Tay Martin says it best ...

You simply don’t get it. I didn’t want Wulff to be hired I wanted Price. I wanted Price because I knew the rebuild was similar to the one he embarked on in 1998.

Delete Wulffs name. Put in the name of Hal Mumme . I would have supported mumme and the PROCESS in the same manner.

The roster in 2008 was not all that different than the one in 1998. It took Price four years to get back to a bowl game . Why would I expect a guy who didn’t have a long term answer at qb (gesser was in campus in 1998) to get WSU to a winning season sooner than it took a rose bowl coach to rebuild the program ?

And if Moos was smart he would have hired leach in 2011. He didn’t. And if you have a rebuild and you have a great finish carpenter you hire him.

Leach was hired in 2011.
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You tell us. You were one of the idiots defending Wulff and Walden and belittling Leach that we had to put up with during and after the transition.

When are you going to face the reality that you were wrong and you had zero idea on how to act and how to help the program, and that your attitude of making excuses for poor performance and incompetence was more of a hindrance than help to people wanting to see WSU be a success.

You still haven’t apologized to everybody for being a Waldenite Wulff lover instead of a Coug.

Little DickED Baird belittled Leach? The hose spraying of players rolling at Leach Beach in subfreezing temps? Guess DickEd forgot about that fantasy. Oh, and what about his extended silence during winning streaks under Leach? The dweeb ranted ed nauseam about "progress" during 6 and 40, as did aStep2slow, LoyalCouged-it et al. Yet now we get revisED history from Erictile D, as in how he now realizes Bone, a guy he once professed he did not know, was a failure and deserved to be fired. Most people here see this cretin for what he is: a liar and a phony coug who cares more about defending his allegiances to losers than WSU sports.
Little DickED Baird belittled Leach? The hose spraying of players rolling at Leach Beach in subfreezing temps? Guess DickEd forgot about that fantasy. Oh, and what about his extended silence during winning streaks under Leach? The dweeb ranted ed nauseam about "progress" during 6 and 40, as did aStep2slow, LoyalCouged-it et al. Yet now we get revisED history from Erictile D, as in how he now realizes Bone, a guy he once professed he did not know, was a failure and deserved to be fired. Most people here see this cretin for what he is: a liar and a phony coug who cares more about defending his allegiances to losers than WSU sports.

He mocked the install of the offense in 3 days. He thinks people don’t remember.
Little DickED Baird belittled Leach? The hose spraying of players rolling at Leach Beach in subfreezing temps? Guess DickEd forgot about that fantasy. Oh, and what about his extended silence during winning streaks under Leach? The dweeb ranted ed nauseam about "progress" during 6 and 40, as did aStep2slow, LoyalCouged-it et al. Yet now we get revisED history from Erictile D, as in how he now realizes Bone, a guy he once professed he did not know, was a failure and deserved to be fired. Most people here see this cretin for what he is: a liar and a phony coug who cares more about defending his allegiances to losers than WSU sports.

Yo Da(Bill Barr Redacted) ... ummm how is calling out the s and c coach belittling Leach? Am I missing something. Moos even stopped the process . Never said it was done at Leach’s behest. And my concern was the optics among the alumni.

I never said I didn’t know Bone . Bone is three years older and went to the same high school I attended. I am not close to Bone but if he saw me on the street he would recognize me and say hello.

I never really wrote about Bone and never went to the hoops board . I would bet prior to the tony Bennett discussion I may have had 20 posts in the last 10 years on that board .

And I never once said Bone should not have been fired. Please show me the post that says otherwise . I still think he is a very good coach, wrong place at the wrong time .

As for me not being around on two of the “seasons” like 2013 for example I think I mentioned a family member, my dads wife was going through chemo that fall and died late in the season .

Get tied up like a pretzel in a half (Bill Barr Redacted) I can see .
So much for you playing by the rules.. and wanting to move in another direction .
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Yo Davis ... ummm how is calling out the s and c coach belittling Leach? Am I missing something. Moos even stopped the process . Never said it was done at Leach’s behest. And my concern was the optics among the alumni.

I never said I didn’t know Bone . Bone is three years older and went to the same high school I attended. I am not close to Bone but if he saw me on the street he would recognize me and say hello.

I never really wrote about Bone and never went to the hoops board . I would bet prior to the tony Bennett discussion I may have had 20 posts in all of the last 10 years on that board .

And I never once said Bone should not have been fired. Please show me the post that says otherwise . I still be he is a very good coach, wrong place at the wrong time .

As for me not being around on two of the “seasons” like 2013 for example I think I mentioned a family member, my dads wife was going through chemo that fall and died late in the season .

Get tied up like a pretzel in a half nelson I can see .

So much for you playing by the rules.. and wanting to move in another direction .

GFY, Erictile D.
He mocked the install of the offense in 3 days. He thinks people don’t remember.

Well I don’t think you forget much about that era ? But i fail to see for example how talking about a strength and condition coach is belittling leach? Did I know post leach directed him to do that ?

I do not deny talking about the the three day install, but share how I “mocked” it.
Well I don’t think you forget much about that era ? But i fail to see for example how talking about a strength and condition coach is belittling leach? Did I know post leach directed him to do that ?

I do not deny talking about the the three day install, but share how I “mocked” it.

Other than your fellow members of the $600,000 Club, everyone here remembers your schtick during the transition. If you had no memory of it, you wouldn't be here in this manic state of yours. All it took was one reference to Marpuss Wilson to set you off. You need the right "professionals" to help you through it.
Other than your fellow members of the $600,000 Club, everyone here remembers your schtick during the transition. If you had no memory of it, you wouldn't be here in this manic state of yours. All it took was one reference to Marpuss Wilson to set you off. You need the right "professionals" to help you through it.

Too funny . Not manic at all . Very calm actually . Like I said I would hope that would have been in the rear view mirror but apparently not for some .

Not sure your memory all that good if you want to be frank. You make crap up like I don’t know Bone. I don’t know him well but I could drive you to his house in Pullman so I know who he is. He is a great guy.
I do not deny talking about the the three day install, but share how I “mocked” it.


But let's find out what really is going on here.....because nobody would act the way you do unless they have some sort blind loyalty to something other than the program.... oh yeah... now it makes sense.

Ok let me be a smidge more precise ... for the 2011 season .

Your grasp on facts has always been loose, if you have any grasp at all.

Like your perpetuation of the falsity that players were getting sprayed with hosing in freezing temperatures.
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But let's find out what really is going on here.....because nobody would act the way you do unless they have some sort blind loyalty to something other than the program.... oh yeah... now it makes sense.

LXIuY9S.png better go through other posts. Let's see- Yaki says I belittled Leach then uses the example of a discussion I had regarding the Strength and Conditioning coach as an example. Not once did I say Leach was involved. And let me say this, coaches have so much going on they give staff members autonomy to do their jobs.

But even if I thought Leach orderd it (AND DO NOT MISTAKE THAT I AM STATING THAT AS I AM NOT) he is way too smart to have his finger prints on it.

Second, the quote you cited is an EXAMPLE of what passive aggressive behavior would look like to me. And you aren't even SMART enough to figure out who that is a jab at...and it isn't Leach.
Your grasp on facts has always been loose, if you have any grasp at all.

Like your perpetuation of the falsity that players were getting sprayed with hosing in freezing temperatures.

Yeah I know, talking about the Arizona QB and mistyping Khalil Hill for Khalil Tate I know can be really confusing, and talking about when Moos could have hired Leach, and I will go even one step further and he could have hired Leach for the 2010 season after Moos was hired in April of 2010. Moos could have evaluated then what was going on and made the switch. That is on him. .

Oh the spraying issue. It is a he/said/he said deal. Without video the S and C coach could say it never happened. The dates the players parents referenced it was indeed freezing, the question becomes was the last incident in September (which the S and C coach stated) or the date the parents of disgruntled players say it happened in late October?

If it was the date the parents stated then there was 32 degree temperatures. It really comes down to you one believes. The parents could never prove it happened.

And I have said this a million times my issue was with the people who conducted the investigation. Why wasn't Bill Drake ever questioned about the email he wrote to Moos that was right at this time? What were drakes concerns?

And it was as much about spraying the players as it was the optics of it happening when it was freezing.(you seem to get overwhelmed in that detail) You make that as a huge distinction. If Moos felt the S and C coach was on to a good method he would have forced the change.

If it was a good policy why did Moos make the change?

Food for thought. better go through other posts. Let's see- Yaki says I belittled Leach then uses the example of a discussion I had regarding the Strength and Conditioning coach as an example. Not once did I say Leach was involved. And let me say this, coaches have so much going on they give staff members autonomy to do their jobs.

But even if I thought Leach orderd it (AND DO NOT MISTAKE THAT I AM STATING THAT AS I AM NOT) he is way too smart to have his finger prints on it.

Second, the quote you cited is an EXAMPLE of what passive aggressive behavior would look like to me. And you aren't even SMART enough to figure out who that is a jab at...and it isn't Leach.

Your reputation is trash on here and you keep flailing around trying to pretend you don’t stink.
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Yeah I know, talking about the Arizona QB and mistyping Khalil Hill for Khalil Tate I know can be really confusing, and talking about when Moos could have hired Leach, and I will go even one step further and he could have hired Leach for the 2010 season after Moos was hired in April of 2010. Moos could have evaluated then what was going on and made the switch. That is on him. .

Oh the spraying issue. It is a he/said/he said deal. Without video the S and C coach could say it never happened. The dates the players parents referenced it was indeed freezing, the question becomes was the last incident in September (which the S and C coach stated) or the date the parents of disgruntled players say it happened in late October?

If it was the date the parents stated then there was 32 degree temperatures. It really comes down to you one believes. The parents could never prove it happened.

And I have said this a million times my issue was with the people who conducted the investigation. Why wasn't Bill Drake ever questioned about the email he wrote to Moos that was right at this time? What were drakes concerns?

And it was as much about spraying the players as it was the optics of it happening when it was freezing.(you seem to get overwhelmed in that detail) You make that as a huge distinction. If Moos felt the S and C coach was on to a good method he would have forced the change.

If it was a good policy why did Moos make the change?

Food for thought.

With the improvement of the OL, I propose a fund to equip the practice field with a bevy of fire hoses. It seems to have resulted in marked improvement as we now have (3) OL, Dahl, Madison, and soon Dillard cashing NFL checks.
I would allow the staff to pee on you Ed if it meant a future in the NFL.
Your reputation is trash on here and you keep flailing around trying to pretend you don’t stink.
Your reputation is trash on here and you keep flailing around trying to pretend you don’t stink.

Whether I stink or not is not relevant, but at least know when I am giving an example of passive/aggressive behavior and when i am mocking coach Leach. Just because you are ultra sensitive you are not the gate keeper of Cougar athletics. You know, not once did Moos ever say don't donate.
With the improvement of the OL, I propose a fund to equip the practice field with a bevy of fire hoses. It seems to have resulted in marked improvement as we now have (3) OL, Dahl, Madison, and soon Dillard cashing NFL checks.
I would allow the staff to pee on you Ed if it meant a future in the NFL.

Hell...then the staff could run for President.

You do understand the brilliance of the beach even without the water I hope.
Yeah I know, talking about the Arizona QB and mistyping Khalil Hill for Khalil Tate I know can be really confusing, and talking about when Moos could have hired Leach, and I will go even one step further and he could have hired Leach for the 2010 season after Moos was hired in April of 2010. Moos could have evaluated then what was going on and made the switch. That is on him. .

Oh the spraying issue. It is a he/said/he said deal. Without video the S and C coach could say it never happened. The dates the players parents referenced it was indeed freezing, the question becomes was the last incident in September (which the S and C coach stated) or the date the parents of disgruntled players say it happened in late October?

If it was the date the parents stated then there was 32 degree temperatures. It really comes down to you one believes. The parents could never prove it happened.

And I have said this a million times my issue was with the people who conducted the investigation. Why wasn't Bill Drake ever questioned about the email he wrote to Moos that was right at this time? What were drakes concerns?

And it was as much about spraying the players as it was the optics of it happening when it was freezing.(you seem to get overwhelmed in that detail) You make that as a huge distinction. If Moos felt the S and C coach was on to a good method he would have forced the change.

If it was a good policy why did Moos make the change?

Food for thought.

You’re continuing to perpetuate falsities.
You’re continuing to perpetuate falsities.
Which is what? That there are two versions of the story? Or that it was freezing the morning of October 29th? Or that it is a he said/he said deal, or that they did not talk to Bill Drake who wrote a letter to Moos during this time and never was interviewed. I think you will have a tough time proving any of those as a falsity counselor.
Which is what? That there are two versions of the story? Or that it was freezing the morning of October 29th? Or that it is a he said/he said deal, or that they did not talk to Bill Drake who wrote a letter to Moos during this time and never was interviewed. I think you will have a tough time proving any of those as a falsity counselor.

You were repeatedly shown weather data. There were no freezing temperatures. It's unclear why you keep lying.
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Prove someone was sprayed with a hose in freezing temperatures.

Maybe I missed something. I clearly said it was a he said he said case. Show me where I said it happened. I have always maintained there is a question that could have been easily answered with one interview.

The S and C coach said it stopped in September, players contend it happened as well in October. Prove to me that it stopped in September and didn't occur on October 3rd when it was below freezing (26) at 6 Am.

Again, there is nothing I have said is false. What I have said all along is it is a bad look, Moos stopped it,(most important) that there are two versions, and that a very important witness was never contacted. My question is why was Bill Drake not questioned in light of writing a letter of concern.

Maybe Drake saw something, maybe Drake heard third hand through clouded eyes of disgruntled players.What we do know is that a very important staff member was not interviewed.

But I thought we were talking about Leach and my belittling of him. This isn't a Leach story.
Maybe I missed something. I clearly said it was a he said he said case. Show me where I said it happened. I have always maintained there is a question that could have been easily answered with one interview.

The S and C coach said it stopped in September, players contend it happened as well in October. Prove to me that it stopped in September and didn't occur on October 3rd when it was below freezing (26) at 6 Am.

Again, there is nothing I have said is false. What I have said all along is it is a bad look, Moos stopped it,(most important) that there are two versions, and that a very important witness was never contacted. My question is why was Bill Drake not questioned in light of writing a letter of concern.

Maybe Drake saw something, maybe Drake heard third hand through clouded eyes of disgruntled players.What we do know is that a very important staff member was not interviewed.

But I thought we were talking about Leach and my belittling of him. This isn't a Leach story.

Typical Ed BS.

No one was sprayed with a hose in freezing temperatures. There is no evidence. You have nothing. You haven't linked a anything. Not the investigator's report. Not weather data. Nothing.
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Typical Ed BS.

No one was sprayed with a hose in freezing temperatures. There is no evidence. You have nothing. You haven't linked a anything. Not the investigator's report. Not weather data. Nothing.

Right, that is what I said isn't it?
You did what you often do. Post some BS and think that others will disprove it. Link something to back up your lie, or admit it's a lie.

I never asked you to "disprove it" until today. Do you agree accusations were made against the S and C coach, and not Leach that water was used in freezing temperatures?

Do you agree that Bill Drake a university employee wrote a letter in something he was concerned about? Do you agree that Drake was not interviewed? I could not see someone in your line of work not interviewing Drake.
I never asked you to "disprove it" until today. Do you agree accusations were made against the S and C coach, and not Leach that water was used in freezing temperatures?

Do you agree that Bill Drake a university employee wrote a letter in something he was concerned about? Do you agree that Drake was not interviewed? I could not see someone in your line of work not interviewing Drake.

Back up your story Ed. I did this like six and half years ago. You, in typical Ed fashion, kept your BS narrative going after people showed you the weather data. Just like you are now.

Stay on topic if you can.
Quote me on the lie I told in this exchange?

Prove your assertion. Provide links. There is no he said/he said if there were no freezing temperatures.

Oh the spraying issue. It is a he/said/he said deal. Without video the S and C coach could say it never happened. The dates the players parents referenced it was indeed freezing, the question becomes was the last incident in September (which the S and C coach stated) or the date the parents of disgruntled players say it happened in late October?

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