Flat, once again you are not thinking clearly. You don’t know what you are talking about. First, you have to understand what cancelling is about. It is a tops down act done mostly by large powerful social media corporations that make it impossible for your speech to be expressed. But it is worse than that. It can eliminate a person’s entire income stream (for the big names)…just because of your political or social views. The key is that it is not a grassroots (bottoms up) act. I have no problem with large groups of voters or consumers whose voice is not being heard banding together to work changes in policy by powerful corporations or government. But the corporation should be completely transparent about what they are doing.
Every person can “vote” every day with the money they spend. So as long as there is competition in the economy across all industries, then refusing to spend your dollars at a certain business or corporation is fair game in my view.
This is why I am excited by Elon Musk’s efforts to purchase Twitter. Leftists and liberals are losing their minds over this recent development, while conservatives are excited. I bet you don’t know why though. Have you considered that this is because conservatives are the ones getting cancelled, shadow banned, etc. in large numbers by these corrupt, monopolistic social media companies and their hidden algorithms. I’ve been included as one who has been cancelled/banned, so I know the feeling. Even spoofing site The Babylon Bee was cancelled by Twitter. Why should a comedy site get banned? It’s entire reason for existing is to make fun of people or groups.
Responding to your points....
That you would even type that reveals that you don't even care about my answer because you are so blinded by political ideology that you are unable to see anything but what is spoon fed to you but let's just reflect on the fact that this entire thread highlights that conservatives have no use for gay people.
Going on, how many times have you read, heard or said, "shut up and dribble"?
…and each person should have the right to decide whether they want to support the NBA or not. I choose to not support them until they find a backbone and stop being so damn hypocritical with their stupid virtue signaling.
What about the absurd reaction to athletes kneeling? It was laughable to hear conservatives demanding that athletes get fired for not meeting some mythical standard for standing at attention even though I've seen plenty of instances of people sitting on their asses eating nachos while the anthem plays. Do as I say....not as I do.
Why is it wrong for customers (sports viewers) to object to an offensive display of virtue signaling by filthy rich athletes? Every person has the right to object to offensive behaviors. This is not a tops-down corporate attempt to cancel a particular demographic for their behavior. It is not the same as a bottoms up, individual decisions. Do you get the difference?
Ellen's show getting canceled in the 90's.
Going back to the last century? Okay. Last time I checked, she is doing quite well financially. She’s a one percenter who has made her money BECAUSE she is gay. Our society at that time rightfully had a problem with this becoming a public thing. It wasn’t due to “hate”. It was due to social norms. Social norms are important in case you haven’t figured that out by now. You prefer no social norms. How is that working out? Not well. But I understand you support teachers grooming first graders. All social norms are off the table in your twisted leftist mind.
Conservatives tried to organize a boycott against NASCAR when they decided that they didn't want to allow confederate flags.
Again, a bottoms up grassroots effort of people working in unison to make change. This is not the same as tops-down corporate or government dictated change. Let’s also recall the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynchings, and fought against the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s. But I digress…
How about when Gillette faced a boycott because they had an ad that spoke out against toxic masculinity?
Once again…bottoms up grassroots effort. And it was well-justified against those idiots in corporate Gillette doing their virtue signaling.
Or how about when conservatives went after James Gunn when he made a tweet critical of Trump?
One more time…get the pattern?
In 2016, Target said that they would allow transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice and conservative groups organized a boycott against the company as a result.
All of these are examples of grassroots bottoms up organization to change big corporate behavior. Please tell me you don’t believe biological males should be allowed in female bathrooms.
The Dixie Chicks got railroaded years ago.
I’ll grant that was over the top. But again, if you are deeply offending your audience, then what do you expect? It was not a tops-down railroading in keeping with my principle of when canceling is unacceptable.
Right now, the Florida legislature is threatening Disney with severe financial repercussions for having the audacity to speak out against a new law.
No. Disney has special tax exemptions that have allowed them to pocket hundreds of millions of dollars. They have attempted to interfere with the wishes of the majority of people of Florida to stop teachers from grooming children in first through third grade on sex talk. It doesn’t go far enough in my opinion as it should include first through twelfth grades. Teachers have no role in teaching kids about sex or sexuality. That is not their job. Disney is extremely powerful has gotten out of their lane by delving into public policy on a very key issue.
There are dozens of conservative states trying to pass laws to restrict what can be taught in schools.
Oh, I see. In your childish mind nothing at all should be restricted? Is that your view?
Conservative groups have lists of books that they want banned because they express views that they don't agree with.
If you are talking about books that are purchased with PUBLIC money, then I see no problem with those who are working from the grassroots level to control what is stocked in libraries. We are not talking about books with differing political views either. We are talking about books that are not appropriate for children that deal with sex and transgenderism. Even liberals agree with this.
I found an article that said that 81 anti-protest bills in 34 conservative states were introduced in 2021....cancelling the ability for people to express their freedom of expression.
Need a reference. I don’t know what you are talking about.
The irony is that when the right "cancels" somebody or something....it's touted as "the right thing to do".....when the left does the same thing, all of the sudden, the right is worried about freedoms.
Again…cancelling is a big corporation or government action that completely stops individuals from participating in speech in the public square. Name one leftist or liberal who has been cancelled by Twitter or Facebook?
The list goes on and on but again....as I started with.....you don't care because it doesn't fit your agenda so you'll just say that "it's different" or maybe you'll even throw out "strawman". It doesn't change the fact that conservatives are just as guilty as liberals when it comes to cancel culture.
This is a lie. Why do you think the leftists are freaking out by Elon Musk’s recent bid to buy Twitter? No conservatives are flipping out. Hmmm…I wonder why. The left has always attacked free speech. That is what they do (Stalin, Mao, Hilter, etc.).
Honestly, you don’t know what you are talking about most of the time. You claim to be neither a leftist nor a conservative. But your passions belie your political proclivities every time Flat. That’s fine, but just be honest.