What if football just eliminated some penalties


Hall Of Fame
Nov 10, 2007
Watching games all day today and man, I feel like I can't watch 4 straight plays without the official throwing a flag or reviewing something.

In fact, as I was typing this post, the official in the Steelers game called 2 penalties and signaled for 2 reviews.

Got me wondering, why not just shorten the stupid rule book? I'm not talking about any of the fouls designed to keep players safe, or anything that would give the offense or defense a huge advantage. But what would honestly happen if they eliminated all the illegal formation and illegal shift stuff? What does it matter how many guys are on the line if scrimmage? Hands to the face? Block in the back? Or, why is it pass interference if there defender doesn't look back for the ball? What does that matter?

Give these refs a break. Give the fans a break.
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Watching games all day today and man, I feel like I can't watch 4 straight plays without the official throwing a flag or reviewing something.

In fact, as I was typing this post, the official in the Steelers game called 2 penalties and signaled for 2 reviews.

Got me wondering, why not just shorten the stupid rule book? I'm not talking about any of the fouls designed to keep players safe, or anything that would give the offense or defense a huge advantage. But what would honestly happen if they eliminated all the illegal formation and illegal shift stuff? What does it matter how many guys are on the line if scrimmage? Hands to the face? Block in the back? Or, why is it pass interference if there defender doesn't look back for the ball? What does that matter?

Give these refs a break. Give the fans a break.
The illegal formation/shift stuff could probably be eliminated or drastically simplified. Defender doesn't have to turn for the ball in college. That rule is stupid. You either interfere or you don't. Shouldn't matter where you head/body is
Even though face guarding doesn't exist in college, the refs still "use it"
as a reason to call PI. It's maddening
gambling interests only need to get 1 ref and the timely holding penalty or PI, will never be noticed throughout the game. I think the line in nfl games is very suspicious, not necessarily wins or losses, but they mess with the line on the game.
Watching games all day today and man, I feel like I can't watch 4 straight plays without the official throwing a flag or reviewing something.

In fact, as I was typing this post, the official in the Steelers game called 2 penalties and signaled for 2 reviews.

Got me wondering, why not just shorten the stupid rule book? I'm not talking about any of the fouls designed to keep players safe, or anything that would give the offense or defense a huge advantage. But what would honestly happen if they eliminated all the illegal formation and illegal shift stuff? What does it matter how many guys are on the line if scrimmage? Hands to the face? Block in the back? Or, why is it pass interference if there defender doesn't look back for the ball? What does that matter?

Give these refs a break. Give the fans a break.

I don't think there is any doubt that the game is more tedious with the call/non-call & play review situation.

If I'm going to gripe, I'll also note that I don't like the way the NFL rules have diverged from college rules. They are essentially two games at this point; more similar than different, but no where close to the same game.
We should just throw out American Rules Football in favor of Australia rules football. Haven’t seen it in ages but from what I remember they were the toughest people I’ve ever seen and I believe that penalties were few and far between. Pretty soon the American game will be as hard to watch as pro basketball.
I wouldn't mind if 5 Olineman on the line of scrimmage. All eligible off the LoS
Get rid of holding penalties or at least most of them.
Unless a guy does a take down the linemen should be able to hold onto people to protect their QB
Basically if you are facing the opponent then you are allowed to hold. Once by you then it's a different story.
Get rid of holding penalties or at least most of them.
Unless a guy does a take down the linemen should be able to hold onto people to protect their QB
Basically if you are facing the opponent then you are allowed to hold. Once by you then it's a different story.
Holding is already called so unevenly, it would at least make the calls more predictable
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Watching games all day today and man, I feel like I can't watch 4 straight plays without the official throwing a flag or reviewing something.

In fact, as I was typing this post, the official in the Steelers game called 2 penalties and signaled for 2 reviews.

Got me wondering, why not just shorten the stupid rule book? I'm not talking about any of the fouls designed to keep players safe, or anything that would give the offense or defense a huge advantage. But what would honestly happen if they eliminated all the illegal formation and illegal shift stuff? What does it matter how many guys are on the line if scrimmage? Hands to the face? Block in the back? Or, why is it pass interference if there defender doesn't look back for the ball? What does that matter?

Give these refs a break. Give the fans a break.
I am sure it is somewhat similar in college, but in the last 10-15 years the NFL rule book has increased around 10-fold. Just think about a catch. For our entire lives, we all could immediately tell what a catch was. Then, they added in football move and now none of us know.
The NFL is increasingly becoming the Prom Queen from 30 years ago who is still holding out for her Millionaire Entrepreneur Playboy. Crow's feet, bingo wings, stretch marks - no problem when you don't have a mirror.

The NFL is whistling past the graveyard as disastrous trends become imminent:
  • Youth football participation - and therefore the pipeline - dropping off a cliff
  • Explosion in competition from streaming and on-demand entertainment
  • General cord cutting and the decline of "buy the dealership if you want a car" cable TV
  • Piracy getting easier and easier
  • Player safety and litigation
  • Advertisers (like my last 2 companies) thinking long and hard about the ROI of NFL sponsorship
  • Political pressure (Kaep/Reid)
Their response has been resounding:
  • Slow down a game people watch for its speed with more reviews, flags breaks and stoppages
  • Twist yourself up so thoroughly in regulatory minutiae that you are no longer able to classify things that are plain to see for the rest of us (i.e., a catch)
  • Stay quiet on politics, then make rash, perfunctory nods to PC orthodoxy to hopefully survive the battle
  • Meanwhile, fine players $20k for wearing "unauthorized socks" (what fans REALLY care about)
  • Refuse to offer a compelling and affordable alternative to piracy or exorbitant (and incomplete) cable packages
Overall, their response to existential threat has been underwhelming and seemingly more about hanging onto their 1980s model of revenue well into the 21st century, even as every piece of evidence screams that this is no longer possible.
Watching games all day today and man, I feel like I can't watch 4 straight plays without the official throwing a flag or reviewing something.

In fact, as I was typing this post, the official in the Steelers game called 2 penalties and signaled for 2 reviews.

Got me wondering, why not just shorten the stupid rule book? I'm not talking about any of the fouls designed to keep players safe, or anything that would give the offense or defense a huge advantage. But what would honestly happen if they eliminated all the illegal formation and illegal shift stuff? What does it matter how many guys are on the line if scrimmage? Hands to the face? Block in the back? Or, why is it pass interference if there defender doesn't look back for the ball? What does that matter?

Give these refs a break. Give the fans a break.

I think you could make the argument that flags shouldn't fly if they don't impact player safety or the natural course of a play. Nothing more maddening than seeing a kid accidentally run up against the back of a defender on a kickoff and see a flag for block in the back.....when the ball carrier is 30 yards away.

I'm gonna disagree on hands to the face. Nobody needs to be grabbing or pushing a facemask.

Illegal formation is an interesting one and I'd be curious if someone can make an argument for why that one should exist.

The biggest issue, mentioned above by others, is that some games get incredibly bogged down with reviews to the point of being unwatchable. If you can't make the decision in under 45 seconds.....the call should stand.
holding is very subjective and lets corrupt officials determine the outcome of games if they so choose...…..but I don't see how you could eliminate the penalty without changing the game entirely...……..maybe modify it, only call it if its egregious-man beaten so he basically bearhugs opponent
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We should just throw out American Rules Football in favor of Australia rules football. Haven’t seen it in ages but from what I remember they were the toughest people I’ve ever seen and I believe that penalties were few and far between. Pretty soon the American game will be as hard to watch as pro basketball.

SD, even in the land of Oz that game is referred to as "Ozzie no rules". Fun to watch; a bunch of guys who could play LB or Safety that spend a lot of time running at close to full speed. Bigger/slower guys can't play and smaller guys are rare due to the hard hitting and minimal protection.

It is a lot of fun to watch, though, especially if you are in the stands with your brother in law so you have someone to explain the rules.
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Ooh, just thought of another one, illegal touching when a player goes out of bounds, then comes back in and touches the ball. I mean, who cares? Why is that even a rule? Saw a pretty nice catch negated by that stupid rule yesterday.

It's to the point, anytime there's a big play, of any kind, I'm just waiting for that stupid flag graphic to pop up.
And, side gripe, I can't stand the "automatic first down" penalties. If it's 3rd and 40, why does a 5 yard defensive holding penalty result in a 1st down? Makes no sense.
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Fab, the only time going out of bounds should matter IMHO is when it permits a defender to avoid a block by an offensive player or when it permits a receiver to evade a bump by a defender at the LOS.
Ooh, just thought of another one, illegal touching when a player goes out of bounds, then comes back in and touches the ball. I mean, who cares? Why is that even a rule? Saw a pretty nice catch negated by that stupid rule yesterday.

It's to the point, anytime there's a big play, of any kind, I'm just waiting for that stupid flag graphic to pop up.

Taken to the extreme, it could be an advantage for the offense. Receiver runs out of bounds behind the bench, then pops out somewhere else wide open.
Warning! Long post with lots of replies! However, the rationale for a lot of the rules is done in a great book by David Nelson called Anatomy of a Game: Football, the Rules, and the Men who Made the Game. This history behind these choices are outlined pretty well there.

Even though face guarding doesn't exist in college, the refs still "use it"
as a reason to call PI. It's maddening
It is used only as a red flag. Contact is required. The problem with many officials is that they assume contact. We have a mantra we are taught from day one: "See the ball down and in possession before blowing the whistle" (this is to avoid inadvertent whistles). Similarly, we have "Don't call penalties you don't see." This is often the case with turning your head and seeing some player flying to the ground. If you didn't see the contact to lead to it, assume it was legal. I often see among younger HS officials where if they see face guarding they assume contact occurred.

I wouldn't mind if 5 Olineman on the line of scrimmage. All eligible off the LoS
The history of football was that originally a minimum of 6 offensive players were on the line (and no more than 6 defensive players). The rules committee in 1906 argued about this quite a bit and decided that 7 men on the line was required. And from there:

One foward pass shall be allowed on a play provided the ball does not touch the ground before being touched by a player of either side--such as pass to be made by any man who was behind the line of scrimmage when the ball was put in play. If the ball touches the ground before being touched by a player of either side, it shall go to the opponents on the spot where the pass was made. The pass shall not be recieved by a man who was on the line of scrimmage when the ball was put in play, except for the two men playone on the ends of the line. A direct lob over the line within a space of five yards on each side of the center shall be unlawful.​

Now, Nelson's book doesn't go into the why of this, but my understanding is that it makes it clear to the defense who is eligible. There was an upstart offense called the A11 that tried to take advantage of the numbering exception and created all kinds of crazy formations in order to confuse the defense on who was eligible. The other reason, as I understood it, was to limit the number of players behind the LOS. It wasn't so much about requiring people on the line, but to limit the backfield size, thus to limit the ability of players to get a running start before the defense could approach. I don't know if these are true, but are my suspicions.

I think you could make the argument that flags shouldn't fly if they don't impact player safety or the natural course of a play. Nothing more maddening than seeing a kid accidentally run up against the back of a defender on a kickoff and see a flag for block in the back.....when the ball carrier is 30 yards away.
Depends on the demeanor of the official, crew, and officiating leadership. It is nearly impossible to read intent in many plays. And certainly no official I know would flag when they see "a kid accidentally run up against the back of a defender ... when the ball carrier is 30 yards away." If the contact is clearly unwarranted (i.e. excessive) or unsportsmanlike (pushing a kid out of the play to the ground), it isn't just about safety, but sportsmanship.

Illegal formation is an interesting one and I'd be curious if someone can make an argument for why that one should exist.
See above. I think the argument that getting a running start at the snap is especially the case on punts, where the gunners would get more of an advantage over the defenders.

Ooh, just thought of another one, illegal touching when a player goes out of bounds, then comes back in and touches the ball. I mean, who cares? Why is that even a rule? Saw a pretty nice catch negated by that stupid rule yesterday.
NFHS doesn't have this. In NFHS, if a player who voluntarily goes out of bounds and returning is an illegal participation foul. NCAA doesn't have this requirement. Players may leave and return, except K (the kicking team) or A (the offense) but cannot be the first to touch a forward pass. I think the concern was a player feigning leaving the field, then stepping back on and catching the pass. This was to avoid something of a "hideout" play. Note that being being blocked out and immediately returning is not a foul (which I don't know how we got jobbed on that one in the Oregon game).

And, side gripe, I can't stand the "automatic first down" penalties. If it's 3rd and 40, why does a 5 yard defensive holding penalty result in a 1st down? Makes no sense.
My understanding is that these were added to enhance the offense. Kind of like the case where you can't be fouled under the basket. They committee wanted to see more offense. Note that the NFHS eliminated the automatic first down on defensive pass interference (and the loss of down on offensive pass interference), and has never had an AFD for defensive holding, or this stupid 5 yard contact rule the NFL has. I agree, they should go away.
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