That was as bad as anything in last year's UCLA game
I thought receiver picks were illegal?
I thought receiver picks were illegal?
Wxcept our guys did the picking to themselves.
A.) whoever’s responsible for that play never gets to play again. Inexcusable on the level of being developmentally disabled.
B.) the announcer’s call on that play was equally as bad as the defensive play. Too loud, too exaggerated, too much. Terrible announcer.
Agreed. Good play design terrible angle by the corner, late by the safety. TDThat was a natural pick. He ran into his teammate.
A.) whoever’s responsible for that play never gets to play again. Inexcusable on the level of being developmentally disabled.
B.) the announcer’s call on that play was equally as bad as the defensive play. Too loud, too exaggerated, too much. Terrible announcer.
The unsportsmanlike rules are silly, but our players look like morons for doing it too.
Calvin is such a dumbass. Dude might as well have peacock feathers on.
God forbid they have a little fun when they finally get a chance to play SMFH. You know they ain’t calling that against SC or Whoregon.Two celebration penalties. Ouch. I get the excitement, though. Especially for Calvin!
This big ears dumbfvck official can kiss my d*ck with these non-stop, bullsh*t calls.
If you know my address, stop by. I’ll leave the door unlocked. Make sure to kiss your fat wife goodbye and tell her that you love her before you leave.I’ll give him your address.
That seems racist.
If you know my address, stop by. I’ll leave the door unlocked. Make sure to kiss your fat wife goodbye and tell her that you love her before you leave.
He is punishing receivers today.Best Woods has played in two years.
I just had a Leach flashback with his "fat little girlfriends" comment.If you know my address, stop by. I’ll leave the door unlocked. Make sure to kiss your fat wife goodbye and tell her that you love her before you leave.