Football Scoops on Clancy Pendergast

Originally posted by JBrown4435:
They discussed the WSU DC job on their radio show tonight and the guy seems almost certain that we will hiring Pendergast. Here is a link:

hey start talking about it around the 16 minute mark. Very interesting!
It's certainly looking like Clancy is the guy, but the interviews of several others provide a lot of intrigue.
Agreed. Would love to know who all interviewed. Sounds like Kevin Clune might have but no idea who the other 2 would be.

This post was edited on 1/11 7:54 PM by JBrown4435
I heard the radio show earlier. The Football Scoop guy seemed impressed with the quality of the interview applicants. It is nothing like the doom and gloom crowd was telling us.
This guy makes his living by keeping his ear to the ground nationwide. It is possible that he has heard who has interviewed at WSU from sources other than in Pullman; in some cases, possibly from the interviewees themselves. So it is not hard for me to believe that he has some feel for who has interviewed, even if he doesn't know them all.

As for Pendergast, he is guessing. But it is an informed guess; as he states, Clancy would appear to be a most logical "fit" in the PAC. I'll be pretty surprised if we get an announcement tomorrow, but some time this week makes sense.
He's pretty well connected to Leach. Wouldn't be surprised if Leach doesn't just talk to him.
If be surprised if they announce it today, just for PR sake. The game will be sucking up all the media attention. For recruiting sake, they'll be better off to wait until later... Wednesday or Thursday.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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