Tentative return date set

He prohibited Chinese nationals from traveling to the US before this rally (hence the xenophobia), so he did act and closing travel from a country is significant.
It was the least he could do. In fact you can always count on him to contribute the least he can.
He didn't close travel from anywhere. He restricted Chinese travelers. That didn't apply to US citizens, Europeans, students, or anyone already approved. Thousands came here - including the first US case, who came here right from the epicenter.
279 flights from China have arrived in the U.S. since Trump's travel restrictions were announced, "and screening procedures have been uneven," the Times notes.
He didn't close travel from anywhere. He restricted Chinese travelers. That didn't apply to US citizens, Europeans, students, or anyone already approved. Thousands came here - including the first US case, who came here right from the epicenter.
It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if the reason he was calling it the “Chinese virus” was because he thought only Chinese people could become infected by it. He’s that dumb.
He didn't close travel from anywhere. He restricted Chinese travelers. That didn't apply to US citizens, Europeans, students, or anyone already approved. Thousands came here - including the first US case, who came here right from the epicenter.

“He prohibited Chinese nationals....”
It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if the reason he was calling it the “Chinese virus” was because he thought only Chinese people could become infected by it. He’s that dumb.
The Donald started calling it the "Chinese Virus" after their foreign minister accused the U.S. military of having surrepticiously introduced it into Wuhan. Other than that clarification, you may well and unfortunately be right.
The Donald started calling it the "Chinese Virus" after their foreign minister accused the U.S. military of having surrepticiously introduced it into Wuhan. Other than that clarification, you may well and unfortunately be right.
He’s also petulant and petty, so it could’ve just been a spiteful and retaliatory move to bar Chinese nationals from entering the US.
He’s also petulant and petty, so it could’ve just been a spiteful and retaliatory move to bar Chinese nationals from entering the US.

It was clearly retaliation for the claim that it was spread by the US Army.
It was the least he could do. In fact you can always count on him to contribute the least he can.

He’s backed himself into a corner on reopening the economy. He didn’t mandate action to close things down to avoid political backlash, leaving it up to the states with the federal government being the backstop. Now the states are acting independently to get the economy opened without him being able to take credit.
He didn't close travel from anywhere. He restricted Chinese travelers. That didn't apply to US citizens, Europeans, students, or anyone already approved. Thousands came here - including the first US case, who came here right from the epicenter.

EU travel ban (whatever you wish to call it, I think it was a State Department Level 4 travel ban) on March 12. Level 4 international travel ban on March 19.

If you want to say it was too little too late, fine. But what countries were doing more and acting earlier? South Korea and Singapore? The EU countries got bent out of shape that they were not consulted ahead of time.
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You have more faith in Trump playing by the rules than I do. I put the odds at 50/50 that if the states don’t do what he wants, he eventually decides to declare nationwide martial law. That would allow him to override any governor. It also would let him suspend the next election. And he would see the need to do that because the economy would still suck in November.

Of course, any such move would wind up in court but he could always follow in the footsteps of Andrew Jackson (one of his heroes I believe) and arrest any judges that decide against him. The Supreme Court seems to be pretty subservient to him but even if they grew a spine, he could always just ignore their decision, like Abraham Lincoln did regarding Habeas Corpus during the Civil War.
There’s no mechanism that allows him to declare martial law nationwide, and there’s no way it could be enforced. Suspension of habeus corpus is specifically allowed only in cases of rebellion or invasion, and the mechanisms used by Lincoln expired at the end of the civil war. And, he can’t mobilize the military for law enforcement within our borders without the consent of Congress...which he won’t get.
He also can’t cancel or delay the election, it’s date is set by the Constitution. His term is also set by the Constitution, so if an election isn’t held by noon on January 20, 2021...his term is over, and Congress decides who’s next.
He’s arrogant enough to believe that people are going to re-elect him anyway, and he’s certainly got the propaganda machine revved up churning out inaccurate spin and revisionist I’m not sure at this point I see him resorting to things that will create obvious constitutional conflicts. Even though this version of the Supreme Court is friendly to him, I think he loses either of these cases 7-2.

Here’s a plain truth though - if he reopens the economy, and a second wave comes and we have to close again, he loses the election. His only path to a win lies in playing this just right - which he hasn’t done yet.
So, he says he has total authority to open up the country. Does that make him a totalitarian?
So, he says he has total authority to open up the country. Does that make him a totalitarian?

He figured out that his strategy of letting the states near the burnt of the shutdowns means he’s not going to be able to claim victory on reopening the country.
He’s backed himself into a corner on reopening the economy. He didn’t mandate action to close things down to avoid political backlash, leaving it up to the states with the federal government being the backstop. Now the states are acting independently to get the economy opened without him being able to take credit.
While I disagree with Trump on so many levels, when it comes to marketing, lying, propaganda, turning the truth 180, political calculus he is flat out brilliant.

HI call was perfect and gave him just enough wiggle room, like John Gotti would if he was directing Sammy the Bull. Gotti never said kill, he used the term "whack". It is not Gotti's fault Sammy the Bull misunderstood the directive of what "whacked" meant. He is also brilliant making sure forensics of finger prints can't be directly rtraced back to him even if common sense says they do.

So he is never backed in a corner, he is never down. Heck he got the Evangelical vote and he was with a porn star and a playmate after his wife gave birth to their son. If that can happen, anything can happen and he is never in a corner.
While I disagree with Trump on so many levels, when it comes to marketing, lying, propaganda, turning the truth 180, political calculus he is flat out brilliant.

HI call was perfect and gave him just enough wiggle room, like John Gotti would if he was directing Sammy the Bull. Gotti never said kill, he used the term "whack". It is not Gotti's fault Sammy the Bull misunderstood the directive of what "whacked" meant. He is also brilliant making sure forensics of finger prints can't be directly rtraced back to him even if common sense says they do.

So he is never backed in a corner, he is never down. Heck he got the Evangelical vote and he was with a porn star and a playmate after his wife gave birth to their son. If that can happen, anything can happen and he is never in a corner.
I don’t find his propaganda and lies to be convincing at all. I’m amazed there are so many people that do. I suppose he’s a bit like PT Barnum but with Barnum I think most people knew they were being conned and paid their money just for the entertainment value. I don’t think the true Trump supporters - the ones that show up at his rallies and others - have any idea how badly they are being swindled and how many lies they are being told. And there seems to be a lot of them ( maybe 40% of the population).
I don’t find his propaganda and lies to be convincing at all. I’m amazed there are so many people that do. I suppose he’s a bit like PT Barnum but with Barnum I think most people knew they were being conned and paid their money just for the entertainment value. I don’t think the true Trump supporters - the ones that show up at his rallies and others - have any idea how badly they are being swindled and how many lies they are being told. And there seems to be a lot of them ( maybe 40% of the population).
What’s even more shocking to me is the number of people who buy the “I never said that” lies...only days after he really did say it.
While I disagree with Trump on so many levels, when it comes to marketing, lying, propaganda, turning the truth 180, political calculus he is flat out brilliant.

HI call was perfect and gave him just enough wiggle room, like John Gotti would if he was directing Sammy the Bull. Gotti never said kill, he used the term "whack". It is not Gotti's fault Sammy the Bull misunderstood the directive of what "whacked" meant. He is also brilliant making sure forensics of finger prints can't be directly rtraced back to him even if common sense says they do.

So he is never backed in a corner, he is never down. Heck he got the Evangelical vote and he was with a porn star and a playmate after his wife gave birth to their son. If that can happen, anything can happen and he is never in a corner.
nothing about him is brilliant, he’s a complete dolt and has zero business being in the White House obviously, but he does know his audience. And his handlers and the people who own him know he knows that. The tactics used on the feeble minded are the exact same tactics Hitlers propagandists used. It’s not rocket science but coordinated the right way it’s fascinating and scary how easily the masses can get brainwashed.
Wasn’t there a time when about 75% of this board where Trump supporters?
I believe there is a huge disconnect in what the media is saying and what he is actually doing.
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nothing about him is brilliant, he’s a complete dolt and has zero business being in the White House obviously, but he does know his audience. And his handlers and the people who own him know he knows that. The tactics used on the feeble minded are the exact same tactics Hitlers propagandists used. It’s not rocket science but coordinated the right way it’s fascinating and scary how easily the masses can get brainwashed.

It's very easy to control people when you get them to view "the others" as an opposition force that intends you harm.
I believe there is a huge disconnect in what the media is saying and what he is actually doing.
I don’t know about that. The media carries his daily briefings (more accurately described as an hour of self aggrandizement followed by an hour of incoherent drivel) live. Where’s the disconnect? What specifically has been reported that you believe is inaccurate?
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Wasn’t there a time when about 75% of this board where Trump supporters?
I believe there is a huge disconnect in what the media is saying and what he is actually doing.
My general observation from the world I live in- I have some close friends and family that have been big supporters. Educated people like we have here. They come from a place of always voting republican which they believe favors them financially, not wanting to “give their money away”, owning the libs and fighting the left, etc. (which I understand and agree with a lot of their views). I’ve had playful banter with them over the last couple years. They are silent right now, because there’s nothing left to defend. Economy, trade, national safety (the wall argument). He’s failed at everything and they know it. People here mostly fall into the same category, hence the change. Many may still vote for him for their own reasons and defend him occasionally on something specific, but it’s gotta be exhausting, especially when you are an educated person who understands what’s happening in the world you live in.
nothing about him is brilliant, he’s a complete dolt and has zero business being in the White House obviously, but he does know his audience. And his handlers and the people who own him know he knows that. The tactics used on the feeble minded are the exact same tactics Hitlers propagandists used. It’s not rocket science but coordinated the right way it’s fascinating and scary how easily the masses can get brainwashed.
Lindsey Graham used to agree with you.
Wasn’t there a time when about 75% of this board where Trump supporters?
I believe there is a huge disconnect in what the media is saying and what he is actually doing.
People raise the issue of Trump in hushed tones afraid to rile his supporters. Can't argue with circular reasoning....logic 101:)
People raise the issue of Trump in hushed tones afraid to rile his supporters. Can't argue with circular reasoning....logic 101:)

I kind of like riling Trump supporters. Like him, most of them are remarkably thin skinned. It’s more fun in person than on a message board but right now I wouldn’t recommend it. They usually resort to yelling which I understand can spray the virus up to 10 or 12 feet.
nothing about him is brilliant, he’s a complete dolt and has zero business being in the White House obviously, but he does know his audience. And his handlers and the people who own him know he knows that. The tactics used on the feeble minded are the exact same tactics Hitlers propagandists used. It’s not rocket science but coordinated the right way it’s fascinating and scary how easily the masses can get brainwashed.

Well there has never been a President in my lifetime who can look in the camera, say he never had an adulterous affair with a porn star, that he never paid her , the. Two days later say he never said that? The masses, 50% of people aren’t folks that are but educated. The fact he can tap into that, make Lindsay Graham a lap dog, make a guy who can’t sit down with another woman even in a business setting because he considers it unfaithful and do his lying and bidding is a talent .

It is a talent for him to reach out to his base and convince him about the deep state, and the only person the deep state is after is a white rich guy. Has he ever said their is a deep state when it comes to the minority community? Personally I wonder when a born into wealth rich white guy is ever going to catch a break .

But it is brilliant because despite all of his missteps, and the one item he could say was doing well was the economy and by the election unemployment will be in double digits and he will get re-elected . That is brilliance .
Well there has never been a President in my lifetime who can look in the camera, say he never had an adulterous affair with a porn star, that he never paid her , the. Two days later say he never said that? The masses, 50% of people aren’t folks that are but educated. The fact he can tap into that, make Lindsay Graham a lap dog, make a guy who can’t sit down with another woman even in a business setting because he considers it unfaithful and do his lying and bidding is a talent .

It is a talent for him to reach out to his base and convince him about the deep state, and the only person the deep state is after is a white rich guy. Has he ever said their is a deep state when it comes to the minority community? Personally I wonder when a born into wealth rich white guy is ever going to catch a break .

But it is brilliant because despite all of his missteps, and the one item he could say was doing well was the economy and by the election unemployment will be in double digits and he will get re-elected . That is brilliance .

Can you please enlighten me as to what "educated" means?
nothing about him is brilliant, he’s a complete dolt and has zero business being in the White House obviously, but he does know his audience. And his handlers and the people who own him know he knows that. The tactics used on the feeble minded are the exact same tactics Hitlers propagandists used. It’s not rocket science but coordinated the right way it’s fascinating and scary how easily the masses can get brainwashed.

Godwin's law achieved in three pages.
Well there has never been a President in my lifetime who can look in the camera, say he never had an adulterous affair with a porn star, that he never paid her , the. Two days later say he never said that? The masses, 50% of people aren’t folks that are but educated. The fact he can tap into that, make Lindsay Graham a lap dog, make a guy who can’t sit down with another woman even in a business setting because he considers it unfaithful and do his lying and bidding is a talent .

It is a talent for him to reach out to his base and convince him about the deep state, and the only person the deep state is after is a white rich guy. Has he ever said their is a deep state when it comes to the minority community? Personally I wonder when a born into wealth rich white guy is ever going to catch a break .

But it is brilliant because despite all of his missteps, and the one item he could say was doing well was the economy and by the election unemployment will be in double digits and he will get re-elected . That is brilliance .
On the other hand, maybe he was just lucky in the 2016 election and his luck has now run out.

It wasn’t Trump’s brilliance that caused Comey to issue a letter days before the election stating the FBI had found a new cache of Clinton emails with the implication they might be incriminating. The announcement that “oops they are just copies of the emails we already looked at” came too late to reverse the momentum he had given to Trump.

I don’t see that scenario repeating in 2020. The Republicans will try to run the investigation gambit again on Biden but absent a guy like Comey with a (probably undeserved) reputation for political neutrality, it will just look like partisan posturing.
Can you please enlighten me as to what "educated" means?
Boom, right out of the propaganda playbook... deflect, project, and attack!...what am I, fake news, racist? I’m already bigoted apparently for saying people who wanted to gather by the thousands in churches during a pandemic are lunatics.
Boom, right out of the propaganda playbook... deflect, project, and attack!...what am I, fake news, racist? I’m already bigoted apparently for saying people who wanted to gather by the thousands in churches during a pandemic are lunatics.

I think he's just poking fun at Ed and Ed's gibberish.
Oh no, not the investigation gambit. How dare the republicans! They must have a monopoly on the investigation gambit, how dare they keep wasting tax payer dollars on fruitless, partisan witch hunts...
Didn’t say that. Both parties do it and have for most of our history. I’m just saying they only work when they are somehow given a non partisan veneer. I don’t see that working for either side this election - conditions just aren’t right.
I curious your perspective on how the economy and trade are worse now than 4 years ago - excluding the last 8 weeks of course. I mean, you can't actually hold the man responsible for a national lock down that has crushed the economy, can you? To my knowledge, the lockdown would have happened regardless of if he acted earlier or not.

Full disclosure - I'm not a "trump supporter", I'm just puzzled how much certain people hold him personally responsible for.
These topics can be interpreted and spun in a million different directions, so I’ll stick with what we know and try to keep it brief. Result of the tariffs...probably hurt farmers the most and the government had to bail out many as a result. Economy - market was on better upward trend prior to him taking office. Jobs growth and equities. The Fed under attack from Trump continued to bolster markets keeping fed fund rates low/dropping them. IMO markets don’t reflect true conditions, they are on steroids that aren’t sustainable long’s fools gold, primarily for his interests of reelection. Virus- not Trumps fault. Response- Delays, lies, eliminating necessary teams 2 years ago...absolutely his fault and has made this way worse than what America is capable of.
These topics can be interpreted and spun in a million different directions, so I’ll stick with what we know and try to keep it brief. Result of the tariffs...probably hurt farmers the most and the government had to bail out many as a result. Economy - market was on better upward trend prior to him taking office. Jobs growth and equities. The Fed under attack from Trump continued to bolster markets keeping fed fund rates low/dropping them. IMO markets don’t reflect true conditions, they are on steroids that aren’t sustainable long’s fools gold, primarily for his interests of reelection. Virus- not Trumps fault. Response- Delays, lies, eliminating necessary teams 2 years ago...absolutely his fault and has made this way worse than what America is capable of.

Since we're on a football board, I'll make a football analogy: much like a qb, in general the POTUS receives way too much credit for a win and way too much blame for a loss. Yeah, they'll throw a pick to end the game once and a while, and occasionally there will be a real stinker, but even then there are usually other bad actors on the team.

Not railing on you, but this thread/ board in general are a great reflection of what a complete sh!tshow our country is, with a bunch of thin skinned, hypocritical sycophants who live on the fringes of the spectrum so feel like they have to scream the loudest to be heard.

Neither side thinks their media source is slanted. Any dissent to their own opinion (which they believe to be FACT) is a direct assault against their character. If you aren't "us" you are "them", which are to be hated.

I think the thing that bothers me/ saddens me the most is the amount of vitriol that is lobbied at the POTUS, both Obama and Trump. I wasn't a fan of Obama's policies and still believe ACA is a boondoggle of taxpayer dollars, and honestly a cop-out and half-measure by BO. He had the opportunity to affect real change in the healthcare game and just proved himself to be another politician. Besides that, we became the world's cuckold, which is not a look I think is good for a "world power." Rant aside, I never actively rallied against him and vocally wished for his political demise - I wanted the best for our country and for us to succeed. This whole business of 'cut off your nose to spite your face' is moronic. Yes DT is a buffoon, ill-tempered, jerk (to put it mildly), but to continue this diatribe of "the country is in shambles and ITS ALL TRUMPS FAULT, and anything positive that's happened TRUMP HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH" is idiotic, belies the situation, undermines the stability of the nation, and plays into the R/D idiology of divide and conquer.

All that being said, don't ask me what the answer is. Term limits would help. Either side putting a moderate on the ballot might help. Honestly, I think the D's would win this year with a moderate on the ballot, but because they choose another highly polarizng career politician, I think Trump will end up defaulting into office again.
Besides that, we became the world's cuckold, which is not a look I think is good for a "world power." .

Whaaat, does that mean the rest of the world is screwing our wife? How does that even work. Or wait a minute maybe that means we are the worlds unfaithful wife. No, that wouldn’t be it. I got it - the world became our unfaithful wife and is out screwing other worlds. Did I get it right?
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Whaaat, does that mean the rest of the world is screwing our wife? How does that even work. Or wait a minute maybe that means we are the worlds unfaithful wife. No, that wouldn’t be it. I got it - the world became our unfaithful wife and is out screwing other worlds. Did I get it right?
You're adorable. Trumpian ad hominem attack right there, keep it up.
Since we're on a football board, I'll make a football analogy: much like a qb, in general the POTUS receives way too much credit for a win and way too much blame for a loss. Yeah, they'll throw a pick to end the game once and a while, and occasionally there will be a real stinker, but even then there are usually other bad actors on the team.

Not railing on you, but this thread/ board in general are a great reflection of what a complete sh!tshow our country is, with a bunch of thin skinned, hypocritical sycophants who live on the fringes of the spectrum so feel like they have to scream the loudest to be heard.

Neither side thinks their media source is slanted. Any dissent to their own opinion (which they believe to be FACT) is a direct assault against their character. If you aren't "us" you are "them", which are to be hated.

I think the thing that bothers me/ saddens me the most is the amount of vitriol that is lobbied at the POTUS, both Obama and Trump. I wasn't a fan of Obama's policies and still believe ACA is a boondoggle of taxpayer dollars, and honestly a cop-out and half-measure by BO. He had the opportunity to affect real change in the healthcare game and just proved himself to be another politician. Besides that, we became the world's cuckold, which is not a look I think is good for a "world power." Rant aside, I never actively rallied against him and vocally wished for his political demise - I wanted the best for our country and for us to succeed. This whole business of 'cut off your nose to spite your face' is moronic. Yes DT is a buffoon, ill-tempered, jerk (to put it mildly), but to continue this diatribe of "the country is in shambles and ITS ALL TRUMPS FAULT, and anything positive that's happened TRUMP HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH" is idiotic, belies the situation, undermines the stability of the nation, and plays into the R/D idiology of divide and conquer.

All that being said, don't ask me what the answer is. Term limits would help. Either side putting a moderate on the ballot might help. Honestly, I think the D's would win this year with a moderate on the ballot, but because they choose another highly polarizng career politician, I think Trump will end up defaulting into office again.

Like I said to my brother the other day,” No country for old moderates”. As for ACA, I felt without cost reduction/control, it couldn’t accomplish much except keep getting more expensive. Repeal and replace with junk insurance didn’t seem like a very good plan either.

Between the Trump cult on the right and the Sawantinistas in Seattle, there aren’t many good choices. I was rooting for Bullock or Klobuchar in the D race, but Biden will do for me. If he wins, he’ll have an even bigger mess to clean up than BO.
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Since we're on a football board, I'll make a football analogy: much like a qb, in general the POTUS receives way too much credit for a win and way too much blame for a loss. Yeah, they'll throw a pick to end the game once and a while, and occasionally there will be a real stinker, but even then there are usually other bad actors on the team.

Not railing on you, but this thread/ board in general are a great reflection of what a complete sh!tshow our country is, with a bunch of thin skinned, hypocritical sycophants who live on the fringes of the spectrum so feel like they have to scream the loudest to be heard.

Neither side thinks their media source is slanted. Any dissent to their own opinion (which they believe to be FACT) is a direct assault against their character. If you aren't "us" you are "them", which are to be hated.

I think the thing that bothers me/ saddens me the most is the amount of vitriol that is lobbied at the POTUS, both Obama and Trump. I wasn't a fan of Obama's policies and still believe ACA is a boondoggle of taxpayer dollars, and honestly a cop-out and half-measure by BO. He had the opportunity to affect real change in the healthcare game and just proved himself to be another politician. Besides that, we became the world's cuckold, which is not a look I think is good for a "world power." Rant aside, I never actively rallied against him and vocally wished for his political demise - I wanted the best for our country and for us to succeed. This whole business of 'cut off your nose to spite your face' is moronic. Yes DT is a buffoon, ill-tempered, jerk (to put it mildly), but to continue this diatribe of "the country is in shambles and ITS ALL TRUMPS FAULT, and anything positive that's happened TRUMP HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH" is idiotic, belies the situation, undermines the stability of the nation, and plays into the R/D idiology of divide and conquer.

All that being said, don't ask me what the answer is. Term limits would help. Either side putting a moderate on the ballot might help. Honestly, I think the D's would win this year with a moderate on the ballot, but because they choose another highly polarizng career politician, I think Trump will end up defaulting into office again.

Not directed at you, but it seems like those that want to punish China should support Trump's trade policy.

Absent the coronavirus, I think Trump would have won handily. It's a binary decision, and the other choice has a lot of problems, IMO. Even with the coronavirus, I think Trump will win.
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Like I said to my brother the other day,” No country for old moderates”. As for ACA, I felt without cost reduction/control, it couldn’t accomplish much except keep getting more expensive. Repeal and replace with junk insurance didn’t seem like a very good plan either.

Between the Trump cult on the right and the Sawantinistas in Seattle, there aren’t many good choices. I was rooting for Bullock or Klobuchar in the D race, but Biden will do for me. If he wins, he’ll have an even bigger mess to clean up than BO.
One of my biggest issues with Biden is that he seems as ill-tempered as Trump, yet gets a pass from the same people who rail on Trump for being a bully. That's not to mention his creepy uncle Joe antics, but again gets a complete pass from the people who can only see far enough past their nose to get rid of Trump, regardless of who replaces him.

Specifically, what mess(es) are you referring to and what do you think he'll do to clean it up?

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