Just want to say I hear you on this. I also am not a fan of either party. Just to take one example, it's been obvious for decades that we needed massive infrastructure spending, especially in the 2010-2020 decade. Both parties were obstructionist and unreasonable, loading proposed bills with garbage when it would favor them, and refusing to come to the middle on things that obviously needed to be addressed, all since the party in power would benefit from the fiscal spending at the time.
More generally, I find politics and associated polarized, biased media (on both sides), misleading and simplistic social media memes, snippets, and endless arguing, immensely frustrating. I have found it useful to try to ignore it to the extent possible. I occasionally check out some news sites briefly and get a lot from social media without looking for it (unfortunately), but I haven't watched any kind of "news" online or on TV in about a year and a half. Shutting all that off has been much better than having biased, garbage "news" designed to piss me off thrown in my face all day or the subject of talking heads yelling at each other.
I still get enough information to handle my and my family's affairs, which is very little due to most of that being entirely out of my control, and it's much healthier. Absolutely nothing in the last 18 months that I would have seen in financial media or found out about from politics-obsessed people online would have been actionable whatsoever. Think about that ... I could have been obsessed with this crap for thousands of hours, making me miserable, and it would not have given me a single actionable insight to do anything that would impact my family or me.
Up to you, but consider giving it a shot. This isn't one of those virtue signaling posts, BTW. I still consume media and don't always spend time in some kind of virtuous way. The never-ending arguments with people online about matters that never will be resolved or lead to anything actionable, though, will just take your time and energy. Think about being on your deathbed someday and looking back to all the time wasted on arguing with guys on a football board about politics, where absolutely nobody's minds are changed, we don't even know the names of 99% of people on here and will never otherwise interact with them, and we sure as hell aren't impacting any casual observers outside of the few dozen people who frequent these boards.
I've written this to you a long time ago, but it's really interesting to me how being around all these far-right guys in Kansas has altered your perspective. I had the opposite experience when spending time in an extremely far-left environment for several years. Viewed myself as center-left going into there, but being around extremists pushed me the other way if anything. I get it, but without trying to be preachy, I would avoid getting sucked into that crap if you can. Just recognize those guys for what they are ... a bunch of far-right partisans in one small area of the midwest. Who cares. If you were in SF, you would probably find a lot of the partisans there irritating as hell, too (understandably), and you would find yourself pushed more center-right by seeing how ridiculous those people are. On both sides, the extremists are full of shit.