CML "class" makes ESPN

Loyal Coug

Hall Of Fame
Sep 27, 2003

I don't have any issue with this, but frankly I think it is pretty silly, and more of a chance for Michael Baumgartner to stay in the news than anything to do with CML.

Just not a big fan of Baumgartner. Kind of an interesting Coug thing, he beat WSU Regent and WSU Foundation Board member Chris Marr for the Senate in Spokane in 2010.

The Barber thing, righteous or not, was self promoting and grandstanding at it's finest. HIs political views as State Senator, aside from supporting pot legalization, are sort of Trumpian (privatize SS, withdraw from the United Nations, restrict a women's right to choose). His own website touts his relationship with disgraced former Gen. Davis Petraeus. Okay.....
His Middle East experience, while certainly valid, looks to be more pencil pusher than counterinsurgency expert.

From Baumgartner's website:
Michael Baumgartner is a consultant and former diplomat with extensive international experience. From 2007 to 2008 he served as an Economics Officer at the US Embassy in Baghdad, receiving commendations from General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker, and in 2009 he was an embedded counternarcotics advisor to a US State Department project in Helmand, southern Afghanistan.

I will say that he is better than that other guy in Spokane - what's his name? - in the 4th District. Oh yeah, Matt Shea. Wow. Real fine citizen, that guy. Of course he has a law degree, which says a lot.
Regarding the two class topics noted in the article:

The Brits were in a situation where the majority of the populace supported the government, and the bulk of the supporters of the guerillas were an ethnic minority. That made the mass relocations much easier to implement, and I'm not sure that the British strategy would have worked had the relocations not taken place. Western governments in particular also had more authority back then, which also made forced relocations to what were essentially a nice internment camp easier to accomplish. I can see several potential points that CML might make of that, but will be interested to hear how he approached that issue.

As for whether the wishbone is viable in the NFL, my view is not particularly orthodox on that subject. I've suggested many times that in the NFL, where quality athletes are more readily available that in college, it ought to be possible to keep 3 running QB's on the roster who are adequate passers. It also ought to be possible to have 4 solid TE's. Without the "adequate passer" proviso the wishbone would have no chance, and the role of the TE is critical. Like the Air Raid, which has had many variations by imitators over the years, the bone has had many variations of what Royal started. I have always found it ironic that the first wishbone play from scrimmage at Texas was a pass. To make a long debate short, I think the wishbone could win in the NFL with the right people, but it would probably be too boring for the average Joe Sixpack at the sports bar, and that makes it unlikely to be adopted. TV ratings are just about as important as winning now.

No to the wishbone in the NFL today due mostly to media ratings. The fans would not approve. No to the Brit strategy in Malaya today due mostly to the mass relocations. The world & perhaps the local voters would not approve.

I don't have any issue with this, but frankly I think it is pretty silly, and more of a chance for Michael Baumgartner to stay in the news than anything to do with CML.

Just not a big fan of Baumgartner. Kind of an interesting Coug thing, he beat WSU Regent and WSU Foundation Board member Chris Marr for the Senate in Spokane in 2010.

The Barber thing, righteous or not, was self promoting and grandstanding at it's finest. HIs political views as State Senator, aside from supporting pot legalization, are sort of Trumpian (privatize SS, withdraw from the United Nations, restrict a women's right to choose). His own website touts his relationship with disgraced former Gen. Davis Petraeus. Okay.....
His Middle East experience, while certainly valid, looks to be more pencil pusher than counterinsurgency expert.

From Baumgartner's website:
Michael Baumgartner is a consultant and former diplomat with extensive international experience. From 2007 to 2008 he served as an Economics Officer at the US Embassy in Baghdad, receiving commendations from General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker, and in 2009 he was an embedded counternarcotics advisor to a US State Department project in Helmand, southern Afghanistan.

I will say that he is better than that other guy in Spokane - what's his name? - in the 4th District. Oh yeah, Matt Shea. Wow. Real fine citizen, that guy. Of course he has a law degree, which says a lot.

I know that few people agree with me on it, but I'm still not a fan off the whole Barber situation. If a 280 lb dude who didn't play football had gotten kicked out of WSU for whippin' the sh!t out of someone 100 lbs lighter, nobody around here would have cared. We bitch and moan about UW covering up stuff, but when it's our own guys getting in trouble, we have no problem making excuses for them. So yeah, Baumgartner was totally self promoting when he jumped into that situation.

EDIT: I do think that kicking Barber out of school was too much, but I'd rather see one player get punished severely than to allow a culture of entitlement where our players think that that they can act however they want without severe recourse.

As far as Leach's class goes, I'm happy that he's getting a chance to do it and I hope the students embrace it. Things like this will continue to strengthen his ties to the university and make it less likely for him to feel inclined to consider other offers when they inevitably come.
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Nothing wrong with Baumgartner - maybe you don't agree with where he stands politically but he's got a good rep, hangs with CML and is a helluva lot more accomplished than most politicians. Was being touted as a potential mayoral candidate in Spokane. Current Treasurer for Spokane know, the bean counter....:)

Chris Marr was a car salesman, by the way. Good guy - but by some of your past posts that profession was on the disreputable list.
Nothing wrong with Baumgartner - maybe you don't agree with where he stands politically but he's got a good rep, hangs with CML and is a helluva lot more accomplished than most politicians. Was being touted as a potential mayoral candidate in Spokane. Current Treasurer for Spokane know, the bean counter....:)

Chris Marr was a car salesman, by the way. Good guy - but by some of your past posts that profession was on the disreputable list.

Word is Mike's not running for mayor which is too bad. Hope he changes his mind. I'm not on the far right but Spokane is rapidly becoming the People's Republic of Spokane which is not a good, especially if you are a business and Idaho is 25 minutes away.
I know that few people agree with me on it, but I'm still not a fan off the whole Barber situation. If a 280 lb dude who didn't play football had gotten kicked out of WSU for whippin' the sh!t out of someone 100 lbs lighter, nobody around here would have cared. We bitch and moan about UW covering up stuff, but when it's our own guys getting in trouble, we have no problem making excuses for them. So yeah, Baumgartner was totally self promoting when he jumped into that situation.

EDIT: I do think that kicking Barber out of school was too much, but I'd rather see one player get punished severely than to allow a culture of entitlement where our players think that that they can act however they want without severe recourse.

As far as Leach's class goes, I'm happy that he's getting a chance to do it and I hope the students embrace it. Things like this will continue to strengthen his ties to the university and make it less likely for him to feel inclined to consider other offers when they inevitably come.

Agree with you that this is great PUB for WSU and helps strengthen the ties Mike has with Pullman. I’d like to see Theo from the Spokesman in the class publishing “highlights” which may get picked up by ESPN. Helps with the story Leach truely cares about academics as well. Maybe next go around it won’t be a no credit class.
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Word is Mike's not running for mayor which is too bad. Hope he changes his mind. I'm not on the far right but Spokane is rapidly becoming the People's Republic of Spokane which is not a good, especially if you are a business and Idaho is 25 minutes away.

It's going to be an interesting election. Rumors of Nadine Woodward jumping in which would totally offset the Stuckart name-recognition lead (good and bad).

There will be new faces jumping into city council races as well.

That's about as deep as I'll get in a public forum. Now, if you want to buy me copious amounts of grain alcohol, the discussion would be much more illuminating.

One of the game-changers relative to remaining competitive with Idaho is the recent establishment of the Airway Heights PFD/Opportunity Zone (the OZ was already mandated by HUD statistics on income levels/housing). Al French did most of the heavy lifting but it is the reason Amazon is being built and also puts the area on a somewhat equal footing with Idaho from a tax perspective. Point being, though - the city, county and Airway Heights came together to address a distinct competitive disadvantage -since Olympia gives zero F*cks about Spokane's economy.
Word is Mike's not running for mayor which is too bad. Hope he changes his mind. I'm not on the far right but Spokane is rapidly becoming the People's Republic of Spokane which is not a good, especially if you are a business and Idaho is 25 minutes away.

FYI...there's perhaps about 100 people on the "far right" in the US.
Word is Mike's not running for mayor which is too bad. Hope he changes his mind. I'm not on the far right but Spokane is rapidly becoming the People's Republic of Spokane which is not a good, especially if you are a business and Idaho is 25 minutes away.
Please explain. As someone who feels like an outsider in progressive Seattle, is Spokane an alternative or not?
Please explain. As someone who feels like an outsider in progressive Seattle, is Spokane an alternative or not?
City of Spokane is trying to emulate Seattle. It’s happened over the last 10 years or so.
On the other hand, the City of Spokane Valley would like to cede into Idaho. The Valley is very conservative. Maybe that’s why I live in the County in no mans land.
Please explain. As someone who feels like an outsider in progressive Seattle, is Spokane an alternative or not?
It's an option if you don't move into town. Comparing to Seattle, you could easily think Spokane is pretty centered. But that would only be because you've lived in Seattle too long. Lived here most of my life. The changes in the city, the city council, etc. are significant.

Council doesn't even abide by it's own rules/procedures any more.

At one point several years ago they "outlawed" the term, "Bridge to Hookerville" during proceedings because they were building a man bridge over the freeway to a neighborhood that wasn't too... appealing. Some loudmouth started calling the bridge that term and it caught on. Council literally infringed on 1st amendment rights because they were so offended and they felt it was too inflammatory a term.

There's one gal in there now, newbie, that is as left as anyone has ever been, in Spokane council. Makes creepy Stuckart look centered.

You leave the city limits, you'll start feeling normal.
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City of Spokane is trying to emulate Seattle. It’s happened over the last 10 years or so.
On the other hand, the City of Spokane Valley would like to cede into Idaho. The Valley is very conservative. Maybe that’s why I live in the County in no mans land.

I'll disagree that the City of Spokane is trying to emulate Seattle.

6 members of the City Council are trying to emulate Seattle and that's not going over too well. Consequently, there are frequently deadllocks, delays and downright refusal to implement some of their mandates.

Day-to day, that pissing match doesn't much affect anyone's life outside city hall.

One thing for sure- the know-it-alls who come into town/local government thinking they are the arbiter of how things should be get run out pretty quickly.
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I'll disagree that the City of Spokane is trying to emulate Seattle.

6 members of the City Council are trying to emulate Seattle and that's not going over too well. Consequently, there are frequently deadllocks, delays and downright refusal to implement some of their mandates.
Wait a second... Including Stuckart, there are 7 members, Observer. And you don't consider that troubling in regards to this topic of conversation?
Regarding the two class topics noted in the article:

The Brits were in a situation where the majority of the populace supported the government, and the bulk of the supporters of the guerillas were an ethnic minority. That made the mass relocations much easier to implement, and I'm not sure that the British strategy would have worked had the relocations not taken place. Western governments in particular also had more authority back then, which also made forced relocations to what were essentially a nice internment camp easier to accomplish. I can see several potential points that CML might make of that, but will be interested to hear how he approached that issue.

As for whether the wishbone is viable in the NFL, my view is not particularly orthodox on that subject. I've suggested many times that in the NFL, where quality athletes are more readily available that in college, it ought to be possible to keep 3 running QB's on the roster who are adequate passers. It also ought to be possible to have 4 solid TE's. Without the "adequate passer" proviso the wishbone would have no chance, and the role of the TE is critical. Like the Air Raid, which has had many variations by imitators over the years, the bone has had many variations of what Royal started. I have always found it ironic that the first wishbone play from scrimmage at Texas was a pass. To make a long debate short, I think the wishbone could win in the NFL with the right people, but it would probably be too boring for the average Joe Sixpack at the sports bar, and that makes it unlikely to be adopted. TV ratings are just about as important as winning now.

No to the wishbone in the NFL today due mostly to media ratings. The fans would not approve. No to the Brit strategy in Malaya today due mostly to the mass relocations. The world & perhaps the local voters would not approve.
The wishbone in the NFL would require not only 3 (perhaps 4) option QBs that could legit throw, but it would also require two Hall of Famers at the guard positions for all that essential blocking that targets linebackers. All the $ that would normally go to a hotshot left tackle would go there instead.
I know that few people agree with me on it, but I'm still not a fan off the whole Barber situation. If a 280 lb dude who didn't play football had gotten kicked out of WSU for whippin' the sh!t out of someone 100 lbs lighter, nobody around here would have cared. We bitch and moan about UW covering up stuff, but when it's our own guys getting in trouble, we have no problem making excuses for them. So yeah, Baumgartner was totally self promoting when he jumped into that situation.

EDIT: I do think that kicking Barber out of school was too much, but I'd rather see one player get punished severely than to allow a culture of entitlement where our players think that that they can act however they want without severe recourse.

As far as Leach's class goes, I'm happy that he's getting a chance to do it and I hope the students embrace it. Things like this will continue to strengthen his ties to the university and make it less likely for him to feel inclined to consider other offers when they inevitably come.

The student conduct procedure at WSU was desperately in need of some sunshine being applied. Barber had the notoriety to make that happen, even if he wasn’t an altar boy.
The student conduct procedure at WSU was desperately in need of some sunshine being applied. Barber had the notoriety to make that happen, even if he wasn’t an altar boy.

That was the very good thing that came out of that entire debacle. Whether anyone agreed with the decisions made or not, it was clear that the decision making process was flawed and needed to be given hard look.
The wishbone in the NFL would require not only 3 (perhaps 4) option QBs that could legit throw, but it would also require two Hall of Famers at the guard positions for all that essential blocking that targets linebackers. All the $ that would normally go to a hotshot left tackle would go there instead.

Absolutely right, Random. Barry Switzer commented at least once (I heard the interview) that his toughest offensive recruiting job after QB was getting the correct guards. He said something to the effect that the guards had to be as big as the tackles but faster, in order to take on Texas's linebackers. That battle determined who won the play.

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