Proof is in the pudding, huh. While what I'm going to write isn't exactly in response to what you've written above, it is an indicator as to the level of player we've had for quite a while.You can't pick apart a thing with regards to recruiting. It is now history and it is played out. And yes, I will defend Wulff when people continue to trash him.
You know how many threads I have started about Wulff in the time he has been gone? Maybe one. You know how many threads I started about Doba since he has been gone? None.
The proof in terms of recruiting is in the pudding. Feel free to go line by line, player by player.
Who can guess the number of players WSU has in the NFL? 12. NOT including those that have been picked up other means other than "drafting" this year. Now guess how many WAKE FOREST has… More than us, 15. How about Wyoming? 8. While not beating us, Wyoming shows that even THEY can recruit and develop NFL players. I point these out as comparison.
Can I point out that out of the 12, CML has had a hand in developing 7 (not including MW), Mayle being ALL CML. I'd also say Buccannon is among those that can be seen as all CML. No way Wulff would have developed him the same way. Regardless, can the Wulff people point to this as he was "doing it the right way"? Probably but it's pretty limp on delivery. Can the Leach people point to this as CML came in and developed them, yep. And I steer by boat in that direction. I don't even know if Long would have been the same player, until CML came in. JMHO. He was good, real good. But man he was awesome his last year.
But I can also say, the number of players beyond those seven is sparse. I challenge anyone to look at the list of current players in the NFL and show the "proof in the pudding" that Wulff made an impact on any player enough to be in the NFL. Either they were seniors when he came in, or someone else had to develop his players for the NFL. And for CML to have a hand in developing 7 out of 12 players so that they can enter the NFL, is a pretty decent percentage. Link below is ESPN's list of current players in the NFL. CML has had an impact on the number of players in the NFL, and that's something to take into consideration. Now look at the current roster and we can see a few that we all know will go, as well.