Just realized one of his HS coaches is Nolan Washington. He's been doing a little recruiting on our behalf via Twitter. Good in.
Yep the more things like this, I keep hearing, finding out, combined with all what the article I linked says, makes me think that WSU is probably going to be in his top 2,3, that has about a 23% to 43% to 69%, 23% at minimum, 43% at average, 69% at most, of being his favorite, choosing WSU.
Certainly better then only about a 3% to 19%, just only a extremely low chance.
And way the heck better then the laughable 1% chance a couple, few, some posters have said.
Mid End, clear 4 star Fitz chose WSU, over Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State, a couple, few, some, etc, of the best of the best Alabama, Clemson type colleges out there.
I am pretty sure that a couple, few, some, a lot of WSU fans, thought that there was only about a 1% chance that Fitz would choose WSU over Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, etc.
Since Fitz, other 4 stars have chosen WSU over the Alabama, Clemson type colleges, in light of what the article that I linked said combined with what Fab, said that there is a semi ok, semi good 23% to 43% to 69% chance that Smalls, chooses WSU over the Alabama's, just like Fitz chose WSU over the Alabama's.
Also Fitz, didnt have as high a chance to choose WSU over the Alabama's, because he Fitz, didnt have as many positive things that would seem to show that has a better chance to choose WSU, as Smalls does.
If Fitz hadnt chosen WSU over the Alabama's, and was still available to everybody, I would think that Smalls, would have the better chance to choose WSU over the Alabama's, then Fitz.
This is NOT Poor Ole Little Ole WSU of the past that would have almost no chance in hell at getting a Fitz, or Smalls.
In, within the next 6 to 11 years, assuming WSU still has Leach, and goes to 6 to 11 straight more winning seasons, bowl games, a couple, few, some divisional championships, conference championships, Rosebowls, Fiesta Bowls, Cotton Bowls, Alamo Bowls, and the 1,2,3 runs at, maybe even playing in the playoffs, 1,2,3 times, and the Top 7 to Top 13 rankings, etc, then WSU would, should, could, etc, gradually, eventually get a couple, few, some, more Fitz's, Small's, etc, that choose WSU over the Alabama's.
Thats, This is BIG BOY FOOTBALL.
But hey I guess if some want to be Poor Ole Little Ole WSU wont get Fitz, Small, etc, to choose WSU over Alabama types, they can if they want.
But need to really stop the pissing, moaning, negacougness, Poor Ole Little Ole WSU, loser culture mentality, especially when someone post a positive, rational, reasonable article link, that show a positive semi ok, semi good chance that something good might, even maybe semi probably could, would happen, or when someone like Fab post something positive that backs up that something positive semi probably could, would happen, etc.
So if some want to be Cup Half Empty, that's fine.
But need to be cup half full.
But if people choose to be cup half full people, instead of pissing, moaning about how Fitz, Small, etc, wont ever choose a WSU over a Alabama type, then thats great, what needs to happen, and people shouldnt have a problem with that.
But hey every time me, Fab, or anyone else post a positive, reasonable, glass half full, and filling up, comment, be sure to piss and moan, complain, say the Glass is half empty, be negative, have the Poor Ole Little Ole WSU, LOSER CULTURE MENTALITY.
ALMOST AS BAD AS EL C, and his PRO KENT, Anti anything Smith, Poor Ole Little Ole WSU, Loser Culture Mentality