The GUY was born with, still has a PENIS, is biologically a Male, and thinks he is a female.
The American Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Scientist have scientifically diagnosed, labeled that as being, having. GENDER DYSPHORIA MENTAL DISORDER.
If you think that you are a Horse or a airplane or a car, or opposite sex that you really are, and you truly, really believe that, then likewise the people that IDENTIFY as a Horse, animal, airplane, car, opposite sex of that they really are, etc, instead of the Biological Male Human Being that they are, are delusional, have a mental disorder, etc.
Now if they want to think, pretend, have fantasies, delusions, etc, that they are the opposite gender of what they really are, that they are a car, plane, train, horse, animal, etc, MORE POWER TO THEM.
But the rest of us don't have to play along, call you a she, when your a he, let you walk on freeway because you think your a car, let you into female bathrooms, lockerooms, female sports, etc.
If you want to tell, announce to everybody that your the opposite sex of what you really are, or that your a car, plane, train, horse, animal, that you are either that or identify as that, then MORE POWER TO YOU in doing that
But your still delusional, have a mental disorder, and still deny REALITY, SCIENCE, etc.