all these shootings/ stabbings
have USUALLY one thing in common....well two really....they are all males and many if not most of them are on psych drugs of some sort......
Even using the words USUALLY, ALMOST always, etc, is bad.
Yes there are, males do these things.
But some females also do these things, it's just that either they don't get much press, or as much press, or not remembered as much.
And there is this NARRATIVE that says males, men are bad, and females, women are good, and that because of that, ANTI MALE, and PRO female.
Because of that NARRATIVE, AGENDA, whenever something bad happens, it's assumed that males did it.
If there is a domestic disturbance a a woman hits a man and calls the cops and tells them the guy hit her, the cops will automatically believe her unless the guy is beaten to a pulp, etc.
And in broken marriages, relationships, divorces, etc, if the woman is doing drugs, is wrong, bad, and the guy is right, good, almost all the time, the courts will rule in favor of the woman over the guy, unless there is a lot of evidence, against the woman, and even then sometimes still rules in favor of the woman over the guy.
Even if what you say were to be, is true, by saying what you say, which profiles, stereotypes males, your unknowingly playing right into the hands of the FEMINIST NAZI AGENDA, NARRATIVE.
Instead of doing that, instead of saying males, say PEOPLE do these, those things.
Saying males do these, those things, is the same as if somebody said that black people commit most crimes.
Also let's have higher expectations of males. If we expect most males to do bad, then some males will say males are, will be males, boys are, will be boys, and use that as justification to go do bad things.
But if we expect males to do good, then some males will say males are good, guess that means that as a male that I shouldn't do that bad thing, and then they as a male then don't do that bad thing.
Don't feed the agenda, narrative.
Say, use the word PEOPLE in place of Males, and say PEOPLE do those things.