Where are we?

First of all, as someone suggested above, the eras are different. It's hard to make a direct comparison either way. Leach has better facilities to work with--but all of his competition does, too--while Price had Prop 48 and competition in the conference that wasn't as consistent across 10 teams as it is across 12 teams now. All the teams are investing now.

Second, I don't think the lack of good corners is Leach not "prioritizing" the position. WSU just has had a hard time attracting good enough athletes at CB in his time here, in the current era of recruiting where it's harder to find and hang onto hidden gems. If, as you suggest, Ed, that CB is the easiest position to recruit, since anyone can look at film and see who can play, that's conducive to an environment where the best recruits all wind up at the best recruiting schools, pretty much, and that seems to be what is playing out.

To the "prioritizing" point, just off the top of my head, he brought in a 4-star Sebastian LaRue, and players like Alex Jackson and Rahmel Dockery, who were some of the best athletes on the team when brought on board, and who generally were only at WSU because of Leach's name and his offense's reputation. He tried to put all of those guys at CB like he did with some guys at Tech, and they all didn't go for it and bailed. If he truly didn't give a damn and just cared about hoarding all the good athletes to make the most powerful offense he could, defense be damned, he'd do something else. He purports to be doing something similar now with leaving the good, big-bodied athletes who could play tight end on defense. I'm not buying what he's selling on that in terms of actually using a tight end, but he's not taking those guys from the defense.

I could see maybe taking a scholie or two from the OL and throwing it at more CBs, but it seems like we've had plenty of bodies cycle through the program at CB. It's just a problem of none of them being good enough. Adding another low 3-star to the mix who's basically the same guy as the other two above him wouldn't change it, IMO.
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Just a note regarding Price and the O line. Back when Price did his recruiting, it was called bringing in several TE's with the expectation that some would develop into OL. Today we do the same thing, but we use different jargon to describe it. Now we are bringing in tall guys with big frames that can add 40 pounds, some of which is muscle. It is the same thing, just 20-30 years later.
Oh the grammar police. Worry about your last post in the Leach thread that was deleted.

Did I say they didn't recruit numbers at CB. I said they have not come close to getting the level of player Price did. So there is no LIE. You do get the difference between a lie and misstatement of information, which wasn't the case here. Please show me a corner that has been drafted like Hunter, Trufant, Paymah, Brian Walker, Morokola? Make sure you put this in your computer head, I didn't say they didn't recruit the, they haven't recruited it well.

Unique way to word an argument. Price coached at WSU for 14 years. When did he land Trufant or Paymah? Years 9 & 11?

Leach hasn't even been here that long.

And was Dee Moronkola any better than, say Sean Harper?
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What is it you want me to understand? That the star system might be flawed? Or that crap happens?

If you want to stop a 3rd and nine it helps to have a corner that can play man. And not one that interferes on seemingly all the important plays.

If WSU is going to blitz at the end of the ASU game, they need a CB or two that can lock on to their receivers. If they choose to blitz against Cal on a 3rd and nine, they have to be able to cover. It is like having a dominant closer in baseball, makes everyone else around them better.

With all the guys we have trotted out on te field the biggest play-maker was Pippens, and he wasn't Hunter, Burns, Moronkola, Paymah, Trufant, and even Coleman when he played corner that one season.

Corner is the easiest position to spot talent. If WSU evaluated CB talent like they do WR talent we wouldn't have this discussion.

Having good cover corners it allows your defense to do so much more.

You obviously don't follow baseball that closely because that comment makes no sense.
Unique way to word an argument. Price coached at WSU for 14 years. When did he land Trufant or Paymah? Years 9 & 11?

Leach hasn't even been here that long.

And was Dee Moronkola any better than, say Sean Harper?

Well the nfl thought both moronkola and walker were better .
Unique way to word an argument. Price coached at WSU for 14 years. When did he land Trufant or Paymah? Years 9 & 11?

Leach hasn't even been here that long.


I would agree with part of your premise, that the great run of db's where they reloaded started in year 10 of Price's career.

Maybe a small difference, but Price got the four young kids two years removed from Weber State, who I think at one time contemplated shutting down their program. Price in his first 6 years removed from Weber State he got Hunter (NFL), Burns, Walker (NFL), Moronkola (NFL), Hinchen. It was later he got Trufant, Paymah, Coleman, David.

I think Rushing and Mobley were decent safeties, Lamont, then the Abdullah bros. Yes, no question he was getting more consistent talent the longer he was on the job.

But I would counter that part of the argument and say by 2015 Leach had 4 years at WSU, and 9 years at tech. I would think and hope there was some cred that came with him, cred that a Weber State coach did not have
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You obviously don't follow baseball that closely because that comment makes no sense.

Maybe I don't follow baseball like you. When Riveria walked on the mound the game was over. It allowed Jeff Nelson play a role he was more comfortable in and excel. Take a peek at when Riveria went down and Nelson had to close. It moved everyone down one inning. All of a sudden the guy who was suppose to get you through 6 and 7 was setting up in the 8th.

I know riveria closed a long time ago, but with a great closer it makes everyone better. They can just do their jobs. The second baseman doesnt for example have to make an impossible double play. Just get the lead runner, the closer can do the rest. Put in a Mariner closer and the second baseman has to feel like they have to make a spectacular play to get out of teh inning.
I would agree with part of your premise, that the great run of db's where they reloaded started in year 10 of Price's career.

Maybe a small difference, but Price got the four young kids two years removed from Weber State, who I think at one time contemplated shutting down their program. Price in his first 6 years removed from Weber State he got Hunter (NFL), Burns, Walker (NFL), Moronkola (NFL), Hinchen. It was later he got Trufant, Paymah, Coleman, David.

I think Rushing and Mobley were decent safeties, Lamont, then the Abdullah bros. Yes, no question he was getting more consistent talent the longer he was on the job.

But I would counter that part of the argument and say by 2015 Leach had 4 years at WSU, and 9 years at tech. I would think and hope there was some cred that came with him, cred that a Weber State coach did not have

Are we throwing safeties in now?

So Leach would get credit for Jalen & Luani? As well as Robert Taylor, who was solid and Buccannon, who he didn't recruit, but developed into an NFL player?
Maybe I don't follow baseball like you. When Riveria walked on the mound the game was over. It allowed Jeff Nelson play a role he was more comfortable in and excel. Take a peek at when Riveria went down and Nelson had to close. It moved everyone down one inning. All of a sudden the guy who was suppose to get you through 6 and 7 was setting up in the 8th.

I know riveria closed a long time ago, but with a great closer it makes everyone better. They can just do their jobs. The second baseman doesnt for example have to make an impossible double play. Just get the lead runner, the closer can do the rest. Put in a Mariner closer and the second baseman has to feel like they have to make a spectacular play to get out of teh inning.

That's all anectotal and not really supported statistically.
Are we throwing safeties in now?

So Leach would get credit for Jalen & Luani? As well as Robert Taylor, who was solid and Buccannon, who he didn't recruit, but developed into an NFL player?

Sorry Fab was word vomit via a post. Please disregard any safety talk although Leach has had good ones .