Well, that didn’t take long

Sorry about the double post. It kept telling e to create thread. First time I’ve done that.
Blanchette (the sanctimonious troll). Saw his article -- takes a couple shots at Leach and Wazzu, but generally complimentary towards Rolovich.
I didn't like “ More about hope theme”. Damning with as faint a praise as possible.
Blanchette (the sanctimonious troll). Saw his article -- takes a couple shots at Leach and Wazzu, but generally complimentary towards Rolovich.
I haven't read the article, so I am taking what you wrote as what he wrote. Apparently, it is fine for a columnist to write something negative about a coach. But, it is not fine for a coach to say something negative about a writer. Or, did the Washington Sportswriters condemn Blanchette today and demand he apologize to Leach and WSU?
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From a 4th tier paper, does anyone anywhere actually read it? And one of the leading GU supporters and a Cougar hater for better than two decades if not longer I never read his opinion.
From a 4th tier paper, does anyone anywhere actually read it? And one of the leading GU supporters and a Cougar hater for better than two decades if not longer I never read his opinion.

Only because it's the only paper that still has a WSU beat reporter.
Does their student reporter stay at the game after halftime?

Not going to any road games.
Sorry, I forgot to add my "/sarc" at the end.

But then again, it is the Edward R Murrow School of Communications. Murrow! It has to be great!

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