You should know better than anyone this clown's tactics and faulty arguments followed by avoidance when directly challenged. TaihtsatThat dead horse you two are beating into the ground break the surface in China yet? Geezus.
You should know better than anyone this clown's tactics and faulty arguments followed by avoidance when directly challenged. TaihtsatThat dead horse you two are beating into the ground break the surface in China yet? Geezus.
Does it? To Magas getting smacked in convincing fashion in the popular vote and the EC means it was rigged.That's just f-ing stupid. A convincing popular vote victory means something.
Oh I look forward to Gibby's constant thought-free, meaningless one liners and otherwise obtuse banter. Yet I believe that he thinks himself to be clever and more intelligent than the rest of us. Because he is, after all, an attorney. But at least (I think) he doesn't think he is witty or brings anything to any conversation. Because he doesn't - which probably explains why only a very few of us WW denizens bother to engage with him.You should know better than anyone this clown's tactics and faulty arguments followed by avoidance when directly challenged. Taihtsat
When was the first time you kicked my ass on this board? Odd comment considering you conceded the self-appointed defenders of democracy don’t actually give a shit about democracy.Since I never get tired of kicking your ass on this board, I'll give you another chance to scurry away from a direct challenge to support your false-equivelancy claim that the Dems nominating process was the same anti-democratic action as attempted by trump in 2020. This is what I directed at you on page 5 of this very thread, which was followed by crickets from you. Here ya go:
What... you're still here? Oaks, let's redirect. Follow along and please and try to stay on topic.
You claim democrats are portraying themselves as the protector of democracy this election, fair enough. I'll grant thatmis certainly one of their main points. Then you say they are hypocrites because they succeeded in convincing Biden to step aside after the party primary voting was completed. Fair enough, I'll even grant that.
This is where you err in saying what trump did in 2020 (which we both agree the democrats are campaigning against this cycle) is the same as what the DNC and party leadership (including the FORMER speaker, pelosi - you like that 😉) did thru THIS nomination process.
One (trump) came AFTER the final election, attempting to thwart the will of the majority of voters, failed court challenges, massive pushback (even some from his own party) with trump still lying and whining about it to this day, vs the other (Biden - Harris) that happened PRIOR to the convention (where parties officially nominate their candidates for the big finale) which was followed by NO significant party dissent, a huge boost in national polling, a major campaign donation influx, increased enthusiasm amongst the base and momentum overall.
Now if you can comprehend THAT and STILL wish to maintain your false-equivelancy, explain how the national election process is the same as the party selection process! To be hypocrites on this, it must be the same. How is it the same?
To make your point, you'll have to explain how the Democratic party disregarded the will of their voters in selecting their nominee for president that resulted in NO legal challenges, NO other candidates stepped forward, there was NO outrage (except by you and your fellow trump supporters), and where half the nation supports the candidate - an INCREASE compared to the support Biden was receiving.
Make your case, counselor!
Also, you wouldn't feel bullied if you weren't such a debate coward.
Would be impressive if you hadn’t viewed it 51,500,000 times yourself.wanna bet this scares Ed more than the Daisy ad ever did?
Viewed 52,000,000 times in one night and still growing.
Daisy aired once.
Swing and a miss...AGAIN. Why are you arguing democrats are the ones claiming they're fighting to save democracy? Could it be because of what happened in 2020? You don't need to mention 2020, because without that you have exactly ZERO basis to make a claim of hypocrisy by them.When was the first time you kicked my ass on this board? Odd comment considering you conceded the self-appointed defenders of democracy don’t actually give a shit about democracy.
I didn’t say anything about 2020. Just because you’re fixated on it doesn’t mean everyone else is. This is just another example of the hypocrisy- boogeyman Trump is so terrible that no lie must be left untold, any and ll democratic principles should be sacrificed, to keep him out of office.
I’m not sure what the squirrel story is, but I have a family of racoons in my back yard and deer that shit all over my lawn. If they can come take care of them they can have my vote.
I googled it, here’s what came up:I’m not sure what the squirrel story is, but I have a family of racoons in my back yard and deer that shit all over my lawn. If they can come take care of them they can have my vote.
"protest vote"?It means more than your protest vote for a candidate that has zero chance. THAT is a vote that means very little.
It means a lot to deranged trump supporters like dgibs who claim false victory when you can tell them you're boy lost by 7 million votes. Taihtsat
I wrote she did not go through a primary process. The Dems are good operators, including by being good at keeping most squabbles and backroom brawls largely in-house and under wraps. If you want to frame that week or so of backroom negotiations and deals, followed by them deciding to go with her and presenting it as a united front, which of course is the only way it would happen once they decided not to do an open convention (from what I understand, a primary factor was her ability to keep the Biden-Harris war chest) as being "overwhelming nominated" with "ZERO objection," well, OK.Quite simply...she went through the nominating process as she was overwhelming nominated! With ZERO objection.
If you are struggling trying to figure out whether to vote for trump or Harris, then - in my opinion- you are NOT an informed voter. Taihtsat
How do YOU reconcile when YOUR cult leader loses? Is that vote wasted? Did it even matter? Walk me through this pretzel logic of yours, I'm very intrigued."protest vote"?
So someon either slathers themself self so thick in cognitive dissonance that they can stomach voting for one pile of dog shit or another or they are "wasting" their vote? Because you're mad they won't join team dogshit or team catshit?
Heaven forbid someone have integrity and vote their conscious... what the fck ever would come of the world. No, instead lets all be feeble little sycophants that guzzle down the Jim Jones juice of their selected cult leader, because that's what the founding fathers wanted and fought for.
How do YOU reconcile when YOUR cult leader loses? Is that vote wasted? Did it even matter? Walk me through this pretzel logic of yours, I'm very intrigued.
Integrity? By throwing their vote away? When the senile old dotard who tried to lead a violent insurrection to overthrow our government is an eyelash away from taking control because fascism is now cool?"protest vote"?
So someon either slathers themself self so thick in cognitive dissonance that they can stomach voting for one pile of dog shit or another or they are "wasting" their vote? Because you're mad they won't join team dogshit or team catshit?
Heaven forbid someone have integrity and vote their conscious... what the fck ever would come of the world. No, instead lets all be feeble little sycophants that guzzle down the Jim Jones juice of their selected cult leader, because that's what the founding fathers wanted and fought for.
How do YOU reconcile when YOUR cult leader loses? Is that vote wasted? Did it even matter? Walk me through this pretzel logic of yours, I'm very intrigued.
Do you really believe that going through critiques of policy positions matters? People are picking Trump for other reasons. Trumps economic plan will run up the national debt way more than Harris’s plan and his plan for tariffs, if implemented, will lead to massive inflation and eff all his non-wealthy supporters in the butt. But they’ll just blame the commie socialists for their ills so it does not matter anyways.I wrote she did not go through a primary process. The Dems are good operators, including by being good at keeping most squabbles and backroom brawls largely in-house and under wraps. If you want to frame that week or so of backroom negotiations and deals, followed by them deciding to go with her and presenting it as a united front, which of course is the only way it would happen once they decided not to do an open convention (from what I understand, a primary factor was her ability to keep the Biden-Harris war chest) as being "overwhelming nominated" with "ZERO objection," well, OK.
In any event, here's the key: I am not talking about the subjection of democracy, as you've been arguing about with others. I mentioned it because she didn't have to go through having to set out positions and deal with critiques from her own party and rivals in a primary process (or open convention), which at least could have required her to have to articulate policy positions clearly or to undergo other critical examination of her candidacy, instead of getting away with the kind of campaign she has run. She barely was in the 2020 primary before dropping out.
Just a clarification, not an intention to get into the nastiness on here that we see with highly controversial topics. No need for that.
Do you really believe that going through critiques of policy positions matters? People are picking Trump for other reasons. Trumps economic plan will run up the national debt way more than Harris’s plan and his plan for tariffs, if implemented, will lead to massive inflation and eff all his non-wealthy supporters in the butt. But they’ll just blame the commie socialists for their ills so it does not matter anyways.
Saw this dipshit in a parking lot this weekend - all weekend - pawning Trump shit. Including "Too Big to Rig" signs. Almost pulled in to give him some shit but going to jail is low on my agenda.Still voting Trump.
Golly, Beav, what if your media is manipulating you and Trump really isn’t Hitler?Saw this dipshit in a parking lot this weekend - all weekend - pawning Trump shit. Including "Too Big to Rig" signs. Almost pulled in to give him some shit but going to jail is low on my agenda.
I only wish that Biden had held true to his notion of being a - forget what he called it - a "Transitional" President? Announced a year ago that he wasn't running, and let the Democrats slug it out over their candidate. Not sure who would have risen up (Manchin/Tester maybe?), but Kamala's gender and race are not helping as much as hurting IMHO. Love the latest Trump ad: "Kamala broke it, Trump will fix it". I never knew that a VP had such power and authority. Fact check - she didn't and doesn't. But she broke everything apparently.
I'm not a big Kamala fan, but I voted for her. And Dave Reichert for Governor, and Dan Newhouse for Congress.
If Trump wins tomorrow, it will bring on a dark 4 years for America. Still not sure how we survived his last term. This one will be much, much worse. Hope Dems can flip the House, the Senate looks to be going R.
“Proud antisemitism?”? Lol. WTF are you talking about?Once they started with the ignorant "Everything I don't like is literally Hitler!" bullshit, I had to pull the trigger for Trump. Between their proud anti-Semitism and the strange way they've morphed into Neocons (endless wars), Democrats have really went off the rails.
And to think I was once an Obama voter...
Swing and a miss...AGAIN. Why are you arguing democrats are the ones claiming they're fighting to save democracy? Could it be because of what happened in 2020? You don't need to mention 2020, because without that you have exactly ZERO basis to make a claim of hypocrisy by them.
You don't read very well, do you? Go back to the thread and your dumb argument about Biden taking out trump. I think it's on page 8. You scampered like a cockroach there as well. I kinda wish you were better at this. Being snarky and whiney does not a good argument make. Taihtsat
Lower taxes, no forever wars, and a secure border are dark days for America folks. You heard it here.Saw this dipshit in a parking lot this weekend - all weekend - pawning Trump shit. Including "Too Big to Rig" signs. Almost pulled in to give him some shit but going to jail is low on my agenda.
I only wish that Biden had held true to his notion of being a - forget what he called it - a "Transitional" President? Announced a year ago that he wasn't running, and let the Democrats slug it out over their candidate. Not sure who would have risen up (Manchin/Tester maybe?), but Kamala's gender and race are not helping as much as hurting IMHO. Love the latest Trump ad: "Kamala broke it, Trump will fix it". I never knew that a VP had such power and authority. Fact check - she didn't and doesn't. But she broke everything apparently.
I'm not a big Kamala fan, but I voted for her. And Dave Reichert for Governor, and Dan Newhouse for Congress.
If Trump wins tomorrow, it will bring on a dark 4 years for America. Still not sure how we survived his last term. This one will be much, much worse. Hope Dems can flip the House, the Senate looks to be going R.
It matters if you hang your campaign and rhetoric on "democracy".Do you really believe that going through critiques of policy positions matters? People are picking Trump for other reasons. Trumps economic plan will run up the national debt way more than Harris’s plan and his plan for tariffs, if implemented, will lead to massive inflation and eff all his non-wealthy supporters in the butt. But they’ll just blame the commie socialists for their ills so it does not matter anyways.
To be fair, Krusty might be on team batshit."protest vote"?
So someon either slathers themself self so thick in cognitive dissonance that they can stomach voting for one pile of dog shit or another or they are "wasting" their vote? Because you're mad they won't join team dogshit or team catshit?
Heaven forbid someone have integrity and vote their conscious... what the fck ever would come of the world. No, instead lets all be feeble little sycophants that guzzle down the Jim Jones juice of their selected cult leader, because that's what the founding fathers wanted and fought for.
How do YOU reconcile when YOUR cult leader loses? Is that vote wasted? Did it even matter? Walk me through this pretzel logic of yours, I'm very intrigued.
I guess Hillary had the evidence that she had manufactured to claim that she lost due to Russian interference. So, there's that.How do YOU reconcile when YOUR cult leader loses? Is that vote wasted? Did it even matter? Walk me through this pretzel logic of yours, I'm very intrigued.
I reject the premise of your characterization as well. Those in the trump "cult" explain away all his most terrible "immoral" behaviors and characteristics and past actions all the while self identifying as either evangelicals or proponents of honesty and anti-corruption. Cultish behavior shows itself in wearing his name on either hats and t-shirts or flying his flag to feed his grift.
This behavior doesn't show itself NEARLY to that degree for any candidate that the Democrats have put forward. If my candidate (currently Harris) loses, I reconcile that with the easy explanation that she didn't receive enough votes in the right states, that she failed to connect convincingly enough, that she wasn't inspiring enough and ultimately that she wasn't a good enough candidate - period.
I don't claim that the other side cheated without evidence. So no, a vote for either of the two candidates whom has a legitimate shot at governing and happens to come up short is NOT a wasted vote. Taihtsat
Aw, that's not true Pimpie! I wasn't going to vote for either candidate...but then, like I said, the last two weeks of cat lady screetching about Nazis was just too much "garbage" for me. It's like somebody gave her a "Mad Libs" pad and a bad case of Tourettes.
We'll just have to see how things work out tomorrow evening. I'm feeling cautiously optimistic a trend not seen in decades, it's the Cons with the early-voting advantage.
"Hitler did some good things". "I want my generals to be like Hitler's". Direct quotes from Donald Trump.Aw, that's not true Pimpie! I wasn't going to vote for either candidate...but then, like I said, the last two weeks of cat lady screetching about Nazis was just too much "garbage" for me. It's like somebody gave her a "Mad Libs" pad and a bad case of Tourettes.
We'll just have to see how things work out tomorrow evening. I'm feeling cautiously optimistic a trend not seen in decades, it's the Cons with the early-voting advantage.
Talking to yourself?Neocons? Which endless war did Harris/Biden and the Dems get us into? Harris is now a Reagan conservative? Rotflmao.
I’m curious how one can be a radical leftist and neocon at the same time. That’s like someone being a commie-fascist or a gay heterosexual.
You’re trying way too hard and are just making yourself look silly.
Sez the guy who just posted politics 5 times in 12 minutes. From his work computer I assume.Just because you feverishly want to discuss politics on a football message board doesn't mean that everyone else does too. It's a somewhat sad revelation about your existence. Some people (I'm one of them) have things like jobs, family, friends, and lots of other things that consume their time.
But here's my attempt to engage with you: You're missing the mark again. The weird thing is that you've already conceded.
You might want to become familiar with the Ds rhetoric on fascism too. It goes back to Goldwater at least.
According to a guy that won't be part of his administration if Trump wins. You make it sound like it's in the official White House transcript, like "supporters" without the apostrophe now is."Hitler did some good things". "I want my generals to be like Hitler's". Direct quotes from Donald Trump.
It's lunchtime dunce cap. And you should be grateful for getting more attention that you deserve.Sez the guy who just posted politics 5 times in 12 minutes. From his work computer I assume.
Oh scratch that - 6 times in 24 minutes.....![]()
What you’re trying to say with your nonsensical statement is that you are down with someone violently trying to subvert an election if it doesn’t go their way. But the fact of the matter is that you’re just too chickenshit to come out and admit it. I got it covered for you.It matters if you hang your campaign and rhetoric on "democracy".
This is literally (like "Hitler Literally") "WillieTheRedditor." Pimpy wants upvotes about how he's moving to France and getting his tubes tied because of "Le Orange Man Bad." Christ, these people are absolute matter how many different SSRIs they're on.What you’re trying to say with your nonsensical statement is that you are down with someone violently trying to subvert an election if it doesn’t go their way. But the fact of the matter is that you’re just too chickenshit to come out and admit it. I got it covered for you.
Ohhhhhh. Very Democratic Party of you to place words in someone else's mouth. Manufacturing evidence of Russian interference is A-okay with you I suppose. Gathering a mob to confront members of the administration is too, right? Challenging the 2000, and 2016 elections was A-okay too, right? Pelosi kneecapping the sitting President of the United States' campaign was totally cool too.What you’re trying to say with your nonsensical statement is that you are down with someone violently trying to subvert an election if it doesn’t go their way. But the fact of the matter is that you’re just too chickenshit to come out and admit it. I got it covered for you.
LOL, ok Sparky!"Hitler did some good things". "I want my generals to be like Hitler's". Direct quotes from Donald Trump.
It's really weird. Maybe Dark Brandon is rising from his nap and declaring martial law?This is literally (like "Hitler Literally") "WillieTheRedditor." Pimpy wants upvotes about how he's moving to France and getting his tubes tied because of "Le Orange Man Bad." Christ, these people are absolute matter how many different SSRIs they're on.
BTW: Anybody else find it funny that a blue state like WA has to mobilize the National Guard to stop blue voters from chimping out and destroying shit? Yeah, Democrats aren't a threat to democracy at all...
More than most years, yes, both sides' voters are locked in and are voting based on their perceptions of intractable, inherent aspects of candidates apart from their policy positions. But there are still a fair number of undecided voters, and certainly have been in the past few months. It isn't a big group relative to each side's true believers, but despite being a relatively small cohort, they (and turnout) are deciding this election. Both sides certainly are trying to make it more about the negatives of the other when it comes to swaying these people, but yeah, I do think it would be helpful to them to understand actual policy positions.Do you really believe that going through critiques of policy positions matters? People are picking Trump for other reasons. Trumps economic plan will run up the national debt way more than Harris’s plan and his plan for tariffs, if implemented, will lead to massive inflation and eff all his non-wealthy supporters in the butt. But they’ll just blame the commie socialists for their ills so it does not matter anyways.