I am 100% on board with masking and social distancing protocols, and I have been sheltering at home since March. I will also get vaccinated as soon as it's available to me.
With that said, yes, I am a proponent of keeping our primary infrastructure up and running and asking those who are most at risk to take added protective measures and shelter at home. I would not propose that large attendance gatherings such as sporting events, concerts, etc. take place, but I would have absolutely kept the schools open. The vacated stadiums and auditoriums across the Nation *should have* been converted to emergency medical overflow areas as needed.
This is going to come across badly, and I apologize in advance for the perceived insensitivity, but generally speaking, I view the pandemic casualties as natures will. It's harsh, and cruel, and unfair, as are diseases like cancer, heart disease, etc. Globally, we needed to act quickly to create a vaccine, which we have done, and I'm thrilled about it.
I don't think it would be accurate to say that I'm "shooting for herd immunity." If that happens, it happens. I have a live and let live attitude about life. I am a 2x cancer survivor, and I do everything I possibly can to maintain my health. I exercise 6x/week and eat an extremely clean diet. I care for my aging parents, and my Father is in the early stages of dementia. I'm also a single Dad to my twin boys. My doctor has told me that, given my health background, I'm at an extremely low risk of developing complications from COVID, as are my family. Good enough for me. If we get COVID, I believe we'll beat it. If we don't, I'll live with the outcome without regret. Again, I don't expect everyone to share that perspective, and I'm not careless about taking protective measures. The disease generally affects the elderly and those with compromised immunity or underlying health issues. We're destroying the economy and ruining the childhoods (and the futures) of tens of millions of children who are largely not at any risk whatsoever. That's not OK with me. Just my .02c.