Grow up.
It's all wars over land masses ever is and ever will be; a fight for natural resources. The Dobras region wants to be Russia, so why doesn't Z just let them go be Russian? Because there's a shit ton of rare earth metals there, and he/his country wants them.
For starters...where the hell is Dobras? usual....for you and your dear leader, everything is a transaction. I'm sure that there are a lot of people in eastern Ukraine that have Russian sympathies. There are also a lot that don't. Why should the ones that don't want to be Russian citizens have to be subjugated. To quote a lot of my MAGA friends when it comes to Hispanics and others...."If they love Russia so much, why don't they move there?"
You also conveniently overlook that when Russia started their attack on Ukraine....they tried to take Kiev.....which is not in the Donbas region. This war has never been about freeing Eastern Ukrainians from Nazi rule or natural's always been about Russian Imperial expansion and Putin's desire to recreate the Soviet Union.