Leach kicked the California legislature's

They must have just come to that realization about the debt when they gave out the tax cut to corporations and the top 1%. Not sure they didn't put that money to use in their stock buy backs.

It is interesting, Making America Great Again, probably the time they are speak to was the 50's, right after WW2, before Vietnam, Presidential assassination, the cold war before we sought "opposition research", Nixon impeachment of the 70's, Carter and the economy of the 70's, and double digit inflation of the early 80's, Desert Storm, Clinton and his personal stuff, Bush and 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq....that must be the time they are looking to when corporate rates were above 50%.
Did you realize that the top 10 percent pay an overwhelming percentage of taxes Ed? Probably not.

You do realize that envy is one of the seven deadly sins? Ponder that while you are on your moral high horse.

(PS The Democrats owned the legislative and executive branches of government for 2 years in the early Obama presidency and showed they don’t care to significantly increase income taxes. You’ll ignore this fact though. Ha.)
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I am sorry that you have a small dick and feel you need an assault rifle to make up for it.

Personally, I don't think any more children should have to be slaughtered so that you can attempt to feel like a man.
The Dems owned the federal government in the first two years of the O administration and did nothing on “assault weapons”. It’s all a political game to raise money.
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Odd conspiracy. We’re not.

Then again, given your eagerness to jump to all baseless theories as displayed in this thread, I’m not surprised you’d jump to other moronic conclusions in an attempt to justify yourself.

KingTrump is a grown man who communicates in memes. And you have the same political beliefs... let that process for a minute.

Cognitive is a leftist? Hmmm....why am I not surprised?
I get the complaint. But no one seems to care that homelessness is a nationwide crises and these people have to go to the bathroom somewhere. No, it does not make it ok to do on the street. But we should be coming up with solutions so they have somewhere else to do it. Building more parking lots or throwing them all in jail is not a sustainable or realistic solution.

Anyone who thinks people choose to be homeless are out of their damn minds. These people are homeless because they are out of options. The fact that there so many of them should be triggering alarm bells for all of us that something is seriously wrong with our society, but instead people just want to make lazy "blame the liberals!" arguments.
Because the left encourages their behavior. They love the voting constituency that grown around the homeless issue. It means more money for government. Very simple. Follow the money.
Please do describe what “far right” means Flat. Be very specific. Otherwise you are just spewing bull$hit as you typically do on politics. Use your brain and think for a change.

By the way, you have no idea what I don’t know about Kansas.

Anyone male who supports the leftist ideology apparently isn’t aware that they hate men and masculinity. And while I freely admit many of our Republican representatives are cowards, it is truly cowardly to vote in a leftist ideology whose goal is to emasculate men.

The far right despises helping individuals and believes that providing any kind of government support to individuals encourages sloth and weakness......but feels that providing government support to corporations and businesses is all right. Welfare is only bad if it's helping the poor.

Speaking of welfare, the local news had a segment talking about a $20 billion initiative to fund wireless technology in rural America. It's a bit ironic that our rural friends that say that people should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and take care of things themselves are willing to accept a $20 billion handout instead of paying for that wireless themselves.

The far right believes that if the rich are rich enough......they'll toss scraps to the poor. What's interesting is that rural America supports policies that actively harm rural America because the guys creating those policies drape themselves in flags and yell, "Immigrants are dirty and evil".

I don't believe in long term welfare support. I own rifles and handguns and don't want to lose them. I don't believe that uncontrolled immigration is beneficial to our country. I don't think that abortion should be used as birth control. That doesn't mean that there aren't worthwhile compromises and socialist principles that need to be woven into our culture to ensure that we have a truly great America. I received a lot of grants and support that helped me get my college degree. My wife also received support. We now pay out around $40k in taxes and fees every....single....year. Without government help, I would not have been able to do it. I don't like paying taxes, but I also realize that I live a better life because of the structure provided by our government programs. The far right would happily dismantle government programs and damned the consequences as long as corporations get their profits and the wealthy get wealthier.
I don't really talk politics with him.......I'm just looking forward to the end of Trump's time as president......whenever that is.

I miss the days when I looked at the people running for office for the Republican Party that I could be genuinely proud of. McCain, Dole, and Bush I were guys that I really trusted to have the best interests of the country in mind even if they weren't perfect. No matter what anybody thinks about Trump, deep down, everyone knows that for Trump, his presidency is 100% about what he can get out of it, financially and egotistically. The hypocrisy of "draining the swamp" but filling it up with people that were more swampy than the ones he booted out, claiming to care about the men and women who serve in the military but stealing money from projects that support them to build his vanity project, encouraging (forcing?) government employees to use Trump properties, the daily lies about everything that comes up, his petty squabbles with people that he should consider unworthy of response, his fascination with despots, his jokes about getting extra terms. In every single way, Trump is the most despicable human being that has darkened the doors of the White House, yet the people that I used to consider my cohorts lap that sh!t up and glory in it. The stupidest thing that I read on social media is when ignorant dicks shout, "I bet that will piss of the libtards!" as if that's any measure of quality legislation. Unfortunately, I get bombarded with that kind of stupidity every single day.

Unfortunately for the Republican Party, they are getting ready to learn a lesson that Democrats learned after Trump became President. When a party twists the rules to their advantage, the other party is going to use those same tactics when they get the chance. Although well intentioned, Democrats rammed the ACA down our collective throats in Obama's first term by ignoring traditional checks and balances and bypassing the 60 vote requirement for certain bills. The Republicans have bent the Democrats over the table and pounded them relentlessly since then on various legislation by ignoring that rule. Trump is pushing the limits of presidential power as far as he can, and because the Republican party is afraid to look weak, they won't do anything to stop him. When the democrats are back in power (whenever that is), expect a lot of executive orders to roll out of the White House that have no purpose other than to piss off conservatives.

Frankly, it's a terrible time to be an American right now. I hate what the Republican Party has become and I have no desire to see Democrats gain the edge because their leadership will be just as bad and in some ways.....worse.

Trump hurt your feelings? I get it. He’s a blunt object. We need him in this time in our history. He is a change agent.

How sad your feelings are hurt.

Look...all that matters is policy. That is all. Name a Trump policy you think is bad?
Please do describe what “far right” means Flat. Be very specific. Otherwise you are just spewing bull$hit as you typically do on politics. Use your brain and think for a change.

By the way, you have no idea what I don’t know about Kansas.

Anyone male who supports the leftist ideology apparently isn’t aware that they hate men and masculinity. And while I freely admit many of our Republican representatives are cowards, it is truly cowardly to vote in a leftist ideology whose goal is to emasculate men.

I wanted to finish up that your comments about males, masculinity, emasculating and the like does not paint you in a particularly flattering light. I'm not sure what your point is in whining about the left in that manner, but it doesn't make you sound like a very confident man.
Trump hurt your feelings? I get it. He’s a blunt object. We need him in this time in our history. He is a change agent.

How sad your feelings are hurt.

Look...all that matters is policy. That is all. Name a Trump policy you think is bad?

Trump stealing billions of dollars from the military to build a wall that's going to stop nothing.

Trump waging trade wars with everyone at once, including trade partners that are willing to work with us.

Trump lowering corporate taxes at the expense of the middle class. My taxes will be significantly higher next year courtesy of his "tax cuts".

Trump's willingness to give countries like North Korea and Russia positive publicity as they openly work against the interests of the United States.

Trump's incoherent foreign policies overall where nobody knows what he's trying to accomplish on virtually anything. He flip flops worse than a fish in the bottom of a boat.

Trump directing government entities and personnel to use his properties to increase his personal wealth.

Trump bitching about China and other countries subsidizing industries but giving American farmers billions of dollars because his stupid trade war isn't working and he's trying to prop it up.

Trump trying to actively undercut clean energy initiatives to prop up the coal industry that's been dying for decades and is doomed to disappear at some point.

I could keep going if you'd like. Now, to be fair, many of his ideas aren't terrible, but because Trump is an insecure prick with a god complex, he takes almost everything too far and ruins his good ideas by showing a lack of restraint.
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the pentagon budget is so bloated, trillions go missing, what a fraud. The wall would pay for itself with reduced welfare/prison costs.
I'll finish up by saying that I am comfortable with the idea that Trump won instead of Clinton because I think a win by Hillary would have been so divisive that it would have paralyzed our country.

Trump's insistence that over-regulation by the EPA is well founded and there is a need to revisit government regulation.

China needed a kick in the balls and his trade war against that country is well's just too bad that he lacks the ability to focus.

Our allies have gotten used to the United States carrying an unfair amount of the financial and social burden around the world and needed a wake up call.

Although I don't like the way that he's handled the situation on the southern border and he usually comes across as a xenophobic loon, he's absolutely correct that immigration reform and enforcement is needed in our country. Unfortunately, he wants to punish the immigrants while giving companies a free pass when it comes to hiring those people.

His willingness to speak out against vaping is a good thing. Melania did the right thing in convincing him to speak out.

I respect that he installed a ban on bump stocks when the gun industry was going to hate him for it.

So, I'm not going to pretend that I hate everything he does but I'm ready for him to be gone. The hypocrisy, lies, anger, pettiness and just generally terrible way that he represents our country makes me long for simpler days when we were pissed off that Clinton was slipping his stogie into Monica Lewinski's hooty hoo.
Trump stealing billions of dollars from the military to build a wall that's going to stop nothing.

Trump waging trade wars with everyone at once, including trade partners that are willing to work with us.

Trump lowering corporate taxes at the expense of the middle class. My taxes will be significantly higher next year courtesy of his "tax cuts".

Trump's willingness to give countries like North Korea and Russia positive publicity as they openly work against the interests of the United States.

Trump's incoherent foreign policies overall where nobody knows what he's trying to accomplish on virtually anything. He flip flops worse than a fish in the bottom of a boat.

Trump directing government entities and personnel to use his properties to increase his personal wealth.

Trump bitching about China and other countries subsidizing industries but giving American farmers billions of dollars because his stupid trade war isn't working and he's trying to prop it up.

Trump trying to actively undercut clean energy initiatives to prop up the coal industry that's been dying for decades and is doomed to disappear at some point.

I could keep going if you'd like. Now, to be fair, many of his ideas aren't terrible, but because Trump is an insecure prick with a god complex, he takes almost everything too far and ruins his good ideas by showing a lack of restraint.
All facts. This could go on for days. Minds aren’t going to be changed though, comes down to voter suppression/election security and if anything can be done about it. Most of the country wants an end to the nightmare, even fox entertainment results show it.
Answer my question then.
It was a stupid question.
Did you realize that the top 10 percent pay an overwhelming percentage of taxes Ed? Probably not.

You do realize that envy is one of the seven deadly sins? Ponder that while you are on your moral high horse.

(PS The Democrats owned the legislative and executive branches of government for 2 years in the early Obama presidency and showed they don’t care to significantly increase income taxes. You’ll ignore this fact though. Ha.)

Too funny... please share with what I am envious of?
The tell!

Can I give you a "too funny" about the tell. Again, not sure what I would be envious of. When it comes to the issue of taxation my personal take is formed by those people I know who are the top 1%. As one of my closest friends said to me, "for my business model we are much better off giving the tax cut to the middle class because that is who I sell my product to". "Ed, all they are going to do with that increased revenue is put it back in to stock repurchases". And that is exactly what they did with the money.

There was a very telling "town hall style meeting" with Gary Cohen and 50 top CEO's about three months before the tax cut. He asked the CEO's to raise their hands if they planned on using the tax savings to invest in human capital hiring new people and invest in buildings (which they didn't need) and I don't think one CEO raised their hand.

CEO's aren't in the model of Field of Dreams and build it and they will come but rather they base their needs on what is real...demand.
Can I give you a "too funny" about the tell. Again, not sure what I would be envious of. When it comes to the issue of taxation my personal take is formed by those people I know who are the top 1%. As one of my closest friends said to me, "for my business model we are much better off giving the tax cut to the middle class because that is who I sell my product to". "Ed, all they are going to do with that increased revenue is put it back in to stock repurchases". And that is exactly what they did with the money.

There was a very telling "town hall style meeting" with Gary Cohen and 50 top CEO's about three months before the tax cut. He asked the CEO's to raise their hands if they planned on using the tax savings to invest in human capital hiring new people and invest in buildings (which they didn't need) and I don't think one CEO raised their hand.

CEO's aren't in the model of Field of Dreams and build it and they will come but rather they base their needs on what is real...demand.

In 2012, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed a bill that was going to completely eliminate state taxes on "small businesses" in Kansas and loudly proclaimed that it was a "new day in Kansas" and that we were going to see dramatic new business growth. From 2012 to 2016, Kansas lagged behind all of our neighbors in job growth. Not only that, giant companies like Koch Industries started forming LLC's and S Corp spinoffs that qualified as "small business" enterprises.....leading to a situation where the state tax revenues were dramatically less than projections. This required Kansas to gut infrastructure funding and incorporate cuts across the board, which further harmed the state's job performance. The company that I worked for at the time was a professional association that qualified for the tax break and had a single owner. In the years that we had the tax breaks, we hired no new employees and he made no major purchases that stimulated the economy. He took the extra $50k per year that he wasn't paying in taxes and pocketed every single penny of it.

Part of the tax break was a reduction in the maximum rate charged to lessen the burden on higher income tax payers. As a result of that, I ended up paying less money in taxes......not a lot...but some. Did I put that back into the Kansas economy? Nope.........I ended up buying a house in Las Vegas for my parents to live in. In 2016, there was a revolt in the elections and most of the tea party fools were ran out of office and a Democrat was elected governor in 2018. Most of the tax cuts were rescinded in one fashion or another in 2017 and Kansas went back to the way things were before that "new day in Kansas". Oddly enough, business growth in Kansas improved, tax receipts exceeded estimates and the state was much healthier financially after those inane tax cuts are gone.

Long story short, tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations did nothing for the state of Kansas and actually hindered job growth compared to our neighboring states. I don't want to pay more taxes than I need to, but we all need to pay our share if we want a healthy framework to live and work within.
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In 2012, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed a bill that was going to completely eliminate state taxes on "small businesses" in Kansas and loudly proclaimed that it was a "new day in Kansas" and that we were going to see dramatic new business growth. From 2012 to 2016, Kansas lagged behind all of our neighbors in job growth. Not only that, giant companies like Koch Industries started forming LLC's and S Corp spinoffs that qualified as "small business" enterprises.....leading to a situation where the state tax revenues were dramatically less than projections. This required Kansas to gut infrastructure funding and incorporate cuts across the board, which further harmed the state's job performance. The company that I worked for at the time was a professional association that qualified for the tax break and had a single owner. In the years that we had the tax breaks, we hired no new employees and he made no major purchases that stimulated the economy. He took the extra $50k per year that he wasn't paying in taxes and pocketed every single penny of it.

Part of the tax break was a reduction in the maximum rate charged to lessen the burden on higher income tax payers. As a result of that, I ended up paying less money in taxes......not a lot...but some. Did I put that back into the Kansas economy? Nope.........I ended up buying a house in Las Vegas for my parents to live in. In 2016, there was a revolt in the elections and most of the tea party fools were ran out of office and a Democrat was elected governor in 2018. Most of the tax cuts were rescinded in one fashion or another in 2017 and Kansas went back to the way things were before that "new day in Kansas". Oddly enough, business growth in Kansas improved, tax receipts exceeded estimates and the state was much healthier financially after those inane tax cuts are gone.

Long story short, tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations did nothing for the state of Kansas and actually hindered job growth compared to our neighboring states. I don't want to pay more taxes than I need to, but we all need to pay our share if we want a healthy framework to live and work within.

A consequence and it is a consequence is the pendulum swings too far the other way. Go from eat your own capitalism to socialism. No regulations to extensive regulations.

The mortgage crisis for example could have been prevented if they had three bumpers put in place. 1) No prepayment penalty 2) Require a license 3) have a board like the FDA that approves loan programs like a no income verifier. If the program is too risky the funds have to come from the banks own portfolio and not lending someone else's money.
Hyperbole much? Typical leftist resorting to name calling when someone doesn't tow the progressive line. I don't own an AR-15 nor do I have any desire to do so. You should be ex-communicated as a Coug as you provide ZERO value to the university, let alone anything that's even remotely football related on these boards. Just because everyone thinks you're a douche, doesn't give you the authority impose your self-righteous sense of morality here dum dum. GTFO

Kids being slaughtered is reality. Not wanting them to be slaughtered is not "self righteous." I am sorry that offends you so much, snowflake. Perhaps you need to find yourself a safe space?
This is cracking me up. Trumpers thinking they are actually smart is so ****ing on brand.
Kids being slaughtered is reality. Not wanting them to be slaughtered is not "self righteous." I am sorry that offends you so much, snowflake. Perhaps you need to find yourself a safe space?




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