The solution starts by rounding up all of those living on the streets and forcing them to be detained in mental hospitals and drug rehab centers. There should be a zero tolerance policy for living on the street. The problem should never have been alllowed to grow to this magnitude.
The alternative is facing up to the spread of very nasty diseases and the deaths of thousands.
I agree with some of what your saying. But there is more to it then that.
1. Need to change the mental health laws, so that can do what your saying, and round up those who REALLY DO have a Mental Health problem.
2. Problem is the IN BETWEENERS. Those who are borderline, in between having, not having a mental health problem, an or cant be officially diagnosed, rounded up.
3. Cant just round them all up, because people have rights, and because of that, a person has to be diagnosed, and a court has to give permission to get a person who has a Official Mental Health person off the street.
4. There is not yet the infrustructure, man power, etc, to round them up.
5. Even if did have the infrustructure, man power, there are bad mental health homeless that would hide, be harder to find, round up.
6. Not all homeless have mental health problems.
7. Some just need help, be taught how to fish, etc.
8. And if do that, some leftist policies, may have created a lack of jobs to find, get, get unhomeless.
9. And in those cases, have to change from leftist policies to conservative policies.
10. For those who do not have a mental health problem, are are not homeless by choice, who only lost their job, because of leftist policies, you can't, shouldnt say zero tolerance, you can't live on the PUBLIC streets, that THEIR PRIOR TAX DOLLARS HELPED PAY FOR, as 1. Where are they gona go? jail? That's not right, fair, legal, etc. Homeless shelter? There is not enough shelters, an or they are full, and if room there are bad people, drugs, violence, thieves, disease, etc, at some shelters. And again, not legal to try to force them into shelters. And building shelters will cost a LOT OF MONEY, PROBABLY TOO MUCH MONEY.
So what do?
1. Encourage Charities, Churches, people to help out more.
Its not the role of Govt to DO EVERYTHING in order to try to fix this. To fix this THE PEOPLE have to try to fix this. Thats what the Founding Fathers envisioned. And in Places like Spokane, and in North Dakotah, PEOPLE, Charities, Churches, AND NOT THE GOVT, do a AWESOME JOB AT DEALING WITH HOMELESS.
2. Try to Teach them how to fish, how to get unhomeless. Govt can help do that.
3. Stimulate the economy, help create opportunities, jobs, do away with, get rid of leftist policies.
4. Its the job of Govt to provide police, firefighters, Sanitation workers etc. In places like LA. Dr Drew(Moderate, Centrist, Independent, etc),(Who has been talking, harping on, about this, blaming GOVT, leftist, etc, for a long time), has said that taking politics out of it, and aside from what causes homeless problem, and aside from eliminating homelessness, GOVT(And in this case the Leftist), AT MINIMUM have the duty, responsibility, to CLEAN UP AFTER THE HOMELESS, AND THAT IF THEY DID THAT, THAT THERE WOULD NOT BE DISEASES LIKE BUBONIC PLAGUE. He also has said that the GOVT(LEFTIST), has not been cleaning up after the homeless.
5. And the GOVT(Leftist)would be able to clean up after homeless better, if the GOVT did NOT SPEND SPEND SPEND LIKE CRAZY.
Homelessness is not a simple, easy issue, it is VERY COMPLICATED, COMPLEX.
But it is solvable. One only has too look at North Dakotah, which has one of the LOWER, LOWEST homeless rates in the entire USA.
If followed North Dakotah's example, do what they do, that would solve a lot of the homeless problems.
North Dakotah is a conservative state.