Perhaps misguided

but I do appreciate Chun and Schulz for having the integrity to stick with the plan that was agreed upon and not jump ship like a fcking rat.

It completely fcked the program, but as Orange stated in a different thread, we aren't the prettiest girl at the dance. You'd think we'd be more attractive than some others that bailed, but I'm guessing they promised to put out after the prom and we didn't.

One of the things I'm most disappointed and appalled at is the lack of outrage by ANYONE in the press- this whole transaction was dirty as fck. I mean filthy dirty, and the have-nots in the ACC better get ready because they're next. It's the fcking Hunger Games with TV contracts.

This is such a nightmare

I just can't believe what has happened. Kliatvkoff needs to be fired tomorrow. What a F-up that hire was. Schulz needs to go as well. WSU is so F-ed. Mtn West at best, maybe just downgrade to the Big Sky.

I just can't get my arms around all this bailing over TV money from institutions that bring in a billion dollars a year in tuition, state money, and donations. Unbelievable.

Any "fanwidth" left for you who

"hate" root against teams?

Those of you who feel a sagging desire to follow college football now, can you find any satisfaction is watching uw get pasted by tOSU or uo being taken down by Wisconsin or even Alabama kicking the crap out of Texas?

We all always had room for that before (in any sport). Sometimes it's equally or more satisfying seeing a team or franchise you hate, lose rather than your preferred, win.

Now we have SO many more teams to rage-root against then ever before!

I think I have considerable fanwidth for that! That's all I have to say about that!

WSU - bottom of the 4 no one wants

and yet there are the fools here that continue with certainty regarding the MWC or Big 12 "wanting us" or even more laughable, "why" those conferences must want WSU ! The least desirable of the 4 teams that no one wants ! Sure, our ADMIN continues to persue every option which amounts to begging anyone that will listen ! Like I said below, the Apple cup becomes WSU vs E WA !

You holes are so pathetic ! It is what it is - the "new" PAC 4, where each team plays the other 3, three times a season ! 🤣

Interesting point by Canzano on finances

Each of the 4 remaining P12 schools (WSU, OSU, Stanford, and Cal) could receive as much as $105M/ea next season. Additionally, what's not included in the quote below, is that the P12 still retains it's P5 conference status including college football playoff guarantees and financial distributions.

What does that mean? Well, it gives our remaining programs discretion to bait programs into joining our league with the lure of P5 status. After the 2024 season, MWC teams could join without penalty, so we could see a situation where we use a portion of that $420M to pay the exit fees of San Diego State and Colorado State. Offer SMU and maybe another program like Tulane entry next season, and then round out the conference in 2025 where there will likely be ACC fallouts available.

It would be kind of cool if we could form an East coast pod of teams comprised of some ACC programs along with Army and Navy. If Air Force joined, we'd have all (3) Commander in Chief Service academy's, which are strong National sellers.

From Canzano

SDSU and any other MWC teams would come with a $34 million buyout if they were to join in time for the 2024 football season. There is a significant war chest available to the four remaining schools, however. All the media-rights distributions, payments and postseason distributions that were due to the Pac-12 in the next distribution could end up in the hands of the four remaining members.

The estimated total: $420 million.

Stanford, Oregon State, Cal and Washington State are entitled to use all the funds to cover additional costs and damages caused by the departures.”

We are even bigger morons if we continue the Apple Cup.

Pac10/Pac12 games had reason. Heart.

Playing the Apple Cup is useless. It is now a non-conference game. Guarantee it won't be long before it's all games in Seattle.

Play non-conference game you can win.

I'd rather fly back to Notre Dame, Michigan, Ohio State, Alabama, Clemson, etc... instead of playing any "Previously known as Pac-12" schools


F*'em all.

Geographic logic…

This is purely based on looking at the map, not the money (which clearly drives decisions), but…

The new Big 10 will have 18 teams. Only 4 on the west coast. So how are they going to align schedules geographically? A west division of UO, UW, USC, UCLA, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Northwestern?

That’s just dumb. They need 2 more, at least. They can no doubt give a fractional share to any of the remaining PAC teams…and Utah & ASU don’t really make sense. Stanford & Cal are probably the better choices, but if they resist…WSU & OSU are still there, and would probably take 1/3 shares.

The Big 12 will be at 14 with UA and CU. They (should) want at least 2 more just to keep up, and to gain western footprint. ASU is a likely candidate, but that doesn’t give them west coast. Same with Utah. Stanford & Cal are again the obvious choice, but again…WSU & OSU are right there, and both travel better and have been more recently competitive.

So…we’re not Big Sky yet. Expansion isn’t over, the PAC-12’s carcass is going to get picked clean on the cheap. There might be 2 teams that get left out when the music stops, but wouldn’t be that surprising if there are spots for everyone.

The real sly move by anyone will be to stand pay right now and wait until spring of 2024. By then, the remaining teams will be desperate for a chair and will jump to take a $19M share.
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The Inland Empire Conf

WA state
OR state
U Idaho
U Montana
Mt state
Sac state
Web state
Cal Poly

WSU - accept no less that 4 Million for non conf away games ( body bag ) !
Must counter with home visit the following year !
Make the basturds pay ! **** the ucks and dogs, NEVER play them again !
8 - 10 game season, one bye, no more late NOV or DEC games ! **** any NCAA scheduling
rules, in fact, **** the NCAA !

Apple cup is now E WA - WSU game ! Period ! **** Inslee !

Football that's about kids that love the game and want to play - NOT pay for play,
transfer portal crap ! Get back to emphasis on local HS recruiting !

This is where Cougs belong, always has been !
