How I classify oppenent hate - and UCLA is right up there


Hall Of Fame
Oct 2, 2007
Pretty much the Huskies are evil incarnate and top of the heap, but UCLA is a close second. They are just so gd arrogant, and I'm talking about the players, not their fans (though that could be true too.) As evidenced by Plaschke's article -

"That happened when some of the Cougars took the field during pregame warmups wearing no shirts and raggedy shorts as if they were a sandlot team."

They think they are in a different class than us - like socio-economic class. Its the Soc's vs the Greasers in their mind, as if they are not only better players, but better people. They are the Alpha Betas of the P12, who think their entire existence is enough to justify why they think they are "good" (regardless of the facts or record.) Ugh, I simply just hate their entire program.

Oregon, its more about their fans and their johnny-come-lately arrogance. Yeah, Belotti and Kelly got under my nerves with their "We never got beaten by another team, we made mistakes that cost us the game" attitude, but I can understand that.

$C is $C. Hate them because nobody should be that good for so long, and we were their bitch for so long.

The AZ schools are always hatable because since Tomey and whoever was before Koetter, they have had the biggest d-bags for coaches - just miserable, angry jerks.

Colorado, Utah, Cal, 'Furd, OSU - meh... whatever. Just don't be better than us.

ps. I hate the bruins. So much.
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Pretty much the Huskies are evil incarnate and top of the heap, but UCLA is a close second. They are just so gd arrogant, and I'm talking about the players, not their fans (though that could be true too.) As evidenced by Plaschke's article -

"That happened when some of the Cougars took the field during pregame warmups wearing no shirts and raggedy shorts as if they were a sandlot team."

They think they are in a different class than us - like socio-economic class. Its the Soc's vs the Greasers in their mind, as if they are not only better players, but better people. They are the Alpha Betas of the P12, who think their entire existence is enough to justify why they think they are "good" (regardless of the facts or record.) Ugh, I simply just hate their entire program.

Oregon, its more about their fans and their johnny-come-lately arrogance. Yeah, Belotti and Kelly got under my nerves with their "We never got beaten by another team, we made mistakes that cost us the game" attitude, but I can understand that.

$C is $C. Hate them because nobody should be that good for so long, and we were their bitch for so long.

The AZ schools are always hatable because since Tomey and whoever was before Koetter, they have had the biggest d-bags for coaches - just miserable, angry jerks.

Colorado, Utah, Cal, 'Furd, OSU - meh... whatever. Just don't be better than us.

ps. I hate the bruins. So much.
Welcome to the club! Now you're seeing what we see....!!
"They're all just jealous, because they can't be Trojans" - USC (former) AD Mike Garrett.
lol.....You probably know that Garrett has a significant minority of supporters who want to hire him (or more likely, somebody like him) to replace retiring (Oh, did I give it away?) Pat Haden.....Cougs looked real, real good, and when I predicted a 34-30 win it was not only as a homage to TR & the gang. The future looks bright for the team.....I can't wait to see who they draw in the bowl.....Oh, btw, I don't like the Trojans' chances against the sorry we can't help you out much there I'm afraid....
lol.....You probably know that Garrett has a significant minority of supporters who want to hire him (or more likely, somebody like him) to replace retiring (Oh, did I give it away?) Pat Haden.....Cougs looked real, real good, and when I predicted a 34-30 win it was not only as a homage to TR & the gang. The future looks bright for the team.....I can't wait to see who they draw in the bowl.....Oh, btw, I don't like the Trojans' chances against the sorry we can't help you out much there I'm afraid....

Pound on Vernon Adams early and often, and you'll be in the game. And the Duck defense is just what the doctor ordered for Kessler et al.
Welcome to the club! Now you're seeing what we see....!!
I'm pretty sure I knew this, and remember feeling this way back in the 2001-2003 seasons as well.

As I was saying last night to a friend - I never, EVER cheer for players to get hurt, but damned if Trufant sending Farmer to the hospital isn't one of my favorite Coug memories. I'm glad that Farmer ended up being ok, but that hit was a statement from all of Cougar nation to all of Bruin nation, and the message was FUCLA.
Arrogance is second only to privilege in Westwood, from a football standpoint. Hard culture to overcome for a team.
add to that Rosen's comment about the end of the game where he said (I paraphrase) I didn't think the game was over(after his TD scamper) but a lot of other guys seemed to think it was.

And how about the 2 defenders shoving each other? Leach would NEVER put up with that kinda crap.
The AZ schools are always hatable because since Tomey and whoever was before Koetter, they have had the biggest d-bags for coaches - just miserable, angry jerks.
Amen. Tomey was a class act. I never saw him lose his cool with officials. Heck, he seemed just like a nice guy all around. When I was on the sidelines as a poor work-study punk as a sophomore I was doing pre-game setup near the old culvert tunnel and accidentally bumped an assistant next to him. I apologized and Tomey spoke first saying "No big deal. Sorry we were in the way." Baby Stoops was the absolute worst. Perhaps the keep calm and carry on types are old school now. But the stoic head coach seems to be an endangered species.

I do have on good story for UCLA. When I was doing the chains for WSU, back when Levelseller's boy was in I think in junior high, JT and some of his friends were the ball boys. The were yucking it up on the sidelines not paying attention when we were on D. A UCLA running back was pushed out of bounds at full speed and he plowed straight into one of the ball boys (not JT) taking him out. The boy was on the ground bawling and the UCLA player was kneeling down next to him apologizing profusely until the official dragged him out of the Coug bench. Very impressive and I admired his compassion.

On the other hand, there was the Jarod Page crap, that made me completely hate UCLA.
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