You are aware of his vitriol towards Mexican immigrants being rapists and drug smugglers. Telling 4 women or color...and only women of color to go back to the countries they came from, his attacksmon Elijah Cummings and baltimore, his good people on both side's statement his cases of discriminatory housing practices in NY and his birtherism narrative to name a few. He did most of these thungs either to gain politiczl support or while president. Good luck
And like most of your kind, you have bought into the soundbite twist spinning, and false mainstream narrative.
Look I'm not a trump fan. He has done, said some STUPID things. What he did to the Standing Rock Tribe, and to some of the Portland Protestors was HORRIBLE.
But despite that, he is the lesser of 2 evils, when compared to Hillary, Biden. And he has done some good things like moving the Israeli capital to Jerusalem, and record high economy, pre covid, for blacks, everyone.
That is a quote by Trump that seems to never ever get remembered.
What happened is Trump was talking about the border, illegal alien immigrant problem.
The fact is that SOME, A LOT, MOST, ETC, of the ILLEGAL ALIEN IMMIGRANTS are in fact BAD people, that repeatedly come here illegally, that try to get freebies, that try to fraudently vote, that commit crimes, smuggle, deal drugs, etc.
Like I have said before, I used to work 12 hour days in 135 degree weather in the summertime in Othello WA, in the Bean Crop, picking weeds with the MEXICAN MIGRANT FARM WORKERS.
I not only worked with them. But I was FRIENDS with them.
My Brother in Law is mixed race Hispanic, Mexican.
My best friend growing up, Chris Campos, was hispanic, Mexican.
I know there are a LOT of good hispanic, mexican, both legal and illegal immigrants.
But just because there are good illegal immigrants, does not mean there are not Illegal immigrants repeat, nad criminals, that get released into society by bad santuary cities, that there are not smugglers, HUMAN SLAVE TRAFFICKERS, drug dealers, CARTEL members, TERRORIST, ETC, that are Illegal immigrants, that there isnt a border problem that needs to be fixed.
All Trump was saying, doing was recognizing, saying what the problem was, is, and how to FIX it.
He was being racist. What he said wasnt racist..
What did happen tho is the mainstream narrative took what he said OUT of order, CONTEXT, and SPINNED, SOUNDBITED IT and started saying FALSE things like "See he hates all immigrant", "He is saying all immigrants are bad people".
1. The problem with that is he didnt say that.
2. They dont differentiate between ILLEGAL ALIEN IMMIGRANTS AND IMMIGRANTS.
3. They dont ackknowledge that he said "AND SOME OF THEM(Illegal Alien Immigrants, legal immigrants, Mexicans, etc) ARE GOOD PEOPLE."
Now some of that is Trump's fault, because most politicians know how to say things in a way that is harder to twist around.
Telling the 4 women of color to go back to the country they came from.
Incredibly stupid for Trump to say that. But not racist.
Situation, CONTEXT:
The 4 women of color are part of, known as the AOC, group of 4, Cortez 4. They are EXTREME, RADICAL, HATE AMERICA, and want to turn USA into a COMMUNIST RUSSIA.
OMAR/TGLAIB: Support HEZBOLLAH, SUPPORT HAMAS, SUPPORT PALENSTINIAN TERROR ACTS AGAINST ISRAEL, ARE RACIST, ANTI ISRAEL(There are even democrats, Liberals who are denouncing them, altho Nancy Pelosi refuses to deal with them out of politics.
Trump said in response to their hate, vitriol, rhetoric, that since they hate america so much, then they need to go back to the countries they came from.
Trump made a assumption that they had legally immigrated to the USA, and that they should go back to whatever country they immigrated from.
I happen to agree with him. And saying what trump said, was not racist.
It was however politically incorrect. It was stupid.
And he should have known that the politically correct police would spin his words, call him a racist over it.
Elijah Cummings, Baltimore.
Those comments were stupid, bad. But not racist.
Trump was attacking Elijah over his politics.
If Elijah had been white, Trump would have still said what he said, as Trump is crass, mean, etc.
And what Trump said about Baltimore was, IS TRUE, not racist.
Dr. Drew is a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT. And he has been saying for years hiw extremely bad Baltimore, and other cities like it are BAD because of how dirty, unclean, disease, crime, etc.
Baltimore is 1 of the top 7 cities, for highest crime rate, murders, killing, dirtyness, uncleaness, poverty, homelessness, disease, etc.
Saying, recognizing that is not racist.
The Charlotte incident.
Stupid, seems racist.
Antifah, Black Lives Matter, Black Panthers: extremist.
White Supremacist
3rd group: Forget what they are called. But they are not racist. Their problem is with Antifah, etc.
The stupid white supremacist started, provoked things by organizing a NON VIOLENT but STILL RACIST protest, event.
Because of that Antifah, Black Lives Matter, Black Panthers decided that they were going to show up, stop it by using VIOLENT measures.
MOST of the STUPID, RACIST white supremacist, dispersed, ran away.
Antifah, etc, started to beat them up, used VIOLENCE against them.
A couple, few, some of the white supremacist starting defending themselves, fighting back.
Trump said that BOTH, ALL SIDES WERE AT FAULT. And that is TRUE not racist.
Trump said that SOME(not all), were good people(talking about SOME of the Alt right conservatives(a couple, few, some, etc, Alt right conservatives are not racist, or if they are racist, are nice people that are wrongly racist. In any case they are not Klu Klux Klan level of racist)
Trumps point was that a couple, few, some of the Alt right people that were there are good people, and that both sides were at fault.
It was stupid of trump to say it. Because of how it would be received, spinned, political correct police, etc.
Trump's is stupid sometimes, and his mouth is a problem.
But what he said, while politically incorrect is not racist, racism