Lunatic Fringe thread

Here loyal.

What Trump really said:

His ‘many fine people’ quote was in reference to the two sides that were involved in taking down the statue of Robert E Lee

Trump specifically disavowed and condemned white supremacists and neo nazis

Your many fine media folks left that sound bite out.

“Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”
Don't bother with 90, he's so far gone that the very notion of "thinking for yourself" has become an exercise in futility. When you live in an echo chamber, the messages received are only regurgitated and not sourced.
Don't bother with 90, he's so far gone that the very notion of "thinking for yourself" has become an exercise in futility. When you live in an echo chamber, the messages received are only regurgitated and not sourced.
90 was the one who quoted Loyal - who has deleted his rant on many fine people.

It may not be 90 who is exposed to the truth but others may see the light - that they’ve been fed a line of crap by the media for years

Where have all the Walter Cronkites gone?
Don't bother with 90, he's so far gone that the very notion of "thinking for yourself" has become an exercise in futility. When you live in an echo chamber, the messages received are only regurgitated and not
“Thinking for yourself”

Same red hat
Same “patriot” tee shirt
Same goatee
Same constant whining about libbbrrrls

I miss anything? Yeah you guys sure think for yourselves when you’re all f’ing clones of each other 😂
What did Trump say when Putin invaded a sovereign state? Yeah I guess I am a skeptic. When our President suggests or says he trusts Putin's words, a dictator who has nukes pointed at us more than he trusts his own CIA, I have a problem. Reagan would roll over in his grave.

Trump had no problem with Putin going into Ukraine, said it was a brilliant move. As you mentioned, Putin isn't lasing to 120. What happens after territory is swallowed up by Putin, gets a partial consolidation of resources and assets, and then Trump croakes or isn't president any longer? You let Russian off the mat financially. Worked well for the world in the 30's with respect to Germany.

Trump doesn't need to pull out of NATO. HE just needs to withhold funding and if Russia gets ballsy and goes into Poland, he doesn't and won't send troops.
Something I really enjoy is how all the folks on the left (and all you posters here that claim you are not on the left) just love to state how Trump lies all the time, and then you go and pull out one small part of a statement and misconstrue what it meant as if suddenly Trump MUST be believed with that small little utterance. Nothing like looking foolish over that.

Go ahead and read the transcript of that Helsinki meeting, consider the larger context of the meeting and the statements of the two men. Note the comment about how Putin says that you don't just trust someone, you need to verify with facts. Trump had a response, and no matter whether he meant to say "would" or "wouldn't" trust Putin, you need to keep in mind that the intelligence community (FBI, CIA) had already undermined Trump, just as Chuck Schumer said that they would. Given how the IC had operated, why do you blindly accept them as disciples of truth that must be believed in each and every instance? You have hammered that over and over here and are naive to think that way.

Finally, after just finishing a meeting between the two countries leaders that was intended to find ways for the countries to get along better, and then being asked a question asked a question about whether he trusted Putin, WTF did you expect him to say? Would it have been a wise move to blurt out that Putin was a lying piece of shit and that he hoped he would soon die from a heart attack or military coup? For God's sake, man, get a grasp of the situation and stop spewing out DNC talking points.

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Here loyal.

What Trump really said:

His ‘many fine people’ quote was in reference to the two sides that were involved in taking down the statue of Robert E Lee

Trump specifically disavowed and condemned white supremacists and neo nazis

Your many fine media folks left that sound bite out.

“Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”
Why are you directing this at me? I didn't say anything about it. And I assume you meant 90 deleted a rant - I didn't.
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You don't know what the idiom "Crossing the Rubicon" means and had to look it up? Wow.

And dude, Feinstein is dead.
Is she? Shit I missed that - or I forgot. I'm not a young man, I forget things. And no I had never heard that idiom. I also didn't know what paragon (another of your posts) meant and had to look that up to. So? Does that make me mentally inferior? I bet half this board had to look it up. Maybe all of them. I had a (PhD-carrying) colleague years back that had a thing for using every obscure 4 and 5 syllable word that he could drum up, particularly in memos, etc. Half the time I had no idea what the hell he was trying to say. Not sure he did either.
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Something I really enjoy is how all the folks on the left (and all you posters here that claim you are not on the left) just love to state how Trump lies all the time, and then you go and pull out one small part of a statement and misconstrue what it meant as if suddenly Trump MUST be believed with that small little utterance. Nothing like looking foolish over that.

Go ahead and read the transcript of that Helsinki meeting, consider the larger context of the meeting and the statements of the two men. Note the comment about how Putin says that you don't just trust someone, you need to verify with facts. Trump had a response, and no matter whether he meant to say "would" or "wouldn't" trust Putin, you need to keep in mind that the intelligence community (FBI, CIA) had already undermined Trump, just as Chuck Schumer said that they would. Given how the IC had operated, why do you blindly accept them as disciples of truth that must be believed in each and every instance? You have hammered that over and over here and are naive to think that way.

Finally, after just finishing a meeting between the two countries leaders that was intended to find ways for the countries to get along better, and then being asked a question asked a question about whether he trusted Putin, WTF did you expect him to say? Would it have been a wise move to blurt out that Putin was a lying piece of shit and that he hoped he would soon die from a heart attack or military coup? For God's sake, man, get a grasp of the situation and stop spewing out DNC talking points.

Suuuurrrre…just like his perfect phone calls.
Asking for a Sec of State for GA to "find 11,800 votes and when he says no, he uses his power of his megaphone to go after him.

Going along with the plot of fake electors if not asking Rudy to organize it.

Not allowing the peaceful transfer of power. His own Cyber person, an independent election firm, his AG, his daughter all told him he lost and it was a safe election. He refused to do the biggest thing that keeps our democracy intact. There were guard rails the first time. You think he will hire Pat Chipollone, Eric Hershman, or someone like Jeffrey the landscape lawyer, Dgibs, Rudy or Eastman?
Are we no longer allowed to petition the government when we feel we have been wronged? Have we lost our First Amendment right of free speech?

Or is it just Donald J. Trump that has lost those rights? Let me remind you of some other people that have exercised those very rights-AL Gore, Christine Gregoire, Stacy Abrams, Hillary Clinton, US rep candidate from Iowa or Indiana in 2022.

I will remind you again that you need to look at the entire context of those DNC talking points. The facts are that Trump didn't just get on the phone out of nowhere and demand that the votes be changed/made up/found. That statement was at the end of an hour long telecon which involved officials and lawyers for both sides, and there were valid reasons for asking for further investigation into the election. There were a number of sworn statements by poll workers and watchers about problems with the ballots.

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Here is the statement of Trump about going to the capital. Boy, what a viscous thing to say! Sure, now we can understand how he encouraged an "Overthrow of the government". lol And, yes he did say earlier that we needed to fight like hell to save the government, but if you are going prosecute someone for using the word "fight" in a political sense, you are going to need to prosecute the vast majority of elected officials in WA DC.

Peacefully and patriotically, ED, peacefully and patriotically!
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Who owns the congress and runs congress?
We the people own the Congress, Ed. It is NOT the president, if that is what you were thinking.

And the House of Representatives is run by the Speaker of the House, while the Senate is run by the Senate Majority Leader.
Oh who killed Langfords border bill ? Who has to bend at their knee or his followers will make them pay the price . Yeah, Trump runs the party .
Of course Trump runs the party, who else would it be. Is that supposed to be some kind of a gotcha moment, telling us that Trump was the leader?

I suppose it is up for discussion and interpretation, but I think it was the "We, the People" that killed that miserable bill with our protests. The Uniparty does not always succeed in pulling the wool over our eyes.
OMG....where are you willing for your kids to go to war? Our grandparents and parents went to stop Hitler. NATO is there to stop a Hitler before we have to send our kids. It is money. Ukrainians are spilling their blood. All we have to do is send them arms. Seems like a better solution than 'Potentially' sending our kids to Poland to stop Russian aggression.

It "aint" braindead to think what the consequences would be. Hitler didn't start out as a full-throated dictator. He was a politician. The fertilizer for any growth is normal people not doing morally what is right. Sitting back saying "Putin is just being Putin". Hitler just being Hitler". "What is in Hitlers past would show you he was capable of killing 6 million jews". "What was in Mussolini's past "term" that showed you what he was capable of". There are people like my late MIL who was 7 when Mussolini was King and she doesn't believe what people had said he did.

The fact you are ok with our president being tight with a leader and trusts him more than our intelligence officials is telling to me. What did Carter then Reagan do when USSR went into Afghanistan? He didn't say "smart move" . Feel free to be comfortable and defend a guy who likes a guy who has 800 long range nukes pointed at us. It just isn't for me. Call me old fashion or even dumb. I am ok with that.
At least Putin didn't invade a country on Donnie's watch.

BTW, are you happy with the way Gropey Joe is running things with Russia? Keep in mind that Russia is now coordinating more with North Korea and China. If Vlad can just get Iran on board then Russia will have all four of the United States' 4 biggest enemies working together. Way to go, Joe!

Perhaps if Biden had had the sense to fully commit to Ukraine by massing defenses before Putin ever crossed the border he may have been successful in convincing Putin to remain in own pen. But NOOOOO! He has to dither around talking about "minor incursion" and scaring Vlad with "Don't, just don't". As Bob Gates has so accurately pointed out, Joe Biden has been wrong on every major foreign policy issue since he has been in WA DC.
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The Biden administration is "going after" people with their power and their megaphone that are saying he should step aside. That's highly democratic and moral, right?

I don't know what you need other than Trump leaving the White House to show that he did in fact leave the White House. Keep clinging to the illusion that somehow, someway Biden and the Democrats are moral paragons.
Look, dgib, I agree that Trump did actually leave his post in the white house and was not physically carried out. But don't you find SOME concerning significance to a former president (the only one in our history) claiming - still to this day - that he's only NOT president because the previous election was rigged and fraudulent?

He's the only one to ever do that. And doesn't the highest elected official carry a responsibulty to the electorate (over 49% that he represented) to abide by the rules and the system that has served us for over 200 years?
Something I really enjoy is how all the folks on the left (and all you posters here that claim you are not on the left) just love to state how Trump lies all the time, and then you go and pull out one small part of a statement and misconstrue what it meant as if suddenly Trump MUST be believed with that small little utterance. Nothing like looking foolish over that.
Trump does lie all the time. That is not even subject to debate.

On the "many fine people" thing - so since the rally was indeed a white supremacist rally, who exactly were these "fine people" that Trump was referring to? And if you were a fine person, would you join a rally that by all accounts was littered with neo-Nazis, the KKK and other racist, white supremacist groups? It's OK to stand there beside them because you are "a fine person"? I sure as hell would not.
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Like Hillary the great promoter of democracy and faithful defender of the election process, right? She lost because of Russian interference! That's totally why. Not because she's an extremely unlikable human being who ran a garbage campaign that was rejected by the election process.
Well, agreed...she was rejected by the "election process"...just not the majority of the actual American voters. Taihtsat
At least Putin didn't invade a country on Donnie's watch.

BTW, are you happy with the way Gropey Joe is running things with Russia? Keep in mind that Russia is now coordinating more with North Korea and China. If Vlad can just get Iran on board then Russia will have all four of the United States' 4 biggest enemies working together. Way to go, Joe!

Perhaps if Biden had had the sense to fully commit to Ukraine by massing defenses before Putin ever crossed the border he may have been successful in convincing Putin to remain in own pen. But NOOOOO! He has to dither around talking about "minor incursion" and scaring Vlad with "Don't, just don't". As Bob Gates has so accurately pointed out, Joe Biden has been wrong on every major foreign policy issue since he has been in WA DC.
Wait, woulda been FOR Biden committing US troops to the border of Ukraine when putin was lining up his military there? Just asking. Seems you are against simply financially backing or sending armaments sans troops now. Am I correct?
Why are you directing this at me? I didn't say anything about it. And I assume you meant 90 deleted a rant - I didn't.
Sorry - so you also acknowledge the “many fan people” hoax was the media playing a sound bite and ignoring that Trump, in fact, condemned neo nazis?
Sorry - so you also acknowledge the “many fan people” hoax was the media playing a sound bite and ignoring that Trump, in fact, condemned neo nazis?
Yes Trump condemned Neo-Nazis later in that statement/interview. But as I asked in another post, who exactly were all these "fine people" he was referring to, that were there to attend a white supremacist rally flooded with Neo-Nazis, KKK members and other racist groups?
Yes Trump condemned Neo-Nazis later in that statement/interview. But as I asked in another post, who exactly were all these "fine people" he was referring to, that were there to attend a white supremacist rally flooded with Neo-Nazis, KKK members and other racist groups?
His voters. It’s pretty smart word play considering most racists don’t consider themselves racist. So yeah…those racists carrying torches and sporting 3%er tats are very fine people….but I want to make it clear I condemn “racist” people (wink wink).
Look, dgib, I agree that Trump did actually leave his post in the white house and was not physically carried out. But don't you find SOME concerning significance to a former president (the only one in our history) claiming - still to this day - that he's only NOT president because the previous election was rigged and fraudulent?

He's the only one to ever do that. And doesn't the highest elected official carry a responsibulty to the electorate (over 49% that he represented) to abide by the rules and the system that has served us for over 200 years?
It doesn’t concern me more than a candidate that conducts a massive coverup of his son’s laptop. I have more faith in our country’s institutions and Americans in general than idiots like Ed.

Like I said above, Trump is a $1000 an hour hooker. Biden charges $1500 an hour. The higher price doesn’t make Biden more virtuous. He’s still a whore.
His voters. It’s pretty smart word play considering most racists don’t consider themselves racist. So yeah…those racists carrying torches and sporting 3%er tats are very fine people….but I want to make it clear I condemn “racist” people (wink wink).
And somehow that supposedly triggers Biden to run. The same Biden that called Robert Byrd, an actual Klansman, his mentor.
Yes Trump condemned Neo-Nazis later in that statement/interview. But as I asked in another post, who exactly were all these "fine people" he was referring to, that were there to attend a white supremacist rally flooded with Neo-Nazis, KKK members and other racist groups?

His voters. It’s pretty smart word play considering most racists don’t consider themselves racist. So yeah…those racists carrying torches and sporting 3%er tats are very fine people….but I want to make it clear I condemn “racist” people (wink wink).
Because it must be too much effort to click on the link to the article/transcript;

Here are the unambiguous actual words of President Trump:

“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

After another question at that press conference, Trump became even more explicit:

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”
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Because it must be too much effort to click on the link to the article/transcript;

Here are the unambiguous actual words of President Trump:

“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

After another question at that press conference, Trump became even more explicit:

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”
The main organizer and permit-getter for the "Unite the Right" rally was Jason Kessler, a white nationalist among other things. So who were the "fine people" Trump was referring to? So I ask again, who were the "fine people" Trump referred to?

(Read the underlying reference articles, not just the Wikipedia text)
And somehow that supposedly triggers Biden to run. The same Biden that called Robert Byrd, an actual Klansman, his mentor.
not sure how much more clear I have to be that I’m not defending anything about Biden. You don’t have to defend Biden to call out Trump for the piece of shit he is.
Are we no longer allowed to petition the government when we feel we have been wronged? Have we lost our First Amendment right of free speech?

Or is it just Donald J. Trump that has lost those rights? Let me remind you of some other people that have exercised those very rights-AL Gore, Christine Gregoire, Stacy Abrams, Hillary Clinton, US rep candidate from Iowa or Indiana in 2022.

I will remind you again that you need to look at the entire context of those DNC talking points. The facts are that Trump didn't just get on the phone out of nowhere and demand that the votes be changed/made up/found. That statement was at the end of an hour long telecon which involved officials and lawyers for both sides, and there were valid reasons for asking for further investigation into the election. There were a number of sworn statements by poll workers and watchers about problems with the ballots.

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Here is the statement of Trump about going to the capital. Boy, what a viscous thing to say! Sure, now we can understand how he encouraged an "Overthrow of the government". lol And, yes he did say earlier that we needed to fight like hell to save the government, but if you are going prosecute someone for using the word "fight" in a political sense, you are going to need to prosecute the vast majority of elected officials in WA DC.

Peacefully and patriotically, ED, peacefully and patriotically!
The word "peace" in any of its form appears in his speech exactly once. "Fight" is in it 21 times. "fraud" 22 times. "suppress" 9 times. "destroy" 6 times. "steal" 4 times. "kill" and "cheat" 3 times each. Those words are interspersed among his wild-ass claims and accusations that had zero support.

His speech covered 31 pages, he said "peacefully" on page 9, and then spent 22 pages just spinning people up. Focusing on "peacefully" misses what his point was...and he got what he wanted.
And somehow that supposedly triggers Biden to run. The same Biden that called Robert Byrd, an actual Klansman, his mentor.
Oh brother. And he dropped out in the 50's. Nice reach. And we are talking about Trump, but you keep spinning back to Biden.

To quote Byrd: "Byrd later called joining the KKK "the greatest mistake I ever made." Byrd also said in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."
Because it must be too much effort to click on the link to the article/transcript;

Here are the unambiguous actual words of President Trump:

“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

After another question at that press conference, Trump became even more explicit:

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”
Those are the correct words to say in front of the cameras. His actions, business activities, and comments over the last 50 years paint a very different picture. At least, for anyone who cares to look.
And then proceeded to whine for seven years (and counting) about losing. This is like the analogy above about what shade of brown you like your shit.

This post right here is the kind of insane bullsh!t that people like you puke out that makes rational people feel crazy.

Please show me the constant whining from Hillary Clinton. Post links to all of the news articles and video clips where she "proceeded to whine for seven years (and counting)" in any fashion similar to the orange taint that you love to tongue so eagerly.

I don't like Hillary Clinton and thought she was a terrible candidate. I'm sure that she was disappointed to lose and did complain and whine a few times about it....but god damn, show some intellectual credibility and quit with the bullsh!t of pretending that Donald Trump's f#cking atrocious behavior is somehow normal.

I get it that y'all hate f#cking liberals. I get the dislike of some of the bullsh!t that the Democrats are handing out......but Jesus f#cking Christ, quit f#cking lying about everything to try to justify sucking on the scrotum of a wannabe dictator.
This post right here is the kind of insane bullsh!t that people like you puke out that makes rational people feel crazy.

Please show me the constant whining from Hillary Clinton. Post links to all of the news articles and video clips where she "proceeded to whine for seven years (and counting)" in any fashion similar to the orange taint that you love to tongue so eagerly.

I don't like Hillary Clinton and thought she was a terrible candidate. I'm sure that she was disappointed to lose and did complain and whine a few times about it....but god damn, show some intellectual credibility and quit with the bullsh!t of pretending that Donald Trump's f#cking atrocious behavior is somehow normal.

I get it that y'all hate f#cking liberals. I get the dislike of some of the bullsh!t that the Democrats are handing out......but Jesus f#cking Christ, quit f#cking lying about everything to try to justify sucking on the scrotum of a wannabe dictator.
Flathead being Flathead. A few times? It was nonstop from 2016 to 2020. NON STOP.

She also went back to the tired bullshit line of Russian interference back in 2023 during an interview with circle back Psaki. When in reality it was Hills and the DNC who interfered in 2016 with the Steele Dossier. That is a fact.

Oh and nice piece you spewed about Blacks and Mexicans. You are a despicable human being, with a severe case of TDS. Not to mention a blithering idiot who considers himself rational.
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Is she? Shit I missed that - or I forgot. I'm not a young man, I forget things. And no I had never heard that idiom. I also didn't know what paragon (another of your posts) meant and had to look that up to. So? Does that make me mentally inferior? I bet half this board had to look it up. Maybe all of them. I had a (PhD-carrying) colleague years back that had a thing for using every obscure 4 and 5 syllable word that he could drum up, particularly in memos, etc. Half the time I had no idea what the hell he was trying to say. Not sure he did either.
And you wanted to bet me your last 5 bucks that you had a higher IQ than me. Then you pull a Joe Biden and say "I forget things, I am not a young man".

Flounder you are a pigeon chested CPA with a small brain and a big mouth. Not to mention a bully.
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Those are the correct words to say in front of the cameras. His actions, business activities, and comments over the last 50 years paint a very different picture. At least, for anyone who cares to look.
Now let's do Biden

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It doesn’t concern me more than a candidate that conducts a massive coverup of his son’s laptop. I have more faith in our country’s institutions and Americans in general than idiots like Ed.

Like I said above, Trump is a $1000 an hour hooker. Biden charges $1500 an hour. The higher price doesn’t make Biden more virtuous. He’s still a whore.
Okay, well I guess I just see a massive difference between someone trying to hide a very embarrassing and potentially politically harmful bit of information from getting out (much like trump attempted with stormy Daniels and Karen MacDougall) vs sowing distrust in our election process by claiming fraud and cheating and stealing.

The latter creates a room for a sizable portion of the electorate to consider violence as a viable option of an election doesn't go their way. Taihtsat
It doesn’t concern me more than a candidate that conducts a massive coverup of his son’s laptop. I have more faith in our country’s institutions and Americans in general than idiots like Ed.

Like I said above, Trump is a $1000 an hour hooker. Biden charges $1500 an hour. The higher price doesn’t make Biden more virtuous. He’s still a whore.
Okay, well I guess I just see a massive difference between someone trying to hide a very embarrassing and potentially politically harmful bit of information from getting out (much like trump attempted with stormy Daniels and Karen MacDougall) vs sowing distrust in our election process by claiming fraud and cheating and stealing.

The latter creates a room for a sizable portion of the electorate to consider violence as a viable option of an election doesn't go their way. Taihtsat
It wasn't just hiding. 51 high level, massively corrupt, liberals signed off on the lap top as Russian collusion. Pinocchio Joe actually bragged about it in the 2020 debate. Then the DNC colluded with Facebook, Twitter, Google etc to censor any and everyone who acknowledged the laptop. The corrupt FBI actually went to Mark Zuckerberg and told him to expect some Russian disinformation right before the election. It was a MASSIVE cover up.

Where does that register on your "sowing distrust in our election process" meter?

To add to that the DNC and the liberal Elites have been covering up Joe's dementia for 3 years. No doubt you were crying "conspiracy theory" and bought into the clown KPJ's "cheapfakes" bullshit. Boy that didn't age well.

You are probably still in the camp that Covid started in a wet market.

Willfully ignorant is no way to go through life Krusty.
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It doesn’t concern me more than a candidate that conducts a massive coverup of his son’s laptop. I have more faith in our country’s institutions and Americans in general than idiots like Ed.

Like I said above, Trump is a $1000 an hour hooker. Biden charges $1500 an hour. The higher price doesn’t make Biden more virtuous. He’s still a whore.
Given the “chain of custody” on that laptop, how did you determine what was being covered up?
Given the “chain of custody” on that laptop, how did you determine what was being covered up?
Biden was clearly worried about it. That's what's important. I really doubt he cared about Hunter's dick pics enough to concoct a BS letter, find 51 "former intelligence officials" to sign it, then demand the mainstream media refuse to cover it, and get a social media black out of it. But that's just my opinion.
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Okay, well I guess I just see a massive difference between someone trying to hide a very embarrassing and potentially politically harmful bit of information from getting out (much like trump attempted with stormy Daniels and Karen MacDougall) vs sowing distrust in our election process by claiming fraud and cheating and stealing.

The latter creates a room for a sizable portion of the electorate to consider violence as a viable option of an election doesn't go their way. Taihtsat
Biden is not anywhere near the good, honest, decent man, that the D establishment is telling you that he is.

Like I said above, Hillary crossed the Rubicon on "sowing distrust in our election process by claiming fraud and cheating and stealing." What you're talking about is a matter of degree, at most. Remember all of the protests after Trump won in 2016, blocking highways, and all that? I do. Scroll down to the "Post-Election" heading if this doesn't take you directly there.

It wasn't just hiding. 51 high level, massively corrupt, liberals signed off on the lap top as Russian collusion. Pinocchio Joe actually bragged about it in the 2020 debate. Then the DNC colluded with Facebook, Twitter, Google etc to censor any and everyone who acknowledged the laptop. The corrupt FBI actually went to Mark Zuckerberg and told him to expect some Russian disinformation right before the election. It was a MASSIVE cover up.

Where does that register on your "sowing distrust in our election process" meter?

To add to that the DNC and the liberal Elites have been covering up Joe's dementia for 3 years. No doubt you were crying "conspiracy theory" and bought into the clown KPJ's "cheapfakes" bullshit. Boy that didn't age well.

You are probably still in the camp that Covid started in a wet market.

Willfully ignorant is no way to go through life Krusty.
Where does that register on your "sowing distrust in our election process" meter?
Not as high. Covering up and even lying about potentially embarrassing info before an election is not the same as attempting a coordinated plan to overturn electors and sow distrust in elections, some even to the point of intimidation and threats as happened in Georgia.

No doubt you were crying "conspiracy theory" and bought into the clown KPJ's "cheapfakes" bullshit. Boy that didn't age well.

Please elaborate. I do not know what you are referring to.

And yes, I'm MOSTLY in that camp, but still open to new info. Taihtsat

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