The amount of stupidity from CougEd is hilarious.
"3-9 twice"....Ed talks about expectations...Well since Ed has a selective memory...
Number of 3 win seasons.
Mike Price - 4
Walden - 4
Leach - 2
How Walden start out at WSU? 3-7-1, 3-8 the first two years.
Mike Price? 6-5, 3-8, 4-7
But only 1 Coach in our history won 5 games in 3 years.... Paul Wulff
So when it comes to expectations...CougEd has ZERO idea about our own history. Has complete hypocrisy when it comes to the judgement of our current coach, and a delusional warped borderline special needs comprehension/understanding of what Wulff actually did.
Since there was all this talk about NFL players...
Number of players recruited/coached by Leach in the NFL
Leach - 15
Number of players - 7 from Wulff - Tuel, Long, Fullington, Cooper. Pole, WIlson, Bucannon
And letting Pole and Cooper who spent 3 years with Leach, Bucanon 2 years be "credited" to ole Wulff is generous...
In the last two years under Leach we have had more people make NFL rosters than in the last decade. When was the last time we had 2 players drafted? 2007 - Frampton and Jason Hill. That had ZERO to do with Wulff at all, and yet 4 years with the ole Wulff....Ed talks about the Genius in developing Zach Williams...
Zach Williams now a player for the Las Vegas Outlaws...who back in 2010 under the incredible Paul Wulff school of offensive line was "
center Zack Williams, "embarrassed" by the trajectory of his shotgun snaps against Arizona, put in extra time on it Wednesday."
But hey CougEd talks about opinions... so let's see what an outside 3rd party has to say CougEd...
#18 on Athlon's
college footballs worst tenures in the BCS era... You guessed it Paul Wulff
Pacifictakes has old Wulff as the
#3 worst Pac-12 coaches in the past 25 years...
With a quote from a player he recruited "
Connor Halliday recently quipped about how the guys on Wulff's WSU squads couldn't have started for good high school teams, and while Halliday was exaggerating, his statements are a testament to just how bad Wulff's teams were. "
Oh but wait CougEd... THERE IS MORE.... Here ole Wulff is #1... In
the worst BCS teams since the BCS Era began..
Indiana? Illinois? What about Wake Forest? Nope...we have Wulff to thank for that...but his gift to us of course didn't keep giving... we made the list twice... also at #14 for his 2009 team.
So please Ed...when you wonder why everyone with a reasonable IQ above 70 thinks your posts on here are complete trash unfounded with any shred of real have no one to blame but yourself...and of course Paul Wulff....
There are many people who don't want to be the doormat for the Pac-12 which Wulff worked so hard to make us.
They like the fact that the new coach took us to a bowl game...Has our recruiting to the highest levels we've had in a decade, getting multiple people drafted, beating USC and Arizona at their own home, and breaking NCAA records in the process... They like the fact that we are climbing out of the grave that Wulff put us in....and they also can see a hypocritical douchebag like yourself come on here continually trying to shovel dirt on the program...don't act suprised if they don't like you or respond well to that.