Should be Tom Pounds...Flag guy...
No. Do a segment or interview with him, but don't him do the picks.
Should be Tom Pounds...Flag guy...
Yes, they have to do a segment on how they have been so diligent over all these years and how they have never missed a game. And the bigger question is will the flag tradition carry on?No. Do a segment or interview with him, but don't him do the picks.
Alrighty. I'll trust ya'll since it's been so long for me. Makes sense if they stay 9am East Coast for air.
Actually they should have as guest pickers Jack Thompson, Rypien, Bledsoe, Leaf and Gesser....QBUMy first choice if it were feasible...even if done remotely...would have to be Gleason.
My next pick would be Klay over Drew, though either would be fine. Klay has done a lot more on camera stuff in the past year and is looking as though he is becoming...if not comfortable, then at least not uncomfortable. Drew would be great and for all the reasons noted by others is likely.
Next on my list, and also possible, would be Jack Thompson.
Given that we have been QB U for decades, a combination of Jack and Drew is not ridiculous. And speaking of combinations, one or two of the guys already mentioned on site with a guest shot by Gleason. That actually seems as though it might be do-able if Steve is up to it.
Whoever said they shouldn't invest in the program? Or even make the changes they did?The esteemed members of the $600,000 Club disagree.
Actually they should have as guest pickers Jack Thompson, Rypien, Bledsoe, Leaf and Gesser....QBU
poster CougEd who for the last 7 years along with his brother on here has been an obnoxious Wulff loving Leach hating detractor.
Basically they ranted from day 1 that Leach wasn’t going to get it done, post passive aggressive digs about the program when we lost said that we had nobody like “the great Laurenzi” on the defensive line and have been saying we have no d line for 7 years. Said we would have nobody to replace Buchanan when Luani committed, threw dirt on Taylor Comfort, made ridiculous claims like, false notions, and pathetic analysis that were proven wrong over and over and over again, they did everything in the world to talk bad about the program and Leach and our direction and everything they could to exonerate and glorify Paul Wulff....for seven...years..
They basically were the epitome of crappy idiotic fans who never bought in.
They are essentially Paul Wulff fans and not Coug fans.
Would be a really bad look to have Gesser. ESPN & WSU aint touching that situation with a 10 foot pole.
I am curious if we actually get a good crowd... that is early for Pullman and WSUGameDay is live. It starts at 6a PT/9a ET every week. So usually the West Coast starts are dark at the beginning if it's closer to the end of the year.
Worth a shot, but does WSU get to choose?
Also, I know who Wulff is, but who's this Ed guy you all keep bringing up?
And I thought you were just a numbers person, but apparently you do have a creative side.
It was you who said we weren't going to win in 2015. I thought PSU was a bad loss but never once did I waver on Leach getting it done. Matter of fact, ask Biggs about our conversations about Leach in 2010. I would have hired him in 2010. And I for sure would have hire him for the 2011 season. The truth is we didn't have the money. I have never met Paul Wulff. I appreciate his story, I appreciate the hard work he put forth. It didn't work out for him. Leach is much more interesting.
My brother like you had one too many cocktails when he said after the BYU game in 2012 Leach wasn't going to get it done. No different than when you posted after the PSU game. I never once uttered those words. Not once. Also, you make the assumption he and I are in total alignment on everything. This may come as a surprise to you but we have very different voting patterns, and he is his own person. He doesn't speak for me, and I don't speak for him.
And unlike you, I kept up my donations so if they had to fire wulff they would have the resources. You thought it better to starve the program.
And you are so funny talking about Luani and Buchanon. There was a whole season between Buchanon and Luani. So Luani didn't have to be better or equal to Buchanon. He had to be better than Lemore and Caldwell.
I didn't say Laurenzi was great- you did. You said numbers mean everything. I CLEARLY wrote I would take Eukale over Laurenzi but since everything is based in numbers you would have them reversed. And that was my point. And yes, Laurenzi was much better than Eichelbarger.
And Comfort, my point all along was we DONT know. He never played. Similair to Fernandez. Typically walkons on don't emerge their senior year. Matter of fact, if they didn't offer him a scholie in the spring he wouldn't be here. And like other people have mentioned, he plays hard, but often caught out of position regardless of his assists in tackles and that he punched the ball loose against OSU. This week will tell us exactly where we are on the dline.
But thanks for the fantasy account.
OK, cool. My allusions to "proud" and "happy" were in relation to it being great that Wulff hadn't been mentioned here, while "disappointed" and "bewildered," while different concepts, related to this really being the best imaginable time to use that image to make a joke, should one choose. Amazing levels of irony, a thread about a "picker" .... this stuff writes itself. More generally, the further we get from pissing matches about Wulff, the better, and I grant that I should have just let that nice opportunity for the joke go by without mention, given the likely reaction on here.
Everyone knows your rep on here. It’s trash like your brother.
It’s always some excuse with you about everything. For terrible coaching and recruiting by Wulff. Excuses. For stupidity and acting like an asshat on here. Excuses. For your brother’s stupidity and threats against posters on here. Excuses.
Do everybody a favor and don’t post here and waste everyone’s time with your piece of sh*t existence.
I don't know whether to be proud, happy, disappointed, or bewildered that the image of Wulff picking his nose hasn't made its way into this thread yet.
425...I need to clean up my post. It wasn't actually directed nces
I have never made an excuse for any of my posts here. I have always stood up for my thoughts on this board. I never made excuses for my brother getting banned for threatening people here. He got banned and deserved to be.
Its only a waste of time if you read what I have to write. That is on you.
Your thoughts are stupid. We don’t need stupid thoughts on here. Share your “thoughts” on the Sacramento State forum.
Fortunately you don't believe in this product or you would actually pay for it or produce it. Since you and two others violate the rules you have made it impossible for Scott to boot me off and ban my opinions.
There is something much more appropriate for you...hit ignore cause I will continue to post for a long long time.
Then I will enjoy treating you like the stupid idiot you are exposing your bullsh*t thoughts on here for a long long time and every year more people will learn how the dickenson family are obnoxious detractors through one of the best and most successful runs in WSU history.
And they will hear about it for a long long time.
You are a piece of shit, Tron. Like Yaki, you post our name, places of employment etc...then you cry like a little bitch and wonder why I threaten you?
And as for your accusation I am a Wulff lover, you are absolutely incorrect. I am glad he was fired. Deserved to be fired. You can't find any posts that say I wish Wulff was here.
It is all in your crazy, mixed up head.
I'm not like you crazy zealots on here that blame everything on him...and certainly didn't think it was his fault that Tuel got hurt, but I am glad he is gone...and I am glad I was wrong about Leach. In fact, I have posted numerous times I hope I am wrong about that. At least I stood by my comments.
You, on the other hand, flip flopped(see my sig)...then tell everyone how you were right all along, how smart you are and how your wife is lucky to have such a smart person like yourself etc.
What a douche.
Then I will enjoy treating you like the stupid idiot you are exposing your bullsh*t thoughts on here for a long long time and every year more people will learn how the dickenson family are obnoxious detractors through one of the best and most successful runs in WSU history.
And they will hear about it for a long long time.
Yo P-town...Hmmmm...I hope it is a long long time. But you continually violate the policy of Rivals. Now you wouldn't want me to start naming names would you? Like Connor and Steve, and Bill or Wil? I would suggest you bring the tires back in your lane.
Yes Connor Halliday Steve Gleason Bill Moos and Will Derting all fine Cougs I enjoy naming them as fine Cougs.
Name as many names as you want. You are the one who has had family members threaten people on here repeatedly. Not a good look for the Dickenson family.
Since you like posting our family's name on here, how about you post yours as well. You won't do it because you are a coward.
No, I'll just continually call you a coward.Hahahahaaaaa.
Tell me about your bravery oh angry at pie charts.
Just for the record, there's been a lot of effort discussing who, related to WSU, that ESPN should use as a guest picker. If you check around the internet, there's been some unhappiness because ESPN has kind of quit focusing on trying to find people with direct ties to the school this year. They may end up just getting someone from the state of Washington.....
Just for the record, there's been a lot of effort discussing who, related to WSU, that ESPN should use as a guest picker. If you check around the internet, there's been some unhappiness because ESPN has kind of quit focusing on trying to find people with direct ties to the school this year. They may end up just getting someone from the state of Washington.....
And when I post yours you will be ok with it I trust.Hahahahaaaaa.
Tell me about your bravery oh angry at pie charts.
And I thought you were just a numbers person, but apparently you do have a creative side.
It was you who said we weren't going to win in 2015. I thought PSU was a bad loss but never once did I waver on Leach getting it done. Matter of fact, ask Biggs about our conversations about Leach in 2010. I would have hired him in 2010. And I for sure would have hire him for the 2011 season. The truth is we didn't have the money. I have never met Paul Wulff. I appreciate his story, I appreciate the hard work he put forth. It didn't work out for him. Leach is much more interesting.
My brother like you had one too many cocktails when he said after the BYU game in 2012 Leach wasn't going to get it done. No different than when you posted after the PSU game. I never once uttered those words. Not once. Also, you make the assumption he and I are in total alignment on everything. This may come as a surprise to you but we have very different voting patterns, and he is his own person. He doesn't speak for me, and I don't speak for him.
And unlike you, I kept up my donations so if they had to fire wulff they would have the resources. You thought it better to starve the program.
And you are so funny talking about Luani and Buchanon. There was a whole season between Buchanon and Luani. So Luani didn't have to be better or equal to Buchanon. He had to be better than Lemore and Caldwell.
I didn't say Laurenzi was great- you did. You said numbers mean everything. I CLEARLY wrote I would take Eukale over Laurenzi but since everything is based in numbers you would have them reversed. And that was my point. And yes, Laurenzi was much better than Eichelbarger.
And Comfort, my point all along was we DONT know. He never played. Similair to Fernandez. Typically walkons on don't emerge their senior year. Matter of fact, if they didn't offer him a scholie in the spring he wouldn't be here. And like other people have mentioned, he plays hard, but often caught out of position regardless of his assists in tackles and that he punched the ball loose against OSU. This week will tell us exactly where we are on the dline.
But thanks for the fantasy account.
Everyone knows your rep on here. It’s trash like your brother.
It’s always some excuse with you about everything. For terrible coaching and recruiting by Wulff. Excuses. For stupidity and acting like an asshat on here. Excuses. For your brother’s stupidity and threats against posters on here. Excuses.
Do everybody a favor and don’t post here and waste everyone’s time with your piece of sh*t existence.
I am having the same thought. Getting the students out of bed at 5:00am to assemble in the dark is a wee bit of a problem, considering that we cannot convince many of them to stay after halftime in beautiful Fall weather. It would not be a nice scene to have a few dozen die-hards shivering in the cold. C'mon Chun, get it done.I am curious if we actually get a good crowd... that is early for Pullman and WSU
I don't know one way or the other, but I assumed the "third parties" were because the host school and ESPN could not agree on a suitable guest picker. Katy Perry probably moved the needle more than someone from Ole Miss we've never heard of.
Klay and Bledsoe are the only guys that would work for ESPN.
Jack Thompson might work too.
That is true and very very sad.Well... There goes that idea... Paul Allen just passed away...
pullman ain’t that big of a town. Band can do laps through Greek row and by the dorms starting at 4am. Free Red Bull’s?I am having the same thought. Getting the students out of bed at 5:00am to assemble in the dark is a wee bit of a problem, considering that we cannot convince many of them to stay after halftime in beautiful Fall weather. It would not be a nice scene to have a few dozen die-hards shivering in the cold. C'mon Chun, get it done.
On another topic, my three choices for guest picker are Robertson, Robertson and Robertson. Haven't watched game day in years but it would be a blast to see BobRob and Corso, two old geezers, reminiscing. My fourth choice would be any or the other possibilities mentioned. Except for the late Paul Allen and Gesser, who is now dead in his own way.
Or better yet somebody who has lived east of the mountainsJust for the record, there's been a lot of effort discussing who, related to WSU, that ESPN should use as a guest picker. If you check around the internet, there's been some unhappiness because ESPN has kind of quit focusing on trying to find people with direct ties to the school this year. They may end up just getting someone from the state of Washington.....
God Help Us if the first two are even a remote concept. Last thing we need is Inslee up there with the crowd behind him, boo'ing him. On national TV. Happened at the basketball game a couple years ago when it was the "Apple Cup" of basketball. Don't need that garbage on national TV. Lets keep politics out of this one, please.Or better yet somebody who has lived east of the mountains
Mark Few
Jay Inslee
Martin Pang