But we can look forward to cheaper American grown ag products since they will be slapped with retaliatory tariffs and won’t be competitive internationally. Glad I’m not a farmer.
As painful as a Tariff war is. USA has already been bent over taking it in the rear.
China, others have been slapping the US with the occasional tariff, occasionally charging more for their stuff that trading to us, and occasionally pay lower prices for US stuff, an or tell, say they occasionally won't buy US stuff, and other DRACONIAN to USA trade policies, for years, that have hurt USA for years.
That's PART of why the economy has been so bad for years under Biden, past president's, is the USA just accepts, take whatever Draconian trade policies, bent over in the rear.
The only way to stop that, is to either stop trading, stop buying from draconian trade policy countries, at least for a while to make a point, or occasionally slap back with the occasional tariff.
Yeah sure it can, semi is painful to US, to do that.
But it's also painful being bent over, and being economically semi raped, taking it the rear for years.
All Trump is doing, is saying "Enough of that crap. Either we have fair, equal good trade, or we will slap you back with Tariffs, etc."
Often the threat of that can solve things. But Democrats and spineless repubs both, have either not threatened that, an or if have threatened that, had their bluff called, not backed up the threat with walking away, not selling, tariffs, so much so, for years, that other countries can, do say "Oh Yeah what are you going to do about it, not sell?, Not walk away?, hit us with a Tariff?, You do that, and we will do the same, and we are willing to do that, take a little pain, but you are not, and you need us, so your going to take whatever crumbs we give you, and like it"
So because of that sometimes the only way to deal with that is to slap them back with Tariffs, etc, and take a little pain, until they decide that they don't want more pain, then both sides go back to more fair, normal, and prices, etc, go down, cheaper, etc.
That's standard tradenomics, economics, psychology, logic, etc.
We may not like it, but sometimes you have to slap the trade bullies on the hand to stop them, or they will continue trade bullying the US.