This is kind of a funny one. Worth 5 minutes of your life if you are a Coug. A few observations:
First of all, ranking my beer of choice, Coors Light, on this list at all, let alone 1st, is complete BS. It says Coors Light tastes terrible. Actually, it has no taste, that's why I like it! Plus the blue mountains are cool. I typically drink 16 ouncers, but bought some 12oz'ers last week. Instead of the blue mountains, they have these blue stripes cascading horizontally down the can. I guess to make sure you are drinking it fast enough so they don't get warm? Pretty innovative IMHO.
Agree on Heineken. It is skunk beer.
Kirkland Light? There really is such a beer? I don't shop at Costco. Never have had a card.
PBR - no argument on this one. Ahhh the younger days....
Bud Light - ditto. I actually like Bud (also on the list). But Bud Light is also skunk beer.
Pacifico? I like Pacifico. And Sol. They both remind me of Coors Light. I'm known to also drink Corona, which is skunk beer. But not on this list.
Miller High Life - always thought the clear bottles were weird.
Keystone Premium? Is that regular Keystone? I used to drink a ton of Keystone Light, then realized A) Life is too short, and B) My hangovers went away when I upgraded to Coors Light.
National Bohemian. Is that the same as the Bohemian I used to drink when I was about 19? $4.12 for a case of 11oz bottles. Funny how that price has stuck in my mind. And it was skunky shit.
Schlitz. Barf.
Guiness. Sorry, I don't drink anything that looks like used motor oil. What does that look like coming back up?
Obvious Omissions - Old Milwaukee, Old English 800, Rainier, Olympia. Mickey's Wide Mouth's. There are others. I did sort of like animal beer. Schmidt? The brew that grew with the great Northwest?
If you're a beer fan in America, you're living in the golden age of the craft brewery revolution. It's never been a better time to be a beer drinker, but that doesn't mean every beverage is a home run. While it's fun to talk about the best-tasting brews in the world, sometimes discussing the ones