Why would anyone want to veto election integrity?

Ahh...Gregoire/Rossi. That one was so much fun. Keep counting until the results come out how we want them, and include ballots that we find under furniture and in long as they're from King County.

I actually didn't vote for that race at all. Rossi was a loon, and Gregoire had already conclusively proven on multiple occasions that she was unworthy of leading anything.
Trying to find pictures of the hilarious graduation prank that WSU Accounting students played on Gregoire....

What does RENEWING a license online or filing taxes online have to do with voter integrity?

Here is an article I saved from last fall, discussing a lot of issues relative to 2020 election. While reading this you may continue to gulp down the "Zero election fraud, never, never ever!" KoolAid, but as I read things like this, and there are many others like it, it makes me have a healthy dose of skepticism towrds the Zero fraud claims. Think back to the Gregoire/Rossi issue if you remember it, where the law of big numbers came into play, with the Dem finding more votes for like 9 separate instances during the 3 recounts that it took to get the Democrat finally on top. We all should be very skeptical of those results also.


What If We Excused Other Crimes the Way We Do Election Fraud?

Rachel Alexander | Sep 25, 2023

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

The left and its comrades in the MSM and judiciary have been dismissing all evidence of significant election fraud, coming up with excuse after excuse to justify every single anomaly, even though there are hundreds of them. Despite the fact the anomalies in 2020 and 2022 all went against Republicans, favoring Democrats, which violates the law of large numbers, they still threw out all kinds of unbelievable excuses.

Let’s look at how these kinds of strange misnomers would be treated in other illegal and criminal activities. Can’t find tens of thousands of chain of custody records or delete the server logs? Let’s compare that to the medical industry, which is somewhat similar since medical records are treated very securely, like elections. If you lose or delete medical records, it’s considered medical negligence, and doctors have lost their licenses to practice medicine for doing so.

How about taxes? If the IRS audits you, tell them you have no receipts or records for the last few years, so agents need to believe you; you won’t be allowed to get away with it. Same with insurance claims; in order to collect reimbursement for a loss, you can’t just state you lost or damaged the item; you’re required to show evidence of it.

In the banking industry, employees are fired and can be prosecuted if the numbers merely seem off. As with cashiers at stores, a typical amount of money is expected to come in daily. If that number starts being low, security measures like cameras and keystroking devices are put in place to try and discover the theft.

In contrast, we are seeing the opposite in elections. Runbeck Election Systems, the private contractor hired by Maricopa County to assist with processing ballots, is
fighting tooth and nail in court to prevent its video surveillance of ballots being dropped off and sent back out from being released. During the motion to dismiss hearing last week, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer thought it was acceptable to argue with a straight face that it would take too many resources to fulfill public records requests like that. Runbeck lost a chain of custody records on tens of thousands of ballots, and 22,000 ballots that showed up at Runbeck cannot be accounted for.

The law of large numbers is violated when all the anomalies come down against Republicans. A team of experts put together a
report on the large vote dumps in states suspected of election fraud that occurred the night of the 2020 election, batches of 25,000 or more net votes for Joe Biden. There were 26 dumps in 14 states. Pennsylvania had four. I’m no statistician, but this seems next to impossible odds.

If a cashier came up 26 times with less money in their till than expected but never with more money than expected in the till, it would not be dismissed as a coincidence. They would be fired and prosecuted.

When you file a pleading with the court, you are required to sign your name on it, or it will not be accepted. Many pleadings require a notarized affidavit, where a notary must compare your signature to your driver’s license signature. Whereas in the 2020 and 2022 elections, unmatching or missing signatures accompanying mail-in ballots were often ignored. Georgia IT expert Garland Favorito
testified that Fulton County in Georgia did not conduct any signature verification whatsoever in the 2020 election. A forensic document and handwriting analysis expert testified that Maricopa County compared tens of thousands of signatures in 3 seconds or less, which was impossible.

Favorito also found counterfeit ballots; mail-in ballots in Fulton County that weren’t folded even though they must be mailed to voters were filled out electronically instead of with a regular pen, and did not have the correct paper stock. Dozens of ballots in a row were voted the same way. In contrast, the penalty for using counterfeit money is up to 20 years in prison.

Maricopa County mostly
ignored four letters from the Arizona Attorney General’s Office demanding data and equipment from the 2020 election. Whereas if law enforcement asks someone to examine something of theirs to determine whether a crime was committed, noncompliance results in their arrest and usually prosecution.

Election fraud never gets prosecuted because the judges find
technical excuses not to hear the cases. And even though before 2020, elections were often overturned due to merely a handful of lesser statutory violations, not fraud, the left and MSM have convinced people that fraud must be proven. Fraud is extremely difficult to prove since the standard is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Since election officials thwart efforts to improve security measures, it’s easy for fraudsters to escape detection. In reality, hundreds of thousands of class 2 misdemeanors, which occurred in Kari Lake’s 2022 gubernatorial race, were always sufficient to overturn an election until now.

The patriotic attorneys who dare to file lawsuits challenging election corruption are targeted with bar complaints.
The 65 Project was started to go after the attorneys who filed 65 lawsuits challenging the 2020 election results. John Eastman, arguably the top constitutional legal scholar in the country, is currently undergoing a disbarment trial for advising Trump that Vice President Mike Pence had the option of rejecting or delaying certification of electoral slates from states suspected of election fraud.

Can you imagine attorneys being targeted for trying to stop corruption in other areas of life? What if the #MeToo attorneys were disbarred? How about the prosecutors who are going after Hunter Biden and Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NY)? Election corruption is often compared to racketeering; can you imagine if attorneys were disbarred for going after the cartels and Mafia for racketeering?

Next time you find yourself in a testy situation involving the law in one of these other areas, just point to how election corruption is treated as a precedent to get off the hook. I bet it doesn’t work.

Of course it’s not zero. Nothing is ever zero. I couldn’t file my taxes one year because someone made a manual error at the SS office and put the wrong birthday in for me. So yeah when there’s hundreds of millions of voters there’s going to be a few discrepancies. And guess what that’s gonna happen with or without mail in voting. But a handful of cases doesn’t add up to 10s of thousands of votes that decided the election.

It’s a convenient excuse when you lose, just like bitching about the refs when you lose by 4 touchdowns.
I'm assuming you mean voting record:

1988: Bush
1992: Bush
1996: Bob Dole
2000: Bush
2004: Bush
2008: McCain
2012: Romney
2016: Not Trump
2020: Not Trump
2024: Not Trump
Yup you’re not alone. This is basically my parents voting record, and they will never vote for a R again, right or wrong, because of Trump and his far right looneys. What cracks me up is these people think it’s not possible that Biden won, yet there’s millions of voters who fall into this exact category.

This is what your hero has done to the party. Flush his fat ass and get back to being conservative republicans instead of the traveling circus.
Yup you’re not alone. This is basically my parents voting record, and they will never vote for a R again, right or wrong, because of Trump and his far right looneys. What cracks me up is these people think it’s not possible that Biden won, yet there’s millions of voters who fall into this exact category.

This is what your hero has done to the party. Flush his fat ass and get back to being conservative republicans instead of the traveling circus.
Back to conservative republicans? Bush 1 and 2, McCain and Romney were not conservative republicans. They were 100% Republicans in name only who were Charmin soft, in the camp of the globalist elites and loved firing up the war machine.

Trump has brought more people into the Republican party than any of those 4 candidates ever did. This election DJT will garner 20-25% of the black vote and 40-50% of the latina vote. That is unprecedented.

Are there never Trumpers who left the party and will never come back (like your parents)? Sure there are and that is fine, let them wander in the political wilderness the rest of their lives. The GOP is never going back to the days of "go along to get along" where Republicans rolled over and showed their bellies and never fought back.

If a "Republican" voted for Biden over Trump they don't belong in the party. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
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It cracks me up that all the people chiming in "I'm not a Liberal" on this board. Show of hands. Which of you voted for Barry?

If you voted for Barry you are a liberal.

Cmon...I want a show of hands.

We know Flounder isn't a Liberal. He told us he firmly has a fence post lodged up his ass taking the Cowards route of an Independent Moderate.


I have only voted for democrats once. Never voted for Barry. Let's see I wanted Ron DE Santos, Cruz, Rubio, the African American Brain Surgeon. I did not think think Trump would be a good choice for Republicans, or would win it. Then Trump did both good and bad things. I didn't vote for him. When Trump caused Jan 6 riots, I started supporting, wanting Joe Manchin, Tulsi Gabbard to win. Let's see voted for Ross Perot. When I was newly able to vote. Voted for a populist, constitutionalist party candidate. Voted third party against both trump and hillary. Trump vs Hillary, who can't stand both of them. Altho her husband Bill Clinton worked with newt to do work first welfare reform, wanted him impeached because whether its Nixon, Hillary, Trump, Schumer, Waters, if your a candidate, a felon, then if your a candidate, or sitting president, no one is above the law, and it's time we changed the laws, so that if candidates, sitting president's break laws, get convicted, are felons, etc, then they get auto impeached, because before 1776, the crown, parliament, government was above the law, commoners, peasants etc, and the founding fathers, many a good man fought, died for a freedoms, this country just so that a king, congress, government in britain would not be above the laws, that would send us to jail for years, if we did what Bill Clinton, Nixon, Trump, etc, did, etc.

Voted for Bush Senior, Bush Junior. I'm semi conservative to semi moderate, to libertarian, to constitutionally party, populist party, that usually votes for Republicans. Manchin, lieberman, Zen Miller, John F Kennedy, Tulsi Gabbard. were great democrats, who believe in doing the right thing over the libtards, communist, socialist, black panthers, acorn, Bill Aires, etc, who have hi Jacked the party of John F Kennedy, the working man party. And Trump has hi jacked the party of Lincoln, abolitionist(civil war), that ram rodded the 13th amendment down the KKK southern democrats throats.

Also liked how Martin Luther King put LBJ in his place, and George Wallace the governor of Alabama in his place, as shown in the movie Selma, about the march to Montgomery Alabama. (I admit to being a history buff).

Corrine, Martin Luther Kings wife, in a interview revealed that she supports the Republicans efforts against, black lives matter and regrets that al Sharpton, Obama, and a lot of blacks worship thug Mike brown the heroe of Ferguson, who almost killed a 5-5 Asian store owner over cigars, cigarettes.

Corrine is Jesse Jackson, And Al Sharpton, and obama's worst enemies.

Also same for Candace Owen's, who supports Trump.

A lot of Trump supporters have the best of intentions, but don't get why most independents, Republicans will support Nixon, Trump, convicted felons etc. Biggest Mistake Ford made was pardoning Nixon, who should have been impeached, not allowed to resign, and belongs behind bars, right next to Bill, Hillary, Trump, LBJ, etc, that's more important then people's pocketbook, as there are more important things then money like killing Hitler, like killing Slobadan Milosivec, Like Killing Saddam Hussein, Alqaeda Bin Laden, etc. Barry takes credit, but those that killed Bin Laden were put in place by George Bush Jr, etc.

How would I love to have another Ford, Abraham Lincoln, President John Quincy Adam's who as a lawyer helped free the Slaves of the Amistaad Ship in Amistad movie, etc, but that probably won't happen because of the silliness of people who want Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, the squad, Bill Hillary, Trump, the extremist in both parties to be the nominee's, instead of Manchin, Tulsi Gabbard, Ross Perot, etc.

I also like Winston Churchill, And Margaret Thatcher, who saved Britain from the libtards, socialist, communist, Marxist, etc, by following Reagans, and Bush Seniors example by making sure the British people, both the wealthy and the poor, and the middle class got tax breaks, that gave EVERYONE more money, that they spent getting jobs, starting business, boats, houses, etc, to where almost everyone had a lot more money, who all then paid a low flat tax, and that raked in so much money, that Margaret Thatcher then used that money to pay off British govt Debts. She also cut government programs, cut spending, balanced the budget following things she learned from JFK Kennedy, Reagan, Bush Senior, etc.

She laid, created the blueprint on how you run a democratic country like Great Britain, until LIBTARDS, SOCIALIST, COMMUNIST, MARXIST FORCED HER OUT, AND THEN JACKED SPENDING UP, RAISED TAXES FOR EVERYONE, AND WENT DEEP INTO DEBT AGAIN, ETC, kind of like what the Squad, others are doing to USA, trying to turn USA, Great Britain, into another Russia, Venezuela, where a gallon of milk sells for about $13 to $23 dollars in American dollars, or Russian currency, or Venezuela currency..

Can't wait for a hamburger to sell for $100, because of dumb libtard policies.

We would have a 3 party system, if Ross Perot had won, instead of pulling out early, then reentering back into race.

That said Ross got Bill Clinton elected over Bush senior, because Ross split the republican vote.
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Back to conservative republicans? Bush 1 and 2, McCain and Romney were not conservative republicans. They were 100% Republicans in name only who were Charmin soft, in the camp of the globalist elites and loved firing up the war machine.

Trump has brought more people into the Republican party than any of those 4 candidates ever did. This election DJT will garner 20-25% of the black vote and 40-50% of the latina vote. That is unprecedented.

Are there never Trumpers who left the party and will never come back (like your parents)? Sure there are and that is fine, let them wander in the political wilderness the rest of their lives. The GOP is never going back to the days of "go along to get along" where Republicans rolled over and showed their bellies and never fought back.

If a "Republican" voted for Biden over Trump they don't belong in the party. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

Hitler brought more people into fascism in Germany than any candidate before him. Popularity amongst less than half of the population is not a mandate for greatness. The Republicans of the 80's and 90's had their flaws but they were good people trying to do good things for our country and the world. Mistakes were made but it was always with the idea that the US and the world was going to be better with their efforts.

Trump's isolationist policies may foster better relations with countries like Russia, North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia and the like....but it creates strife in the rest of the world and his plans are the type of plans that lead to world wars. Our country was the greatest country in the world because of our involvement in world politics. Trump loves to yell about "Make America Great Again" but he doesn't realize that his polices are more 1920's and 1930's.....not the 1960's when US power and influence was growing. Again, not everything we did back then was perfect but our actions were based on the idea that we were making greater good in the world....not worrying about how many mansions we could build in our country while regular people can't afford to buy houses at all.
Hitler brought more people into fascism in Germany than any candidate before him. Popularity amongst less than half of the population is not a mandate for greatness. The Republicans of the 80's and 90's had their flaws but they were good people trying to do good things for our country and the world. Mistakes were made but it was always with the idea that the US and the world was going to be better with their efforts.

Trump's isolationist policies may foster better relations with countries like Russia, North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia and the like....but it creates strife in the rest of the world and his plans are the type of plans that lead to world wars. Our country was the greatest country in the world because of our involvement in world politics. Trump loves to yell about "Make America Great Again" but he doesn't realize that his polices are more 1920's and 1930's.....not the 1960's when US power and influence was growing. Again, not everything we did back then was perfect but our actions were based on the idea that we were making greater good in the world....not worrying about how many mansions we could build in our country while regular people can't afford to buy houses at all.
Well said. And the simple fact is, which I’ve said several times before, changing demographics don’t favor the party right now. Trumpers are aging and dying, new voters are overwhelmingly democrat. The party is going to take decades to recover from the orange stain and those who have bent the knee to him.
Back to conservative republicans? Bush 1 and 2, McCain and Romney were not conservative republicans. They were 100% Republicans in name only who were Charmin soft, in the camp of the globalist elites and loved firing up the war machine.

Trump has brought more people into the Republican party than any of those 4 candidates ever did. This election DJT will garner 20-25% of the black vote and 40-50% of the latina vote. That is unprecedented.

Are there never Trumpers who left the party and will never come back (like your parents)? Sure there are and that is fine, let them wander in the political wilderness the rest of their lives. The GOP is never going back to the days of "go along to get along" where Republicans rolled over and showed their bellies and never fought back.

If a "Republican" voted for Biden over Trump they don't belong in the party. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
Please keep trying this theory. It has been getting you smoked in elections for years now and will continue to do so.
Election integrity is a bullshit red herring that has no basis in reality. There is zero proof that our elections have been compromised or at risk of being compromised.

Completely made up issue swallowed up by the gullible.
Zero proof? I don't know about proof, but there have been a lot of legitimate questions over the years. Christine Gregoire and Dino Rossi, a few years back, she won by 139 votes after 3 counts after a couple hundred ballots mysteriously appear in a drawer. No fan of Rossi and I sure as hell didn't vote for him, but there was a lot of strange stuff going on, Rossi won the first 2 counts Gregoire won the last one. As for mail in ballots, my Mom passed away a several years ago, and I received a ballot in the mail for her for 3 years after she passed, I could have filled it out, but I didn't. Generally speaking, our elections are 97%+ plus accurate, but to suggest that all the votes are counted correctly 100% of the time is a stretch. Al Gore had a case in Florida, and Hillary still claims she was robbed. There are ballot issues, harvesting, stuffing boxes, a lot goes on. Generally speaking the elections are accurate, but like anything else if life there is always some type of fraud or illegal activity going on. I can assure you that there are non US citizens that are voting in our elections.

In Brazil of all places, you are required to vote in their general elections if you wish to have your drivers license renewed. The day is a Holiday, so you don't have an excuse for not making it in, not suggesting that's a good idea, but it is something they do to improve election integrity. Asking for some type of ID that proves you have the right to vote isn't asking for much. If anyone can vote without showing ID or a voter registration, you will always hear about Election integrity. I'd like to think in this high tech world we live in there is an easy way to accomplish this. I have no problem with mail in ballots, but the voter rolls need to be update annually.
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Elections in general should be modernized so I can log on my computer and vote. They could give the project to Google and find a way to authenticate every person as who they are pretty easily.
I don't think that's feasible. Elections mainly fall under state law, so it would be messy trying to centralize it. And peoples' jobs would be eliminated.
Hitler brought more people into fascism in Germany than any candidate before him. Popularity amongst less than half of the population is not a mandate for greatness. The Republicans of the 80's and 90's had their flaws but they were good people trying to do good things for our country and the world. Mistakes were made but it was always with the idea that the US and the world was going to be better with their efforts.

Trump's isolationist policies may foster better relations with countries like Russia, North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia and the like....but it creates strife in the rest of the world and his plans are the type of plans that lead to world wars. Our country was the greatest country in the world because of our involvement in world politics. Trump loves to yell about "Make America Great Again" but he doesn't realize that his polices are more 1920's and 1930's.....not the 1960's when US power and influence was growing. Again, not everything we did back then was perfect but our actions were based on the idea that we were making greater good in the world....not worrying about how many mansions we could build in our country while regular people can't afford to buy houses at all.
I'll pose to you the same question ED is refusing to answer. Should Biden authorize an assassination of Trump? Biden is immune. Biden has repeatedly stated that Trump is a threat to democracy and an existential threat to our country.
Please keep trying this theory. It has been getting you smoked in elections for years now and will continue to do so.

Below are the numbers from the article which was written on March 28th of this year by CNN (not a conservative site by any stretch of the imagination)

The New York Times/Siena College, NBC News, Wall Street Journal and CBS News/YouGov all released national polls a few days apart earlier this month, each of them found Trump winning from 20% to 28% of Black voters and 45% to 48% of Hispanic voters. That’s far more than the 12% of Black, and 32% of Hispanic, voters he won in 2020

And since the debate you have to believe those numbers are moving even more in Trumps direction.

96, don't let the facts get in the way of your lame attempt to add any semblance of truth to this thread. Like I said earlier, probably best if you just remain on the sidelines.
Hitler brought more people into fascism in Germany than any candidate before him. Popularity amongst less than half of the population is not a mandate for greatness. The Republicans of the 80's and 90's had their flaws but they were good people trying to do good things for our country and the world. Mistakes were made but it was always with the idea that the US and the world was going to be better with their efforts.

Trump's isolationist policies may foster better relations with countries like Russia, North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia and the like....but it creates strife in the rest of the world and his plans are the type of plans that lead to world wars. Our country was the greatest country in the world because of our involvement in world politics. Trump loves to yell about "Make America Great Again" but he doesn't realize that his polices are more 1920's and 1930's.....not the 1960's when US power and influence was growing. Again, not everything we did back then was perfect but our actions were based on the idea that we were making greater good in the world....not worrying about how many mansions we could build in our country while regular people can't afford to buy houses at all.
Not ignoring you Flat. Just need to get some work done. Will get back to this nonsense later today.
Zero proof? I don't know about proof, but there have been a lot of legitimate questions over the years. Christine Gregoire and Dino Rossi, a few years back, she won by 139 votes after 3 counts after a couple hundred ballots mysteriously appear in a drawer. No fan of Rossi and I sure as hell didn't vote for him, but there was a lot of strange stuff going on, Rossi won the first 2 counts Gregoire won the last one. As for mail in ballots, my Mom passed away a several years ago, and I received a ballot in the mail for her for 3 years after she passed, I could have filled it out, but I didn't. Generally speaking, our elections are 97%+ plus accurate, but to suggest that all the votes are counted correctly 100% of the time is a stretch. Al Gore had a case in Florida, and Hillary still claims she was robbed. There are ballot issues, harvesting, stuffing boxes, a lot goes on. Generally speaking the elections are accurate, but like anything else if life there is always some type of fraud or illegal activity going on. I can assure you that there are non US citizens that are voting in our elections.

In Brazil of all places, you are required to vote in their general elections if you wish to have your drivers license renewed. The day is a Holiday, so you don't have an excuse for not making it in, not suggesting that's a good idea, but it is something they do to improve election integrity. Asking for some type of ID that proves you have the right to vote isn't asking for much. If anyone can vote without showing ID or a voter registration, you will always hear about Election integrity. I'd like to think in this high tech world we live in there is an easy way to accomplish this. I have no problem with mail in ballots, but the voter rolls need to be update annually.
Very honest and well thought out post 04.
Hitler brought more people into fascism in Germany than any candidate before him. Popularity amongst less than half of the population is not a mandate for greatness. The Republicans of the 80's and 90's had their flaws but they were good people trying to do good things for our country and the world. Mistakes were made but it was always with the idea that the US and the world was going to be better with their efforts.

Trump's isolationist policies may foster better relations with countries like Russia, North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia and the like....but it creates strife in the rest of the world and his plans are the type of plans that lead to world wars. Our country was the greatest country in the world because of our involvement in world politics. Trump loves to yell about "Make America Great Again" but he doesn't realize that his polices are more 1920's and 1930's.....not the 1960's when US power and influence was growing. Again, not everything we did back then was perfect but our actions were based on the idea that we were making greater good in the world....not worrying about how many mansions we could build in our country while regular people can't afford to buy houses at all.
HITLER! HITLER! i sEe hiTlEr!!!

Below are the numbers from the article which was written on March 28th of this year by CNN (not a conservative site by any stretch of the imagination)

The New York Times/Siena College, NBC News, Wall Street Journal and CBS News/YouGov all released national polls a few days apart earlier this month, each of them found Trump winning from 20% to 28% of Black voters and 45% to 48% of Hispanic voters. That’s far more than the 12% of Black, and 32% of Hispanic, voters he won in 2020

And since the debate you have to believe those numbers are moving even more in Trumps direction.

96, don't let the facts get in the way of your lame attempt to add any semblance of truth to this thread. Like I said earlier, probably best if you just remain on the sidelines.
Just ignoring actual election results is a hilarious move on your part.
Just ignoring actual election results is a hilarious move on your part.
WTF are you talking about. Get back on the sideline you dolt

Ok if you need me to spell it out for you because you are mentally deficient, here you go.

In 2016 Trump garnered 8% of the Black vote and 28% of the Hispanic vote.

In 2020 Trump garnered 12% of the Black vote and 32% of the Hispanic vote

Polls for 2024 show that Trump is garnering 20+% of the Black vote and 40-45% of the Hispanic vote. I already included the CNN link in post #46 above.

We both know you aren't a smart man but I would hope you at least possess some basic math skills. These numbers for Trump have been trending upward for the past 8 years which of course is the lefts biggest nightmare. Strike that, the lefts biggest nightmare is the corpse with dementia who has his crack addict son as his chief of staff and refuses to give up his post because he is as delusional as you are.
WTF are you talking about. Get back on the sideline you dolt

Ok if you need me to spell it out for you because you are mentally deficient, here you go.

In 2016 Trump garnered 8% of the Black vote and 28% of the Hispanic vote.

In 2020 Trump garnered 12% of the Black vote and 32% of the Hispanic vote

Polls for 2024 show that Trump is garnering 20+% of the Black vote and 40-45% of the Hispanic vote. I already included the CNN link in post #46 above.

We both know you aren't a smart man but I would hope you at least possess some basic math skills. These numbers for Trump have been trending upward for the past 8 years which of course is the lefts biggest nightmare. Strike that, the lefts biggest nightmare is the corpse with dementia who has his crack addict son as his chief of staff and refuses to give up his post because he is as delusional as you are.
All good points TrumpC, but these numbers are trending in his direction yes? He won the first election and lost the second election, I don’t call that a positive trend overall. Maybe he has gained momentum with blacks and Hispanics but seems like he’s shitting the bed with women and not to beat a dead horse but overall age demographic changes are not his friend right now.

I agree with you that debate was a blow to Biden, but people tend to forget what happened yesterday and there’s plenty of time for Biden to recover any ground he lost.
All good points TrumpC, but these numbers are trending in his direction yes? He won the first election and lost the second election, I don’t call that a positive trend overall. Maybe he has gained momentum with blacks and Hispanics but seems like he’s shitting the bed with women and not to beat a dead horse but overall age demographic changes are not his friend right now.

I agree with you that debate was a blow to Biden, but people tend to forget what happened yesterday and there’s plenty of time for Biden to recover any ground he lost. you really believe he will recover ground? The WH is in turmoil, the democratic party is fractured more so than I have ever seen in my lifetime. He is a dead man walking.

Women always have and always will trend left. That is because the majority of women are fueled by emotion not by logic (call me a misogynist but I speak the truth). That being said the abortion issue which got the left over the top in 2020 and 2022 midterms is way down the list in terms of importance. The economy/inflation, crime and the border are now way ahead of the abortion issue in terms of "importance"

Also the younger generations are waking up and moving in Trumps direction.

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Election integrity, interesting concept. Any idea why Democrats so vehemently oppose requiring voter ID?

I am not sure that removing Joe Biden is something that would be a concern for Republicans, it is more of an internal party issue for the Dems. However, we can point out that the Dems had to get special dispensation from Ohio because the Dems scheduled their national convention for AFTER the Ohio state law/regulation that set the date when the names for their ticket had to be provided. So they manipulate the rules. I recall a situation from years back (probably in the 2000's) where a US Senate or Rep candidate from New Jersey (IIRC) was facing legal issues and was getting thrashed in the polls. So the Dem Party pulled him out and threw a new guy in the race, even though it was past the 60 or 90 requirement prior to election day. So by getting around the law they ended up saving that seat for a Dem. No integrity there!

Mail in voting actually IS a problem, because there is no accountability when ballots are mailed out to everyone without regard to whether they are going to a legal voter. This was one of the things identified back about 2006 when D Jimmy Carter and R James??? did that investigation of voter integrity. And keep in mind that mail in voting is a different concept from absentee voting, where you provide your ID and sign up for an absentee ballot due to some of the circumstances that you mention.

Remember seeing the video of the New Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia a few years ago? I do. Which party do you think they are promoting?

It ain't just stinking bastards from the south, okay. It is people from all over the world, ones that have been here for a while and now the ones that have inundated the US over the past 3.5 years. I have heard the claims of racism, and discrimination, and unfairness from the left for years, but what I haven't heard or seen is a single shred of evidence that requiring valid ID to vote, that requiring voter rolls to be properly maintained is a problem in any way. These are things that should be done to protect our election system and to ensure fair and accurate elections.

Ask yourself why so many other countries can have fair and accurate elections by holding an election on a single day and know the results almost immediately. Shouldn't we as a country aspire to such a thing? I sure think so.

PS- Okay, I went ahead and looked it up before posting. Turns out I had a couple of the details wrong, but the basics were correct. In 2002 Bob Torricelli dropped out after the filing deadline, but the NJ Supreme Court allowed the Dems to get around the law by having them pay for reprinting all of the ballots. A flawed decision in my mind.
mail in voting works perfectly fine, we have been doing it in Oregon for years.they match every signed ballot to the signiture on file in the elections office. I even had mine rejected once due to a sloppy signiture, so don't think they arent being checked you really believe he will recover ground? The WH is in turmoil, the democratic party is fractured more so than I have ever seen in my lifetime. He is a dead man walking.

Women always have and always will trend left. That is because the majority of women are fueled by emotion not by logic (call me a misogynist but I speak the truth). That being said the abortion issue which got the left over the top in 2020 and 2022 midterms is way down the list in terms of importance. The economy/inflation, crime and the border are now way ahead of the abortion issue in terms of "importance"

Also the younger generations are waking up and moving in Trumps direction.

Trump recovered after the Billie Bush hot Mike. People have shorter attention spans than you think.

That said Biden doesn’t have a lot of wiggle room for negative news in the next few months, whether that’s economy/inflation, global diplomacy, homeland threats, etc. any of those could trip him up and they are all legit concerns I’m sure.
All good points TrumpC, but these numbers are trending in his direction yes? He won the first election and lost the second election, I don’t call that a positive trend overall. Maybe he has gained momentum with blacks and Hispanics but seems like he’s shitting the bed with women and not to beat a dead horse but overall age demographic changes are not his friend right now.

I agree with you that debate was a blow to Biden, but people tend to forget what happened yesterday and there’s plenty of time for Biden to recover any ground he lost.
People tend to forget dementia POTD
Back to conservative republicans? Bush 1 and 2, McCain and Romney were not conservative republicans. They were 100% Republicans in name only who were Charmin soft, in the camp of the globalist elites and loved firing up the war machine.

Trump has brought more people into the Republican party than any of those 4 candidates ever did. This election DJT will garner 20-25% of the black vote and 40-50% of the latina vote. That is unprecedented.

Are there never Trumpers who left the party and will never come back (like your parents)? Sure there are and that is fine, let them wander in the political wilderness the rest of their lives. The GOP is never going back to the days of "go along to get along" where Republicans rolled over and showed their bellies and never fought back.

If a "Republican" voted for Biden over Trump they don't belong in the party. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
It's this sort of "you're with us or you're against us" thinking that magnifies division and moves further toward the extremes. People used to realize that there's a spectrum of opinions and beliefs, and that talking to other people leads to compromise and solutions that most people can be satisfied with...even if it's not exactly what they wanted. Too many people have lost the ability to listen, and now think that any idea that isn't 100% what they want is not worth their time. Worse, they'll reject things that they actually want for the sake of optics, or just because they weren't the ones who thought of it.
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Trump recovered after the Billie Bush hot Mike. People have shorter attention spans than you think.

That said Biden doesn’t have a lot of wiggle room for negative news in the next few months, whether that’s economy/inflation, global diplomacy, homeland threats, etc. any of those could trip him up and they are all legit concerns I’m sure.
I don't think Joe will be able to do the things people are now demanding of him. He doesn't have the energy to fulfill his duties as president (even if he's only shaking hands with the girl scout who sold the most cookies, etc.) and campaign. I'm genuinely concerned the stress and grind will be more than he can handle, especially given that he's been hidden so much.

But what do I know, I figured he would only last to July of 2022.
I don't think Joe will be able to do the things people are now demanding of him. He doesn't have the energy to fulfill his duties as president (even if he's only shaking hands with the girl scout who sold the most cookies, etc.) and campaign. I'm genuinely concerned the stress and grind will be more than he can handle, especially given that he's been hidden so much.

But what do I know, I figured he would only last to July of 2022.
Well that’s going to be how he’s portrayed by the Rs, as a tired old man and justifiably so after that debate performance, so it’s on him to prove otherwise.
I'll pose to you the same question ED is refusing to answer. Should Biden authorize an assassination of Trump? Biden is immune. Biden has repeatedly stated that Trump is a threat to democracy and an existential threat to our country.

Well, I don't believe that a President has that kind of immunity and I believe that a future court is going to throw out this decision as a partisan fraud that should have never happened. So, in that sense, I don't think he should.

Also, as much as I despise the Donald, I can't morally support murdering him. Trump is a horrible human being, but I don't think that it's Joe's place to make the decision to take him out. Immune or not, we would truly be a Banana Republic if our President is out there ordering the assassination of political rivals, no matter how much of a scumbag that I might think that they might be.

Would I shed a tear if something happened to the Donald? Nope.
People tend to forget dementia POTD
If Biden can quell the mutiny, you'll see it to some extent. The rhetoric and talking points are already out there- it was a bad day, Trump is a liar and threat to democracy, etc.

I still have the feeling that something behind the scenes broke wide open during the debate that we haven't seen yet. Biden's decline has been obvious.
I don't think Joe will be able to do the things people are now demanding of him. He doesn't have the energy to fulfill his duties as president (even if he's only shaking hands with the girl scout who sold the most cookies, etc.) and campaign. I'm genuinely concerned the stress and grind will be more than he can handle, especially given that he's been hidden so much.

But what do I know, I figured he would only last to July of 2022.
This is exactly why there should be age limits on the presidency. How many 80 year olds can consistently get through a full day of meetings and appearances, peppered with complex & important decisions, with frequent overnight interruptions to hear about and/or deal with things happening on the other side of the world? How many have the mental acuity to process and act on this kind of information even when they’re well fed and rested…let alone when they’re running on 3 hours sleep?
Well, I don't believe that a President has that kind of immunity and I believe that a future court is going to throw out this decision as a partisan fraud that should have never happened. So, in that sense, I don't think he should.

Also, as much as I despise the Donald, I can't morally support murdering him. Trump is a horrible human being, but I don't think that it's Joe's place to make the decision to take him out. Immune or not, we would truly be a Banana Republic if our President is out there ordering the assassination of political rivals, no matter how much of a scumbag that I might think that they might be.

Would I shed a tear if something happened to the Donald? Nope.
So, is the "threat to democracy" rhetoric BS?

I'm not in favor of prosecuting Biden for the drone strike that killed the Afghan aid worker and nine other people, are you?
Well, I don't believe that a President has that kind of immunity and I believe that a future court is going to throw out this decision as a partisan fraud that should have never happened. So, in that sense, I don't think he should.

Also, as much as I despise the Donald, I can't morally support murdering him. Trump is a horrible human being, but I don't think that it's Joe's place to make the decision to take him out. Immune or not, we would truly be a Banana Republic if our President is out there ordering the assassination of political rivals, no matter how much of a scumbag that I might think that they might be.

Would I shed a tear if something happened to the Donald? Nope.
I’m rooting for McDonald’s and KFC to resolve the issue.
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Not requiring ID to vote is anti American. Illegals don't deserve a dime and sure in the hell don't deserve the right to vote. I'd rather my tax dollars go to infrastructure, veteran housing, Maui, etc.
Not requiring ID to vote is anti American. Illegals don't deserve a dime and sure in the hell don't deserve the right to vote. I'd rather my tax dollars go to infrastructure, veteran housing, Maui, etc.
How exactly are illegal aliens getting ballots to vote with?

Oh right, they aren't.
How exactly are illegal aliens getting ballots to vote with?

Oh right, they aren't.
I don't know how frequently it happens, but it would not be difficult.

Here's the form you fill out to register to vote in Washington: All you have to do is check the box claiming to be a citizen, and then enter a number as your SSN or driver's license number.

Lots of illegals have SSNs that are valid. They don't actually belong to that person, but they still work.

Lots of illegals also have drivers licenses, because licenses don't require proof of citizenship. They require evidence of residency and confirmation of identity. The accepted forms of ID are at

So, you can get a driver's license and register to vote based on a bogus SSN and some foreign documents, as long as you're willing to sign the certification. Nobody's really checking, so the risk of getting caught and prosecuted is virtually zero...especially in a Republican administration that's just going to deport you and have your name taken off the voter rolls. Then all you have to do is sneak across the border, pay for another SSN, and start over again.
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I don't know how frequently it happens, but it would not be difficult.

Here's the form you fill out to register to vote in Washington: All you have to do is check the box claiming to be a citizen, and then enter a number as your SSN or driver's license number.

Lots of illegals have SSNs that are valid. They don't actually belong to that person, but they still work.

Lots of illegals also have drivers licenses, because licenses don't require proof of citizenship. They require evidence of residency and confirmation of identity. The accepted forms of ID are at

So, you can get a driver's license and register to vote based on a bogus SSN and some foreign documents, as long as you're willing to sign the certification. Nobody's really checking, so the risk of getting caught and prosecuted is virtually zero...especially in a Republican administration that's just going to deport you and have your name taken off the voter rolls. Then all you have to do is sneak across the border, pay for another SSN, and start over again.
What the Hell is wrong with you, 95? Not only are you saying the quiet part out loud, you are demonstrating exactly how it is done! Shame on you.

It happens the same way in CA, BTW, and I doubt that those are the only two states that operate that way.
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mail in voting works perfectly fine, we have been doing it in Oregon for years.they match every signed ballot to the signiture on file in the elections office. I even had mine rejected once due to a sloppy signiture, so don't think they arent being checked
I have no problem with absentee ballots. When ballots are mailed out to who know who that is a real slippery slope. Drop boxes should never exist anywhere.

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