Prove your assertion. Provide links. There is no he said/he said if there were no freezing temperatures.
Oh the spraying issue. It is a he/said/he said deal. Without video the S and C coach could say it never happened. The dates the players parents referenced it was indeed freezing, the question becomes was the last incident in September (which the S and C coach stated) or the date the parents of disgruntled players say it happened in late October?
That is correct it is a he said he said issue. Not sure why you wanted to rehash this. Are you saying those assertions were not made? That a parent or parents did not complain that the S and C coach watered down players when it was freezing? I didn't think the accusations were ever in question.
BTW, on September 12. 2012 at 553 AM it was 30 degrees. On October 3, 2012 at 553 am it was 32 degrees. If I could cut and paste the snip I have I would, but above my pay grade.