Anyone who has actually spent time in sales...successfully...knows that there are going to be some customers in every territory that don't merit much work, because they are married to a competitor for some reason. But you also have learned that if you approach every customer openly & honestly, you will be surprised at some of the customers that welcome you and work with you, when the last 2 guys to have the territory told you that they were married to someone else. It takes a little time to identify which are which, but not all that long. If you simply compare the number of UW alums to the number of WSU alums, you realize that there will be more UW good will than WSU good will. But that does not mean that the WSU leans don't exist, and if you have a network of cooperative customers who can feed you information, as well as what you learn from your own research, you will do fine. I think we need at least one guy handling WA. Ironically, since everyone is via social media during Covid and face to face has been marginalized, one person is probably enough right now. But that guy is not a waste. Far from it.