Someone linked something about them and then I commented about my personal experience over there. Floyd came over to argue with me and it blew up. It was thin skinned of him to come over to this board. But, however immature he was, I think is a good writer.

I have gotten over it and it does not bother me any more, but I never forget. CC does have good content at times. CFC has good content at times. WW has good content at times. All of these places have good content and cater to specific demographics.
True. Absolute fail. And apparently this has been 'the deal' for several months. It's just now seeing the light of day.

Disappointing on the heels of a pretty decent bball hire.
Originally posted by Observer11:
True. Absolute fail. And apparently this has been 'the deal' for several months. It's just now seeing the light of day.

Disappointing on the heels of a pretty decent bball hire.
In the long run, this will be a small blip in my opinion. It is disappointing now, but WSU is in a position of weakness right now. That is what happens when you have bad basketball and nobody is watching. By continuing the series against GU, WSU gets a good and name opponent. It also means that WSU does not lose money by inserting a directional school in place of them. This is where WSU basketball is right now. If Coach Kent does what we think he can do, then WSU will not need GU as much and it will have been but a bad memory.
'90, that is a pretty good summary of my thoughts, as well.

Ultimately it is going to come down to how we do on the court. As it should.

But greedy, short sighted, ham handed treatment of a relationship that goes back to before one's grandparents were born is not a good sign in a HC or an AD, and eventually those chickens will come home to roost. Fully competent individuals do not make mistakes like that.

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