New topic - Realignment! :)

Loyal Coug1

Hall Of Fame
Gold Member
Aug 24, 2022
Looks like we have another waning of the spambots. As I have said, report them then ignore them. Cleans things up a lot as Rivals continues to address the issue.

So I started this thread on the non-cheapskate board, but those 8 guys all seem to be asleep. Here we go.

There have been a couple of recent articles (NY Times, Salt Lake Tribune) about waining interest in a Pac-2/Mtn West merger, but they are behind paywalls. Link below is the one "free" article I found. Looks pretty bleak to me. What I envision now is the Pac-2 futzing around waiting for the never-to-happen phone call from the Big-12 or ACC, then having to beg the Mtn West to take us in on July 1, 2026, thus losing about $30M in future NCAA BB allocations. Which we would lose anyway if we went somewhere else.
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Root for chaos with the ACC lawsuits. Best chance for Cougs to get in a watered down ACC or possibly a B12 invite.
Looks like we have another waning of the spambots. As I have said, report them then ignore them. Cleans things up a lot as Rivals continues to address the issue.

So I started this thread on the non-cheapskate board, but those 8 guys all seem to be asleep. Here we go.

There have been a couple of recent articles (NY Times, Salt Lake Tribune) about waining interest in a Pac-2/Mtn West merger, but they are behind paywalls. Link below is the one "free" article I found. Looks pretty bleak to me. What I envision now is the Pac-2 futzing around waiting for the never-to-happen phone call from the Big-12 or ACC, then having to beg the Mtn West to take us in on July 1, 2026, thus losing about $30M in future NCAA BB allocations. Which we would lose anyway if we went somewhere else.

Unfortunately, the money to be lost by committing early far outweighs the apparent benefits of the MWC. And although we may be stuck with holding our hats in our hands in a couple years, the reality is that WSU and OSU currently have more media value than any of the MWC schools. As bad as the current MWC media deal is....we are frankly better off as crazy as that sounds. Only time will tell if that remains the case in two years.
Root for chaos with the ACC lawsuits. Best chance for Cougs to get in a watered down ACC or possibly a B12 invite.
Unfortunately, the money to be lost by committing early far outweighs the apparent benefits of the MWC. And although we may be stuck with holding our hats in our hands in a couple years, the reality is that WSU and OSU currently have more media value than any of the MWC schools. As bad as the current MWC media deal is....we are frankly better off as crazy as that sounds. Only time will tell if that remains the case in two years.

Geezus F-ing Christ. The entire Coug fan base (plus our lame Commissioner and our and OSU's administration) are so f-ing delusional.

Let me spell it out:
  • The Big -12 does not, and will not, want us. EVER
  • The ACC is not going anywhere anytime soon
  • We are screwing the pooch by acting like we are superior to our like-sized, like fit, MW foes Our seeming arrogance is complete and total BS. And Teresa Gould will be out of a job in 2 years. No matter what happens
You guys are so f-ing stupid (sorry, I try to refrain from personal insults but shit get a f-ing clue.) NO ONE wants us. At this point, not even the MW, which is doing just fine.
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Geezus F-ing Christ. The entire Coug fan base (plus our lame Commissioner and our and OSU's administration) are so f-ing delusional.

Let me spell it out:
  • The Big -12 does not, and will not, want us. EVER
  • The ACC is not going anywhere anytime soon
  • We are screwing the pooch by acting like we are superior to our like-sized, like fit, MW foes Our seeming arrogance is complete and total BS. And Teresa Gould will be out of a job in 2 years. No matter what happens
You guys are so f-ing stupid (sorry, I try to refrain from personal insults but shit get a f-ing clue.) NO ONE wants us. At this point, not even the MW, which is doing just fine.
If we announce anything now we (WSU/OSU) would have to divide the $250M, Tournament money, & conference assets with the departing 10. That would be stupid. Time is not on our side after being left out in the cold, but better to wait it out IMO as 90 posted.
Geezus F-ing Christ. The entire Coug fan base (plus our lame Commissioner and our and OSU's administration) are so f-ing delusional.

Let me spell it out:
  • The Big -12 does not, and will not, want us. EVER
  • The ACC is not going anywhere anytime soon
  • We are screwing the pooch by acting like we are superior to our like-sized, like fit, MW foes Our seeming arrogance is complete and total BS. And Teresa Gould will be out of a job in 2 years. No matter what happens
You guys are so f-ing stupid (sorry, I try to refrain from personal insults but shit get a f-ing clue.) NO ONE wants us. At this point, not even the MW, which is doing just fine.
You & Flat are both right. If we join anyone in the next week, we lose a pile. And the current MWC media deal isn’t worth spending any time or money to pursue.

And, neither the Big 12 or ACC wants us. The Big 12 could have easily taken us after UW & UO left. They didn’t, and they won’t. The ACC didn’t even want to take Stanford & Cal. They bought their way in by taking 1/3 shares (SMU is getting nothing) for I think 9 years. Maybe we could get in by agreeing to take no media money, but we don’t have the endowment money or the alumni backing to do that.

If we’re really pocketing $120M, we can float for a few years, if we’re smart about things.
You & Flat are both right. If we join anyone in the next week, we lose a pile. And the current MWC media deal isn’t worth spending any time or money to pursue.

And, neither the Big 12 or ACC wants us. The Big 12 could have easily taken us after UW & UO left. They didn’t, and they won’t. The ACC didn’t even want to take Stanford & Cal. They bought their way in by taking 1/3 shares (SMU is getting nothing) for I think 9 years. Maybe we could get in by agreeing to take no media money, but we don’t have the endowment money or the alumni backing to do that.

If we’re really pocketing $120M, we can float for a few years, if we’re smart about things.

95, is there any chance WSU and OSU could go their separate ways?

For example: Big 12 wants WSU (larger WA media market, more consistent success, academic reputation) but not OSU. Could Dr. Schulz and AD McCoy make that move or is there a "gentleman's agreement" in place with the Pac-2 after they were left stranded last summer?

How might the Pac-2's windfall be doled out if there was a split?
Geezus F-ing Christ. The entire Coug fan base (plus our lame Commissioner and our and OSU's administration) are so f-ing delusional.

Let me spell it out:
  • The Big -12 does not, and will not, want us. EVER
  • The ACC is not going anywhere anytime soon

So why is Sgt. Schultz as you call him playing the waiting game like a Vegas shark with a trick up his sleeve?

PKS seems to act like WSU will have a good landing spot in due time

robert eggers patience GIF
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95, is there any chance WSU and OSU could go their separate ways?

For example: Big 12 wants WSU (larger WA media market, more consistent success, academic reputation) but not OSU. Could Dr. Schulz and AD McCoy make that move or is there a "gentleman's agreement" in place with the Pac-2 after they were left stranded last summer?

How might the Pac-2's windfall be doled out if there was a split?
In another week, once we get past the end of the Pac-12 media deal, I think all bets are off. The larger incentive for them to stay together is gone after that. There’s more money to come in CFP and NCAA payouts, but those are smaller pieces, supposedly.

But, the big 12 isn’t coming for either of them. They’re probably stuck together because nobody wants either.
If we announce anything now we (WSU/OSU) would have to divide the $250M, Tournament money, & conference assets with the departing 10. That would be stupid. Time is not on our side after being left out in the cold, but better to wait it out IMO as 90 posted.
That is not accurate. How many times do I have to go through this? $65M is already in the bank and being spent. Anything we would announce would not be effective until at least 7/1/25. Thus the FY25 Rose Bowl ($50M), NCAA BB (~$10M?) and the CFP $ (a few M) monies are basically in the bag. So going to another conference for FY26 could cost $100M-ish. Still a lot, but not the $250M.

As has been discussed ad nauseum, a reverse merger would allow us to retain all of the windfall. That is what I have been preaching for 8-9 months now. AND, we could win a league championship in FB and start earning new NCAA BB credits. Neither of which we can do now. But us appearing to thumb our noses at the MW is not making them feel very wanted. Certainly not putting them in the mood to disband their conference and join ours so WE can save a bunch of money.
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Geezus F-ing Christ. The entire Coug fan base (plus our lame Commissioner and our and OSU's administration) are so f-ing delusional.

Let me spell it out:
  • The Big -12 does not, and will not, want us. EVER
  • The ACC is not going anywhere anytime soon
  • We are screwing the pooch by acting like we are superior to our like-sized, like fit, MW foes Our seeming arrogance is complete and total BS. And Teresa Gould will be out of a job in 2 years. No matter what happens
You guys are so f-ing stupid (sorry, I try to refrain from personal insults but shit get a f-ing clue.) NO ONE wants us. At this point, not even the MW, which is doing just fine.
The Mountain West absolutely wants us. Their public comments are just posturing, nothing more. They would be absolute fools to not invite us.
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Geezus F-ing Christ. The entire Coug fan base (plus our lame Commissioner and our and OSU's administration) are so f-ing delusional.

Let me spell it out:
  • The Big -12 does not, and will not, want us. EVER
  • The ACC is not going anywhere anytime soon
  • We are screwing the pooch by acting like we are superior to our like-sized, like fit, MW foes Our seeming arrogance is complete and total BS. And Teresa Gould will be out of a job in 2 years. No matter what happens
You guys are so f-ing stupid (sorry, I try to refrain from personal insults but shit get a f-ing clue.) NO ONE wants us. At this point, not even the MW, which is doing just fine.
I agree. WSU needs to do what is necessary NOW to secure their conference in the west.
The Mountain West absolutely wants us. Their public comments are just posturing, nothing more. They would be absolute fools to not invite us.
I don't disagree that they would take us - but what we want it to be the reverse merger. Effective 7/1/25 so we could get back out of the HS Gym Conference (AKA WCC), end the FB scheduling robbery - uh I mean affiliation - retain ALL of our money and allocations, get going on some semblance of a media deal, and as I said start earning new NCAA BB allocations and competing for a league title in FB. Which seemed quite possible if not likely back in December, but now seems unlikely.
That is not accurate. How many times do I have to go through this? $65M is already in the bank and being spent. Anything we would announce would not be effective until at least 7/1/25. Thus the FY25 Rose Bowl ($50M), NCAA BB (~$10M?) and the CFP $ (a few M) monies are basically in the bag. So going to another conference for FY26 could cost $100M-ish. Still a lot, but not the $250M.

As has been discussed ad nauseum, a reverse merger would allow us to retain all of the windfall. That is what I have been preaching for 8-9 months now. AND, we could win a league championship in FB and start earning new NCAA BB credits. Neither of which we can do now. But us appearing to thumb our noses at the MW is not making them feel very wanted. Certainly not putting them in the mood to disband their conference and join ours so WE can save a bunch of money.
This is is exactly the argument we had with the 10 traitors. It doesn't matter when the departure is, the trigger is when the departure is announced. So to avoid any sort of claim, we're wise to avoid any public discussion until after the Pac-12 media deal is contractually expired, which I think is Aug 5.
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There is no urgency. The MWC isn't going anywhere.
Exactly. They aren't going to come create the Alaska Air PacMtn-12/14 in a year or two if we continue to thumb our noses at them. They may let us buy our way into their conference in a year or two. So let's just sit back, pay through the nose for year 2 of our scheduling agreements, miss out on being a part of any new media contract, not get any NCAA BB allocations, not be able to win a FB title, and by doing so have almost -0- chance at an at-large CFP bid. All the while spending down our windfall and assuring that we will lose that last $30M in NCAA $ by being forced to join the MW.

All fantastic reasons to sit on our hands, and wait to see if the Big-12 invite comes (it won't, EVER), or if the ACC falls apart (it won't, and if it does splinter we aren't on their list anyway). Oh plus, if one of those conferences does do something, it is a real possibility that they would look to SDSU and/or UNLV, taking a big chunk out of the MW and making it an even more undesirable option.

Yep, all is well, no hurry, sit back and enjoy the ride.
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Exactly. They aren't going to come create the Alaska Air PacMtn-12/14 in a year or two if we continue to thumb our noses at them. They may let us buy our way into their conference in a year or two. So let's just sit back, pay through the nose for year 2 of our scheduling agreements, miss out on being a part of any new media contract, not get any NCAA BB allocations, not be able to win a FB title, and by doing so have almost -0- chance at an at-large CFP bid. All the while spending down our windfall and assuring that we will lose that last $30M in NCAA $ by being forced to join the MW.

All fantastic reasons to sit on our hands, and wait to see if the Big-12 invite comes (it won't, EVER), or if the ACC falls apart (it won't, and if it does splinter we aren't on their list anyway). Oh plus, if one of those conferences does do something, it is a real possibility that they would look to SDSU and/or UNLV, taking a big chunk out of the MW and making it an even more undesirable option.

Yep, all is well, no hurry, sit back and enjoy the ride.
Your first paragraph is the definition of petulant.

There's nothing saying we have to pay substantially for year 2 of scheduling. If they try to railroad us into a big an independent schedule. We'll find teams that will play us. If we'd wanted to put the work into it, I bet we could have filled 2024 & 2025 with a series of home & home deals anyway.
Neither us or OSU is likely to put a team in the NCAA tournament in the next couple years. We're also not going to win a FB title, and it's unlikely either of us would qualify for the CFP.

Sooner or later, we're going to end up grouped with MWC teams. It's the only avenue available. It's just a matter of working out the details so that it's to everyone's benefit...even if that benefit is modest. And, we should be looking at it as a longer term benefit, while the MWC is likely looking for a shorter term one.
Your first paragraph is the definition of petulant.

There's nothing saying we have to pay substantially for year 2 of scheduling. If they try to railroad us into a big an independent schedule. We'll find teams that will play us. If we'd wanted to put the work into it, I bet we could have filled 2024 & 2025 with a series of home & home deals anyway.
Neither us or OSU is likely to put a team in the NCAA tournament in the next couple years. We're also not going to win a FB title, and it's unlikely either of us would qualify for the CFP.

Sooner or later, we're going to end up grouped with MWC teams. It's the only avenue available. It's just a matter of working out the details so that it's to everyone's benefit...even if that benefit is modest. And, we should be looking at it as a longer term benefit, while the MWC is likely looking for a shorter term one.
Petulant? "Childishly sulky or bad-tempered", according to the dictionary. I'm sort of hurt by that. Is this what I get after my superhuman efforts to save WW from the Spambots? I'm petulant? While the rest of you sat on your asses and let me do the heavy lifting? Which is fine, since I am pretty much the Superior Being on this site.

And uh, our affiliation contract with the MW specifies our $10M payment for year 2 of the affiliation agreement. The WCC agreement is only about $1M. Neither of which shares ANY TV revenue. Ya wonder why I think we should get the F out of that as of 7/1/25? I mean what do you guys foresee in a year? You can scoff at my masterful vision all you want. But I have yet to see any poster on this board come up with any other plausible scheme. It's just, no hurry, just wait it out, something will come up, we'll stay P4, all is well.

Oh and while admittedly none of us message board posters know shit or have any say, go roam around other MW and West Coast Boards. The Pac-2 is pretty much being shit on all around. The big money is on us having to settle for the Big Sky - if they will take us......
... Is this what I get after my superhuman efforts to save WW from the Spambots? I'm petulant? While the rest of you sat on your asses and let me do the heavy lifting? Which is fine, since I am pretty much the Superior Being on this site.

were not worthy waynes world GIF
I wanted to post this before but, the spambot fiasco kept me out of here for a while.

From the below article it does seem that the MW and Pac12 relationship is moving to a less cordial place. I don't think it's too late to reverse merge but, as the Pac12 plays the waiting game the MW is getting comfortable with it's twelve schools and stability especially with the CFP.

There was no paywall to this article:
I wanted to post this before but, the spambot fiasco kept me out of here for a while.

From the below article it does seem that the MW and Pac12 relationship is moving to a less cordial place. I don't think it's too late to reverse merge but, as the Pac12 plays the waiting game the MW is getting comfortable with it's twelve schools and stability especially with the CFP.

There was no paywall to this article:
I hit a paywall on this article. Perhaps you could summarize. And keep it to words of one syllable or less for my Coug brethren......
I hit a paywall on this article. Perhaps you could summarize. And keep it to words of one syllable or less for my Coug brethren......
Sorry about that. I'll have to copy the article in multiple replies as it is too long for this format. I'm not hitting any paywall so here is the article.

Will the Mountain West and Pac-12 leftovers join forces?

Why the conferences’ shared realignment future is no longer a given.

(Young Kwak | AP) Utah State quarterback Andrew Peasley prepares to throw a pass during the second half of an NCAA college football game against Washington State, Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021, in Pullman, Wash.

By Chris Vannini | The Athletic

| July 23, 2024, 6:00 a.m.


Las Vegas • Nine months ago, as the Pac-12 neared collapse with the impending departure of 10 of its schools for other conferences, a union between the conference’s remaining two members and the Mountain West seemed almost inevitable. Oregon State and Washington State needed a home, and the 12-team Mountain West was the only FBS conference remaining that could claim a truly West Coast footprint.

But when the leagues appeared in Sin City separately for their respective media events earlier this month, there remained little to no momentum for a permanent resolution between them. That’s because both sides still want different things.

The Pac-2 held an open-bar cocktail event in a Bellagio conference room, where former Washington State quarterbacks Ryan Leaf and Jack Thompson criticized those who left their alma mater behind and mascot Butch T. Cougar wore a red jacket and let his chest fur breathe. With only a two-year window to operate as a two-team conference per NCAA rules, Oregon State and Washington State are hoping for further realignment chaos, hoping a Power 4 invitation or new possibility emerges.

The Mountain West held its media days within the world’s largest sportsbook at Circa, pushing excitement about a deep league and opportunity in a new 12-team College Football Playoff. The conference wants stability, not chaos, and some league members have wondered privately why they should give another lifeline to the Pac-2 without a long-term agreement, even as everyone stays cordial publicly.

Last December, the parties agreed to a one-year football scheduling agreement, helping the Beavers and Cougars secure six additional Mountain West opponents for their 2024 football schedules in exchange for more than $14 million. The contract spoke of working toward a basketball agreement that never transpired. Oregon State and Washington State’s programs in that sport and most others will operate as affiliate members under a two-year contract with the West Coast Conference instead. (Oregon State baseball opted for independence.) Both sides say an agreement on a 2025 football schedule needs to happen before the 2024 season kicks off. So will it?

“I’m pretty confident,” Mountain West commissioner Gloria Nevarez said. “You never know with how contracting goes. It was built in anticipation as a two-year schedule. Because that’s how you mitigate competitive inequities, and we figure if we’re going to do it, it’s easier to do two. It’s not for any reason except for we had to get through June meetings, then July gets kind of quiet. (Pac-12 commissioner Teresa Gould) and I have been talking, and it’s just been a phone tag thing.”
I hit a paywall on this article. Perhaps you could summarize. And keep it to words of one syllable or less for my Coug brethren......
The rest of the article:

That football agreement also laid out in writing a “good faith” effort for the Pac-12 to absorb all Mountain West schools under the Pac-12 banner at no cost, “as promptly as reasonably practicable,” in time for the 2025-26 or 2026-27 seasons. That hasn’t happened.

Oregon State has six games on its 2025 football schedule and Washington State has five, not including a matchup with each other. Mountain West schools could theoretically fill out those schedules individually, or they could hold firm together and secure another conference-wide agreement.

“We’ll have to see if everything falls into place or we explore a different path for that second year,” new Washington State athletic director Anne McCoy said, “or if everything goes forward with the Mountain West.”

Big picture, Oregon State and Washington State want to buy as much time as possible and see what happens elsewhere — perhaps, say, if Florida State and Clemson try to officially leave the ACC, that league might explore getting back to 17 members. Oregon State athletic director Scott Barnes told The Athletic earlier this year that joining a Power 4 conference is the top priority, followed by some merger with the Mountain West.

Bottom of Form​
“It’s important to get the time to see where the landscape is going,” said Oregon State executive deputy athletic director Brent Blaylock, who represented OSU at the Vegas event. “We’ve seen the volatility of how things change. We know some of the other friction points going on in other places. So it’s important for us to just stay abreast of what’s going on.”

The Mountain West, meanwhile, feels more emboldened than it did a year ago and doesn’t appreciate the image of being a backup option. The introduction of a 12-team CFP means the Mountain West champion has a path to the Playoff for the foreseeable future, while the Pac-2 can only receive an at-large berth, and the CFP deal with ESPN runs through 2032. The Mountain West also got six teams into this year’s NCAA men’s basketball tournament. It won’t beg for two more members.

“When I first started (as commissioner), everyone was growing to 14, 16, and I thought maybe that’s where we need to be,” Nevarez said. “I’m not seeing a need now. Certainly if there’s an opportunity to make us better, I would absolutely chase that down. But I’m feeling pretty good about where we are.”

For this upcoming football season, the Mountain West is pushing its strength of schedule: League members will play 35 games against Power 5 opponents (including Oregon State and Washington State), with 15 of those games at home, by far the most of any Group of 5 conference.

What does hang over the Mountain West is its television deal, which recently added TNT Sports as a third partner and runs through 2025-26. That coincidentally times up with the Pac-2′s window. It’d be an easy moment to make an addition. But what about departures? The Mountain West office has maintained that its exit fee ($18 million, or $36 million for schools leaving within a year) applies regardless of the TV situation, something that was brought up last summer when San Diego State danced with the idea of leaving the league. Any attempt by Oregon State and Washington State to pull Group of 5 teams from multiple conferences would be very expensive, even with a $255 million war chest leftover from the Pac-12.

The football agreement signed last year lays out that adding one Mountain West school would cost the Pac-2 $10 million. Adding six schools would cost $67.5 million; 11 schools would cost $137.5 million, not including their exit fees for leaving the MW. But adding all 12 would cost nothing. The league held firm in putting that deal together, protecting everyone.

The one wild-card scenario is dissolving the Mountain West, which would require nine of 12 schools voting in favor and therefore removing any exit fees. That possibility has not garnered enough votes to be an option, especially given the open desire of the Pac-2 schools to land elsewhere.

Oregon State and Washington State will chart their future amid plenty of internal change. Football coach Jonathan Smith and highly-touted quarterback Aidan Chiles left Oregon State for Michigan State, and star running back Damien Martinez went to Miami (Fla.). Washington State athletic director Pat Chun left for Washington, and talented quarterback Cam Ward went to Miami. Influential president Kirk Schulz will retire next June. That turnover has made a difficult situation even tougher.

No one associated with the Pac-2 in that Bellagio conference room could say what the future holds, but after a year of upheaval and ahead of a historic and unique fall, an open bar felt appropriate.

“If anybody has earned the right to drink,” Gould said, “it’s the Pac-12.”

This article originally appeared in The Athletic.

By Chris Vannini | The Athletic
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The rest of the article:

That football agreement also laid out in writing a “good faith” effort for the Pac-12 to absorb all Mountain West schools under the Pac-12 banner at no cost, “as promptly as reasonably practicable,” in time for the 2025-26 or 2026-27 seasons. That hasn’t happened.

Oregon State has six games on its 2025 football schedule and Washington State has five, not including a matchup with each other. Mountain West schools could theoretically fill out those schedules individually, or they could hold firm together and secure another conference-wide agreement.

“We’ll have to see if everything falls into place or we explore a different path for that second year,” new Washington State athletic director Anne McCoy said, “or if everything goes forward with the Mountain West.”

Big picture, Oregon State and Washington State want to buy as much time as possible and see what happens elsewhere — perhaps, say, if Florida State and Clemson try to officially leave the ACC, that league might explore getting back to 17 members. Oregon State athletic director Scott Barnes told The Athletic earlier this year that joining a Power 4 conference is the top priority, followed by some merger with the Mountain West.

Bottom of Form​
“It’s important to get the time to see where the landscape is going,” said Oregon State executive deputy athletic director Brent Blaylock, who represented OSU at the Vegas event. “We’ve seen the volatility of how things change. We know some of the other friction points going on in other places. So it’s important for us to just stay abreast of what’s going on.”

The Mountain West, meanwhile, feels more emboldened than it did a year ago and doesn’t appreciate the image of being a backup option. The introduction of a 12-team CFP means the Mountain West champion has a path to the Playoff for the foreseeable future, while the Pac-2 can only receive an at-large berth, and the CFP deal with ESPN runs through 2032. The Mountain West also got six teams into this year’s NCAA men’s basketball tournament. It won’t beg for two more members.

“When I first started (as commissioner), everyone was growing to 14, 16, and I thought maybe that’s where we need to be,” Nevarez said. “I’m not seeing a need now. Certainly if there’s an opportunity to make us better, I would absolutely chase that down. But I’m feeling pretty good about where we are.”

For this upcoming football season, the Mountain West is pushing its strength of schedule: League members will play 35 games against Power 5 opponents (including Oregon State and Washington State), with 15 of those games at home, by far the most of any Group of 5 conference.

What does hang over the Mountain West is its television deal, which recently added TNT Sports as a third partner and runs through 2025-26. That coincidentally times up with the Pac-2′s window. It’d be an easy moment to make an addition. But what about departures? The Mountain West office has maintained that its exit fee ($18 million, or $36 million for schools leaving within a year) applies regardless of the TV situation, something that was brought up last summer when San Diego State danced with the idea of leaving the league. Any attempt by Oregon State and Washington State to pull Group of 5 teams from multiple conferences would be very expensive, even with a $255 million war chest leftover from the Pac-12.

The football agreement signed last year lays out that adding one Mountain West school would cost the Pac-2 $10 million. Adding six schools would cost $67.5 million; 11 schools would cost $137.5 million, not including their exit fees for leaving the MW. But adding all 12 would cost nothing. The league held firm in putting that deal together, protecting everyone.

The one wild-card scenario is dissolving the Mountain West, which would require nine of 12 schools voting in favor and therefore removing any exit fees. That possibility has not garnered enough votes to be an option, especially given the open desire of the Pac-2 schools to land elsewhere.

Oregon State and Washington State will chart their future amid plenty of internal change. Football coach Jonathan Smith and highly-touted quarterback Aidan Chiles left Oregon State for Michigan State, and star running back Damien Martinez went to Miami (Fla.). Washington State athletic director Pat Chun left for Washington, and talented quarterback Cam Ward went to Miami. Influential president Kirk Schulz will retire next June. That turnover has made a difficult situation even tougher.

No one associated with the Pac-2 in that Bellagio conference room could say what the future holds, but after a year of upheaval and ahead of a historic and unique fall, an open bar felt appropriate.

“If anybody has earned the right to drink,” Gould said, “it’s the Pac-12.”

This article originally appeared in The Athletic.

By Chris Vannini | The Athletic
Thanks Meister. Lots of good stuff in here. Pretty much validates my contention(s) about the reverse merger. I remember reading that "good faith absorb" section of the December 2023 agreement. Now here we are 7 months later, and farther, not closer, to doing exactly what we put in writing as our intention.

But hey, no worries, no hurries. I'm sure something good is in the works.
Things don't sound bleak to me at all. More and more, our new TV partnership with CW looks very promising. CW is a National Network that is actively looking to enter the collegiate sports market, and WSU (and OSU) operate out of the very desirable Seattle/NW markets.

The remaining upper crust programs need to establish their new homes, and once that's complete, you're going to see the "best of the rest" begin to assemble. The SEC and B!G will round out their conferences followed by the B12. After that, there are going to be at least 25 programs at WSU and OSU's level looking for homes. ACC have nots, military academies, top-tier MWC and AAC programs. I can envision a large National conference with a pod of West coast teams (WSU, OSU, Boise, Fresno, Air Force, UNLV, SDSU, Colorado State) joining up with a group of ACC/AAC/Military schools to form a league.

After this season, I expect realignment talk to ramp up. WSU and OSU are going to have a new conference affiliation (IMO) by the summer of 2025.
Things don't sound bleak to me at all. More and more, our new TV partnership with CW looks very promising. CW is a National Network that is actively looking to enter the collegiate sports market, and WSU (and OSU) operate out of the very desirable Seattle/NW markets.

The remaining upper crust programs need to establish their new homes, and once that's complete, you're going to see the "best of the rest" begin to assemble. The SEC and B!G will round out their conferences followed by the B12. After that, there are going to be at least 25 programs at WSU and OSU's level looking for homes. ACC have nots, military academies, top-tier MWC and AAC programs. I can envision a large National conference with a pod of West coast teams (WSU, OSU, Boise, Fresno, Air Force, UNLV, SDSU, Colorado State) joining up with a group of ACC/AAC/Military schools to form a league.

After this season, I expect realignment talk to ramp up. WSU and OSU are going to have a new conference affiliation (IMO) by the summer of 2025.
What you describe sounds pretty bleak to me.
Because your summer crush Gloria would not be involved, or what?
Because I really don't want to see our Cougs flying to the east coast to play Army, Navy and directional state from the AAC. None of which as options are as good as most of the MW, travel or not.
Because I really don't want to see our Cougs flying to the east coast to play Army, Navy and directional state from the AAC. None of which as options are as good as most of the MW, travel or not.
Well, given the fluid nature of conference alignment, being patience makes more sense. There is still potential for upside. And, the opportunity to split off from what is proposed above with the former MWC teams (more likely some of the MWC teams) will still exist in the future. You are also overlooking that Hawaii is farther away than the east coast schools you don't want WSU traveling to.
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Well, given the fluid nature of conference alignment, being patience makes more sense. There is still potential for upside. And, the opportunity to split off from what is proposed above with the former MWC teams (more likely some of the MWC teams) will still exist in the future. You are also overlooking that Hawaii is farther away than the east coast schools you don't want WSU traveling to.
Hawaii is not much farther. And every indication coming out of the P4 is that they are ready to settle in for a while except the crybabies in the ACC who will be in court for years - and the B1G and SEC don't want them anyway. There is no upside. The scenario above is sure as hell not an upside.
We're absolutely not going to cash out now and join up with the MWC. That day may come, but it's not today.
Why do I have to keep explaining this? The document signed last December "laid out in writing a “good faith” effort for the Pac-12 to absorb all Mountain West schools under the Pac-12 banner at no cost, “as promptly as reasonably practicable,” in time for the 2025-26 or 2026-27 seasons. "

This is what I keeeep telling you guys. This is what needs to happen. The Pac-2 needs to show up at Gloria's door, hats in hand, and say "please please can we just go back to this plan? We will install you as Commissioner and the Alaska Air PacMtn-14 HQ will be in Colorado Springs".
Hawaii is not much farther. And every indication coming out of the P4 is that they are ready to settle in for a while except the crybabies in the ACC who will be in court for years - and the B1G and SEC don't want them anyway. There is no upside. The scenario above is sure as hell not an upside.
So, I guess your concern about travel is not based on distance.

And, I suspect you would find yourself in a small minority ins saying that Cal, Stanford, UNC, UVA, NC State, etc. do not have more upside than New Mexico and Hawaii.
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Why do I have to keep explaining this? The document signed last December "laid out in writing a “good faith” effort for the Pac-12 to absorb all Mountain West schools under the Pac-12 banner at no cost, “as promptly as reasonably practicable,” in time for the 2025-26 or 2026-27 seasons. "

This is what I keeeep telling you guys. This is what needs to happen. The Pac-2 needs to show up at Gloria's door, hats in hand, and say "please please can we just go back to this plan? We will install you as Commissioner and the Alaska Air PacMtn-14 HQ will be in Colorado Springs".
Your risk aversion is not shared by others.

You want to settle for the gal at the end of the bar at closing time. Some of us want more and are willing to roll the dice.
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Petulant? "Childishly sulky or bad-tempered", according to the dictionary. I'm sort of hurt by that. Is this what I get after my superhuman efforts to save WW from the Spambots? I'm petulant? While the rest of you sat on your asses and let me do the heavy lifting? Which is fine, since I am pretty much the Superior Being on this site.

And uh, our affiliation contract with the MW specifies our $10M payment for year 2 of the affiliation agreement. The WCC agreement is only about $1M. Neither of which shares ANY TV revenue. Ya wonder why I think we should get the F out of that as of 7/1/25? I mean what do you guys foresee in a year? You can scoff at my masterful vision all you want. But I have yet to see any poster on this board come up with any other plausible scheme. It's just, no hurry, just wait it out, something will come up, we'll stay P4, all is well.

Oh and while admittedly none of us message board posters know shit or have any say, go roam around other MW and West Coast Boards. The Pac-2 is pretty much being shit on all around. The big money is on us having to settle for the Big Sky - if they will take us......

Now your being absurd.

Here is a option, scenario.

After Aug 5, just 6 days from now, 9 to 12 MWC teams reverse merge into PAC, which FREE, doesn't cost WSU, OSU, PAC 12/2 anything, not saying anything sooner, so as to avoid giving official notice, announcement, as per what 95, and the rest of us, and the facts have said, so as to not lose 250 mil, etc, to the 10.

That could easily happen, and you, and all of us wouldn't know about it.

Also a deadline has been set to have a landing place, something like a reverse merger, joining MWC, etc, by, before, at the start of the football season, which is about 3.5 or so ish weeks after the Aug 5th, the day that after that day then can announce with no risk of losing 250 million, etc, to the 10.

Now after that, no more pussy footing around, and need to get something worked out after that, if something has not already been worked out.

If Big 12, ACC don't grav WSU, OSU by Aug 5th, and they probably wont, then after something is worked out with MWC, so MWC team in same conference as WSU/OSU, no matter is its 6 to 9 to 12 MWC teams, in PAC, or if WSU, OSU in PAC, then after that, then ACC can fall apart, and then either ACC takes WSU, OSU, or ACC leftover crumbs join either PAC, or MWC, with the other MWC teams, whatever number, in either PAC, or MWC, etc.

And if not that, then after the Big 12, SEC, Big 10 finish off ACC, then maybe Big 12 grabs WSU/OSU from PAC full of MWC teams, or from MWC.

Now if NONE of that happens, and if WSU/OSU caught holding the bag again, then that would be a STUPID EPIC failure on Teresa Gould's, Anne McCoy's, Schultz's, New WSU President's, WSU Board of trustees, WSU leadership or lack thereof, PAC leadership, or lack thereof, FAULT, BLAME.

But nothing we can do now except wait and see and hope, etc.

Being all Doom and Gloom, Chicken Little the sky is falling, when either isn't falling or Don't know if it's falling, don't know what's going to happen because leadership not announcing so as not not have to share 250 Mil with the 10, etc, is being SILLY, ABSURD, if doing that.

Now if you want to run around unneedingly like a chicken with your head cut off, and want to continue being Absurd about this, then go ahead, do so, as I am sure your not going to listen to me, or anyone else, and will just continue to be absurd about this no matter what anybody says
So, I guess your concern about travel is not based on distance.

And, I suspect you would find yourself in a small minority ins saying that Cal, Stanford, UNC, UVA, NC State, etc. do not have more upside than New Mexico and Hawaii.

Your risk aversion is not shared by others.

You want to settle for the gal at the end of the bar at closing time. Some of us want more and are willing to roll the dice.
Hawaii (one school mind you) is about 300 miles farther than several, if not all, of the ACC schools outside of CalFurd. So yes my concern about multiple 2,000+ mile trips a season is based on distance. Do really think that enough ACC teams are going to bail in the next year-plus (and tell me where are they going to go? The Big-12 is not a step up) to entice them to come way the F out here and get WSU and OSU? CalFurd had to beg their way in at a reduced rate.

There are no dice to roll. It is closing time.
Hawaii is not much farther. And every indication coming out of the P4 is that they are ready to settle in for a while except the crybabies in the ACC who will be in court for years - and the B1G and SEC don't want them anyway. There is no upside. The scenario above is sure as hell not an upside.
Financials determine the upside. An East/West pod of programs of reconstituted Pac2, ACC, Military Academies and the best of the AAC and MWC is worth significantly more than joining the MWC straight up.

West coast football as a whole is teetering. Fan interest is lower out West than it is in all of the other regions. People with a lot more business savvy than any of us realized a while ago that they needed to tap into the crazed football regions like the Midwest, Southwest, and Southeast. Those are the fans who eat, sleep, and breath football.

If we settle on the MWC now, we'll have permanently relegated ourselves to only West coast viewership. We'll be selling WSU vs. Utah State while the other leagues will have cross sectional viewership windows. UW vs. Iowa, Stanford vs. North Carolina, USC vs. Michigan State, Utah vs. West Virginia.

I don't like the idea of intersectional conferences either, but I understand why things have moved that direction. I also really like the idea of playing in the same conference as the 3 military academies.

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