The official COVID 19 no sports on tv binge watching thread

I saw those enough that I remember them. Been a long time since I saw the first couple Police Academy movies...although I expect that I'll be disappointed.-
I'd have a cocktail first. They are really dumb, with dumb writing and dumb sight gags, but that being said I still laughed the last time I caught a scene or two on cable.
Leslie Nielsen. I found him hilarious but alas I have seen those movies so often I can say the lines before the actors do.
Our most recent friend-group inside joke is "No, I thought you said 'you was alright, Spider", sub for alright and Spider accordingly. Been about a month now, still not not funny.
You did on page one. :)

I've started watching it recently. It's pretty good so far. Although the young kid on the show bugged me at first because I kept on thinking of him as Percy Jackson.

I must be on repeat mode from the repeated COVID 19 emails And letters I’ve been getting from vendors, clients and corporate about the virus. Apparently I should be washing my hands and staying away from people.
I've heard from a lot of people saying Hunters has an interesting premise but pretty much just sucks.
I've heard from a lot of people saying Hunters has an interesting premise but pretty much just sucks.

Assuming it was all available to watch at once, any really good series I’ll end up watching 3-5 episodes a night, usually past midnight on a “school night”. I was only watching 1-2 episodes of Hunters per night. My wife and I were late to the Game of Thrones party. We watched the whole series except for the final season in about 3 weeks. I was worthless at work a lot of days during that binge.
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