And more power to you on this. I truly don't have a problem with your opinion ed. But I want to give mine, as well. I hate emotional and verbal "vomit". It seems more and more like people use this "honest" thing as an excuse from having control of their mouth and mind. People yammer and yammer, hurt people (or expect them to be so callous that it doesn't hurt anymore) and then put it on, "Hey, I'm just being honest." Seems like Walden does this. Naw. How about you are honest AND think of others? What a concept!
I'm not a fan of this new thing our society has going. I like honest. I don't like PC. There is a middle ground there, that people miss. Gotta either go one extreme or another in today's world, I guess.
In regards to Walden's comments… I truly don't get how he continues to get booked. That's the part that is more confusing than anything else, IMHO. A real reflection of that station, IMHO.
But where I'm going with all of this… He can say whatever he wants but it does start to delve into the whole thing of, If he was a "Coug", at some point shouldn't he be thinking of the program? What do these "outbursts", for lack of a better term, do for the program? So he doesn't like CML. Not everyone does but that doesn't mean you go onto the airwaves, and basically start undermining the program which is the only real thing these kinds of interviews/outbursts have as an outcome. Speak your mind but do whats best for the program, at some point. It isn't always about your feelings. Walden needs to realize this. He needs to start making a decision about what point has he said his peace and now he's there for the program, not expressing his feelings over and over again… year after year. He doesn't have to shake CML's hand at functions, he doesn't have to cheese-n-squeeze beside Moos. But he doesn't have to "be honest" about his feelings, all the time, every time a mic is in front of him… We've heard it, we know it. Not trying to censor him but there's also a time to stop.
Suck it up and do whats right for the program, Walden. We're all Cougs. Move on.