Why would anyone want to veto election integrity?

I don't know how frequently it happens, but it would not be difficult.

Here's the form you fill out to register to vote in Washington: All you have to do is check the box claiming to be a citizen, and then enter a number as your SSN or driver's license number.

Lots of illegals have SSNs that are valid. They don't actually belong to that person, but they still work.

Lots of illegals also have drivers licenses, because licenses don't require proof of citizenship. They require evidence of residency and confirmation of identity. The accepted forms of ID are at

So, you can get a driver's license and register to vote based on a bogus SSN and some foreign documents, as long as you're willing to sign the certification. Nobody's really checking, so the risk of getting caught and prosecuted is virtually zero...especially in a Republican administration that's just going to deport you and have your name taken off the voter rolls. Then all you have to do is sneak across the border, pay for another SSN, and start over again.
House just passed the SAVE Act, which would require proof of citizenship to vote. 198 Libs voted against it. All of you Socialists on the left tell me how/why this is a bad bill.

The Democratic party is beyond corrupt.

Hitler brought more people into fascism in Germany than any candidate before him. Popularity amongst less than half of the population is not a mandate for greatness. The Republicans of the 80's and 90's had their flaws but they were good people trying to do good things for our country and the world. Mistakes were made but it was always with the idea that the US and the world was going to be better with their efforts.

Trump's isolationist policies may foster better relations with countries like Russia, North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia and the like....but it creates strife in the rest of the world and his plans are the type of plans that lead to world wars. Our country was the greatest country in the world because of our involvement in world politics. Trump loves to yell about "Make America Great Again" but he doesn't realize that his polices are more 1920's and 1930's.....not the 1960's when US power and influence was growing. Again, not everything we did back then was perfect but our actions were based on the idea that we were making greater good in the world....not worrying about how many mansions we could build in our country while regular people can't afford to buy houses at all.
Sigh, where to start. Let's lead off with this whole Hitler comparison. Flat, Flat, Flat, it is so old and tired. You and Joy Reid must not have received the memo this "go to" talking point is beyond stale.

Flat I don't' think you are a dummy; I do believe you have a serious case of TDS and it is making you a very angry man. It sounds like at one point you were a Republican. We have some common ground. Allow me to elaborate on why I vote for DJT.

The reason I voted for Trump in 2106, 2020 and will again in November is because I have had it with the Republican establishment. I, like some of you in 1992 voted for Perot. After Bush Sr. came with the "read my lips" comment I was done with him. Did I think Perot was going to win...No. I was a young man tired of the bullshit of the GOP and wanted to send a message. Yes, you can thank me and Flounder for ushering the Clintons into DC.

The Republicans hadn't had a strong leader with a backbone who was willing to push back against the Libs and the media since Reagan. W was and is a pussy and war monger. He was the poster boy of "go along to get along". Dude rolled over at every turn to show his yellow belly. Hell, he never pushed back against the media stating "it wasn't presidential to do so". While Obama bashed the shit out of him, he, to this day hasn't uttered a negative word about Barry. For Christ sakes they are literally bosom buddies. That's what happens when you know where the bodies are buried.

The point is, with regards to the establishment you can't tell the difference between the D's and R's. They are one corrupt organism.

I was tired of weak candidates who didn't fight back. Me and tens of millions of my closest friends wanted an outsider with a business background who would stand up to China, was tough on immigration, tough on crime and would get NATO to pay their fair share. We wanted a candidate who wasn't bought and paid for and we didn't care if he was raw or crass. We wanted someone who understood our anger/frustration of what the Republican party had become.

Is Trump a showman? Of course he his. He had the hottest show on TV for ten years and loves the spotlight. He is a real estate mogul who owned the Miss America pageant. He was living the high life, had all the cash he needed to live a beyond comfortable life and really had no reason to jump into the race in 2016. He could have ridden into the sunset with his money, his great life and great family.

But he did have a reason. He hated the direction America was going and thought he could make a difference. He got on stage and smoked 16 GOP candidates. Jeb fing Bush who spent over 100mm on the primary and was supposed to be the front runner for the nomination got dispatched IMMEDIATELY.

Trump shook up politics to its core. He was raw and real and didn't give 2 F's if anyone liked his approach or not. It resonated with tens of millions Americans who just wanted someone who would fight for them.

Now Beta Males both on the left and right hated this approach. The establishment was supposed to win. That is how the system was set up. Trump turned that shit upside down. So, what does Barry, Hillary and the DNC immediately do. The sabotage his presidency.

Dude was fighting headwinds from the jump and yet here he is. Still standing, thriving and fighting back. With the ear to f'ing ear on his face. How can you not appreciate the resiliency and fortitude this man possess.

Thing is Flat, I think you are an establishment guy. Most Never Trumpers are. They don't like rocking the boat. They are alright with the media and the libs (one in the same) kicking their asses. Never Trumpers aren't fighters. They are pussies like the Bush clan.

I digress. Back to Hitler. Hitler tossed millions of Jews in ovens. Hitler invaded 7 European countries. Please enlighten us again on how Trump can be mentioned in the same breath as Hitler!

With the NATO conference this week. The rest of the world wants a strong United States of America. They need a strong United States of America. With Joe Biden and for that matter anyone on the left that isn't going to happen. Remember Barry and his "lead from behind strategy and calling ISIS the JV team". Trump dispatched ISIS in a month.

You say Trumps plans leads to wars. That is utter delusional bullshit. How many wars in his four years. ZERO.

What leads to wars is a weak president of the United States.

You say and I quote "The Republicans of the 80's and 90's had their flaws but they were good people trying to do good things for our country and the world"

Reagan was a stud for sure. Bush Senior was a sell out. Bob Dole was indeed a good man.

DJT has exposed the left as the socialist/marxist party that they are. They don't ever try to hide it anymore. He is the only president in our lifetime who has called out the corrupt media. He said if Biden was elected in 2020 it would be a disaster.

And here we are Flat. Here we are.

The Republican party of the 80's and 90's is gone pal. It is Trumps party moving forward and the bench on the Right is DEEP. More than likely his VP pick with be JD Vance. JD at one time also called Trump Hitler. He realized he was a fool and came around. Unlike you Flat.

Let me ask you this. Would you vote for Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton, Glenn Younkin, Ron Desantis, Byron Reynolds, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Sara Huckabee Sanders, Tim Scott? The reason I ask is because I don't think you would. I think you want the old Republican party back. You know the one that bends over and said 'thank you sir, may I have another.

Not going to happen Flat.

Oh and give me some love; this rivals your long drawn out rants (minus the 2.2, 2.5, 3.2 stars mentions).

Alright I need bourbon and a blow j. Gonna get the bourbon probably not gonna get the blow j. May have to grab the wife by the you know what.

ED triggered in 3.2.1.
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Sigh, where to start. Let's lead off with this whole Hitler comparison. Flat, Flat, Flat, it is so old and tired. You and Joy Reid must not have received the memo this "go to" talking point is beyond stale.

Flat I don't' think you are a dummy; I do believe you have a serious case of TDS and it is making you a very angry man. It sounds like at one point you were a Republican. We have some common ground. Allow me to elaborate on why I vote for DJT.

The reason I voted for Trump in 2106, 2020 and will again in November is because I have had it with the Republican establishment. I, like some of you in 1992 voted for Perot. After Bush Sr. came with the "read my lips" comment I was done with him. Did I think Perot was going to win...No. I was a young man tired of the bullshit of the GOP and wanted to send a message. Yes, you can thank me and Flounder for ushering the Clintons into DC.

The Republicans hadn't had a strong leader with a backbone who was willing to push back against the Libs and the media since Reagan. W was and is a pussy and war monger. He was the poster boy of "go along to get along". Dude rolled over at every turn to show his yellow belly. Hell, he never pushed back against the media stating "it wasn't presidential to do so". While Obama bashed the shit out of him, he, to this day hasn't uttered a negative word about Barry. For Christ sakes they are literally bosom buddies. That's what happens when you know where the bodies are buried.

The point is, with regards to the establishment you can't tell the difference between the D's and R's. They are one corrupt organism.

I was tired of weak candidates who didn't fight back. Me and tens of millions of my closest friends wanted an outsider with a business background who would stand up to China, was tough on immigration, tough on crime and would get NATO to pay their fair share. We wanted a candidate who wasn't bought and paid for and we didn't care if he was raw or crass. We wanted someone who understood our anger/frustration of what the Republican party had become.

Is Trump a showman? Of course he his. He had the hottest show on TV for ten years and loves the spotlight. He is a real estate mogul who owned the Miss America pageant. He was living the high life, had all the cash he needed to live a beyond comfortable life and really had no reason to jump into the race in 2016. He could have ridden into the sunset with his money, his great life and great family.

But he did have a reason. He hated the direction America was going and thought he could make a difference. He got on stage and smoked 16 GOP candidates. Jeb fing Bush who spent over 100mm on the primary and was supposed to be the front runner for the nomination got dispatched IMMEDIATELY.

Trump shook up politics to its core. He was raw and real and didn't give 2 F's if anyone liked his approach or not. It resonated with tens of millions Americans who just wanted someone who would fight for them.

Now Beta Males both on the left and right hated this approach. The establishment was supposed to win. That is how the system was set up. Trump turned that shit upside down. So, what does Barry, Hillary and the DNC immediately do. The sabotage his presidency.

Dude was fighting headwinds from the jump and yet here he is. Still standing, thriving and fighting back. With the ear to f'ing ear on his face. How can you not appreciate the resiliency and fortitude this man possess.

Thing is Flat, I think you are an establishment guy. Most Never Trumpers are. They don't like rocking the boat. They are alright with the media and the libs (one in the same) kicking their asses. Never Trumpers aren't fighters. They are pussies like the Bush clan.

I digress. Back to Hitler. Hitler tossed millions of Jews in ovens. Hitler invaded 7 European countries. Please enlighten us again on how Trump can be mentioned in the same breath as Hitler!

With the NATO conference this week. The rest of the world wants a strong United States of America. They need a strong United States of America. With Joe Biden and for that matter anyone on the left that isn't going to happen. Remember Barry and his "lead from behind strategy and calling ISIS the JV team". Trump dispatched ISIS in a month.

You say Trumps plans leads to wars. That is utter delusional bullshit. How many wars in his four years. ZERO.

What leads to wars is a weak president of the United States.

You say and I quote "The Republicans of the 80's and 90's had their flaws but they were good people trying to do good things for our country and the world"

Reagan was a stud for sure. Bush Senior was a sell out. Bob Dole was indeed a good man.

DJT has exposed the left as the socialist/marxist party that they are. They don't ever try to hide it anymore. He is the only president in our lifetime who has called out the corrupt media. He said if Biden was elected in 2020 it would be a disaster.

And here we are Flat. Here we are.

The Republican party of the 80's and 90's is gone pal. It is Trumps party moving forward and the bench on the Right is DEEP. More than likely his VP pick with be JD Vance. JD at one time also called Trump Hitler. He realized he was a fool and came around. Unlike you Flat.

Let me ask you this. Would you vote for Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton, Glenn Younkin, Ron Desantis, Byron Reynolds, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz? The reason I ask is because I don't think you would. I think you want the old Republican party back. You know the one that bends over and said 'thank you sir, may I have another.

Not going to happen Flat.

Oh and give me some love this rivals you on a long drawn out rants (minus the 2.2, 2.5, 3.2 stars mentions).

Alright I need bourbon and a blow j. Gonna get the bourbon probably not gonna get the blow j. May have to grab the wife by the you know what.

ED triggered in 3.2.1.
This might help

Clif notes:
No he never said he “admired” hitler
Multiple sources - yes he was gifted a book of hitlers speeches and according to Ivana he enjoyed reading the book which he kept by his bedside 🤷
Sigh, where to start. Let's lead off with this whole Hitler comparison. Flat, Flat, Flat, it is so old and tired. You and Joy Reid must not have received the memo this "go to" talking point is beyond stale.

Flat I don't' think you are a dummy; I do believe you have a serious case of TDS and it is making you a very angry man. It sounds like at one point you were a Republican. We have some common ground. Allow me to elaborate on why I vote for DJT.

The reason I voted for Trump in 2106, 2020 and will again in November is because I have had it with the Republican establishment. I, like some of you in 1992 voted for Perot. After Bush Sr. came with the "read my lips" comment I was done with him. Did I think Perot was going to win...No. I was a young man tired of the bullshit of the GOP and wanted to send a message. Yes, you can thank me and Flounder for ushering the Clintons into DC.

The Republicans hadn't had a strong leader with a backbone who was willing to push back against the Libs and the media since Reagan. W was and is a pussy and war monger. He was the poster boy of "go along to get along". Dude rolled over at every turn to show his yellow belly. Hell, he never pushed back against the media stating "it wasn't presidential to do so". While Obama bashed the shit out of him, he, to this day hasn't uttered a negative word about Barry. For Christ sakes they are literally bosom buddies. That's what happens when you know where the bodies are buried.

The point is, with regards to the establishment you can't tell the difference between the D's and R's. They are one corrupt organism.

I was tired of weak candidates who didn't fight back. Me and tens of millions of my closest friends wanted an outsider with a business background who would stand up to China, was tough on immigration, tough on crime and would get NATO to pay their fair share. We wanted a candidate who wasn't bought and paid for and we didn't care if he was raw or crass. We wanted someone who understood our anger/frustration of what the Republican party had become.

Is Trump a showman? Of course he his. He had the hottest show on TV for ten years and loves the spotlight. He is a real estate mogul who owned the Miss America pageant. He was living the high life, had all the cash he needed to live a beyond comfortable life and really had no reason to jump into the race in 2016. He could have ridden into the sunset with his money, his great life and great family.

But he did have a reason. He hated the direction America was going and thought he could make a difference. He got on stage and smoked 16 GOP candidates. Jeb fing Bush who spent over 100mm on the primary and was supposed to be the front runner for the nomination got dispatched IMMEDIATELY.

Trump shook up politics to its core. He was raw and real and didn't give 2 F's if anyone liked his approach or not. It resonated with tens of millions Americans who just wanted someone who would fight for them.

Now Beta Males both on the left and right hated this approach. The establishment was supposed to win. That is how the system was set up. Trump turned that shit upside down. So, what does Barry, Hillary and the DNC immediately do. The sabotage his presidency.

Dude was fighting headwinds from the jump and yet here he is. Still standing, thriving and fighting back. With the ear to f'ing ear on his face. How can you not appreciate the resiliency and fortitude this man possess.

Thing is Flat, I think you are an establishment guy. Most Never Trumpers are. They don't like rocking the boat. They are alright with the media and the libs (one in the same) kicking their asses. Never Trumpers aren't fighters. They are pussies like the Bush clan.

I digress. Back to Hitler. Hitler tossed millions of Jews in ovens. Hitler invaded 7 European countries. Please enlighten us again on how Trump can be mentioned in the same breath as Hitler!

With the NATO conference this week. The rest of the world wants a strong United States of America. They need a strong United States of America. With Joe Biden and for that matter anyone on the left that isn't going to happen. Remember Barry and his "lead from behind strategy and calling ISIS the JV team". Trump dispatched ISIS in a month.

You say Trumps plans leads to wars. That is utter delusional bullshit. How many wars in his four years. ZERO.

What leads to wars is a weak president of the United States.

You say and I quote "The Republicans of the 80's and 90's had their flaws but they were good people trying to do good things for our country and the world"

Reagan was a stud for sure. Bush Senior was a sell out. Bob Dole was indeed a good man.

DJT has exposed the left as the socialist/marxist party that they are. They don't ever try to hide it anymore. He is the only president in our lifetime who has called out the corrupt media. He said if Biden was elected in 2020 it would be a disaster.

And here we are Flat. Here we are.

The Republican party of the 80's and 90's is gone pal. It is Trumps party moving forward and the bench on the Right is DEEP. More than likely his VP pick with be JD Vance. JD at one time also called Trump Hitler. He realized he was a fool and came around. Unlike you Flat.

Let me ask you this. Would you vote for Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton, Glenn Younkin, Ron Desantis, Byron Reynolds, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Sara Huckabee Sanders, Tim Scott? The reason I ask is because I don't think you would. I think you want the old Republican party back. You know the one that bends over and said 'thank you sir, may I have another.

Not going to happen Flat.

Oh and give me some love; this rivals your long drawn out rants (minus the 2.2, 2.5, 3.2 stars mentions).

Alright I need bourbon and a blow j. Gonna get the bourbon probably not gonna get the blow j. May have to grab the wife by the you know what.

ED triggered in 3.2.1.
Grab her by the P$$y. You are a star man they let you do it!
I'll pose to you the same question ED is refusing to answer. Should Biden authorize an assassination of Trump? Biden is immune. Biden has repeatedly stated that Trump is a threat to democracy and an existential threat to our country.
This appears to not be the gotcha question I assume you think it to be. It's WAY murkier. From this site ( re: executive orders...

Assassination” is a fuzzy word that has more rhetorical than legal force, but it is nominally banned under an executive order that grew out of President Ford’s Executive Order 11905. That first iteration “prohibited any member of the U.S. government from engaging or conspiring to engage in any political assassination.” Its latest iteration, EO 12333, states that “no person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in or conspire to engage in assassination.” The term “assassination” goes undefined.

I'm not as upset by the lastest supreme court ruling regarding presidential immunity as they made it clear that while operating under official presidential duties.

But Biden prolly would have a stronger case to detain trump as an "enemy combatant"! I dunno...worked for W. Taihtsat
This appears to not be the gotcha question I assume you think it to be. It's WAY murkier. From this site ( re: executive orders...

Assassination” is a fuzzy word that has more rhetorical than legal force, but it is nominally banned under an executive order that grew out of President Ford’s Executive Order 11905. That first iteration “prohibited any member of the U.S. government from engaging or conspiring to engage in any political assassination.” Its latest iteration, EO 12333, states that “no person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in or conspire to engage in assassination.” The term “assassination” goes undefined.

I'm not as upset by the lastest supreme court ruling regarding presidential immunity as they made it clear that while operating under official presidential duties.

But Biden prolly would have a stronger case to detain trump as an "enemy combatant"! I dunno...worked for W. Taihtsat
Kill or capture. Just like Bin Laden, which had a zero percent chance of ending in capture. Happier?

And the nifty thing about executive orders is the executive can change them. Existential threat or BS rhetoric?
mail in voting works perfectly fine, we have been doing it in Oregon for years.they match every signed ballot to the signiture on file in the elections office. I even had mine rejected once due to a sloppy signiture, so don't think they arent being checked
Exactly. Same here when I used my daughter's envelope cuz I botched mine. They contacted her. I assume my vote didn't count.

Also, Utah also has been fine doing mail-in voting for, what, 20 yrs? Dems just can't catch a fair break in that state. SMH. Taihtsat
Trump recovered after the Billie Bush hot Mike. People have shorter attention spans than you think.

That said Biden doesn’t have a lot of wiggle room for negative news in the next few months, whether that’s economy/inflation, global diplomacy, homeland threats, etc. any of those could trip him up and they are all legit concerns I’m sure.
Maybe George Clooney has enough pull. Op-ed in the times or post about how Biden isn't the same as he was 3 years ago. We likely need more of this.

I would think his voice carries some significant pull to sway a decision towards Biden dropping out. Fingers crossed! Taihtsat
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Exactly why does this matter, what makes it relevant to the thread at hand which has to date been laser focused on topic, and why the F do you care? Seems creepy to me.

Oh and I voted for McCain in 2008. I think I voted for Romney in 2012 but am not sure.
If you can't remember if you voted for Romney in 2012 then I you shouldn't be voting now.

How the hell can your brain be functioning if you don't remember the difference between Romney and Obama?
I don't know how frequently it happens, but it would not be difficult.

Here's the form you fill out to register to vote in Washington: All you have to do is check the box claiming to be a citizen, and then enter a number as your SSN or driver's license number.

Lots of illegals have SSNs that are valid. They don't actually belong to that person, but they still work.

Lots of illegals also have drivers licenses, because licenses don't require proof of citizenship. They require evidence of residency and confirmation of identity. The accepted forms of ID are at

So, you can get a driver's license and register to vote based on a bogus SSN and some foreign documents, as long as you're willing to sign the certification. Nobody's really checking, so the risk of getting caught and prosecuted is virtually zero...especially in a Republican administration that's just going to deport you and have your name taken off the voter rolls. Then all you have to do is sneak across the border, pay for another SSN, and start over again.
While in the surface this all seems somewhat plausible. To what extent is the issue. Nobody is claiming there is no "fraud". The dispute is the degree.

Lest we forget trump dedicated significant resources to finding the, what did he say...3 million illegals, or more?... who voted for Hillary in 2016. That investigation came up with nothing of any significance.
Kill or capture. Just like Bin Laden, which had a zero percent chance of ending in capture. Happier?

And the nifty thing about executive orders is the executive can change them. Existential threat or BS rhetoric?
Well, first "kill" would be the same as assassinate, which I already addressed.

And "capture" would be the enemy combatant portion - also addressed.

Since he's all "dementia" and junk, drop out is my preferred. Because whether he is or isn't (he isn't), in THIS case, perception IS reality.

If he really wants to stop trump, his best path is to quit because he cannot do it on his own. Taihtsat
So, is the "threat to democracy" rhetoric BS?

I'm not in favor of prosecuting Biden for the drone strike that killed the Afghan aid worker and nine other people, are you?

Trump is most definitely a "threat to democracy". That doesn't mean that he should be murdered at Biden's command. I know you're just being a troll about this....but it kind of makes you look like an idiot. You don't have to do that if you don't want to.
Trump is most definitely a "threat to democracy". That doesn't mean that he should be murdered at Biden's command. I know you're just being a troll about this....but it kind of makes you look like an idiot. You don't have to do that if you don't want to.
Nice try. If Trump is an existential threat to democracy and the foundation of the republic Biden must neutralize him. Failing to do so would be grossly negligent.

Or it’s just BS rhetoric that resonates with the base. Which explains why Biden will be fine with losing as long as he does his goodest job.
Well, first "kill" would be the same as assassinate, which I already addressed.

And "capture" would be the enemy combatant portion - also addressed.

Since he's all "dementia" and junk, drop out is my preferred. Because whether he is or isn't (he isn't), in THIS case, perception IS reality.

If he really wants to stop trump, his best path is to quit because he cannot do it on his own. Taihtsat
And as stated above, executive orders can be changed by the executive. Joe’s gotta pull that trigger, right? He’d be immune anyway. He’s the commander in chief.
Sigh, where to start. Let's lead off with this whole Hitler comparison. Flat, Flat, Flat, it is so old and tired. You and Joy Reid must not have received the memo this "go to" talking point is beyond stale.

Flat I don't' think you are a dummy; I do believe you have a serious case of TDS and it is making you a very angry man. It sounds like at one point you were a Republican. We have some common ground. Allow me to elaborate on why I vote for DJT.

The reason I voted for Trump in 2106, 2020 and will again in November is because I have had it with the Republican establishment. I, like some of you in 1992 voted for Perot. After Bush Sr. came with the "read my lips" comment I was done with him. Did I think Perot was going to win...No. I was a young man tired of the bullshit of the GOP and wanted to send a message. Yes, you can thank me and Flounder for ushering the Clintons into DC.

The Republicans hadn't had a strong leader with a backbone who was willing to push back against the Libs and the media since Reagan. W was and is a pussy and war monger. He was the poster boy of "go along to get along". Dude rolled over at every turn to show his yellow belly. Hell, he never pushed back against the media stating "it wasn't presidential to do so". While Obama bashed the shit out of him, he, to this day hasn't uttered a negative word about Barry. For Christ sakes they are literally bosom buddies. That's what happens when you know where the bodies are buried.

The point is, with regards to the establishment you can't tell the difference between the D's and R's. They are one corrupt organism.

I was tired of weak candidates who didn't fight back. Me and tens of millions of my closest friends wanted an outsider with a business background who would stand up to China, was tough on immigration, tough on crime and would get NATO to pay their fair share. We wanted a candidate who wasn't bought and paid for and we didn't care if he was raw or crass. We wanted someone who understood our anger/frustration of what the Republican party had become.

Is Trump a showman? Of course he his. He had the hottest show on TV for ten years and loves the spotlight. He is a real estate mogul who owned the Miss America pageant. He was living the high life, had all the cash he needed to live a beyond comfortable life and really had no reason to jump into the race in 2016. He could have ridden into the sunset with his money, his great life and great family.

But he did have a reason. He hated the direction America was going and thought he could make a difference. He got on stage and smoked 16 GOP candidates. Jeb fing Bush who spent over 100mm on the primary and was supposed to be the front runner for the nomination got dispatched IMMEDIATELY.

Trump shook up politics to its core. He was raw and real and didn't give 2 F's if anyone liked his approach or not. It resonated with tens of millions Americans who just wanted someone who would fight for them.

Now Beta Males both on the left and right hated this approach. The establishment was supposed to win. That is how the system was set up. Trump turned that shit upside down. So, what does Barry, Hillary and the DNC immediately do. The sabotage his presidency.

Dude was fighting headwinds from the jump and yet here he is. Still standing, thriving and fighting back. With the ear to f'ing ear on his face. How can you not appreciate the resiliency and fortitude this man possess.

Thing is Flat, I think you are an establishment guy. Most Never Trumpers are. They don't like rocking the boat. They are alright with the media and the libs (one in the same) kicking their asses. Never Trumpers aren't fighters. They are pussies like the Bush clan.

I digress. Back to Hitler. Hitler tossed millions of Jews in ovens. Hitler invaded 7 European countries. Please enlighten us again on how Trump can be mentioned in the same breath as Hitler!

With the NATO conference this week. The rest of the world wants a strong United States of America. They need a strong United States of America. With Joe Biden and for that matter anyone on the left that isn't going to happen. Remember Barry and his "lead from behind strategy and calling ISIS the JV team". Trump dispatched ISIS in a month.

You say Trumps plans leads to wars. That is utter delusional bullshit. How many wars in his four years. ZERO.

What leads to wars is a weak president of the United States.

You say and I quote "The Republicans of the 80's and 90's had their flaws but they were good people trying to do good things for our country and the world"

Reagan was a stud for sure. Bush Senior was a sell out. Bob Dole was indeed a good man.

DJT has exposed the left as the socialist/marxist party that they are. They don't ever try to hide it anymore. He is the only president in our lifetime who has called out the corrupt media. He said if Biden was elected in 2020 it would be a disaster.

And here we are Flat. Here we are.

The Republican party of the 80's and 90's is gone pal. It is Trumps party moving forward and the bench on the Right is DEEP. More than likely his VP pick with be JD Vance. JD at one time also called Trump Hitler. He realized he was a fool and came around. Unlike you Flat.

Let me ask you this. Would you vote for Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton, Glenn Younkin, Ron Desantis, Byron Reynolds, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Sara Huckabee Sanders, Tim Scott? The reason I ask is because I don't think you would. I think you want the old Republican party back. You know the one that bends over and said 'thank you sir, may I have another.

Not going to happen Flat.

Oh and give me some love; this rivals your long drawn out rants (minus the 2.2, 2.5, 3.2 stars mentions).

Alright I need bourbon and a blow j. Gonna get the bourbon probably not gonna get the blow j. May have to grab the wife by the you know what.

ED triggered in 3.2.1.

The thing that I find most interesting about your post is how many times you make it clear that you feel that exhibiting power and masculinity is so important in your world view. The need to dominate and subjugate is painted all over your post. I would argue that real men don't need to have their manhood validated and proven all the time.

It's kind of like being intelligent. Anyone who spends a lot of effort saying how smart they are is usually kind of an idiot and losers. Stephen Hawking has a great quote on that. I'll say that similar to that, people who use the word "beta male" in conversation looks to me like someone who isn't all that confident in their own masculinity and are just attacking people to feel better about themselves.

But do whatever makes you feel better.
Nice try. If Trump is an existential threat to democracy and the foundation of the republic Biden must neutralize him. Failing to do so would be grossly negligent.

Or it’s just BS rhetoric that resonates with the base. Which explains why Biden will be fine with losing as long as he does his goodest job.

That is just really ridiculous stupid thinking. And again, it's the kind of thing that happens in a Banana Republic. I know that Trump supporters apparently want to be ruled by a Banana Republic dictator....but the normal people in our country prefer that our system, flawed as it is, to pass judgement on people.

FWIW.....I've said it before and I'll say it again.....Biden should not be running for President right now.
That is just really ridiculous stupid thinking. And again, it's the kind of thing that happens in a Banana Republic. I know that Trump supporters apparently want to be ruled by a Banana Republic dictator....but the normal people in our country prefer that our system, flawed as it is, to pass judgement on people.

FWIW.....I've said it before and I'll say it again.....Biden should not be running for President right now.
What more ridiculous? Pulling the trigger on what Biden has repeatedly called an existential threat to democracy? Or continuing to spew rhetoric that you obviously do not believe?
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What more ridiculous? Pulling the trigger on what Biden has repeatedly called an existential threat to democracy? Or continuing to spew rhetoric that you obviously do not believe?

Here’s the deal. You desperately want someone to take the bait just so you can say. “F’ing libs want Biden to kill Trump” so you can start throwing that around at every turn.

Your worldview is obviously so f#cked up that you want to believe that everyone would support a political figure who would say that their supporters would back them even if they shot someone in the middle of 5th avenue.

Sorry to let you down, but you’re the dumbass in the cult that feels that way. The rest of us still have morals and ethics.
The thing that I find most interesting about your post is how many times you make it clear that you feel that exhibiting power and masculinity is so important in your world view. The need to dominate and subjugate is painted all over your post. I would argue that real men don't need to have their manhood validated and proven all the time.

It's kind of like being intelligent. Anyone who spends a lot of effort saying how smart they are is usually kind of an idiot and losers. Stephen Hawking has a great quote on that. I'll say that similar to that, people who use the word "beta male" in conversation looks to me like someone who isn't all that confident in their own masculinity and are just attacking people to feel better about themselves.

But do whatever makes you feel better.
Ok Beta Boy. I see you are taking your own advice and saying whatever makes you feel better.

Enjoy your Soy latte with 2 squirts of estrogen.
If you can't remember if you voted for Romney in 2012 then I you shouldn't be voting now.

How the hell can your brain be functioning if you don't remember the difference between Romney and Obama?
He is old and forgetful. Sound familiar.
Here’s the deal. You desperately want someone to take the bait just so you can say. “F’ing libs want Biden to kill Trump” so you can start throwing that around at every turn.

Your worldview is obviously so f#cked up that you want to believe that everyone would support a political figure who would say that their supporters would back them even if they shot someone in the middle of 5th avenue.

Sorry to let you down, but you’re the dumbass in the cult that feels that way. The rest of us still have morals and ethics.
LMAO morals and ethics? You? The guy who accuses 75 million Trump supporters of being racists.

Sorry pal you are not the high water mark you think you are when it comes to ethics and morals.

Since you love to throw the "cult" word out around here; you are firmly in the Russian disinformation, Trump is a threat to democracy and Trump = Hitler cults.

In an earlier post I stated I don't think you are a dummy. I am going to have to walk that back. You are deranged and delusional.
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Nice try. If Trump is an existential threat to democracy and the foundation of the republic Biden must neutralize him. Failing to do so would be grossly negligent.

Or it’s just BS rhetoric that resonates with the base. Which explains why Biden will be fine with losing as long as he does his goodest job.
Threat to democracy is just another stale talking point by the left. People are suffering under the Biden regime and that shit just doesn't hold water anymore. Let's see, what's more important to voters being able to afford groceries, walk through the neighborhood without getting raped, killed or mugged or worrying about Trump invading 7 countries in Europe and killing Jews.

The former is happening, the latter will never happen.

You keep pulling pages out of the Joseph Goebbels handbook. If you say a lie long enough people will start believing it.

Well they aren't believing it Flat. People are more concerned on how they can keep one nostril above water and make ends meet.
Ok Beta Boy. I see you are taking your own advice and saying whatever makes you feel better.

Enjoy your Soy latte with 2 squirts of estrogen.

What's funny is that you think your post impresses anyone.

My takeaway from your post is that you consider yourself an Alpha Man who takes two shots of cum in the mouth with the hope that it will build up your testosterone. LOL
What's funny is that you think your post impresses anyone.

My takeaway from your post is that you consider yourself an Alpha Man who takes two shots of cum in the mouth with the hope that it will build up your testosterone. LOL
My goal is not to impress. It is to expose the delusion, hypocrisy and TDS of you and others.

Have a nice day soy boy.
Here’s the deal. You desperately want someone to take the bait just so you can say. “F’ing libs want Biden to kill Trump” so you can start throwing that around at every turn.

Your worldview is obviously so f#cked up that you want to believe that everyone would support a political figure who would say that their supporters would back them even if they shot someone in the middle of 5th avenue.

Sorry to let you down, but you’re the dumbass in the cult that feels that way. The rest of us still have morals and ethics.
C'mon man. Look in the mirror if you want to see a lying dog-faced pony soldier. I've told you what I want- just admit the "threat to democracy" rhetoric is BS. You know it is. The talking heads on TV know it is. No reason to wait for 2028 if no election is going to take place after Trump declares himself King Donald I. Trump is no more a threat to democracy than the geriatric currently occupying the White House.
And as stated above, executive orders can be changed by the executive. Joe’s gotta pull that trigger, right? He’d be immune anyway. He’s the commander in chief.
Immune? Is murder within the official responsibilities of the president? It only applies under official duties, otherwise no. Taihtsat
LMAO morals and ethics? You? The guy who accuses 75 million Trump supporters of being racists.

Sorry pal you are not the high water mark you think you are when it comes to ethics and morals.

Since you love to throw the "cult" word out around here; you are firmly in the Russian disinformation, Trump is a threat to democracy and Trump = Hitler cults.

In an earlier post I stated I don't think you are a dummy. I am going to have to walk that back. You are deranged and delusional.
Flat is a card carrying Blue MAGA member.
Immune? Is murder within the official responsibilities of the president? It only applies under official duties, otherwise no. Taihtsat
How many times do I need to repeat that the president is the commander in chief? Article II of the Constitution. Protecting the country and American citizens is the president's responsibility. Biden authorized a drone strike that killed the Afghan aid worker and nine other totally innocent people. Obama authorized Seal Team 6 to kill bin Laden. Trump authorized a drone strike on Soleimani. Biden authorized airstrikes on the Houthis. None of them are/were an existential threat to democracy, not even bin Laden. Look up existential if you don't know what the term means.

Come to grips with the rhetoric being BS. Biden clearly doesn't believe it, otherwise it would be about more than him doing his goodest job. And Newsom, Whitmer, etc. wouldn't be focusing on 2028.
C'mon man. Look in the mirror if you want to see a lying dog-faced pony soldier. I've told you what I want- just admit the "threat to democracy" rhetoric is BS. You know it is. The talking heads on TV know it is. No reason to wait for 2028 if no election is going to take place after Trump declares himself King Donald I. Trump is no more a threat to democracy than the geriatric currently occupying the White House.

It's ok that you've been brainwashed. It's happened to smarter people than you. I've never said that I expect Trump to declare himself King. I do believe that he and his cohorts are willing to pervert our elections as much as possible to hold onto power as long as possible...whether it be Trump trying to hang on or just the MAGA movement trying to install their next dear leader.

FWIW, the Democrats aren't 100% innocent when it comes to trying to tilt the scales. They are just not as good at it.
Immune? Is murder within the official responsibilities of the president? It only applies under official duties, otherwise no. Taihtsat
There are some holes in this discussion.

The executive order is actually 3 executive orders and subsequent legislation. Its language is quite clear:

No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination.

It’s further expanded to bar indirect participation:

No agency of the Intelligence Community shall participate in or request any person to undertake activities forbidden by this Order.

Here’s the issue: the entire EO is directed specifically at the intelligence community and intelligence gathering activities. The sections above are specifically within a section titled “Conduct of Intelligence Activities.” It’s not hard to argue that it’s not applicable to other government functions.

This is far-fetched on its face, but if Biden were to decide to liquidate Trump, this EO wouldn’t preclude it. He’s not employed by an intelligence agency, particularly not by any of those that are mentioned in the EO, so isn’t controlled by the first clause. He’s also not necessarily acting on behalf of the US government, so again…not restricted (tangent - the consitutional claim that the president is not an officer of the United States could also set him outside this).

The CIA, FBI, NSA, DIA, and a couple of others - if ordered to perform an assassination -would be obligated to refuse under the language of the EO. But if, for example, the FAA was directed to fly Trump’s plane into the ground…the EO wouldn’t prevent that.

And then, the other big issue…it’s an EO. It can be redrafted and altered pretty easily.

There’s no doubt a mountain of legislation that addresses related things which might change these things. But there are definitely ways around the EO.
It's ok that you've been brainwashed. It's happened to smarter people than you. I've never said that I expect Trump to declare himself King. I do believe that he and his cohorts are willing to pervert our elections as much as possible to hold onto power as long as possible...whether it be Trump trying to hang on or just the MAGA movement trying to install their next dear leader.

FWIW, the Democrats aren't 100% innocent when it comes to trying to tilt the scales. They are just not as good at it.
So, you're taking little baby steps away from Trump being an existential threat to democracy. You just won't admit it. I'd say the Ds are quite successful considering the current occupant of the White House is incapacitated.

Enjoy Blue MAGA. It suits you.
It's ok that you've been brainwashed. It's happened to smarter people than you. I've never said that I expect Trump to declare himself King. I do believe that he and his cohorts are willing to pervert our elections as much as possible to hold onto power as long as possible...whether it be Trump trying to hang on or just the MAGA movement trying to install their next dear leader.

FWIW, the Democrats aren't 100% innocent when it comes to trying to tilt the scales. They are just not as good at it.
of course not, they both gerrymander and try to find political advantages.

Trumps the only president who’s challenged the legitimacy of an election to the point of riling up his supporters to overrun the capital. That’s the type of shit that dictators and despots do. Would he succeed? Would like to think our government is bulletproof in that regard, but Americans who actually believe in democracy don’t really want to find out. And right now considering his actions following the election ALONE, there’s no bigger threat to our democracy from within than Trump. It’s not even really debatable.
of course not, they both gerrymander and try to find political advantages.

Trumps the only president who’s challenged the legitimacy of an election to the point of riling up his supporters to overrun the capital. That’s the type of shit that dictators and despots do. Would he succeed? Would like to think our government is bulletproof in that regard, but Americans who actually believe in democracy don’t really want to find out. And right now considering his actions following the election ALONE, there’s no bigger threat to our democracy from within than Trump. It’s not even really debatable.
So, not an existential threat, right?
It's ok that you've been brainwashed. It's happened to smarter people than you. I've never said that I expect Trump to declare himself King. I do believe that he and his cohorts are willing to pervert our elections as much as possible to hold onto power as long as possible...whether it be Trump trying to hang on or just the MAGA movement trying to install their next dear leader.

FWIW, the Democrats aren't 100% innocent when it comes to trying to tilt the scales. They are just not as good at it.
There are already mentions popping up of rescinding the 22nd amendment so that Trump could have a 3rd term. Once he’s elected - which I think is extremely likely - I will not be surprised to see him fanning those flames directly.

A few days ago I thought it highly unlikely that the D candidate would be anyone but Biden. After the last few days, I think it’s approaching coin flip territory. I think it’s getting more likely that the Dems will raise the white flag this year, spend more effort trying to prevent a total republican takeover of Congress, and try to position a candidate for 2028. Their current media mentions of what a deep bench they have are laughable - they have nobody currently, and desperately need to cultivate a new crop of candidates if they’re ever going to see the inside of the oval again. Really, the republicans aren’t that much better, as proved in the primaries. They have some names behind Trump…but nobody that even their own want to vote for.
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So, not an existential threat, right?
Let’s frame it this way. Why do we as a country make great efforts to keep nuclear arms from getting into the hands of regimes like Iran and NK? Why don’t we just wait until they already are armed?

Once something is an existential threat it’s a little too late.

Trump in power armed with R branches of government and a right winged Supreme Court is an existential threat. You don’t have to like it, but his actions make this a reality.
It's quite a stretch. Those examples you cite spawn out of congressional authority broadly tied the the global war on terror passes after 9-11. Trump doesn't fit that.

Your vigorous advocation for this theoretical power that Biden now allegedly posseses has no precedent in either case law or actual practice.

The best practice is to defeat him by the rules of elections that we've abided by for almost 250 years. That's consistent. Trump doesn't accept those rules. That is a direct threat to our representative-democratic process. Taihtsat
Guys who have to tell everyone how alpha they are always losers. Guys who have to use terms like soy boy are always losers. These same people are always blaming nefarious forces like "elites" and the "deep state" for all of their problems because they lack the critical thinking skills necessary to understand the world. They spent their high school years not paying attention in history, math, science, and civics then one day wake up and realize their bad choices have lead them to a pathetic, unfulfilling life with no purpose. It's always the same story with these people.
Let’s frame it this way. Why do we as a country make great efforts to keep nuclear arms from getting into the hands of regimes like Iran and NK? Why don’t we just wait until they already are armed?

Once something is an existential threat it’s a little too late.

Trump in power armed with R branches of government and a right winged Supreme Court is an existential threat. You don’t have to like it, but his actions make this a reality.
So, take him out now. That's what you're saying right? Drone strike or Seal Team 6?
The same reason the GOP dipshits voted against border security they claim to care so much about.
It was a shitty bill that still allowed 5k/day in the country. Stay on the sidelines 96. It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"