Here's the thing. I voted Republican in every presidential election from 1988 to 2012. I'm a moderate conservative who is now considered a "liberal" because my viewpoint hasn't shifted to the right with many of the people in the Republican Party. My frustration with the Republican Party (and red states) isn't because I'm a "liberal". I've watched that party turn into a bunch of people that don't give a crap about anyone but themselves and their very narrow talking points.
The issues in our country go way beyond immigrants, gun control and abortion.....but you wouldn't know it by talking to people around here. Maybe Texas is different, but Kansas is dominated by people that feel that their primary obligation is to vote Republican and go to church on Sunday.....and worry about themselves the rest of the time. Kindness and generosity is reserved for people that want to come to their church for assistance. There are a lot of exceptions of course, but the "mainstream" of this red state is not one that is based on Christian principles any more. Those anecdotes that you dismiss are not solitary experiences but just individual examples. I could outline another ten paragraphs of the silliness of the notion that people in red states are kind and generous to others but I won't bore you with that. Just suffice to's a myth. Not saying liberal states are filled with generous people that think only of others and the democrats don't have some truly stupid ideas, but red states are loaded with people that have absolutely no empathy for people that aren't exactly like them.
Want to make sure to respond to acknowledge your points and to let you know I understand where you're coming from. Things are way too polarized in our political system and its coverage. I acknowledge the hypocrisy of many people in red states, and I have seen a lot of it in blue states as well. Both sides, including many people in red states in your example, deserve to be called out on it. Most issues that our country faces are complex and go well beyond the facile descriptions, or purported solutions, both sides will throw out there, each blaming the other. Unfortunately, that's how our political system and our media work. It sucks when we avoid reasonable approaches that the seemingly mythical "middle of the road" voter would support, owing to bullshit in the media, polarization, lobbying, corporate interests, political correctness, and various other garbage from both sides.