Abandoning allies

Okay, I will splain to you, Lucy. Krusty said in a post that we are a democracy, which is not accurate. We (the United States of America) are a republic, which is why the word repiblic is in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Speaking of which, 90, I actually do say the Pledge of Allegiance every month at the beginning of our car club meeting. And I do know how to say it properly too, meaning without the comma after the word "nation". I would say that 90% of people don't know that.

Too bad you don't know how to spell "republic" very well. :) And potato, pahtato. Interesting read below on what being a Republic means. Here's a quote:

Another key element of this governance style is the separation of powers among branches of the government, a system meant to foster a balance of power. The legislative branch makes laws, the executive branch enforces these laws, and the judiciary interprets them. Each branch operates independently from the others to prevent any accumulation of power, adhering to the principles laid out by the framers of the Constitution.

Too bad you don't know how to spell "republic" very well. :) And potato, pahtato. Interesting read below on what being a Republic means. Here's a quote:

Another key element of this governance style is the separation of powers among branches of the government, a system meant to foster a balance of power. The legislative branch makes laws, the executive branch enforces these laws, and the judiciary interprets them. Each branch operates independently from the others to prevent any accumulation of power, adhering to the principles laid out by the framers of the Constitution.

You might want to check the layout of your keyboard. If you do that, you will find that the letter "i" happens to be right next to the letter "u", leading to the obvious conclusion that "repiblic" was simply a typo and no evidence that I don't know how to spell republic. Especially given the many other times I have spelled republic and republican correctly. Besides, if you are going to go on the warpath for typos and misspellings, CougEd will be attacked without mercy, and you won't escape unscathed yourself!

Not sure if you were trying to disagree with me or not, but the text you included does say republic is what we have, as well as this additional quote from further down in the article:
"The conflation of ‘democracy’ and ‘republic’ in contemporary usage often obscures their distinct historical and constitutional meanings. A democracy, in its purest form as practiced in ancient Athens, involves direct participation of the citizenry in legislative decisions. While democratic, this approach was deemed impractical and potentially volatile by the framers of the U.S. Constitution, leading them to form a constitutional republic. This system combines representative democracy with foundational laws that protect individual rights and minority opinions against the potential tyranny of the majority."

Now a link to the famous quote from Benji Franklin:
Okay, I will splain to you, Lucy. Krusty said in a post that we are a democracy, which is not accurate. We (the United States of America) are a republic, which is why the word repiblic is in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Speaking of which, 90, I actually do say the Pledge of Allegiance every month at the beginning of our car club meeting. And I do know how to say it properly too, meaning without the comma after the word "nation". I would say that 90% of people don't know that.
When I hear you right-wingers make this claim...what is it exactly are you quibbling with? Can we not all agree with the colloquial term "democracy" when we speak of the uSA?

What do you object to or want to change about the way we have been doing things for over 200 years? I say "democracy" and O11 and you push back with "republic". Po-TAY-to, po-TA-to. Aren't we both speaking of the same form of government?

You "snowflakes" are obviously taking exception to the similarity to "democrats". I dont object we are a republic. Taihtsat
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Okay, I will splain to you, Lucy. Krusty said in a post that we are a democracy, which is not accurate. We (the United States of America) are a republic, which is why the word repiblic is in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Speaking of which, 90, I actually do say the Pledge of Allegiance every month at the beginning of our car club meeting. And I do know how to say it properly too, meaning without the comma after the word "nation". I would say that 90% of people don't know that.
Thanks for the ‘lesson’, Benedict, You’re saying that the Pledge of Allegiance written in 1885 ( and later modified 4 times) to indoctrinate the mindless is the be all end all to this topic. Right.

See Krusty’s post above where he nails the crux of the matter. The two terms have always been used interchangeably, Forever. The only people splitting hairs and taking issue with referring to our form of governance as a “democracy” are rightwing nutters. What the phuck is it with that.
When I hear you right-wingers make this claim...what is it exactly are you quibbling with? Can we not all agree with the colloquial term "democracy" when we speak of the uSA?

What do you object to or want to change about the way we have been doing things for over 200 years? I say "democracy" and O11 and you push back with "republic". Po-TAY-to, po-TA-to. Aren't we both speaking of the same form of government?

You "snowflakes" are obviously taking exception to the similarity to "democrats". I dont object we are a republic. Taihtsat
How does this fit in with George Clooney running around destroying presidential campaigns?
When I hear you right-wingers make this claim...what is it exactly are you quibbling with? Can we not all agree with the colloquial term "democracy" when we speak of the uSA?

What do you object to or want to change about the way we have been doing things for over 200 years? I say "democracy" and O11 and you push back with "republic". Po-TAY-to, po-TA-to. Aren't we both speaking of the same form of government?

You "snowflakes" are obviously taking exception to the similarity to "democrats". I dont object we are a republic. Taihtsat
No, we cannot all agree with that, because it is incorrect. Why don't we all agree on the proper definition and usage of the terms instead? Words have meanings and the two terms are NOT synonymous. Go back and look at the quote I pulled out of the link from Loyal that explains things succinctly.

I fully understand that a republic is a democratic form of government, but it is NOT a democracy.

Let me give you another example of incorrect usage of words that are used interchangeably. Is anyone here aware that there is a difference between cement and concrete? Maybe a couple of you, but the vast majority of the public, including about 99% of broadcast media are ignorant of that fact. You will undoubtedly immediately push back in order to bolster your position on republic vs democracy, but you would be wrong. There is no such thing as a cement wall, cement driveway, cement foundation, etc. Cement is simply one ingredient that mixes up with other ingredients to form a slurry mix called concrete, and only when cement is mixed with things like water, sand, gravel, fibers, plasticizer, etc do you end up with the hardened material that will give you a concrete wall, a concrete driveway, or a concrete foundation.

Words have meanings. Since we are mostly all college grads here we might as well use them correctly.
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We choose not to, often. Stalin was a US ally during WWII. Nixon normalized relations with Mao, who is probably responsible for more deaths than anyone in history. The Shah, Pinochet, Manuel Noriega were not choir boys. Lots more can be added to the list.
Feel free to support the evil empire then. You can’t serve our best interests if that is your choice.

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