Bizarro world thread

Final summary of debate:
Liberals... The epitome of biting off the nose to spite the face. You all are laughable and deranged at the same time. I can't stand listening to Trump talk about all the awesomeness he's accomplished but if the dum-dums at the DNC would've stopped the "get Trump by any means" strategy, I think the Idiocrats would've had an easier road in this election. The level of hyperbolic statements that are uttered within the echo chamber known as "Mainstream Media" are as worn out as Joe Biden's depends.
the funny thing is I don’t think you have any actual liberals here. Maybe 1 or 2. Most you are labeling liberals are folks in the middle or even middle right who want a candidate…any candidate, who belongs somewhere near the Oval Office. Neither of these guys are it.
Final summary of debate:

the funny thing is I don’t think you have any actual liberals here. Maybe 1 or 2. Most you are labeling liberals are folks in the middle or even middle right who want a candidate…any candidate, who belongs somewhere near the Oval Office. Neither of these guys are it.
If we are putting our cards out their....I'm an independent, more libertarian.

I think Joe Biden was is disaster last night. Trump wasn't much better, especially when he started talking golf handicaps, but a lot better than Biden.

I personally think the dems will push "Newsom" (wrong spelling earlier) into the fold. I don't really like they guy either, hated what he did during COVID like our governor, but he's smart, well-spoken, connected (through the Pelosi chain) and likely would give Trump problems.

Trump beats Biden easily is my opinion. I don't know if Trump beats Newsom.
Liberals... The epitome of biting off the nose to spite the face. You all are laughable and deranged at the same time. I can't stand listening to Trump talk about all the awesomeness he's accomplished but if the dum-dums at the DNC would've stopped the "get Trump by any means" strategy, I think the Idiocrats would've had an easier road in this election. The level of hyperbolic statements that are uttered within the echo chamber known as "Mainstream Media" are as worn out as Joe Biden's depends.
So when he has been found liable for sexual assault and also fraud by a jury of his peers, how is that out to get him at every tirn .

Jan 6th and the documents case were being investigated before he announced bis candidacy. Do you personally believe in the rule of law ?
What makes me laugh about Trump supporters is their blind, unyielding hypocrisy. One of my co-workers is a devout Christian who turned me and another co-worker in for saying, "F#ck" in the office. Said that he found it offensive and unprofessional. Yet he has no problem voting for a man like Trump. A criminal who committed adultery with a porn star and said on tape that he can grab a woman by the pussy....but that's ok because "f#ck the libtards" and their sinful agenda.

It truly blows the mind.
Unyielding, blinding hypocrisy is a hallmark of the American political system. It's the reason why we've become so divided and have grown to hate those with opposing viewpoints. Voting in America is akin to customizing a new car or truck. You can't simply select the color or a certain option. No, in order to get the make, model, and color you want, you have to pay for a bundle of trim level options that you don't want.

You're pro-choice? Cool. Select candidate A, but remember that along with pro-choice, you're also voting for expanding transgendered rights, including public school taught gender identity nonsense and other wokeism ideals that have migrated to lunacy such as reparations, defunding the police, the elimination of meritocracy, and decriminalization of drug and criminal offenses.

You're a veteran or come from a family of veterans? Cool. Select candidate B, but remember that along with your vote to support vets, you're also voting for Christian based policy, pro-life, unregulated gun laws, and unchecked tax advantages for the super wealthy.

For every average John and Jane Q liberal watching the debate last night cringing, but sticking with the "I'd rater vote for a corpse than a criminal like Trump," you have another average John and Jane Q conservative cringing whenever Trump spewed his bullshit, but saying "yea, I know he lies, I know he's a pig, but I'd rather vote for him than that walking corpse who doesn't know what day it is."
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I’m not too familiar with history of candidates who’ve run and lost then run again and won. Seems like even if he didn’t win he’d get his name out there and get some pub for the next go around. He’s a brilliant speaker/debater who’d wipe the floor with Trump. Might not be enough to get the votes but I don’t see the downside for him.
It's not really about "winning" the debate in technical terms. Biden kinda did that last night. But newsome certainly would come across as energetic, engaged, alert and up on the issues. However, I think he turns a lot of folk off because he's just too slick for many independents. I'm leaning towards CougPatrol's position on 2028.

What we really need is something to happen on the supreme court, so harris could be offered a court post and someone like Michelle or a more likable VP candidate (as opposed to harris) could be put. Face it, if Biden stays, folks were really voting for the VP. Taihtsat
This is who I’d vote for going away if he had an interest in running. Jon Stewart is incredible.
Stewart or Maher could actually be president of either had the courage to step up and sacrifice their current lives for the betterment of the nation! Taihtsat
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It's not really about "winning" the debate in technical terms. Biden kinda did that last night. But newsome certainly would come across as energetic, engaged, alert and up on the issues. However, I think he turns a lot of folk off because he's just too slick for many independents. I'm leaning towards CougPatrol's position on 2028.

What we really need is something to happen on the supreme court, so harris could be offered a court post and someone like Michelle or a more likable VP candidate (as opposed to harris) could be put. Face it, if Biden stays, folks were really voting for the VP. Taihtsat
Kamala is going to have to be unselfish about this too. For the dems it’s all hands on deck. No options off the table. I think Biden has a tough time recovering from last night and something drastic will need to happen within the party. Yeah there’s a huge chunk of people who will vote anyone BUT Trump, but he only lost because of several thousand votes in a handful of swing states before. That can easily turn particularly with some of the issues on Biden’s watch.
Stewart or Maher could actually be president of either had the courage to step up and sacrifice their current lives for the betterment of the nation! Taihtsat
100% agree. I think if JS wanted to run he would have dipped his toe in the water already. The support he gives to vets and 9/11 responders is outstanding. And he’s a brilliant debater with great knowledge of the key issues in the country.
Kamala is going to have to be unselfish about this too. For the dems it’s all hands on deck. No options off the table. I think Biden has a tough time recovering from last night and something drastic will need to happen within the party. Yeah there’s a huge chunk of people who will vote anyone BUT Trump, but he only lost because of several thousand votes in a handful of swing states before. That can easily turn particularly with some of the issues on Biden’s watch.
Agree here - Biden should consider dumping Kamala (I believe that it is at his discretion) and replace her with someone more desirable like Joe Manchin or Gretchen Witmer. Can't wait to see which sycophant the Oreange one chooses for his running mate.
Agree here - Biden should consider dumping Kamala (I believe that it is at his discretion) and replace her with someone more desirable like Joe Manchin or Gretchen Witmer. Can't wait to see which sycophant the Oreange one chooses for his running mate.
Dumping Kamala will not save Joe or the Libs. It just won't. Kamala didn't shit her diaper last night that was all Joe's mess. Newsflash Mr Yellowstone....Manchin left the Democratic party 2 weeks ago. Pay's catching on.
It's not really about "winning" the debate in technical terms. Biden kinda did that last night. But newsome certainly would come across as energetic, engaged, alert and up on the issues. However, I think he turns a lot of folk off because he's just too slick for many independents. I'm leaning towards CougPatrol's position on 2028.

What we really need is something to happen on the supreme court, so harris could be offered a court post and someone like Michelle or a more likable VP candidate (as opposed to harris) could be put. Face it, if Biden stays, folks were really voting for the VP. Taihtsat
You are delusional. I mean cmon man do you really think Mike "I hate America" Robinson would leave the lap of luxury and jump into the swamp. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

Joe is the candidate. Barry Soetoro came out today and said as much. Talk about instilling confidence; let's vote for a candidate knowing who we are really voting for is a very unpopular Kamala Harris.

You literally could be at the round table of Biden's advisors. You are that delusional.
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Stewart or Maher could actually be president of either had the courage to step up and sacrifice their current lives for the betterment of the nation! Taihtsat
Stewart is much more relatable and admired than Maher. I’m pretty sure Maher would turn off younger voters. Please Stewart is just a lot smarter.
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I’ve always liked your passion TC so don’t take this the wrong way…but being a Trump fan boy and having spelling be one of your big pet peeves is a little umm…ironic?
Don't mind you firing back at me at all. I am just pointing out the laziness/ignorance of the masses around here.
I like Maher a lot and he’s very smart but Stewart just possesses a sharper mind and more universal appeal. And Stewart lacks the hubris of Maher.
Stewart in particular for me because he’s sat in front of congress and was amazing. Maybe Maher has done some of the same for issues he was fighting for too, I don’t recall.
If we are putting our cards out their....I'm an independent, more libertarian.

I think Joe Biden was is disaster last night. Trump wasn't much better, especially when he started talking golf handicaps, but a lot better than Biden.

I personally think the dems will push "Newsom" (wrong spelling earlier) into the fold. I don't really like they guy either, hated what he did during COVID like our governor, but he's smart, well-spoken, connected (through the Pelosi chain) and likely would give Trump problems.

Trump beats Biden easily is my opinion. I don't know if Trump beats Newsom.
I’d say I’m a lot more libertarian than democrat or republican, but I’ve never really agreed with any party platform much more than 50%. The Dems have moved and continue to move ridiculously far left, the republicans have and continue to move insanely far right. Neither of them can even see the middle anymore.

My process in presidential elections has been to look at all the candidates and their key positions and statements. Almost all of them have at least one campaign tentpole that I completely disagree with, so it becomes a matter of deciding which of those things is the lesser evil.

Some will say I’m throwing my vote away by doing that, and I understand that position. But, I live in Washington, so unless I’m voting for the democrat my vote doesn’t count anyway.
For me, it's so incredibly sad and embarrassing that we are stuck with the choices we have. Joe is just too damned old and feeble. I only watched the first five minutes of the debate and it was obvious that his recent declines are accelerating. And Trump is just an embarrassing piece of sh!t. What makes me laugh about Trump supporters is their blind, unyielding hypocrisy. One of my co-workers is a devout Christian who turned me and another co-worker in for saying, "F#ck" in the office. Said that he found it offensive and unprofessional. Yet he has no problem voting for a man like Trump. A criminal who committed adultery with a porn star and said on tape that he can grab a woman by the pussy....but that's ok because "f#ck the libtards" and their sinful agenda.

It truly blows the mind.
Agreed. I voted Trump in 2016 and 2020. I am sitting this one out. Trump clearly doesn't respect the rule of law. And Biden is a geriatric tyrant and a puppet of the left.
Agreed. I voted Trump in 2016 and 2020. I am sitting this one out. Trump clearly doesn't respect the rule of law. And Biden is a geriatric tyrant and a puppet of the left.
Boooooo! Many have paid the price with their lives for us as Americans to have the luxury of freedom and the the ability to vote. Sitting on the sidelines is a slap in the face of those who ensured our freedom. Show up, vote 3rd party; hell write in Krusty for that matter.
I didn't watch a minute of the debate and don't care how it went. What I am more concerned about is what the Supreme Court did last week. They just make bad decision after bad decision giving more power to themselves.

The Chevron Deference decision is the biggest power grab by the Court in around 225 years. What could go wrong? Now instead of experts making a decision on how much lead should be in water, we have the courts.

In a different decision, Justice Gorsuch criticizes the EPA and he continually got the gas he was referencing wrong: Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) instead of the correct Nitrogen Oxide. Yes, with all his court clerks, they could not even get it right. Yet, now unelected judges are going to have an outsized voice in how our country functions.
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I didn't watch a minute of the debate and don't care how it went. What I am more concerned about is what the Supreme Court did last week. They just make bad decision after bad decision giving more power to themselves.

The Chevron Deference decision is the biggest power grab by the Court in around 225 years. What could go wrong? Now instead of experts making a decision on how much lead should be in water, we have the courts.

In a different decision, Justice Gorsuch criticizes the EPA and he continually got the gas he was referencing wrong: Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) instead of the correct Nitrogen Oxide. Yes, with all his court clerks, they could not even get it right. Yet, now unelected judges are going to have an outsized voice in how our country functions.
Well, that one is the prelude to the republican disassembly of government agencies. They've been after the EPA for decades, and Trump made noise about dismantling the department of education during his first term. The court has now decided that agencies can't make and enforce their rules, so there's far less reason for them to exist.

So, get ready for a return to the good old days, when corporations policed themselves and made huge profits...while people were regularly killed at work, kids worked in factories, and our rivers caught fire.
So when he has been found liable for sexual assault and also fraud by a jury of his peers, how is that out to get him at every tirn .

Jan 6th and the documents case were being investigated before he announced bis candidacy. Do you personally believe in the rule of law ?
It’s about the same as a Hur saying Biden is an elderly man with a poor memory.

You’re foaming at the mouth over what shade of brown you the want the shit to be.
It's not really about "winning" the debate in technical terms. Biden kinda did that last night. But newsome certainly would come across as energetic, engaged, alert and up on the issues. However, I think he turns a lot of folk off because he's just too slick for many independents. I'm leaning towards CougPatrol's position on 2028.

What we really need is something to happen on the supreme court, so harris could be offered a court post and someone like Michelle or a more likable VP candidate (as opposed to harris) could be put. Face it, if Biden stays, folks were really voting for the VP. Taihtsat
Kamala should go back to the Senate where she can’t **** anything up. She’d be a disaster on the Supreme Court.
Well, that one is the prelude to the republican disassembly of government agencies. They've been after the EPA for decades, and Trump made noise about dismantling the department of education during his first term. The court has now decided that agencies can't make and enforce their rules, so there's far less reason for them to exist.

So, get ready for a return to the good old days, when corporations policed themselves and made huge profits...while people were regularly killed at work, kids worked in factories, and our rivers caught fire.
You’re completely wrong on the meaning Chevron being overturned.
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I didn't watch a minute of the debate and don't care how it went. What I am more concerned about is what the Supreme Court did last week. They just make bad decision after bad decision giving more power to themselves.

The Chevron Deference decision is the biggest power grab by the Court in around 225 years. What could go wrong? Now instead of experts making a decision on how much lead should be in water, we have the courts.

In a different decision, Justice Gorsuch criticizes the EPA and he continually got the gas he was referencing wrong: Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) instead of the correct Nitrogen Oxide. Yes, with all his court clerks, they could not even get it right. Yet, now unelected judges are going to have an outsized voice in how our country functions.
Power grab by the court? Or returning the role of interpreting the law to the judiciary?
You’re completely wrong on the meaning Chevron being overturned.
I may be describing it to the extreme, but I don’t think I’m wrong. The court just said that when Congress writes the USC, agencies cannot develop the CFR until the court approves, and then can’t implement and enforce them until the court explains what they mean.

Putting it in a football context, this is like having the head coach tell the DC to put together a game plan for a team that runs an RPO offense and then having an anthropology professor review & approve it. It’s giving final authority to people who have little to no understanding of the need, intent, or impact.
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Power grab by the court? Or returning the role of interpreting the law to the judiciary?
Huh? I thought you were an attorney? They are not interpreting the law, they have been legislating from the bench.
I may be describing it to the extreme, but I don’t think I’m wrong. The court just said that when Congress writes the USC, agencies cannot develop the CFR until the court approves, and then can’t implement and enforce them until the court explains what they mean.

Putting it in a football context, this is like having the head coach tell the DC to put together a game plan for a team that runs an RPO offense and then having an anthropology professor review & approve it. It’s giving final authority to people who have little to no understanding of the need, intent, or impact.
You aren't describing it to the extreme any more that when every normal person, including President Obama said in a State of the Union speech, that Citizens United would cause dark money to flow into elections. During the speech, Justice Alito said "You Lie." Turns out, Obama was right, and Alito was wrong. Alito is and has been a hack.
It’s about the same as a Hur saying Biden is an elderly man with a poor memory.

You’re foaming at the mouth over what shade of brown you the want the shit to be.
Again, one is a huge moral issue the other is a personal shortcoming issue ... but that appears to be acceptable.
Huh? I thought you were an attorney? They are not interpreting the law, they have been legislating from the bench.
So explain why repealing Chevron is a power grab. It’s not. But go for it.

BTW, Dobbs is the opposite of legislating from the bench.
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Again, one is a huge moral issue the other is a personal shortcoming issue ... but that appears to be acceptable.
Biden lied through his teeth in 2020 about Hunter’s laptop. You enjoy that shade of brown.

Incapable of speaking coherently is more than a personal shortcoming for the president of the United States. That’s your shade of brown.
I may be describing it to the extreme, but I don’t think I’m wrong. The court just said that when Congress writes the USC, agencies cannot develop the CFR until the court approves, and then can’t implement and enforce them until the court explains what they mean.

Putting it in a football context, this is like having the head coach tell the DC to put together a game plan for a team that runs an RPO offense and then having an anthropology professor review & approve it. It’s giving final authority to people who have little to no understanding of the need, intent, or impact.
Still wrong.
Biden lied through his teeth in 2020 about Hunter’s laptop. You enjoy that shade of brown.

Incapable of speaking coherently is more than a personal shortcoming for the president of the United States. That’s your shade of brown.
And tell me why Hunters laptop is relevant? Is hunter part of the Presidents team?

Are you sayjng sleepy Joe is just better and the dems are just better covering their tracks ? One minute he is too sleepy to do anything, next thing you know he is a criminal mastermind. Bannon, Navarro, Stone , Cohen, Manafort, Weisleburg (sic) justvto name a few who are bad criminals and get caught .

Comer and Jordan just cant seem to find a witness involving the Biden Crime family .

And yes, i believe sexual assault is higher up the chain vs a crack heads laptop who isnt part of tge administration .
I've avoided the political threads...a "no win" environment. But I'll offer this. Once.

I am a real Republican. Trump is not; he is a Mussolini wannabe. If you want to use the label, "Fascist", feel free. Most are too young to understand what that means, so they dispute it. The straw that broke my camel's back was his election denial and staging of an attack on the capitol. For me, that rises to the level of treason. Nixon, Reagan and Bush Sr would be spinning in their graves at this guy's disgrace of the presidency. Our foreign policy will tank with this idiot. None of our allies trust him. And his statements about his revenge if elected speaks for itself for anyone rational (not to mention injecting bleach if infected with something; that tells you a lot about what a dummy he is).

Biden is way past his prime. Probably still mentally competent, but don't force him to think quickly. Bad world optics as president (though not as bad as Trump). Clearly not an optimum choice. While I trust his instincts, I can't be fully confident of his intellect.

Best result of the debate is that the Dems come up with someone centrist to take his place and get him to bow out gracefully. There are debates and speaking engagements to come, but unless something happens to alter the current perception, there is way too much chance of wannabe dictator Trump getting elected if Biden stays in the election...something we need to avoid. We are a nation where the rule of law is paramount, and a Biden/Trump election risks moving toward a tinpot dictatorship. And if my Republican party is ever to recover from his toxic influence, we need to lose this election. Like we lost after Nixon's disgrace. So people with some integrity can lead the party from there, at least for a while.
I've avoided the political threads...a "no win" environment. But I'll offer this. Once.

I am a real Republican. Trump is not; he is a Mussolini wannabe. If you want to use the label, "Fascist", feel free. Most are too young to understand what that means, so they dispute it. The straw that broke my camel's back was his election denial and staging of an attack on the capitol. For me, that rises to the level of treason. Nixon, Reagan and Bush Sr would be spinning in their graves at this guy's disgrace of the presidency. Our foreign policy will tank with this idiot. None of our allies trust him. And his statements about his revenge if elected speaks for itself for anyone rational (not to mention injecting bleach if infected with something; that tells you a lot about what a dummy he is).

Biden is way past his prime. Probably still mentally competent, but don't force him to think quickly. Bad world optics as president (though not as bad as Trump). Clearly not an optimum choice. While I trust his instincts, I can't be fully confident of his intellect.

Best result of the debate is that the Dems come up with someone centrist to take his place and get him to bow out gracefully. There are debates and speaking engagements to come, but unless something happens to alter the current perception, there is way too much chance of wannabe dictator Trump getting elected if Biden stays in the election...something we need to avoid. We are a nation where the rule of law is paramount, and a Biden/Trump election risks moving toward a tinpot dictatorship. And if my Republican party is ever to recover from his toxic influence, we need to lose this election. Like we lost after Nixon's disgrace. So people with some integrity can lead the party from there, at least for a while.
At the end of the day the president of the U.S. is at his best when he/she is a figurehead and surrounds themselves with people who know what they are doing in their respective positions. Yeah Biden is old AF and should be playing bingo in Delaware. But he has at least made an effort to put somewhat competent people around him. With Trump you get a dictator wannabe who cozies up to and is likely compromised by our biggest adversaries. You get Jared who’s in bed with the Saudi’s, Ivanka, Jr, fraudsters like manafort and bannon. It’s all nepotism and people he owes favors or money to. I’m right leaning myself and it’s perplexing to me that anyone wants that dipshit near the presidency.
And tell me why Hunters laptop is relevant? Is hunter part of the Presidents team?

Are you sayjng sleepy Joe is just better and the dems are just better covering their tracks ? One minute he is too sleepy to do anything, next thing you know he is a criminal mastermind. Bannon, Navarro, Stone , Cohen, Manafort, Weisleburg (sic) justvto name a few who are bad criminals and get caught .

Comer and Jordan just cant seem to find a witness involving the Biden Crime family .

And yes, i believe sexual assault is higher up the chain vs a crack heads laptop who isnt part of tge administration .
It was a massive cover up Ed. Blacked out of social media. Followed up with a BS letter signed by 51 lying former intelligence officers. Biden is no moral paragon and never has been.

And if you bother to use your brain, indirectly Biden is telling you that you’re too dumb to know the truth. You might be, but many others are not.

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