I don't really talk politics with him.......I'm just looking forward to the end of Trump's time as president......whenever that is.
I miss the days when I looked at the people running for office for the Republican Party that I could be genuinely proud of. McCain, Dole, and Bush I were guys that I really trusted to have the best interests of the country in mind even if they weren't perfect. No matter what anybody thinks about Trump, deep down, everyone knows that for Trump, his presidency is 100% about what he can get out of it, financially and egotistically. The hypocrisy of "draining the swamp" but filling it up with people that were more swampy than the ones he booted out, claiming to care about the men and women who serve in the military but stealing money from projects that support them to build his vanity project, encouraging (forcing?) government employees to use Trump properties, the daily lies about everything that comes up, his petty squabbles with people that he should consider unworthy of response, his fascination with despots, his jokes about getting extra terms. In every single way, Trump is the most despicable human being that has darkened the doors of the White House, yet the people that I used to consider my cohorts lap that sh!t up and glory in it. The stupidest thing that I read on social media is when ignorant dicks shout, "I bet that will piss of the libtards!" as if that's any measure of quality legislation. Unfortunately, I get bombarded with that kind of stupidity every single day.
Unfortunately for the Republican Party, they are getting ready to learn a lesson that Democrats learned after Trump became President. When a party twists the rules to their advantage, the other party is going to use those same tactics when they get the chance. Although well intentioned, Democrats rammed the ACA down our collective throats in Obama's first term by ignoring traditional checks and balances and bypassing the 60 vote requirement for certain bills. The Republicans have bent the Democrats over the table and pounded them relentlessly since then on various legislation by ignoring that rule. Trump is pushing the limits of presidential power as far as he can, and because the Republican party is afraid to look weak, they won't do anything to stop him. When the democrats are back in power (whenever that is), expect a lot of executive orders to roll out of the White House that have no purpose other than to piss off conservatives.
Frankly, it's a terrible time to be an American right now. I hate what the Republican Party has become and I have no desire to see Democrats gain the edge because their leadership will be just as bad and in some ways.....worse.