Bizarro world thread

Where does that register on your "sowing distrust in our election process" meter?
Not as high. Covering up and even lying about potentially embarrassing info before an election is not the same as attempting a coordinated plan to overturn electors and sow distrust in elections, some even to the point of intimidation and threats as happened in Georgia.

No doubt you were crying "conspiracy theory" and bought into the clown KPJ's "cheapfakes" bullshit. Boy that didn't age well.

Please elaborate. I do not know what you are referring to.

And yes, I'm MOSTLY in that camp, but still open to new info. Taihtsat
Sorry, don't have time to educate you. I would advise to start conducting your own research. It really isn't that difficult to see/hear what is happening around you. The first step is to stop believing the corrupt liberal media. Second step is use some common sense.
Biden is not anywhere near the good, honest, decent man, that the D establishment is telling you that he is.

Like I said above, Hillary crossed the Rubicon on "sowing distrust in our election process by claiming fraud and cheating and stealing." What you're talking about is a matter of degree, at most. Remember all of the protests after Trump won in 2016, blocking highways, and all that? I do. Scroll down to the "Post-Election" heading if this doesn't take you directly there.

You think the left loosing their minds in 2016 was notable. Nov 5 2024 is going to make 2016 protest look like a pimple on a gnats ass.

Just take a look what is happening in France.
Biden is not anywhere near the good, honest, decent man, that the D establishment is telling you that he is.

Like I said above, Hillary crossed the Rubicon on "sowing distrust in our election process by claiming fraud and cheating and stealing." What you're talking about is a matter of degree, at most. Remember all of the protests after Trump won in 2016, blocking highways, and all that? I do. Scroll down to the "Post-Election" heading if this doesn't take you directly there.

The matter of degree is hugely important here.

In that wiki link, I saw nowhere that mentioned democratic elected members or leaders actually leading, organizing, promoting or encouraging these protests.

I'm not surprised that someone seen as polarizing and divisive would rile up citizens who vote and feel his policies were going to be detrimental to their lives (whether they have a credible reason to believe that or not).

Clinton did call trump and congratulate him the night of the election (or the very early morning) and she did hold a briefing to publicly concede.

Trump is the only one to never do so, ever. He's still insisting he was deprived of a victory through "rigged" and cheating. Yes, to me anyway, the "matter of degree" matters greatly. Taihtsat
Where does that register on your "sowing distrust in our election process" meter?
Not as high. Covering up and even lying about potentially embarrassing info before an election is not the same as attempting a coordinated plan to overturn electors and sow distrust in elections, some even to the point of intimidation and threats as happened in Georgia.

No doubt you were crying "conspiracy theory" and bought into the clown KPJ's "cheapfakes" bullshit. Boy that didn't age well.

Please elaborate. I do not know what you are referring to.

And yes, I'm MOSTLY in that camp, but still open to new info. Taihtsat
What threats exactly? You liberals, I swear have no brain of your own. You'll let your cities burn down to the ground in the name of a false "hero" but when the orange man tweets something negative, its the end of the world. Y'all need to stop watching the rot being aired on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS etc etc. Whoever mentioned John Stewart as a someone who should run for president should be barred from voting in elections ever again. Talk about an over privileged ass-clown who is out of touch with reality, he fits the mold. All you beta-cucks need to stop letting your wives tell you how to think feel and act.
Sorry, don't have time to educate you. I would advise to start conducting your own research. It really isn't that difficult to see/hear what is happening around you. The first step is to stop believing the corrupt liberal media. Second step is use some common sense.
The only "cheap-fakes" I'm recently familiar with involve portraying Biden in a false light.

Do you think he pooped his pants at Normandy? Do you think he tried to sit in a chair that wasn't there? Do you think Jill Biden rushed him away before the ceremony was over?
Where does that register on your "sowing distrust in our election process" meter?
Not as high. Covering up and even lying about potentially embarrassing info before an election is not the same as attempting a coordinated plan to overturn electors and sow distrust in elections, some even to the point of intimidation and threats as happened in Georgia.

No doubt you were crying "conspiracy theory" and bought into the clown KPJ's "cheapfakes" bullshit. Boy that didn't age well.

Please elaborate. I do not know what you are referring to.

And yes, I'm MOSTLY in that camp, but still open to new info. Taihtsat
The White House started to use the term "cheap fakes" in reference to the video of Biden wandering off at the D-Day event and Obama leading Biden off stage at a fundraiser. You can decide on whether and to what degree you consider this Orwellian.

The matter of degree is hugely important here.

In that wiki link, I saw nowhere that mentioned democratic elected members or leaders actually leading, organizing, promoting or encouraging these protests.

I'm not surprised that someone seen as polarizing and divisive would rile up citizens who vote and feel his policies were going to be detrimental to their lives (whether they have a credible reason to believe that or not).

Clinton did call trump and congratulate him the night of the election (or the very early morning) and she did hold a briefing to publicly concede.

Trump is the only one to never do so, ever. He's still insisting he was deprived of a victory through "rigged" and cheating. Yes, to me anyway, the "matter of degree" matters greatly. Taihtsat
Then be honest about it being a matter of degree. Trump is a $1,000 hooker. Biden is $1,500 hooker. Trump is a whore. Biden is a whore. The price does not make Biden more virtuous.

You're smart enough to realize that thousands of people did not just show up spontaneously for those protests.
What threats exactly? You liberals, I swear have no brain of your own. You'll let your cities burn down to the ground in the name of a false "hero" but when the orange man tweets something negative, its the end of the world. Y'all need to stop watching the rot being aired on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS etc etc. Whoever mentioned John Stewart as a someone who should run for president should be barred from voting in elections ever again. Talk about an over privileged ass-clown who is out of touch with reality, he fits the mold. All you beta-cucks need to stop letting your wives tell you how to think feel and act.
Flathead being Flathead. A few times? It was nonstop from 2016 to 2020. NON STOP.

She also went back to the tired bullshit line of Russian interference back in 2023 during an interview with circle back Psaki. When in reality it was Hills and the DNC who interfered in 2016 with the Steele Dossier. That is a fact.

Oh and nice piece you spewed about Blacks and Mexicans. You are a despicable human being, with a severe case of TDS. Not to mention a blithering idiot who considers himself rational.

So Fox found three instances in four years where she complained about Trump and that's the "non-stop" complaints? By the way, the last clip they showed was her critiquing the electoral college and the fact that you can win the popular vote but lose the electoral college. And given that the Cheeto did call up Georgia to see if they could "find"'s a legitimate concern that Trump and his proxies will try that bullsh!t again. FWIW....since Hillary Clinton isn't living rent free in my head, I never see her comments if they exist.

Clinton is not out on social media every day claiming that she won the 2016 election and even if she felt that Trump cheated...she still conceded that she didn't win. The key difference between the two...that you are too dumb to that Trump claims......incorrectly.....that Democrats conspired to falsify the results of the election. Clinton complains that Trump and the Republicans weaponized the DOJ to release false information that harmed her campaign and led voters to vote for Trump instead of her. I know that you lack the intellectual capacity to understand the difference....but it's there regardless.

I'm not going to go deeper in the race part of it right now....but I live in a red state and I know what I know about a lot of the people that live here. They don't hate minorities.....they just hate the idea that white American might be losing the ability to control our country.
Then be honest about it being a matter of degree. Trump is a $1,000 hooker. Biden is $1,500 hooker. Trump is a whore. Biden is a whore. The price does not make Biden more virtuous.
That's fine, but in a world where the choice is binary, the $1500 hooker is objectively the better hooker, no?
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What threats exactly? You liberals, I swear have no brain of your own. You'll let your cities burn down to the ground in the name of a false "hero" but when the orange man tweets something negative, its the end of the world. Y'all need to stop watching the rot being aired on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS etc etc. Whoever mentioned John Stewart as a someone who should run for president should be barred from voting in elections ever again. Talk about an over privileged ass-clown who is out of touch with reality, he fits the mold. All you beta-cucks need to stop letting your wives tell you how to think feel and act.
Here's another
That's fine, but in a world where the choice is binary, the $1500 hooker is objectively the better hooker, no?
Depends on what you're looking for I suppose, and how you define "better". Volume can trump (I'm proud of that play on words) a higher price, and the Donald clearly has more stamina (hah!).
The White House started to use the term "cheap fakes" in reference to the video of Biden wandering off at the D-Day event and Obama leading Biden off stage at a fundraiser. You can decide on whether and to what degree you consider this Orwellian.

Back to Biden. I don’t know folks here personally but from what I’m hearing, nobody wants to vote for Biden, they are doing so because Trump is not fit for office.

All anyone is saying is find another candidate that’s not a lying fraudulent self serving pile of shit. That’s literally all the party has to do to pull over MASSES in the middle who really don’t want to vote for a carcass.

But that can't happen because people like you who would defend every despicable action and sound bite from Trump with your own children’s lives. It’s a cult and you guys will never stop drinking the Kool Aid.
What threats exactly? You liberals, I swear have no brain of your own. You'll let your cities burn down to the ground in the name of a false "hero" but when the orange man tweets something negative, its the end of the world. Y'all need to stop watching the rot being aired on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS etc etc. Whoever mentioned John Stewart as a someone who should run for president should be barred from voting in elections ever again. Talk about an over privileged ass-clown who is out of touch with reality, he fits the mold. All you beta-cucks need to stop letting your wives tell you how to think feel and act.
lol, what?! I’m sorry did John Stewart inherit millions like Trump? The guy fights for vets healthcare and 9/11 responders FFS, what could you possibly have beef with about JS other than he calls out politicians (Rs and Ds) when they don’t do their jobs.
Sorry, don't have time to educate you. I would advise to start conducting your own research. It really isn't that difficult to see/hear what is happening around you. The first step is to stop believing the corrupt liberal media. Second step is use some common sense.
You seem to have plenty of time on your hands this morning, what with your 8 posts in 2 hours with multiple links (all right wing news outlets).

And I thought you were leaving?

Edit - what kills me is that all you Trumpers want to do is try to tear Biden down, going back years and decades to do so. And throwing in Hillary? WTF does she have to do with 2024? But you have no answers or plausible defenses for the horrible human being and pathological liar whose ass you suck on. But then, I guess you are all very fine people. Still waiting for who Trump was referring to at Charlottsville on that one........remember it was "many fine people".
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So Fox found three instances in four years where she complained about Trump and that's the "non-stop" complaints? By the way, the last clip they showed was her critiquing the electoral college and the fact that you can win the popular vote but lose the electoral college. And given that the Cheeto did call up Georgia to see if they could "find"'s a legitimate concern that Trump and his proxies will try that bullsh!t again. FWIW....since Hillary Clinton isn't living rent free in my head, I never see her comments if they exist.

Clinton is not out on social media every day claiming that she won the 2016 election and even if she felt that Trump cheated...she still conceded that she didn't win. The key difference between the two...that you are too dumb to that Trump claims......incorrectly.....that Democrats conspired to falsify the results of the election. Clinton complains that Trump and the Republicans weaponized the DOJ to release false information that harmed her campaign and led voters to vote for Trump instead of her. I know that you lack the intellectual capacity to understand the difference....but it's there regardless.

I'm not going to go deeper in the race part of it right now....but I live in a red state and I know what I know about a lot of the people that live here. They don't hate minorities.....they just hate the idea that white American might be losing the ability to control our country.
You aren't going any deeper because you already came out and exposed yourself as a racist.

"They don't hate minorities.....they just hate the idea that white American might be losing the ability to control our country" That is literally the Democrat party. Blacks and Latinx (your sides stupid phrase) are fleeing from the Democratic party. Mass Exodus Flat Head.

You are a loser. You will be even a bigger loser on 11/5.
You seem to have plenty of time on your hands this morning, what with your 8 posts in 2 hours with multiple links (all right wing news outlets).

And I thought you were leaving?

Edit - what kills me is that all you Trumpers want to do is try to tear Biden down, going back years and decades to do so. And throwing in Hillary? WTF does she have to do with 2024? But you have no answers or plausible defenses for the horrible human being and pathological liar whose ass you suck on. But then, I guess you are all very fine people. Still waiting for who Trump was referring to at Charlottsville on that one........remember it was "many fine people".
Counting my posts and how long I have been on the site. Now who is stalking who Flounder.

I promise I will never respond to you again. Every time I do my IQ falls down to double digits. You are not a smart man.

Oh and the reason I posted right wing outlets new sources is BECAUSE YOUR SIDE, YOU ****ING IDIOT, IS NOT REPORTING THE TRUTH.

Good god you are dumb.
Back to Biden. I don’t know folks here personally but from what I’m hearing, nobody wants to vote for Biden, they are doing so because Trump is not fit for office.

All anyone is saying is find another candidate that’s not a lying fraudulent self serving pile of shit. That’s literally all the party has to do to pull over MASSES in the middle who really don’t want to vote for a carcass.

But that can't happen because people like you who would defend every despicable action and sound bite from Trump with your own children’s lives. It’s a cult and you guys will never stop drinking the Kool Aid.
"Back to Biden. I don’t know folks here personally but from what I’m hearing, nobody wants to vote for Biden, they are doing so because Trump is not fit for office"

So nobody wants to vote for Biden but they are doing so because Trump isn't fit for office. And Biden is?

Some of the comments you morons come up with!!! Beyond mind numbing.

And your are correct Joe Biden is a lying self serving piece of shit. His wife is even a bigger self serving piece of shit.

This time I PROMISE not to post again until Nov 5th. I swear coming here and reading this senseless drivel from you clueless dopes makes my head hurt.
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Back to Biden. I don’t know folks here personally but from what I’m hearing, nobody wants to vote for Biden, they are doing so because Trump is not fit for office.

All anyone is saying is find another candidate that’s not a lying fraudulent self serving pile of shit. That’s literally all the party has to do to pull over MASSES in the middle who really don’t want to vote for a carcass.

But that can't happen because people like you who would defend every despicable action and sound bite from Trump with your own children’s lives. It’s a cult and you guys will never stop drinking the Kool Aid.
Sure, my fault. I'm the problem. Here I am defending Trump on taking the documents and the charges against him. Oh wait, I didn't do that. How many times have I said that Trump is $1000 hooker in this thread? That's quite a defense I guess. It's my fault that the Democrats decided to put up a candidate that's cognitively impaired, a 50 year history of lying, and that conducted a massive cover up. That's on me.

Again, get real dude.
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Counting my posts and how long I have been on the site. Now who is stalking who Flounder.

I promise I will never respond to you again. Every time I do my IQ falls down to double digits. You are not a smart man.

Oh and the reason I posted right wing outlets new sources is BECAUSE YOUR SIDE, YOU ****ING IDIOT, IS NOT REPORTING THE TRUTH.

Good god you are dumb.
3 more posts within 10 minutes. And I have never referred to when you joined this site, nor do I give a F. 3 more personal insults in this almost latest post. And of course, personal insults toward others in the other 2 posts. Have you EVER made a post without directly, and personally, insulting someone? What is wrong with you? Such a hater. But thanks for articulating that I am not a smart man, I am a f-ing idiot, and I am dumb. All in one post! How the hell did I ever hold jobs for decades, raise 2 now-college educated children, and manage to comfortably retire early?

Hahahahahaha......I suppose I could insult you back but why bother. You do a pretty good job of it yourself. :)
Wait, woulda been FOR Biden committing US troops to the border of Ukraine when putin was lining up his military there? Just asking. Seems you are against simply financially backing or sending armaments sans troops now. Am I correct?
No, you are not correct in that assumption, and that is my fault. Going too fast while posting here and it didn't get my point across clearly. My apologies for that, I'll try to be more careful about that.

In no way did I ever want US troops involved in Ukraine, especially there on the front line of the initial battle. I could go for having some advisors in the country, just not involved with direct fighting with the Russians. The point I wanted to make was that the invasion didn't come out of nowhere, Putin was massing troops and supplies for a long time. So the US needed to determine how much we would ever get involved, what are the limits of our involvement and plan for that initially. Then you get all the weapons and supplies there to repel the initial thrust from Russia, as it is easier to defend right at the border than it would be to try to retake areas after the Russians get in and disperse into several areas. Instead, Biden has dithered around and given them some weapons, then some more, then some more. He has constantly been trying to play catch up with the support that Ukraine needs.

And a key point to what I am saying- If the US and the rest of Europe had come together with all the support needed, it is entirely possible that Putin would not have invaded in the first place, but would have removed his troops after playing a game of chicken. Peace through strength. Biden never projected strength!
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Biden was clearly worried about it. That's what's important. I really doubt he cared about Hunter's dick pics enough to concoct a BS letter, find 51 "former intelligence officials" to sign it, then demand the mainstream media refuse to cover it, and get a social media black out of it. But that's just my opinion.
I remember hearing about it quite a bit, so media must have covered it, social and otherwise.
No, you are not correct in that assumption, and that is my fault. Going too fast while posting here and it didn't get my point across clearly. My apologies for that, I'll try to be more careful about that.

In no way did I ever want US troops involved in Ukraine, especially there on the front line of the initial battle. I could go for having some advisors in the country, just not involved with direct fighting with the Russians. The point I wanted to make was that the invasion didn't come out of nowhere, Putin was massing troops and supplies for a long time. So the US needed to determine how much we would ever get involved, what are the limits of our involvement and plan for that initially. Then you get all the weapons and supplies there to repel the initial thrust from Russia, as it is easier to defend right at the border than it would be to try to retake areas after the Russians get in and disperse into several areas. Instead, Biden has dithered around and given them some weapons, then some more, then some more. He has constantly been trying to play catch up with the support that Ukraine needs.

And a key point to what I am saying- If the US and the rest of Europe had come together with all the support needed, it is entirely possible that Putin would not have invaded in the first place, but would have removed his troops after playing a game of chicken. Peace through strength. Biden never projected strength!
Stretch. First of all, your post contains no personal insults, so you are lagging in that regard. Ramp it up please :)
Second, you make some pretty good points. I can't recall when all the warning signs were appearing other than yes Russia was massing at the border for some time. My only nitpick is that it seems that Europe should have been wetting the bed and making counter moves. Maybe they were, I dunno. Lastly, US support has been a lot, but we have to recognize the sizable objections that have been raised all along, and still are, on the Republican side.

But then what do I know. As has been articulated recently elsewhere, I am not a smart man, I am a f-ing idiot, and I am dumb. I apparently don't even have $5 to my name, so cancellation of my internet, electricity, etc. are imminent. Things that will no doubt lead to massive improvement in the quality of this site. :) :)

Oh, one last thing. Who is the braindead idiot that started this Godawful thread in the first place? That is one dumb MoFo. Box of rocks, I tell ya. That dipshit doesn't even have a vocabulary that includes 3 syllable words. So be sure to keep your insults toward that fool to one syllable or less so he can understand them.
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Stretch. First of all, your post contains no personal insults, so you are lagging in that regard. Ramp it up please :)
Second, you make some pretty good points. I can't recall when all the warning signs were appearing other than yes Russia was massing at the border for some time. My only nitpick is that it seems that Europe should have been wetting the bed and making counter moves. Maybe they were, I dunno. Lastly, US support has been a lot, but we have to recognize the sizable objections that have been raised all along, and still are, on the Republican side.

But then what do I know. As has been articulated recently elsewhere, I am not a smart man, I am a f-ing idiot, and I am dumb. I apparently don't even have $5 to my name, so cancellation of my internet, electricity, etc. are imminent. Things that will no doubt lead to massive improvement in the quality of this site. :) :)

Oh, one last thing. Who is the braindead idiot that started this Godawful thread in the first place? That is one dumb MoFo. Box of rocks, I tell ya. That dipshit doesn't even have a vocabulary that includes 3 syllable words. So be sure to keep your insults toward that fool to one syllable or less so he can understand them.
Hmmm, so now I need to apologize for apologizing in the previous post and not being nasty enough. I am so terribly sorry. I will soon be back with a string of vile insults so bad that it will break the entire internet! Stand by for that.

I really do attempt to keep things fairly civil and avoid personal insults. I am sure there are times when I fail and get a personal jab in there towards someone, but it really doesn't help win an argument. I do strive to provide rational opinion and refer to things that have been widely reported, as that is all I can do since I have not been present at any of the incidents that we all argue about. Of course, nobody else here has been there for any of this either, and they also must rely on others reporting. Sadly, it seems like good reporting and top notch journalism is on life support.
Sure, my fault. I'm the problem. Here I am defending Trump on taking the documents and the charges against him. Oh wait, I didn't do that. How many times have I said that Trump is $1000 hooker in this thread? That's quite a defense I guess. It's my fault that the Democrats decided to put up a candidate that's cognitively impaired, a 50 year history of lying, and that conducted a massive cover up. That's on me.

Again, get real dude.
You’d have a hard time finding a 50 year politician who doesn’t have a 50 year history of lying…
"Back to Biden. I don’t know folks here personally but from what I’m hearing, nobody wants to vote for Biden, they are doing so because Trump is not fit for office"

So nobody wants to vote for Biden but they are doing so because Trump isn't fit for office. And Biden is?

Some of the comments you morons come up with!!! Beyond mind numbing.

And your are correct Joe Biden is a lying self serving piece of shit. His wife is even a bigger self serving piece of shit.

This time I PROMISE not to post again until Nov 5th. I swear coming here and reading this senseless drivel from you clueless dopes makes my head hurt.
Come on trumpy, don’t be a dick. I even said before I liked you and and admired your passion.
Hmmm, so now I need to apologize for apologizing in the previous post and not being nasty enough. I am so terribly sorry. I will soon be back with a string of vile insults so bad that it will break the entire internet! Stand by for that.

I really do attempt to keep things fairly civil and avoid personal insults. I am sure there are times when I fail and get a personal jab in there towards someone, but it really doesn't help win an argument. I do strive to provide rational opinion and refer to things that have been widely reported, as that is all I can do since I have not been present at any of the incidents that we all argue about. Of course, nobody else here has been there for any of this either, and they also must rely on others reporting. Sadly, it seems like good reporting and top notch journalism is on life support.
I think it’s still out there stretch, it’s just a needle in a haystack to find unbiased reporting in the slough of bullshit that’s on every outlet and social media.
There's a new Cheeto in town. Flatland is going to have to be way more specific now.

I think that’s known as mortuary makeup or restorative arts in Biden’s case. Two totally different things.
What threats exactly? You liberals, I swear have no brain of your own. You'll let your cities burn down to the ground in the name of a false "hero" but when the orange man tweets something negative, its the end of the world. Y'all need to stop watching the rot being aired on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS etc etc. Whoever mentioned John Stewart as a someone who should run for president should be barred from voting in elections ever again. Talk about an over privileged ass-clown who is out of touch with reality, he fits the mold. All you beta-cucks need to stop letting your wives tell you how to think feel and act.

If the left runs Jon Stewart, Adam Carolla has to be in play for the right.

Smarter, funnier and has already kicked Gavin Newsom in the teeth a couple times
it actually does if you zoom out. Putin’s interest goes far beyond crimea and Ukraine. He needs NATO weakened. Trump wanted to pull out from NATO. Putin was almost there except Trump couldn’t get reelected.

Putins playing the long game…chess not checkers. And imo he’s holding the line now until Trump gets back in office, stops funding ukraine, weakens NATO, then the conquering can commence.

I mean Helsinki was only one of the most embarrassing moments for a president ever and it was pretty clear if you were paying attention that Putin had him in his pocket.
I’m so glad you’re watching out for all of us. Keep up the good work, Sparky! 👍
Did you mean Biden on the second statement? It kind of looks like Obama is living rent free someplace.

As far as Trump's foreign relations strategy goes, what did Trump actually accomplish with Russia, China and North Korea in his time in office?

He met with Kim Jong but North Korea didn't make any material changes.

Trump has admitted that he knew that Putin had intentions to invade Ukraine and his response was to use that knowledge to leverage a political attack on Biden. The timing of Crimea and the Ukraine invasion does not necessarily mean that Putin wouldn't have done that with a republican president in office. You can bet that Trump will roll over on Ukraine in Russia's favor if he wins the election. You are going to say, "Trump ended our involvement in another foreign war" but what will you say if Russia decides to continue their aggression? You can go with 1930's US policy and allow Europe to fall apart? How'd that work out for world peace?

With China, Trump was right to bring to light how corrupt the Chinese government was, but did anything really change? Farmers lost a lot of grain sales, steel prices jumped 33% in his first year in office, and there was a lot of noise....but China continued to do whatever they wanted and Trump didn't do anything about it other than slap some tariffs on them. Feel free to note that Taiwan is still a free country today despite our current "libtard" President.

Everyone likes to make a big deal out of the Afghanistan withdrawal, but few people acknowledge that we were already down to only 2,500 troops in Afghanistan when Trump left office. The reason that Afghanistan fell so swiftly to the Taliban in August 2021 is that Trump had already turned the country over to them and they were just waiting for the lights to get turned out. Biden fumbled the ball on the whole thing, but there was never going to be a clean exit. For all of the talk about the people that were "abandoned", the deadline for withdrawal was set in May 2021 by Trump and if anything, Biden gave people more time by delaying it until August 2021. If they didn't GTFO before kind of falls on them.

I'm not a fan of Joe Biden, but I prefer when leaders of our country don't praise and fawn over dictators. It will be interesting to see what lower income Americans think of Trump if he follows through with his tariff threats. I've reconciled myself to the fact that Biden is obviously too old to be re-elected and there is no way that the Democrats can bypass him without it being a PR disaster. Trump is almost certainly going to win the election this year. Y'all like to throw out "Banana Republic" when you talk about Biden but I'm genuinely concerned that our democracy is going to fail if Trump wins.

Of course, Trump supporters don't care if the majority of Americans don't want Trump as our president (they don't want Joe Biden either) and that the majority of Americans don't want abortion to be illegal or for schools to become far right religious propaganda institutions. They don't care that most Americans are in favor of reasonable gun laws the prevent the sale of bump stocks and other useless modifications that tiny dicked "patriots" use to compensate for their own inadequacies. Two things to remember when it comes to how Trump supporters think. If N#ggers and 'Spics knew their place and cooperated like they used to.....American would be truly great again. Also, if Trump had been President in 1861 instead of Abraham Lincoln....we would have avoided the war and slavery would still be a thing in the United States....because slavery would be "good for the economy".

Your implying, seeming to say that Trump supporters, an or those that voted for Trump in past, are supposedly racist, and actually think, say, etc, that, makes you a idiotic, moronic ignoramus douchebag at best.

What you said ignores that Candace Owen's, and thousands to semi millions of African Americans, and non racist Americans races like Hispanics, Asian, oriental, Chinese, Japanese, White, etc, follow, vote for Trump.

Now a CRAZY MINORITY that does follow Trump is RACIST, and does think say like what you describe. But to ascribe that to all Trump followers, voters is extreme HUBRIS, on your part.


Also Trump is not racist against Black's, Hispanics, Chinese, and has been misrepresented, spinned, by spin doctors.

Trump is BAD, evil, many things bad, a felon, criminal, a liar, etc, but racism is probably not one of them, or at least he has NOT been proven a racist, and his followers, voters are not, is not a racist base.

That said Trump causing Jan 6 riots, being a convicted felon, etc, and many other reasons exist NOT to vote for Trump. Racism of Trump, and his followers, voters, etc, is NOT A REASON, because Most of them ARE NOT RACIST, and Trump has not been shown to be racist.

Like I said your comment about Trump followers is filled with HUBRIS, and makes you a ignoramus at best.

That said, Trump followers, voters don't make sense in voting for, supporting Trump.

Like I have said many times, I'm not a Trump follower, voter, and have been against him since he has shown his true colors in inciting Jan 6 riot, getting convicted of felony, etc.
I’m so glad you’re watching out for all of us. Keep up the good work, Sparky! 👍
If you have a different theory after watching Trump gargle Putin’s balls, Iets hear it! If it smells like a turd and looks like a turd, it’s probably a turd…has served me fairly well in life.
Your implying, seeming to say that Trump supporters, an or those that voted for Trump in past, are supposedly racist, and actually think, say, etc, that, makes you a idiotic, moronic ignoramus douchebag at best.

What you said ignores that Candace Owen's, and thousands to semi millions of African Americans, and non racist Americans races like Hispanics, Asian, oriental, Chinese, Japanese, White, etc, follow, vote for Trump.

Now a CRAZY MINORITY that does follow Trump is RACIST, and does think say like what you describe. But to ascribe that to all Trump followers, voters is extreme HUBRIS, on your part.


Also Trump is not racist against Black's, Hispanics, Chinese, and has been misrepresented, spinned, by spin doctors.

Trump is BAD, evil, many things bad, a felon, criminal, a liar, etc, but racism is probably not one of them, or at least he has NOT been proven a racist, and his followers, voters are not, is not a racist base.

That said Trump causing Jan 6 riots, being a convicted felon, etc, and many other reasons exist NOT to vote for Trump. Racism of Trump, and his followers, voters, etc, is NOT A REASON, because Most of them ARE NOT RACIST, and Trump has not been shown to be racist.

Like I said your comment about Trump followers is filled with HUBRIS, and makes you a ignoramus at best.

That said, Trump followers, voters don't make sense in voting for, supporting Trump.

Like I have said many times, I'm not a Trump follower, voter, and have been against him since he has shown his true colors in inciting Jan 6 riot, getting convicted of felony, etc.
I think we’re sort of splitting hairs with the trump racism talk. Everyone’s a piece of shit to Trump if they aren’t his equal or can’t help him in some way. At that point, who cares if someone is “racist” when they look at you and me as pond scum. Doesn’t really matter at that point to consider skin color as a variable.
I'm fairly convinced at this point that this Supreme Court is schizophrenic. Their Chevron decision on Friday broadly said that agencies have too much authority. Then today, they turn down a case challenging the authority of OSHA. Haven't read that decision yet, but the lack of consistency in their thinking is insane.
All anyone is saying is find another candidate that’s not a lying fraudulent self serving pile of shit. That’s literally all the party has to do to pull over MASSES in the middle who really don’t want to vote for a carcass.

That's the thing that the GOP can't seem to figure out. Most of Americans are tired of the BS going on. Biden is too old to govern and liberals pander too much to fringe groups for most Americans to be invested in their BS. That said, the GOP moving to the right on some issues combined with their embracing a narcissistic sociopath pushed people away.

I'd love to go back to voting Republican in every election. I did it seven times in my life and I'd like to get back to that. There are tens of millions of Americans that feel the same.
That's the thing that the GOP can't seem to figure out. Most of Americans are tired of the BS going on. Biden is too old to govern and liberals pander too much to fringe groups for most Americans to be invested in their BS. That said, the GOP moving to the right on some issues combined with their embracing a narcissistic sociopath pushed people away.

I'd love to go back to voting Republican in every election. I did it seven times in my life and I'd like to get back to that. There are tens of millions of Americans that feel the same.
I just wish that Trump wasn't such a despicable human being hell-bent on revenge and retribution. And with a frightening and just plain dumb attitude towards foreign policy - or anything else for that matter. A military tribunal for Liz Cheney? C'mon. If Liz, Romney, Lisa Murkowski or maybe even Susan Collins were the R candidate I'd likely vote for one of them.

Biden's interview with Stephanopoulos (who I can't stand) this weekend will be realllyy telling.
I just wish that Trump wasn't such a despicable human being hell-bent on revenge and retribution. And with a frightening and just plain dumb attitude towards foreign policy - or anything else for that matter. A military tribunal for Liz Cheney? C'mon. If Liz, Romney, Lisa Murkowski or maybe even Susan Collins were the R candidate I'd likely vote for one of them.

Biden's interview with Stephanopoulos (who I can't stand) this weekend will be realllyy telling.
The dude has literally been framed and persecuted ever since he has announced he would be running for office by lunatic leftists. People want to see that you can't just go to a judge, lie to that judge about what you're doing but its ok because you're doing under the guise of trying to "save" the country. M'Fers need to be jailed for the destruction and waste these liberal loonies have caused because we all know that if it were a normal person committing these atrocities, we'd be behind bars. FOH.... Between the Russian Collusion Hoax, leftist media constantly taking his words out of context to mold false narratives, Ukraine BS quid pro quo (and the fact Biden brazenly admitted to doing when he was VP) and the sham Jan 6th crap committee... I don't blame him for wanting to seek out retribution and level the justice playing field. I am no fan of Trump but we've had him in office for 4 years and he has out performed Joe in every aspect of presidential duties. If you and other morons on here want to keep your head buried in your azz, go right ahead but I for one will choose a proven product over the insanity we are experiencing now.
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The dude has literally been framed and persecuted ever since he has announced he would be running for office by lunatic leftists. People want to see that you can't just go to a judge, lie to that judge about what you're doing but its ok because you're doing under the guise of trying to "save" the country. M'Fers need to be jailed for the destruction and waste these liberal loonies have caused because we all know that if it were a normal person committing these atrocities, we'd be behind bars. FOH.... Between the Russian Collusion Hoax, leftist media constantly taking his words out of context to mold false narratives, Ukraine BS quid pro quo (and the fact Biden brazenly admitted to doing when he was VP) and the sham Jan 6th crap committee... I don't blame him for wanting to seek out retribution and level the justice playing field. I am no fan of Trump but we've had him in office for 4 years and he has out performed Joe in every aspect of presidential duties. If you and other morons on here want to keep your head buried in your azz, go right ahead but I for one will choose a proven product over the insanity we are experiencing now.
While I understand the logic, the problem I see is that the "proven product" is just a different flavor of addition to being an amoral narcissistic sociopath.

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