For my part, I'm not perturbed by the additional parking cost. I'm bummed by the new "premium" permit and that Wilson is now re-classified. So my AA permit is far less interesting now. Is it like back in the day when you could use your yellow permit to park in the red or blue lots? So can an AA permit be used to park in an A lot?
What I am hopeful about is this bit:
Effective July 1, 2019, priority on season tickets and upgrades, parking, postseason tickets, away game tickets, and other member benefits will be allocated by annual giving level first then by CAF rank within each giving level. This change allows the CAF to objectively reward loyal and generous annual fund members for supporting WSU student-athletes.
So, if the RV parking will be priority based on giving and CAF, and they quit doing the grandfathering crap they've done for years, those of us who donate will have a chance to get a lot 1 or lot 2 RV permit. I've been extremely frustrated at the waffling I've got from CAF about how RV permits are allocated. I've straight up asked "How much do I have to donate to get a lot 1 RV permit? $1000? $5000? $10000?" and the response has always been "It depends on where you CAF rank ends up relative to those who already have permits." Well, I know for a fact my CAF rank is higher than several lot 2 people. So, here's to hoping they actually honor this system.
This. I got hosed this last year. My CAF ranking at bowl game time was sub-1500, and I got section 107 tickets at $140/ea. I found section 112 tickets on StubHub for $100/ea. That's right, I got 50 yard line seats
cheaper than was WSU got me for being a donor.
I'm on the Flatlandcoug wagon now. No more bowl ticket purchases through WSU.