Leach kicked the California legislature's

California has some incredible advantages that many other states do not have relative to geography, including deep harbors, a long coastline, great weather, rich agricultural land, a state that spans a wide range of latitudes, a very diverse economy, etc. The list goes on and on, but I’m not surprised that you don’t understand that level of thinking Ed.

The point is that leftist kook politicians- which dominate California politics- have done a good job to ruin much of that beautiful state. They have very high tax rates and very high income inequality.

The issue Leach was referring to was around the huge homeless problem...and LA and SF are among the worst in the nation as a result of leftist policies. They have no interest in solving this issue, as there is now a political constituency built around it to sustain it.

I enjoyed Leach’s poke at California politicians. It certainly roiled the special snowflakes.

Why is the hub of the computer generation not in Alabama or Mississippi but rather Cali and state of Washington? Heck car manufacturing at one time was in Michigan.

And the problem with the homeless has been coming around the bend since the start of the opioid epidemic that was never looked at seriously but rather the thought pot was the gateway drug .
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The solution starts by rounding up all of those living on the streets and forcing them to be detained in mental hospitals and drug rehab centers. There should be a zero tolerance policy for living on the street. The problem should never have been alllowed to grow to this magnitude.

The alternative is facing up to the spread of very nasty diseases and the deaths of thousands.

I agree with some of what your saying. But there is more to it then that.

1. Need to change the mental health laws, so that can do what your saying, and round up those who REALLY DO have a Mental Health problem.

2. Problem is the IN BETWEENERS. Those who are borderline, in between having, not having a mental health problem, an or cant be officially diagnosed, rounded up.

3. Cant just round them all up, because people have rights, and because of that, a person has to be diagnosed, and a court has to give permission to get a person who has a Official Mental Health person off the street.

4. There is not yet the infrustructure, man power, etc, to round them up.

5. Even if did have the infrustructure, man power, there are bad mental health homeless that would hide, be harder to find, round up.

6. Not all homeless have mental health problems.

7. Some just need help, be taught how to fish, etc.

8. And if do that, some leftist policies, may have created a lack of jobs to find, get, get unhomeless.

9. And in those cases, have to change from leftist policies to conservative policies.

10. For those who do not have a mental health problem, are are not homeless by choice, who only lost their job, because of leftist policies, you can't, shouldnt say zero tolerance, you can't live on the PUBLIC streets, that THEIR PRIOR TAX DOLLARS HELPED PAY FOR, as 1. Where are they gona go? jail? That's not right, fair, legal, etc. Homeless shelter? There is not enough shelters, an or they are full, and if room there are bad people, drugs, violence, thieves, disease, etc, at some shelters. And again, not legal to try to force them into shelters. And building shelters will cost a LOT OF MONEY, PROBABLY TOO MUCH MONEY.

So what do?

1. Encourage Charities, Churches, people to help out more.

Its not the role of Govt to DO EVERYTHING in order to try to fix this. To fix this THE PEOPLE have to try to fix this. Thats what the Founding Fathers envisioned. And in Places like Spokane, and in North Dakotah, PEOPLE, Charities, Churches, AND NOT THE GOVT, do a AWESOME JOB AT DEALING WITH HOMELESS.

2. Try to Teach them how to fish, how to get unhomeless. Govt can help do that.

3. Stimulate the economy, help create opportunities, jobs, do away with, get rid of leftist policies.

4. Its the job of Govt to provide police, firefighters, Sanitation workers etc. In places like LA. Dr Drew(Moderate, Centrist, Independent, etc),(Who has been talking, harping on, about this, blaming GOVT, leftist, etc, for a long time), has said that taking politics out of it, and aside from what causes homeless problem, and aside from eliminating homelessness, GOVT(And in this case the Leftist), AT MINIMUM have the duty, responsibility, to CLEAN UP AFTER THE HOMELESS, AND THAT IF THEY DID THAT, THAT THERE WOULD NOT BE DISEASES LIKE BUBONIC PLAGUE. He also has said that the GOVT(LEFTIST), has not been cleaning up after the homeless.

5. And the GOVT(Leftist)would be able to clean up after homeless better, if the GOVT did NOT SPEND SPEND SPEND LIKE CRAZY.

Homelessness is not a simple, easy issue, it is VERY COMPLICATED, COMPLEX.

But it is solvable. One only has too look at North Dakotah, which has one of the LOWER, LOWEST homeless rates in the entire USA.

If followed North Dakotah's example, do what they do, that would solve a lot of the homeless problems.

North Dakotah is a conservative state.
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Why is the hub of the computer generation not in Alabama or Mississippi but rather Cali and state of Washington? Heck car manufacturing at one time was in Michigan.

And the problem with the homeless has been coming around the bend since the start of the opioid epidemic that was never looked at seriously but rather the thought pot was the gateway drug .

Since you asked.

1. Most computer people are LEFTIST.

2. Since most computer people, both those who do jobs, and those who own computer business, apple, microsoft, etc, are LEFTIST, and since California and Washington is leftist, then it makes sense for them to be in a leftist state. And if they are in a leftist state, it makes sense for computer jobs, businesses to be in those leftist states.

3. Stanford University in California has developed 99% of Tech, computers, internet, since about, around 1950. There is a reason why the area around Stanford, in California is called SILICON VALLEY, since the late 1950's, early 1960's.
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What I support is getting these people out of cle

You answered my response and question with a question smart guy. You might be the kettle calling the pot black ?

What he said was to me, altho he would probably say the same to you, or any other conservative, since he seems to be a leftist.

Standard MO for most Leftist, is to call names, say what he said, not discuss, debate, use violence, try to shut you up, etc.

Thats why either hard to talk politics with a Leftist.

Altho I was surprised tho by a nice leftist at a restaurant, where had a nice discussion, where we both understood the logic, thought process of the other, even tho still disagreed..

That kind of thing usually isnt possible nowadays.
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It wasn't even about paying the players. It was about the players being able to sell/profit from their own likeness. Essentially be able to do endorsements and get paid for jersey sales.

That is the biggest red herring of the whole argument. Nike will do one photo shoot of the whole team and pay every player on the Oregon team for their likeness. Same goes for some car dealer in Alabama etc.. The smaller schools like WSU will be left at the curb immediately if this type of proposal gets enacted on a wide scale basis at the college level.

Why anyone with the slightest appreciation of the the true student athlete is not immediately repulsed by California putting something like this forward is a mystery.
That is the biggest red herring of the whole argument. Nike will do one photo shoot of the whole team and pay every player on the Oregon team for their likeness. Same goes for some car dealer in Alabama etc.. The smaller schools like WSU will be left at the curb immediately if this type of proposal gets enacted on a wide scale basis at the college level.

Why anyone with the slightest appreciation of the the true student athlete is not immediately repulsed by California putting something like this forward is a mystery.
I have little idea how to fix the homeless problem. Drugs play a large part. Poor work habits, entitled attitudes and other American cultural deficiencies as well as just plain bad luck also factor in. Lock them all up is a solution more appropriate to 1930's Germany, not the U.S.A.

That said and getting back to the original thesis of the thread, I dread letting legislators from California make any financial decisions that affect me even indirectly. The high speed rail boondoggle and monetary disaster is example #1. Numerous other if smaller poor financial legislative actions are rampant. This payment scheme for NCAA athletes has been rattling around for awhile and if and when it is finally implemented, I would much prefer someone other than politicians, especially ones from California, having responsibility for that implementation. The political class is always ready to give someone's money to someone else in a bid for votes. Democrats are the worst in that regard but the Republicans are not far behind.
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Democrats are the worst in that regard but the Republicans are not far behind.

This was true at one time, but it hasn't been this way since before Reagan. Republicans recognized that Democrats were giving things to people and generally controlled the Senate and House. During Reagan and after, they started giving away things more than the Democrats ever did and it has worked for them. It is the reason why the national debt has gone up more during Republican Presidents more than Democrat Presidents since Reagan.
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The solution starts by rounding up all of those living on the streets and forcing them to be detained in mental hospitals and drug rehab centers. There should be a zero tolerance policy for living on the street. The problem should never have been alllowed to grow to this magnitude.

The alternative is facing up to the spread of very nasty diseases and the deaths of thousands.

Being homeless is not against the law.
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This was true at one time, but it hasn't been this way since before Reagan. Republicans recognized that Democrats were giving things to people and generally controlled the Senate and House. During Reagan and after, they started giving away things more than the Democrats ever did and it has worked for them. It is the reason why the national debt has gone up more during Republican Presidents more than Democrat Presidents since Reagan.
Two Santa Claus Theory
California has some incredible advantages that many other states do not have relative to geography, including deep harbors, a long coastline, great weather, rich agricultural land, a state that spans a wide range of latitudes, a very diverse economy, etc. The list goes on and on, but I’m not surprised that you don’t understand that level of thinking Ed.

The point is that leftist kook politicians- which dominate California politics- have done a good job to ruin much of that beautiful state. They have very high tax rates and very high income inequality.

The issue Leach was referring to was around the huge homeless problem...and LA and SF are among the worst in the nation as a result of leftist policies. They have no interest in solving this issue, as there is now a political constituency built around it to sustain it.

I enjoyed Leach’s poke at California politicians. It certainly roiled the special snowflakes.

Income inequality is a direct byproduct of successful capitalism.
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That is the biggest red herring of the whole argument. Nike will do one photo shoot of the whole team and pay every player on the Oregon team for their likeness. Same goes for some car dealer in Alabama etc.. The smaller schools like WSU will be left at the curb immediately if this type of proposal gets enacted on a wide scale basis at the college level.

Why anyone with the slightest appreciation of the the true student athlete is not immediately repulsed by California putting something like this forward is a mystery.

They are still bound by scholarship limits. The impact will be nominal at best. But feel free to do the chicken little act if it helps you feel better.
What he said was to me, altho he would probably say the same to you, or any other conservative, since he seems to be a leftist.

Standard MO for most Leftist, is to call names, say what he said, not discuss, debate, use violence, try to shut you up, etc.

Thats why either hard to talk politics with a Leftist.

Altho I was surprised tho by a nice leftist at a restaurant, where had a nice discussion, where we both understood the logic, thought process of the other, even tho still disagreed..

That kind of thing usually isnt possible nowadays.

You haven't said a single logical thing worth responding to. You just keep typing RANDOM WORDS in all caps and insist on calling people RADICAL LEFTISTS while demonstrating you really don't even have the slightest understanding of what you are talking about.

Do yourself a favor: take your head out of Andrew Breitbart's rotting anus, read a few books, and trying think critically for a change. Then you might see clearly that cities and states run by RADICAL RIGHTISTS have been swirling in a dusty toilet for 40+ years, which has resulted in their populations fleeing as fast as possible, including their now destitute and homeless, to successful cities with thriving economies. And to be completely fair, none of these cities were prepared for this and thus far have done a poor job of managing it. They do share culpability here.

I truly am sorry that you feel left behind by the modern economy. But its time you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and took responsibility for yourself, rather than continuing to blame non-existent boogeyman like you are doing here.
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What he said was to me, altho he would probably say the same to you, or any other conservative, since he seems to be a leftist.

Standard MO for most Leftist, is to call names, say what he said, not discuss, debate, use violence, try to shut you up, etc.

Thats why either hard to talk politics with a Leftist.

Altho I was surprised tho by a nice leftist at a restaurant, where had a nice discussion, where we both understood the logic, thought process of the other, even tho still disagreed..

That kind of thing usually isnt possible nowadays.
just when I thought this thread couldn’t get any dumber...yikes
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So, as usual, I will sidestep the political debate on a football board. I just want to ask: Was I the only one who laughed at Leach's response to who would win a fight among all the pac12 mascots? This was towards the end of the presser. It's worth a listen. I am continually impressed by Leach's ability to come up with such genius responses off the cuff like: "What kind of magical powers does a sun devil have, we need to consider that.....(and later) "Some Harry Potter type expert will need to inform us about how to kill a sundevil" I'm paraphrasing from memory but it was hilarious.
So, as usual, I will sidestep the political debate on a football board. I just want to ask: Was I the only one who laughed at Leach's response to who would win a fight among all the pac12 mascots? This was towards the end of the presser. It's worth a listen. I am continually impressed by Leach's ability to come up with such genius responses off the cuff like: "What kind of magical powers does a sun devil have, we need to consider that.....(and later) "Some Harry Potter type expert will need to inform us about how to kill a sundevil" I'm paraphrasing from memory but it was hilarious.
Best part of the entire presser.
So, as usual, I will sidestep the political debate on a football board. I just want to ask: Was I the only one who laughed at Leach's response to who would win a fight among all the pac12 mascots? This was towards the end of the presser. It's worth a listen. I am continually impressed by Leach's ability to come up with such genius responses off the cuff like: "What kind of magical powers does a sun devil have, we need to consider that.....(and later) "Some Harry Potter type expert will need to inform us about how to kill a sundevil" I'm paraphrasing from memory but it was hilarious.
and played out on ESPN radio in LA as the hosts discussed Leach’s list amongst themselves and put their own spin on it.
Lot’s of Cougs in the news with a positive spin.
Being homeless is not against the law.

Breaking the law while homeless is still breaking the law. Property crimes, assault, defecating in public, sex trafficking, sales and use of illegal drugs.....all against the law.

Housing status is not a protected class against the consequences of breaking the law or infringing on those who do behave lawfully. Everything else is just noise until that basic premise can be accepted.

There are many flavors of why someone is homeless and how to prevent it or rectify it. That has nothing to do with minimum standards of acceptable and lawful behavior in a civilized society. Pooping on sidewalks, not cool. Shooting up in parks, not cool. On and on. Being homeless isn't a crime. Committing crimes is a crime.

Compassion ends when basic behavioral expectations of a 9 year old are ignored. That's when enforcement needs to start. Enforcement coupled with either confinement or treatment, if not both. Very simple. Too many resources are wasted dealing with the habitual offenders and the ripple effect to other's in the homeless community sucks them into the abyss too.

Until that, all this talk of 'solving' homelessness is just a political circle jerk.
My only comment is that mikalalas has inadvertently pointed out the biggest problem that we have with American politics right now. He's so busy trying to label people as "leftist" or "liberal" or "democrat" that he's showing that he doesn't even care about the core discussion. He just wants to prove that he's different than "those people" and that whatever the argument is, he wants to be on the other side of the debate. Wouldn't want to accidentally be a communist sympathizer.
California has some incredible advantages that many other states do not have relative to geography, including deep harbors, a long coastline, great weather, rich agricultural land, a state that spans a wide range of latitudes, a very diverse economy, etc. The list goes on and on, but I’m not surprised that you don’t understand that level of thinking Ed.

The point is that leftist kook politicians- which dominate California politics- have done a good job to ruin much of that beautiful state. They have very high tax rates and very high income inequality.

The issue Leach was referring to was around the huge homeless problem...and LA and SF are among the worst in the nation as a result of leftist policies. They have no interest in solving this issue, as there is now a political constituency built around it to sustain it.

I enjoyed Leach’s poke at California politicians. It certainly roiled the special snowflakes.

As a liberal, I freely admit California is run by clueless kook politicians who, for the most part, live in "la la land." They want to empty prison, provide sanctuary for illegals and refuge for the homeless. They are your kid sister who brings home dogs with mange. It makes you want to bang your head. However, their heart is in the right place. I'd rather live in a place run by kind hearted naive dumb arses, than a place with a "looking out for No. 1" culture, that typifies red states. I don't believe in Jesus, but I appreciate the Jesus like efforts to help the less fortunate, poorly managed as it has been. Call me Un-American

As for taxes, they are very high in California, but that burden is willingly being carried by the rich. The bottom 80% pay only 11% of the taxes and the rich keep coming here, not Alabama, read below.
Breaking the law while homeless is still breaking the law. Property crimes, assault, defecating in public, sex trafficking, sales and use of illegal drugs.....all against the law.

Housing status is not a protected class against the consequences of breaking the law or infringing on those who do behave lawfully. Everything else is just noise until that basic premise can be accepted.

There are many flavors of why someone is homeless and how to prevent it or rectify it. That has nothing to do with minimum standards of acceptable and lawful behavior in a civilized society. Pooping on sidewalks, not cool. Shooting up in parks, not cool. On and on. Being homeless isn't a crime. Committing crimes is a crime.

Compassion ends when basic behavioral expectations of a 9 year old are ignored. That's when enforcement needs to start. Enforcement coupled with either confinement or treatment, if not both. Very simple. Too many resources are wasted dealing with the habitual offenders and the ripple effect to other's in the homeless community sucks them into the abyss too.

Until that, all this talk of 'solving' homelessness is just a political circle jerk.

Honest question for you Nadine: where are homeless people supposed to go to the bathroom?

(for the record, I support arresting people who shoot up in public or engage in sex trafficking.)
As a liberal, I freely admit California is run by clueless kook politicians who, for the most part, live in "la la land." They want to empty prison, provide sanctuary for illegals and refuge for the homeless. They are your kid sister who brings home dogs with mange. It makes you want to bang your head. However, their heart is in the right place. I'd rather live in a place run by kind hearted naive dumb arses, than a place with a "looking out for No. 1" culture, that typifies red states. I don't believe in Jesus, but I appreciate the Jesus like efforts to help the less fortunate, poorly managed as it has been. Call me Un-American

As for taxes, they are very high in California, but that burden is willingly being carried by the rich. The bottom 80% pay only 11% of the taxes and the rich keep coming here, not Alabama, read below.
I lived in Oregon for most of my life and now live in a strong "red" state. It's my experience that my new resident state is far more kind-hearted than what I experienced the last decade or so in Oregon. There are good people in all states, selfish people in all states. I don't for one second believe that a state is necessarily "looking out for No. 1" because it is administered by republicans. And what I can say from my own experience is that Oregon changed for the worse and actually got a little less kind once the huge migration from California began. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. Again, I have many friends who are CA transplants that are among the best people I know. But there's little doubt that the Oregon culture has changed largely because of in-migration, which a high percentage has come from California.

Glad Cougar
I lived in Oregon for most of my life and now live in a strong "red" state. It's my experience that my new resident state is far more kind-hearted than what I experienced the last decade or so in Oregon. There are good people in all states, selfish people in all states. I don't for one second believe that a state is necessarily "looking out for No. 1" because it is administered by republicans. And what I can say from my own experience is that Oregon changed for the worse and actually got a little less kind once the huge migration from California began. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. Again, I have many friends who are CA transplants that are among the best people I know. But there's little doubt that the Oregon culture has changed largely because of in-migration, which a high percentage has come from California.

Glad Cougar

Red State "generosity" is a unique kind of thing. If a "neighbor" needs help or something terrible happens, folks in Kansas will often rise to the cause and help their neighbors or friends. The most common way is to donate through their local churches. Unfortunately, casual racism runs very, very deep here and I have a very religious co-worker that has no hesitation saying, "f#ck those people" when it comes to anything that provides support to hispanics or blacks.

When it comes to how a government should run, my red state brethren are all very outspoken that government should not expend resources helping the poor and the under-employed. Government shouldn't restrict firearms or impose regulations that might inhibit a business from operating at maximum profit. If someone needs help, they need to go to a church and pray for god's support and hope that the church can help.

Government should be involved in a woman's reproductive rights because every life is sacred but there was shockingly little outrage when an abortion doctor was murdered in broad daylight at his church around 10 years ago. The same doctor's office was hit by a bomb in the mid-90's and the state government basically shrugged and said, "What can we do?". It's important that babies don't get aborted but once they've exited the womb......hey, get to work, you little f#cker.

My brother-in-law is a farmer who bitches about government handouts in the form of welfare and food stamps.....but he has no problem accepting money from the government when it's offered.

My kind, generous red-state cohorts felt that it was extremely unfair for Trump to ban bump stocks because it infringed on their right to bear arms. I love the whole "freedom isn't free" argument. I love to remind them of the 17 month old girl who was shot in a recent shooting. "Sometimes a 17 month old kid needs to take a bullet to the face in the name of freedom?" I believe in responsible gun ownership. They believe that it's ok for people to be murdered in mass shootings as long as it doesn't impact their ability to buy guns and ammo. Again.....freedom isn't free apparently.

About 10 years ago, I was reminded of the generosity of my red-state brethren. I was driving down a major arterial on a 100° day and I saw a large black man laying on the ground next to his scooter on the sidewalk adjacent to the roadway. When I say large....I mean the dude weighed well over 300 lbs. I stopped to see what happened and it turns out that he was poor and couldn't afford new tires and a tire had blown out and dumped him on the ground. He was paralyzed from the waist down (prior condition to the scooter failure). One other guy stopped to help. Hundreds of other "kind, generous" Kansans drove by without stopping to help. We put his scooter in the back of my truck and wrangled the dude into the back seat of the other guys car while all the "friendly" red-state residents looked the other way.

So.....long story short.....people in red states are very kind and generous to people that look and act like them. If you don't toe the line and look and act just right.......f#ck you.
Red State "generosity" is a unique kind of thing. [Remainder of Flatland's diatribe omitted.]

This is just a politically motivated diatribe that's largely driven by anecdotes. I just as easily could write a massive post decrying the hypocrisy (and outright cruelty and willingness to harm) of the left that I have seen and to give you myriad anecdotes cutting the other way--I'm currently in Texas after decades in Washington and California, so I've seen both "sides" of this--but I'll spare all of you. My experience is quite different in Texas than what Flat is describing. There are some hypocrites and fools, certainly, but they are few in number in my experience. I'll instead just ask that you see Flat's post (and, frankly, all of the anecdotes in this thread) as low-value ... not because of malevolent intent or poor presentation, but because they are just some anecdotes that have struck a nerve with the author based on his political views.
Honest question for you Nadine: where are homeless people supposed to go to the bathroom?

(for the record, I support arresting people who shoot up in public or engage in sex trafficking.)

There's no problem using public facilities to relieve oneself properly in the manner in which they were potty trained at age 9.

The problem is when the user (pun intended) sh*ts in their hand, rubs it all over the walls of the public facility, vandalizes said public facilities and city employees spend the next two days cleaning up feces and replacing the damage at said facility at taxpayer expense. And during those two days those facilities are unusable by ANYONE with the need to relieve themselves.

But no charges leveled because...but but 'homeless'.

No. Not homeless. Not a protected class. Social deviants and criminals.

Pet owners whose dogs poop in the park are subject to greater punishment. At least the parks department enforces their laws.
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This is just a politically motivated diatribe that's largely driven by anecdotes. I just as easily could write a massive post decrying the hypocrisy (and outright cruelty and willingness to harm) of the left that I have seen and to give you myriad anecdotes cutting the other way--I'm currently in Texas after decades in Washington and California, so I've seen both "sides" of this--but I'll spare all of you. My experience is quite different in Texas than what Flat is describing. There are some hypocrites and fools, certainly, but they are few in number in my experience. I'll instead just ask that you see Flat's post (and, frankly, all of the anecdotes in this thread) as low-value ... not because of malevolent intent or poor presentation, but because they are just some anecdotes that have struck a nerve with the author based on his political views.
But... But . Isn't that what (modern) politics are based on? Anecdotes and heresay that confirm ones own beliefs?

Mr. Candidate on his soapbox -" I once met a poor *ethnicity* woman in Alabama, who struggled to pay her rent while working two jobs and raising five kids. She told me.. " Blah blah blah
There's no problem using public facilities to relieve oneself properly in the manner in which they were potty trained at age 9.

The problem is when the user (pun intended) sh*ts in their hand, rubs it all over the walls of the public facility, vandalizes said public facilities and city employees spend the next two days cleaning up feces and replacing the damage at said facility at taxpayer expense. And during those two days those facilities are unusable by ANYONE with the need to relieve themselves.

But no charges leveled because...but but 'homeless'.

No. Not homeless. Not a protected class. Social deviants and criminals.

Pet owners whose dogs poop in the park are subject to greater punishment. At least the parks department enforces their laws.

Where are these public facilities you speak of?
Where are these public facilities you speak of?
Observer can answer as well, but I know there are 6 public toilet facilities in downtown Portland located in areas concentrated with homeless. They are used as intended but there is still hundreds of thousands of dollars ($877,000 in the current fiscal year, to be exact) budgeted for and largely spent on cleanup of feces and used hypodermic needles along the sidewalks and entrances to private & public buildings. I think it's a fair point that ANYONE breaking the law, including the homeless, should face consequences. Portland Police have been told to make minor crimes such as drug use and public defecation/urination such a low priority that they rarely, if ever, respond nowadays.

Glad Cougar
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This is just a politically motivated diatribe that's largely driven by anecdotes. I just as easily could write a massive post decrying the hypocrisy (and outright cruelty and willingness to harm) of the left that I have seen and to give you myriad anecdotes cutting the other way--I'm currently in Texas after decades in Washington and California, so I've seen both "sides" of this--but I'll spare all of you. My experience is quite different in Texas than what Flat is describing. There are some hypocrites and fools, certainly, but they are few in number in my experience. I'll instead just ask that you see Flat's post (and, frankly, all of the anecdotes in this thread) as low-value ... not because of malevolent intent or poor presentation, but because they are just some anecdotes that have struck a nerve with the author based on his political views.

Here's the thing. I voted Republican in every presidential election from 1988 to 2012. I'm a moderate conservative who is now considered a "liberal" because my viewpoint hasn't shifted to the right with many of the people in the Republican Party. My frustration with the Republican Party (and red states) isn't because I'm a "liberal". I've watched that party turn into a bunch of people that don't give a crap about anyone but themselves and their very narrow talking points.

The issues in our country go way beyond immigrants, gun control and abortion.....but you wouldn't know it by talking to people around here. Maybe Texas is different, but Kansas is dominated by people that feel that their primary obligation is to vote Republican and go to church on Sunday.....and worry about themselves the rest of the time. Kindness and generosity is reserved for people that want to come to their church for assistance. There are a lot of exceptions of course, but the "mainstream" of this red state is not one that is based on Christian principles any more. Those anecdotes that you dismiss are not solitary experiences but just individual examples. I could outline another ten paragraphs of the silliness of the notion that people in red states are kind and generous to others but I won't bore you with that. Just suffice to's a myth. Not saying liberal states are filled with generous people that think only of others and the democrats don't have some truly stupid ideas, but red states are loaded with people that have absolutely no empathy for people that aren't exactly like them.
Red State "generosity" is a unique kind of thing. If a "neighbor" needs help or something terrible happens, folks in Kansas will often rise to the cause and help their neighbors or friends. The most common way is to donate through their local churches. Unfortunately, casual racism runs very, very deep here and I have a very religious co-worker that has no hesitation saying, "f#ck those people" when it comes to anything that provides support to hispanics or blacks.

When it comes to how a government should run, my red state brethren are all very outspoken that government should not expend resources helping the poor and the under-employed. Government shouldn't restrict firearms or impose regulations that might inhibit a business from operating at maximum profit. If someone needs help, they need to go to a church and pray for god's support and hope that the church can help.

Government should be involved in a woman's reproductive rights because every life is sacred but there was shockingly little outrage when an abortion doctor was murdered in broad daylight at his church around 10 years ago. The same doctor's office was hit by a bomb in the mid-90's and the state government basically shrugged and said, "What can we do?". It's important that babies don't get aborted but once they've exited the womb......hey, get to work, you little f#cker.

My brother-in-law is a farmer who bitches about government handouts in the form of welfare and food stamps.....but he has no problem accepting money from the government when it's offered.

My kind, generous red-state cohorts felt that it was extremely unfair for Trump to ban bump stocks because it infringed on their right to bear arms. I love the whole "freedom isn't free" argument. I love to remind them of the 17 month old girl who was shot in a recent shooting. "Sometimes a 17 month old kid needs to take a bullet to the face in the name of freedom?" I believe in responsible gun ownership. They believe that it's ok for people to be murdered in mass shootings as long as it doesn't impact their ability to buy guns and ammo. Again.....freedom isn't free apparently.

About 10 years ago, I was reminded of the generosity of my red-state brethren. I was driving down a major arterial on a 100° day and I saw a large black man laying on the ground next to his scooter on the sidewalk adjacent to the roadway. When I say large....I mean the dude weighed well over 300 lbs. I stopped to see what happened and it turns out that he was poor and couldn't afford new tires and a tire had blown out and dumped him on the ground. He was paralyzed from the waist down (prior condition to the scooter failure). One other guy stopped to help. Hundreds of other "kind, generous" Kansans drove by without stopping to help. We put his scooter in the back of my truck and wrangled the dude into the back seat of the other guys car while all the "friendly" red-state residents looked the other way.

So.....long story short.....people in red states are very kind and generous to people that look and act like them. If you don't toe the line and look and act just right.......f#ck you.
It's probably not fair to paint any state....Kansas or California....with any one brush. As I had written, some of my best friends and best people I know came to Oregon from California. I also can find anecdotes that, by themselves, can support the narrative that red states are mean & racist or that blue states are hateful and intolerant in their own way. The fact remains that my red state community has largely welcomed legal immigrants, refugees, and a general diversification of the population primarily because these new residents are likewise respectful and work hard at their jobs. I'm sure there are some racists in my town, but for every one of their stories, there are at least 10 others that describe people who are generous to all.

Glad Cougar
There's no problem using public facilities to relieve oneself properly in the manner in which they were potty trained at age 9.

The problem is when the user (pun intended) sh*ts in their hand, rubs it all over the walls of the public facility, vandalizes said public facilities and city employees spend the next two days cleaning up feces and replacing the damage at said facility at taxpayer expense. And during those two days those facilities are unusable by ANYONE with the need to relieve themselves.

But no charges leveled because...but but 'homeless'.

No. Not homeless. Not a protected class. Social deviants and criminals.

Pet owners whose dogs poop in the park are subject to greater punishment. At least the parks department enforces their laws.

One thing that you are overlooking in the homeless discussion is that the vast majority of homeless people are suffering from mental illness of some kind. The states are shying away from them because they realize that trying to actual deal with the issue is far more expensive than taxpayers are willing to pony up.

Many years ago, I bought a couple cheeseburgers for a homeless dude. He followed me to my table, thanked me for my generosity and sat down and proceeded to tell me about himself. He was in his mid-30's, tall and thin...and black. He told me how he liked to walk around and pretend that he was white and say, "good morning" to all of the white folks he saw. He was under this delusion that we (white folk) had some secret code that we shared when greeting each other. He had been shipped to Kansas from Lincoln, Nebraska by the local authorities up there. He talked about how cold it was that winter and about the voices in his head. He finished up the conversation by offering me a blow job if I would buy him some boots. I declined his offer. I've never purchased cheeseburgers for a homeless person again.

Where my old office was, we'd have crazy homeless people yelling at the cars going by, I had one guy threaten me because I was walking on the same sidewalk as him during lunch time, meth heads passed out on the sidewalk at random and just crazy, random stuff. I can't speak to national percentages, but I'd guess that 90% of the homeless people that I've met are there because they are just straight up crazy and in need of being institutionalized. The cost to do that is so overwhelming that cities just run away instead. You can talk about throwing them in jail, but frankly, the jails don't want that kind of person in there. Too disruptive to their routines. Our homeless problem is not something that is easily fixed.
It's probably not fair to paint any state....Kansas or California....with any one brush. As I had written, some of my best friends and best people I know came to Oregon from California. I also can find anecdotes that, by themselves, can support the narrative that red states are mean & racist or that blue states are hateful and intolerant in their own way. The fact remains that my red state community has largely welcomed legal immigrants, refugees, and a general diversification of the population primarily because these new residents are likewise respectful and work hard at their jobs. I'm sure there are some racists in my town, but for every one of their stories, there are at least 10 others that describe people who are generous to all.

Glad Cougar
I think we can probably all agree, too large of a percentage of the voting population is uneducated on social/political issues, so naturally politicians resort to emotional messaging to rally their “side”. Either side you’re on, whatever you believe, whichever news network you choose to believe, our political system is a mess and needs a complete overhaul. Too much team red vs team blue BS, and not enough understanding issues, recognizing differing political views, and working together to find solutions. While I have my views I feel strongly about, I don’t run around yelling out conservative, liberal, left, right, etc etc. I just don’t see that as productive...we’re all Americans and we should all want the best for the country.
Within a facility owned and operated by the City of Spokane within the city limits.

Make a public records request if you'd like.

So homeless people can stroll into city hall and drop a deuce if they want? No security will be there to stop them?
Within a facility owned and operated by the City of Spokane within the city limits.

Make a public records request if you'd like.
He's too lazy to do that. Typical progressive would rather you do the work while he reaps the benefits.
So homeless people can stroll into city hall and drop a deuce if they want? No security will be there to stop them?

You said that I didn't.

You should try if you're that curious. And if you can, don't wipe feces on the walls like a 3 year old.

And if you can't, maybe it's because someone did just that and the cost to maintain and repair outweighed being compassionate, "Kate".
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