Leach kicked the California legislature's

Does your brother-in-law and son ever say what time period they are looking for to make America great again? Do they give specific examples of not only the time frame but what they wanted to see "change" to make it great again? I have yet to here the answer to that.

I don't really talk politics with him.......I'm just looking forward to the end of Trump's time as president......whenever that is.

I miss the days when I looked at the people running for office for the Republican Party that I could be genuinely proud of. McCain, Dole, and Bush I were guys that I really trusted to have the best interests of the country in mind even if they weren't perfect. No matter what anybody thinks about Trump, deep down, everyone knows that for Trump, his presidency is 100% about what he can get out of it, financially and egotistically. The hypocrisy of "draining the swamp" but filling it up with people that were more swampy than the ones he booted out, claiming to care about the men and women who serve in the military but stealing money from projects that support them to build his vanity project, encouraging (forcing?) government employees to use Trump properties, the daily lies about everything that comes up, his petty squabbles with people that he should consider unworthy of response, his fascination with despots, his jokes about getting extra terms. In every single way, Trump is the most despicable human being that has darkened the doors of the White House, yet the people that I used to consider my cohorts lap that sh!t up and glory in it. The stupidest thing that I read on social media is when ignorant dicks shout, "I bet that will piss of the libtards!" as if that's any measure of quality legislation. Unfortunately, I get bombarded with that kind of stupidity every single day.

Unfortunately for the Republican Party, they are getting ready to learn a lesson that Democrats learned after Trump became President. When a party twists the rules to their advantage, the other party is going to use those same tactics when they get the chance. Although well intentioned, Democrats rammed the ACA down our collective throats in Obama's first term by ignoring traditional checks and balances and bypassing the 60 vote requirement for certain bills. The Republicans have bent the Democrats over the table and pounded them relentlessly since then on various legislation by ignoring that rule. Trump is pushing the limits of presidential power as far as he can, and because the Republican party is afraid to look weak, they won't do anything to stop him. When the democrats are back in power (whenever that is), expect a lot of executive orders to roll out of the White House that have no purpose other than to piss off conservatives.

Frankly, it's a terrible time to be an American right now. I hate what the Republican Party has become and I have no desire to see Democrats gain the edge because their leadership will be just as bad and in some ways.....worse.
What you just said here, there is BS.

I was homeless for 3 weeks(Not anymore), and there are PLENTY of places to use the bathroom:

1. Shelter's with bathrooms.

2. Gas Stations, with bathrooms

3. Parks with bathrooms

4. Restaurants with bathrooms

5. Stores like Wal Mart, etc, with bathrooms.

6. STA Bus Plazaa, Bus Station, Airport, etc, with Bathrooms.

7. Churches with bathrooms.

8. Colleges with bathrooms.

9. Libraries with Bathrooms.

10. Malls with bathrooms.

11.Movie theaters with bathrooms.

12. Bars with bathrooms

And while there were rare times that some places either didnt have bathrooms, didnt let me use bathrooms, I ALMOST ALWAYS FOUND A BATHROOM SOMEWHERE, both when I was homeless, and when I had to use bathroom before I got home to my Apt.

And 1,2 times, I found a DESERTED, public, wilderness, forest, out in country, etc, behind trees, bushes, to take a piss, etc.

I didnt take a piss, etc, on private, public property without permission, and I didnt do that in public view, out in public, on private, public property, etc.


You are high out of your mind if you think downtown businesses open their doors to homeless people for restroom use. So now we all know you are lying.

But if you want to pretend like you wouldn't be mad about bums using college bathrooms or library bathrooms or anywhere else that is publicly owned, go right ahead. But we both know you are full of shit.
john McCain is one of the most corrupt, compromised scoundrels to ever hold any political office, and to be perfectly honest G HW Bush was no hero..
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Wish that you werent in the minority, and that all liberals, were, are like you.

You may consider yourself a liberal, but your probably a blue dog, moderate, centrist, liberal, democrat, like a Zen Miller, Lieberman.

But if you were to be qualified, run for US Senate, House Rep, President, Governor, the $100 trillion dollar, free everything for everybody green new deal democrats, would probably reject you as a supposed liberal democrat, and probably would call you a independent, moderate, centrist, not a democrat.

And thats the problem with the democrats: they have become, been hi jacked, the party of Antifa, socialist, marxist, communist, and if had their way, would turn the USA into Venezuela.

I could vote for a democrat like Zen Miller, Lieberman, you. But the democrats always choose candidates I wont vote for, instead of democrats like Miller, Lieberman, you.

And thats why Trump will win, not because Trump is good(He is not good), but because he is better then the $100 Trillion Dollar New Green Deal idiots.

So you are mad that democrats won't nominated republicans?
Thats your experience, and there are conservatives like that. BUT NOT ALL CONSERVATIVES ARE LIKE THAT. In fact somewhere between some to almost most, are not like that(about 70%)(Contrast that to about 50% to 55% to 65% to 75% of YOUNG Liberals are like unto Antifa, etc.)



Also guns dont kill people. People with guns, can kill people. A gun cant kill by itself. It has to have somebody shoot it the gun, in order to kill.

Instead of restricting gun rights in order to try to fix problem, which wont fix problem, how about trying to fixing the things that cause people to kill with guns, instead. Thats more effective then restricting gun rights.

Do you realize that if you ban homelessness there will still be homelessness?

Or if you ban drugs, there will still be drugs?
You are high out of your mind if you think downtown businesses open their doors to homeless people for restroom use. So now we all know you are lying.

But if you want to pretend like you wouldn't be mad about bums using college bathrooms or library bathrooms or anywhere else that is publicly owned, go right ahead. But we both know you are full of shit.

I'm not sure if Starbuck's still does, but for at least a while Starbuck's did.

I don't go to the public library, so I wouldn't be mad about that.
I can read and obviously have a better grasp of the English language. It was very clear what was posted.

Elucidate what you believe you were "literally" attempting to communicate.

You said that I didn't.

You should try if you're that curious. And if you can, don't wipe feces on the walls like a 3 year old.

And if you can't, maybe it's because someone did just that and the cost to maintain and repair outweighed being compassionate, "Kate".

I asked you a question of where public facilities for homeless people to poop in were. You apparently took that as a personal attack for some reason then attempted to put words in my mouth. Hope this helps.
I asked you a question of where public facilities for homeless people to poop in were. You apparently took that as a personal attack for some reason then attempted to put words in my mouth. Hope this helps.

Your first reply called me "Nadine'. Got it, "Kate"? So, yeah - you made it personal by going down the name-calling path right out of the chute.

And you continued down that path with others so whatever. You do you.

Don't wipe any poop on the walls today.
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California Gov. Newsom asks Trump to help with homelessness crisis. Asking for funding 50000 housing vouchers…after they spent $23 BILLION on illegals…
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As if that wasn't already apparent.

Odd conspiracy. We’re not.

Then again, given your eagerness to jump to all baseless theories as displayed in this thread, I’m not surprised you’d jump to other moronic conclusions in an attempt to justify yourself.

KingTrump is a grown man who communicates in memes. And you have the same political beliefs... let that process for a minute.
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Odd conspiracy. We’re not.

Then again, given your eagerness to jump to all baseless theories as displayed in this thread, I’m not surprised you’d jump to other moronic conclusions in an attempt to justify yourself.

KingTrump is a grown man who communicates in memes. And you have the same political beliefs... let that process for a minute.

Next time don't forget to log out of the other account when posting, wazzucougs96
Odd conspiracy. We’re not.

Then again, given your eagerness to jump to all baseless theories as displayed in this thread, I’m not surprised you’d jump to other moronic conclusions in an attempt to justify yourself.

KingTrump is a grown man who communicates in memes. And you have the same political beliefs... let that process for a minute.

Not really.
Hey what a novel concept. Just don't tell the anti gun control crowd.
What underlying message are you trying to send here? That only murders occur via guns? You truly are a special kind of stupid. I am starting to believe that you're only a Coug by proxy and have never never attended a university other than to use their bathrooms. Oh and Evergreen State College doesn't count.
I don't really talk politics with him.......I'm just looking forward to the end of Trump's time as president......whenever that is.

I miss the days when I looked at the people running for office for the Republican Party that I could be genuinely proud of. McCain, Dole, and Bush I were guys that I really trusted to have the best interests of the country in mind even if they weren't perfect. No matter what anybody thinks about Trump, deep down, everyone knows that for Trump, his presidency is 100% about what he can get out of it, financially and egotistically. The hypocrisy of "draining the swamp" but filling it up with people that were more swampy than the ones he booted out, claiming to care about the men and women who serve in the military but stealing money from projects that support them to build his vanity project, encouraging (forcing?) government employees to use Trump properties, the daily lies about everything that comes up, his petty squabbles with people that he should consider unworthy of response, his fascination with despots, his jokes about getting extra terms. In every single way, Trump is the most despicable human being that has darkened the doors of the White House, yet the people that I used to consider my cohorts lap that sh!t up and glory in it. The stupidest thing that I read on social media is when ignorant dicks shout, "I bet that will piss of the libtards!" as if that's any measure of quality legislation. Unfortunately, I get bombarded with that kind of stupidity every single day.

Unfortunately for the Republican Party, they are getting ready to learn a lesson that Democrats learned after Trump became President. When a party twists the rules to their advantage, the other party is going to use those same tactics when they get the chance. Although well intentioned, Democrats rammed the ACA down our collective throats in Obama's first term by ignoring traditional checks and balances and bypassing the 60 vote requirement for certain bills. The Republicans have bent the Democrats over the table and pounded them relentlessly since then on various legislation by ignoring that rule. Trump is pushing the limits of presidential power as far as he can, and because the Republican party is afraid to look weak, they won't do anything to stop him. When the democrats are back in power (whenever that is), expect a lot of executive orders to roll out of the White House that have no purpose other than to piss off conservatives.

Frankly, it's a terrible time to be an American right now. I hate what the Republican Party has become and I have no desire to see Democrats gain the edge because their leadership will be just as bad and in some ways.....worse.

Clearly there is a need for a third party. And to be honest, I have recently wondered if our country was ready for a black president. Some of what we have seen is a direct response to the color of a man's skin in terms of politics.

We are now seeing a reaction to the Tea Party from the other side of the aisle. There will be a time that the old guard dies off, and the new progressive part of the party will take control and it will be pay back. The pendulum seems to always swing wildly.

I just hope when the next housing bust in about nine years comes around that Timothy Geithner and Ben Bernake are around to help stabilize the market and there are still tools in the tool shed. And all the meanwhile people can blame the "Community Reinvestment Act of 1975" and Freddie mac and Fannie Mae instead of looking at the real culprits.
This dialogue is inane I guess when a country has such a open mouth buffoon for a president then others follow suit i guess that the homeless are corrupting the prestige of this board.
This dialogue is inane I guess when a country has such a open mouth buffoon for a president then others follow suit i guess that the homeless are corrupting the prestige of this board.


What underlying message are you trying to send here? That only murders occur via guns? You truly are a special kind of stupid. I am starting to believe that you're only a Coug by proxy and have never never attended a university other than to use their bathrooms. Oh and Evergreen State College doesn't count.

I am sorry that you have a small dick and feel you need an assault rifle to make up for it.

Personally, I don't think any more children should have to be slaughtered so that you can attempt to feel like a man.
Your first reply called me "Nadine'. Got it, "Kate"? So, yeah - you made it personal by going down the name-calling path right out of the chute.

And you continued down that path with others so whatever. You do you.

Don't wipe any poop on the walls today.

Hey man, if you think a career broadcaster of fake news is the answer, then you do you.
Hey man, if you think a career broadcaster of fake news is the answer, then you do you.

Again - elucidate on that. Feel free to link any 'fake news' broadcasts a former local anchor may have conspired to hoist on the unwitting local populace.

I'll wait.
Why is the hub of the computer generation not in Alabama or Mississippi but rather Cali and state of Washington? Heck car manufacturing at one time was in Michigan.

And the problem with the homeless has been coming around the bend since the start of the opioid epidemic that was never looked at seriously but rather the thought pot was the gateway drug .

Ed...seriously, you ask some of the dumbest questions. I hate to be blunt, but that is the truth.

Why isn't the hub of the computer generation not in Pullman?
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This was true at one time, but it hasn't been this way since before Reagan. Republicans recognized that Democrats were giving things to people and generally controlled the Senate and House. During Reagan and after, they started giving away things more than the Democrats ever did and it has worked for them. It is the reason why the national debt has gone up more during Republican Presidents more than Democrat Presidents since Reagan.

What the Republicans have learned is that Americans don't give a damn about the national debt...because it hasn't yet had a significant impact on our economy. I guess you could say this is smart politics.

The big issue on the debt is entitlement spending, which takes up some 70+ percent of our total budget. Until we raise the retirement age significantly, and get government out of health care with the massive dollars they pour into that industry, we won't solve the national debt.

I disagree that the Republicans have been the worst at running up the national debt though. The prior president (what was his name again?) ran it up by several trillion dollars (something close to $9T if I recall)...and Trump may very well exceed that...unless other countries refuse to buy our debt.

Imagine of interest rates started increasing significantly? Yikes.
I have little idea how to fix the homeless problem. Drugs play a large part. Poor work habits, entitled attitudes and other American cultural deficiencies as well as just plain bad luck also factor in. Lock them all up is a solution more appropriate to 1930's Germany, not the U.S.A.

That said and getting back to the original thesis of the thread, I dread letting legislators from California make any financial decisions that affect me even indirectly. The high speed rail boondoggle and monetary disaster is example #1. Numerous other if smaller poor financial legislative actions are rampant. This payment scheme for NCAA athletes has been rattling around for awhile and if and when it is finally implemented, I would much prefer someone other than politicians, especially ones from California, having responsibility for that implementation. The political class is always ready to give someone's money to someone else in a bid for votes. Democrats are the worst in that regard but the Republicans are not far behind.

I think we have to arrest and lock up those who attempt to live on the streets. Get them some help for their mental health issues and drug abuse problem. Otherwise, we cannot solve the problem...and this is the most humane way to help them, I believe.
Red State "generosity" is a unique kind of thing. If a "neighbor" needs help or something terrible happens, folks in Kansas will often rise to the cause and help their neighbors or friends. The most common way is to donate through their local churches. Unfortunately, casual racism runs very, very deep here and I have a very religious co-worker that has no hesitation saying, "f#ck those people" when it comes to anything that provides support to hispanics or blacks.

When it comes to how a government should run, my red state brethren are all very outspoken that government should not expend resources helping the poor and the under-employed. Government shouldn't restrict firearms or impose regulations that might inhibit a business from operating at maximum profit. If someone needs help, they need to go to a church and pray for god's support and hope that the church can help.

Government should be involved in a woman's reproductive rights because every life is sacred but there was shockingly little outrage when an abortion doctor was murdered in broad daylight at his church around 10 years ago. The same doctor's office was hit by a bomb in the mid-90's and the state government basically shrugged and said, "What can we do?". It's important that babies don't get aborted but once they've exited the womb......hey, get to work, you little f#cker.

My brother-in-law is a farmer who bitches about government handouts in the form of welfare and food stamps.....but he has no problem accepting money from the government when it's offered.

My kind, generous red-state cohorts felt that it was extremely unfair for Trump to ban bump stocks because it infringed on their right to bear arms. I love the whole "freedom isn't free" argument. I love to remind them of the 17 month old girl who was shot in a recent shooting. "Sometimes a 17 month old kid needs to take a bullet to the face in the name of freedom?" I believe in responsible gun ownership. They believe that it's ok for people to be murdered in mass shootings as long as it doesn't impact their ability to buy guns and ammo. Again.....freedom isn't free apparently.

About 10 years ago, I was reminded of the generosity of my red-state brethren. I was driving down a major arterial on a 100° day and I saw a large black man laying on the ground next to his scooter on the sidewalk adjacent to the roadway. When I say large....I mean the dude weighed well over 300 lbs. I stopped to see what happened and it turns out that he was poor and couldn't afford new tires and a tire had blown out and dumped him on the ground. He was paralyzed from the waist down (prior condition to the scooter failure). One other guy stopped to help. Hundreds of other "kind, generous" Kansans drove by without stopping to help. We put his scooter in the back of my truck and wrangled the dude into the back seat of the other guys car while all the "friendly" red-state residents looked the other way.

So.....long story short.....people in red states are very kind and generous to people that look and act like them. If you don't toe the line and look and act just right.......f#ck you.

Ridiculous and false. But what I expect from Flat.
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Ed...seriously, you ask some of the dumbest questions. I hate to be blunt, but that is the truth.

Why isn't the hub of the computer generation not in Pullman?

It isn't a dumb question. And here comes a "smart" question for you- do you actually think I give one crap about what you think about me or my questions? So be as blunt as you want-I don't care.

BTW I think it goes to forward thinking. I think it goes to education. I think it goes to leadership. I think there is a reason why out 11 states listed on the most impoverished list published by US News and World Reports, 10 are governed by the Republican party. I don't think it is a coincidence.

Maybe what should happen is that the republicans switch places with dems in the urban areas and run our cities and the dems run the southern states.
I think we can probably all agree, too large of a percentage of the voting population is uneducated on social/political issues, so naturally politicians resort to emotional messaging to rally their “side”. Either side you’re on, whatever you believe, whichever news network you choose to believe, our political system is a mess and needs a complete overhaul. Too much team red vs team blue BS, and not enough understanding issues, recognizing differing political views, and working together to find solutions. While I have my views I feel strongly about, I don’t run around yelling out conservative, liberal, left, right, etc etc. I just don’t see that as productive...we’re all Americans and we should all want the best for the country.
Right...but there are people who have very different worldviews and political ideologies. We are all Americans, but our ideologies drive out completely different solutions. The divide is unbridgeable as I see it.

I hope people remember always that the bigger the government, the smaller the citizen. Big govt always corrupts and always leads to less liberty, not more. Men generally hate their liberty being stripped from them too. Just sayin' guys.
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You just touched on my greatest frustration with the more outspoken people in Kansas. In 2013, the Tea Party was ruling the state and the mantra here was "Compromise is not acceptable!". They would rather pass a bad law that pissed off the left than to cooperate with the relatively small liberal element in the Kansas legislature. Unfortunately for them, their dumb plans proved to be as bad as everyone thought, the Kansas economy floundered and most of them have since been voted back out. Still, that kind of bullheaded attitude is still noticeable in local politics (and nationally as well).

What's kind of sad is that my daughter has decided that she will not go to Kansas State because my brother-in-law and his son are unapologetic MAGA idiots who just do stuff to be obnoxious when it comes to Trump and their support of him. They are KSU fans and she now associates KSU with that type of thinking. What's really sad is that as long as you avoid'd find my brother-in-law to be one of the best people in the world to hang out with.

Still spewing lies/misinformation about Kansas politics, I see.

You've clearly been castrated Flat. That is clear to me. You love the ideology that literally despises masculinity and you don't even realize it. It's really astonishing.
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Still spewing lies/misinformation about Kansas politics, I see.

You've clearly been castrated Flat. That is clear to me. You love the ideology that literally despises masculinity and you don't even realize it. It's really astonishing.

What's funny is that your response clearly shows that you don't actually read anything and just skim and respond. You don't know crap about Kansas, me or anything about the people that I'm talking about. The fact that you childishly start with accusing me of being castrated says everything about the amount of actual thought you put into it. It's ok for you to disagree with my dis-satisfaction with the direction of the Republican Party.....but I've been at the front row watching far right politics for a while now......and it's amazing to see how ineffective and destructive the results have been when a state succumbs to far right politics.

Now, if you read what I posted above......the far left is arguably a worse alternative than dealing with the short sighted and selfish goals of the right. The far left is pushing agendas that are more harmful and I have no desire to see a pendulum swing in that direction.
Answer my question then.
It was a stupid question.
What the Republicans have learned is that Americans don't give a damn about the national debt...because it hasn't yet had a significant impact on our economy. I guess you could say this is smart politics.

The big issue on the debt is entitlement spending, which takes up some 70+ percent of our total budget. Until we raise the retirement age significantly, and get government out of health care with the massive dollars they pour into that industry, we won't solve the national debt.

I disagree that the Republicans have been the worst at running up the national debt though. The prior president (what was his name again?) ran it up by several trillion dollars (something close to $9T if I recall)...and Trump may very well exceed that...unless other countries refuse to buy our debt.

Imagine of interest rates started increasing significantly? Yikes.

They must have just come to that realization about the debt when they gave out the tax cut to corporations and the top 1%. Not sure they didn't put that money to use in their stock buy backs.

It is interesting, Making America Great Again, probably the time they are speak to was the 50's, right after WW2, before Vietnam, Presidential assassination, the cold war before we sought "opposition research", Nixon impeachment of the 70's, Carter and the economy of the 70's, and double digit inflation of the early 80's, Desert Storm, Clinton and his personal stuff, Bush and 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq....that must be the time they are looking to when corporate rates were above 50%.
I am sorry that you have a small dick and feel you need an assault rifle to make up for it.

Personally, I don't think any more children should have to be slaughtered so that you can attempt to feel like a man.
Hyperbole much? Typical leftist resorting to name calling when someone doesn't tow the progressive line. I don't own an AR-15 nor do I have any desire to do so. You should be ex-communicated as a Coug as you provide ZERO value to the university, let alone anything that's even remotely football related on these boards. Just because everyone thinks you're a douche, doesn't give you the authority impose your self-righteous sense of morality here dum dum. GTFO
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What's funny is that your response clearly shows that you don't actually read anything and just skim and respond. You don't know crap about Kansas, me or anything about the people that I'm talking about. The fact that you childishly start with accusing me of being castrated says everything about the amount of actual thought you put into it. It's ok for you to disagree with my dis-satisfaction with the direction of the Republican Party.....but I've been at the front row watching far right politics for a while now......and it's amazing to see how ineffective and destructive the results have been when a state succumbs to far right politics.

Now, if you read what I posted above......the far left is arguably a worse alternative than dealing with the short sighted and selfish goals of the right. The far left is pushing agendas that are more harmful and I have no desire to see a pendulum swing in that direction.

Please do describe what “far right” means Flat. Be very specific. Otherwise you are just spewing bull$hit as you typically do on politics. Use your brain and think for a change.

By the way, you have no idea what I don’t know about Kansas.

Anyone male who supports the leftist ideology apparently isn’t aware that they hate men and masculinity. And while I freely admit many of our Republican representatives are cowards, it is truly cowardly to vote in a leftist ideology whose goal is to emasculate men.
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Please do describe what “far right” means Flat. Be very specific. Otherwise you are just spewing bull$hit as you typically do on politics. Use your brain and think for a change.

By the way, you have no idea what I don’t know about Kansas.

Anyone male who supports the leftist ideology apparently isn’t aware that they hate men and masculinity. And while I freely admit many of our Republican representatives are cowards, it is truly cowardly to vote in a leftist ideology whose goal is to emasculate men.
It isn't a dumb question. And here comes a "smart" question for you- do you actually think I give one crap about what you think about me or my questions? So be as blunt as you want-I don't care.

BTW I think it goes to forward thinking. I think it goes to education. I think it goes to leadership. I think there is a reason why out 11 states listed on the most impoverished list published by US News and World Reports, 10 are governed by the Republican party. I don't think it is a coincidence.

Maybe what should happen is that the republicans switch places with dems in the urban areas and run our cities and the dems run the southern states.

The left ruins everything it touches.

So your view is quite Marxist. In Ed’s world the worth of a person is defined by their income...their assets. Right Ed? The more money you make, the better person you are. How leftist. How Marxist. This is precisely why the Democrats lost the last presidential election. You have contempt for those who have a low income. You have contempt for those who live in areas that are run down. Nice Ed. Very nice. I don’t give a damn what people make or how nice their house or car is. It means nothing to me. I care about their character.

By the way, I make a very nice income and have it very good in life from a standard of living perspective. I can buy essentially whatever I want. That does not make me superior to anyone. Money doesn’t define me... unlike you...apparently. Money doesn’t make anyone happier either.

Finally...why didn’t computer and software revolution start in Chicago? Washington DC? Seattle? Minneapolis? Low Angeles? Not progressive enough Ed? Was that it? Think buddy. It’s good for you.

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